MASS SCHEDULE AND INTENTIONS July 26th Seventeenth Sunday of Ordinary Time Saturday Sunday July 25 July 26 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Saturday Sunday July 28 July 29 July 30 August 1 August 2 5:30 PM 8:00 AM 11:00 AM 8:00 AM 7:00 PM 8:00 AM 5:30 PM 8:00 AM 11:00 AM Important Mass Schedule Change for August 2nd. Due to St. Bernard Picnic on August 2nd, the Mass times will be changed for both parishes: 8:00 a.m. St. Bernard 9:30 a.m. St. Michael 11:00 a.m St. Michael THOSE IN NEED OF PRAYERS Stephanie McCoy, Stanley Zollman, Winsome Lenfert, Jerry Light, Missy Mattingly, Gunner Shepard, Anna Kaelin & Family, Kenny Jacobi, Irma Barnard, Michael A. Bennett, Angela Runkel, Deanna Cardwell, Wilma Ehringer, Joel Embry, Lenny Alderman, Rose Kiefer, Elizabeth Fleck Prayer List Update – Do you have someone to add/remove from the prayer list or the military list? Please call the office at 812-364-6646 or e-mail us at: Please remember in your prayers our Military Members and their Families. CPO Johnathan Akers Danny Baker SRA Benjamin M. Fouts Chris Ethridge Bobby Ethridge Tyler Hall Ryan Kays Eric Kays Major Scott Schroeder Zachary Shinkle Matt Train WEEKLY COLLECTION INFO: Fiscal Year: July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015 Weekly collection needed to make budget Weekly Adult Collection Weekly Children Collection Total Weekly Collection $ 7,135.00 $ 6,906.10 $ 6.00 $ 6,912.10 Parishioners of St. Michael Madeline Counsell Charles Uhl No Mass No Mass No Mass Parishioners of St. Michael Jack Neumann Jay Gettelfinger THE WEEK AHEAD: SUN: MON: Bible Study 9:30 a.m. 33 Days to Glory Prayer Group 6:30 p.m. TUE: Quilting 9:00 am – 2 p.m. (LL church) Finance and Pastoral Council Meeting 7:00pm WED: Senior Gathering 12:00 p.m. THUR: FRI: SAT: SUN: Jr. High Back to School Bash Saints Anne & Joachim Each year the Church venerates the memory of Saints Anne & Joachim on July 26th. An ancient story dating to the first centuries of the Church’s life recalls how Saints Anne & Joachim, like Abraham and Sarah, were scorned by their neighbors because they had no children. Years of longing did not weaken their trust in God, but grief eventually drove Saint Joachim into the wilderness to fast and pray. Saint Anne, remaining at home, dressed in mourning clothes and wept because she had no child of her own. Seeing her mistress distressed, a servant girl reminded Anne to put her trust in God. Saint Anne washed her face, put on her bridal clothes and went to a garden to plead with God for a child. Angels appeared to Saint Anne in her garden and Saint Joachim in the desert, promising that, despite their old age, they would give birth to a child who would be known throughout the world. The new parents ran to meet one another at Jerusalem’s Golden Gate, and with a kiss rejoiced in the new life which God had promised would be theirs. Saints Anne and Joachim are powerful intercessors for all married couples, expectant mothers and married couples who are having difficulty conceiving, as well as all who have grown old. LAY MINISTER CHEDULE: For the Weekend of Aug 1 & 2, 2015 Sat. 5:30 PM EM: Leo Fagan, Pam Waller, James Wise, Carol Wise, and Linda Smith L: Sharon Laufer S: Kathy Skaggs SVRS: Julia & Katie Fagan U: Sylvester Kaelin, James McGuirk, Joe Jacobi, Brenda Thomas M: Tim, Will, & Susan Sun. 8:00 AM EM: Rosanne Shireman, Marlene Neuman, Cindy Willoughby, Harlan & Sue Uhl L: Tina Rouck SVRS: Julia Campbell & Adrana Roll U: David Buechler, Bob Book, Paul & Jeanne Schroeder M: Children’s Choir Sun. 11:00 AM EM: Katrina Plucinik, Karen Harbeson, Kim Renneker, Pam Martin, & John Jacobi L: Doris Nash S: Rick Elder SVRS: Reece Harkness & Jarrod Sparrow U: Theresa Light, Tom Bowling, Ryan Hall and Dana Hall M: All Musicians Readings for the Week Ahead Monday: Exodus 32:15-24, 30-34; Matthew 13:31-35 Tuesday: Exodus 33:7-11 34:5b-9, 28; Matthew 13:36-43 Wednesday: 1John 4:7-16; John 11:19-27 Thursday: Exodus 40:16-21, 34-38; Matthew 13:4753 Friday: Leviticus 23:1, 4-11,15-16, 27, 34b-37; Matthew 13:54-58 Saturday: Leviticus 25:1, 8-17; Matthew 14:1-12 Sunday: Exodus 16:2-4, 12-15, Ephesians 4:17, 2024, John 6:24-35 Church Picnic Preparations: This coming Thursday, July 30th we need help with cooking the chicken, making the broth, and chopping the cooked chicken meat. Chicken cooking starts at 7:00 am in the chicken house. We will have a pitch-in breakfast around 8:30 am, and will start pulling the cooked chicken from the bones around 9:00. Help for all tasks is needed. If you can help chop the cooked chicken, please bring a good chopping knife. Golden Wedding Jubilee 2015 All married couples of the Archdiocese who will celebrate their 50th Wedding Anniversary during 2015 are invited to the 32nd Annual Golden Wedding Jubilee Mass at 2:00 p.m. (EDT) on Sunday, August 23 at SS. Peter and Paul Cathedral. Indianapolis Archbishop Joseph W. Tobin, C.Ss.R. will celebrate the Mass. A reception for the Jubilarians and their families will follow immediately after Mass. The event is free of charge, but registration is required. For more information, contact the Office of Pro-Life and Family Life (317) 236-1521 or 800-382-9836 ext 1521. Registration forms can be obtained online at Completed forms can be emailed to Keri Carroll at, or mailed to the Office of ProLife and Family Life, 1400 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis, IN 46202. Rediscover Your Marriage Retrouvaille simply means “rediscovery”. The program offers the chance to rediscover yourself, your spouse, and a loving relationship