(Pedagogical title, scientific degree, name and surname of the researcher) LIST OF THE MAIN SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS1 *..................-2015 (starting with the latest publications e.g.: 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2010 etc.) MONOGRAPHS OR SCIENTIFIC STUDIES prepared not on the doctoral dissertation basis published by internationally established publishing houses published by other publishing houses TEXTBOOKS FOR STUDENTS OF HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS approved by at least two higher education schools CHAPTERS IN MONOGRAPHS AND BOOKS published by internationally established publishing houses published by other publishing houses SIGNIFICANT PUBLICATIONS OF SCIENTIFIC RESOURCES REVIEWED SCIENTIFIC ARTICLES in publications refereed in Thomson Reuters Web of Knowledge and/or Scopus databases with the impact factor more than zero in other publications refereed in databases reviewed scientific publications, refereed in other databases in other reviewed scientific publications Researcher: _____________________ (Name Surname) 1 Thomson Reuters Web of Knowledge and/or Scopus __________________________ (signature, date) Indicate publications after the defence of the doctoral dissertation. VMU employees are asked to retrieve their list of publications from the VMU scientific publication database http://pdb.library.lt. If the list needs to be renewed, it has to be done with the consent of the VMU library. (Pedagogical title, scientific degree, name and surname of the researcher) RESEARCH ACTIVITY IN 2009-2014 2009-2014 Publication of scientific research REQUESTED AND OTHER REPORTS, PLENARY LECTURES in international and national scientific conferences Applied research works TRANSLATIONS OF SCIENTIFIC TEXTS, PREPARED (AND COMPILED) PERIODICAL OR ONE TIME RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS (scientific facsimiles, typological and thematic maps, lexicographic resources, scientific systemic resource catalogues, practical works on terminology and language usage) PUBLICATIONS OF SCIENTIFIC BIBLIOGRAPHY, MOST IMPORTANT LEGAL ACT PROJECTS (of the President of the Republic of Lithuania, Seimas and the government), RESOLUTIONS AND REVIEWS ON LEGAL ACT PROJECTS, ETC. WORKS OF EXPERIMENTAL DEVELOPMENT (social and cultural), PARTICIPATION IN EXPERT SCIENTIFIC ORGANISATIONS (membership) EXPERT AND OTHER APPLIED RESEARCH ACTIVITY the chairing person or a member of the organisational committee of an international or national scientific event the chairing person of the editorial board of an international or interstate periodical or continuous scientific publication, the chief editor or a member of the editorial board of such a publication; the chairing person of the doctoral programme committee, defence council/habilitation board, or a member of such a committee or board, the opponent of a doctoral dissertation) PARTICIPATION IN INTERNATIONAL AND NATIONAL RESEARCH PROGRAMME PROJECTS the main project coordinator partner of the coordinator promoter PARTICIPATION IN RESEARCH INTERNSHIPS AND SCIENTIFIC EXCHANGE PROGRAMMES Developmental, educational and science dissemination activity STUDY GUIDES FOR HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS, TEACHING AIDS OR DIDACTIC PUBLICATIONS SUPERVISION OF DEFENDED DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS SUPERVISION OF DOCTORAL STUDENTS SUBJECTS PREPARED FOR AND DELIVERED IN DOCTORAL STUDY PROGRAMMES SUPERVISION OF POSTDOCTORAL INTERNSHIPS PREPAPARED REVIEWS OF RESEARCH WORKS AND SCIENCE DISSEMINATION PUBLICATIONS (including reviews of scientific works and artistic creations for professional audience and for the public) CYCLES OF PUBLIC LECTURES CREATED INTERNET SCIENCE DISSEMINATION RESOURCES, THEIR SUPPORT AND REGULAR DISSEMINATION OF SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE VIA MEDIA, ETC. Researcher: _____________________ (Name Surname) __________________________ (signature, date)