ST LAWRENCE COLLEGE Grade 7 Geography Syllabus 2011-12 UNIT 1 -Introduction to Geography Planet Earth, your home Voc: gravity, atmosphere, air The changing planet Voc: weathering, fossil fuel, global warming Your place on the planet The three types of Geography Voc : Physical Geography, Human Geography and Environmental Geography UNIT 2 - Making and mapping connections Local, national and international connections Plans and scale Mental map Real map 4 and 6 figure grid references Distances as the crow flies and by road Directions Ordnance Survey maps Height of land Voc : contour lines , spot heights UNIT 3 – Settlement Early settlements and factors to consider when choosing a site Voc: settlement, site Patterns of rural settlements Voc: dispersed, linear and nucleated Model of an urban area Voc: Central Business District, inner city, inner suburbs, outer suburbs, industrial zone Settlement functions Voc: function Landuse in urban areas using an OS map Benefits and problems of living in a city eg Athens Housing developments on brownfield and greenfield sites Voc: greenfield sites, brownfield sites Sustainable development in the urban environment Voc: economic sustainability, social sustainability, environmental sustainability MAPWORK – Settlements of Greece UNIT 4 – Shopping Types of goods and their sphere of influence Voc – convenience/low order goods, comparison/high order goods, sphere of influence FIELDWORK – A comparison of the landuse, pedestrians and traffic at Vari and Glyfada UNIT 5 – Rivers The water cycle and how the rain reaches the river Voc: water cycle, precipitation, evaporation, infiltration, surface runoff, throughflow, permeable, impermeable, groundwater A river on its journey - the parts of the river Voc: source, tributaries, confluence, watershed, floodplain, drainage basin, mouth, channel, bank, bed Rivers at work Voc: erosion, transportation, deposition, abrasion, attrition, hydraulic pressure, solution, bedload, suspension, traction, load, sediment Landforms created by the river- v shaped valleys, waterfalls, meanders and oxbow lakes Voc: plunge pool, gorge How we use and abuse rivers UNIT 6 - Floods What causes floods – factors that contribute to flooding Causes of flooding in Tewkesbury, UK 2007 Who helps in a flooding crisis The effects of flooding in the UK 2007 Voc: Infrastructure Protection from flooding UNIT 7 – The Restless Earth The structure of the earth Voc: crust, mantle, core, oceanic crust, continental crust, lithosphere, trenches The Earths main volcanoes and earthquakes near plate boundaries Voc: earthquake, volcano, plates, convection currents The 4 plate boundaries/margins Voc: magma, conservative plate boundary, destructive plate boundary, fold mountains, collision plate boundary, conservative plate margin Earthquakes Voc: focus, epicenter, aftershocks, magnitude, Richter scale Earthquake in Pakistan The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami Volcanoes Voc: pyroclastic flow, mudflow, crater Volcano in Montserrat Voc: island arc Coping with hazards