in your marriage. Countless couples headed for divorce have successfully saved their marriages by attending. Retrouvaille is not a spiritual retreat, not a sensitivity group, not a seminar, not a social gathering. While each couple is asked to make an anonymous donation to help cover the cost of the program, no couple is ever denied the chance to heal and renew their marriage because of lack of funds. For confidential information about or to register for the program beginning with a weekend on July 31-August 2, call 317-489-6811 or email: or visit the web site at The St. Michaels’ Quilting Circle We would like to invite anyone interested in quilting or leaning to quilt to join us every Tuesday (weather permitting) from 9:00 a.m. till 2:00 p.m. No experience required. Come join the fun, we’ll keep you in stitches! At 11:30 a.m. bring your own lunch and enjoy fellowship with your fellow quilters. Special Thank You to this week’s Sponsor Faith Formation Office Hours are: St. Michael Church - Monday - Thursday 9:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Fridays 1:00 – 5:00 p.m. and St. Bernard Church – Fridays 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Faith Formation News: 5K Race and 2 Mile Walk – Thanks to all who supported our youth and participated in our 5K Race and 2 Mile Walk on Saturday. Also, thanks to our sponsors: Pacers and Racers, Carriage Ford, Uhl Truck Sales, 1st Harrison Bank, Jacobi Sales, St. Michael Parish Service Ministries, Martin’s Body shop, Bennett & Bennett Insurance, New Slaisbury Dairy Dip, Bob Lee Company, Clark Snacks, Harrison County Hospital, PT Works of Corydon, Fessel Construction, and Kellum Imprints and Trophies. Results will be posted on our website at Faith Formation Classes – We will start a new program year of Faith Formation Classes for children and youth with will be in grades Pre-School (age four by August 16th) through grade 12 on Sunday, August 16th. Registration forms will soon be mailed out. If you do not receive your soon please call the Faith Formation Office. Parents, we ask you to make sure you child is enrolled in Faith Formation classes so we can assist you as the primary educator of your family in the faith. Catechist Meeting – We will have our beginning of the year Catechist meeting on Sunday, August 9th at 9:30 a.m. in the Faith Formation Center. We ask that all Catechists be in attendance for this meeting. Thanks! Monday Morning Bible Study – The Story of Salvation History - Our Monday Morning Bible Study will meet this Monday, July 27th at 9:30 a.m. when we will continue our study of salvation history (Acts 6-8). All adults are welcome to join us anytime! Senior Gathering – Our next senior gathering will be on Wednesday, July 29th. We will gather for the rosary at noon and then all are invited to bring something to share for lunch. Our featured lunch item for July will be Grilled Cheeseburgers, Brats, and Grilled Chicken Breasts. Men’s Group – All men of the parish are invited to join us for men’s group on Sunday, August 9th at 7:00 p.m. in the Faith Formation Center when we continue our study of the Gospel of Luke. Parish Night at the Louisville Bats – Spend an evening with your family watching a Bats game on Friday, August 14th! Tickets are $8.00 per person and can be purchased through the Faith Formation Office. Game time is 7:05 p.m. There will be fireworks after the game! Join us for this opportunity for fun with family and friends! The deadline to register is August 10th. Do I have to go to Mass when I am on Vacation? When you are traveling and need to know where you can go to Mass check out the website: It is a great source of information for every Catholic Church in the United States and when they celebrate Mass. Youth Ministry News: Jr. High Back to School Bash – All Jr. High Youth who will be in grades 6-8 this fall are invited to join us for the back to school bash at Mount St. Francis on Sunday, August 2nd, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. There will be games, hamburgers and hotdogs, prayer, and a DJ! The cost is $5.00 and can be paid when we arrive at the Mount. Call or email the Faith Formation Office by Tuesday, July 28th in order to participate in this event. NCYC Gathering – We will have our first gathering for those high school youth who will be attending NCYC this November. We will meet on Sunday, August 30th at 6:00 p.m. in the faith formation center and will discuss the idea of “pilgrimage.” Young Adult News: College Back to Campus Bash Sunday, Aug 2. All college-age young adults are invited to an afternoon of food and games at the Lake Shelter at Mt. St. Francis. This event is from 10am-1pm. Contact Gillian if you plan to attend Keep College Students Connected - Do you have a son or daughter attending college? We would love to keep them connected to the Catholic community by updating them on college ministry opportunities. Email John ( with your child's name, email address, school mailing address, and contact number so they can receive information on retreats, service opportunities, and gatherings! Question of the Week for the 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time: Question for Children: How do you share with others what you have? Question for Youth: Generosity is key to today’s Gospel. What do you have that you should be sharing with others? Think of your possessions, your talents, and your time. How can you use these for the good of others? Question for Adults: In what ways do you generously provide for the needs of others who have little or nothing?