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Malaria Journal
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1. Research
Genetic diversity among Plasmodium vivax isolates along the Thai–
Myanmar border of Thailand
Sarunya Maneerattanasak, Panita Gosi, Srivicha Krudsood, Jarinee Tongshoob, Charlotte
A. Lanteri, Georges Snounou and Srisin Khusmith
Published on: 9 February 2016
2. Research
Longitudinal household surveillance for malaria in Rakai, Uganda
Kevin Newell, Valerian Kiggundu, Joseph Ouma, Enos Baghendage, Noah Kiwanuka,
Ronald Gray, David Serwadda, Charlotte V. Hobbs, Sara A. Healy, Thomas C. Quinn
and Steven J. Reynolds
Published on: 9 February 2016
3. Research
Evolution of the levels of human leukocyte antigen G (HLA-G) in Beninese
infant during the first year of life in a malaria endemic area: using latent
class analysis
Tania C. d’Almeida, Ibrahim Sadissou, Gilles Cottrell, Rachida Tahar, Philippe Moreau,
Benoit Favier, Kabirou Moutairou, Eduardo A. Donadi, Achille Massougbodji, Nathalie
Rouass-Freiss, David Courtin and André Garcia
Published on: 9 February 2016
4. Research
Malaria vectors and their blood-meal sources in an area of high bed net
ownership in the western Kenya highlands
Bryson A. Ndenga, Nicholas L. Mulaya, Sandra K. Musaki, Joan N. Shiroko, Stefan
Dongus and Ulrike Fillinger
Published on: 9 February 2016
5. Review
Plasmodium falciparum drug resistance in Angola
Cláudia Fançony, Miguel Brito and Jose Pedro Gil
Published on: 9 February 2016
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1. Research
Paracheck-Pf® accuracy and recently treated Plasmodium falciparum
infections: is there a risk of over-diagnosis?
Todd D Swarthout, Helen Counihan, Raphael Kabangwa K Senga and Ingrid van den
Published on: 16 May 2007
2. Review
Quinine, an old anti-malarial drug in a modern world: role in the
treatment of malaria
Jane Achan, Ambrose O Talisuna, Annette Erhart, Adoke Yeka, James K Tibenderana,
Frederick N Baliraine, Philip J Rosenthal and Umberto D’Alessandro
Published on: 24 May 2011
3. Reviews
Plant-based insect repellents: a review of their efficacy, development and
Marta Ferreira Maia and Sarah J Moore
Published on: 15 March 2011
4. Review
The global pipeline of new medicines for the control and elimination of
Melinda P Anthony, Jeremy N Burrows, Stephan Duparc, Joerg JMoehrle and Timothy
NC Wells
Published on: 7 September 2012
5. Review
A review of malaria vaccine clinical projects based on the WHO rainbow
Lauren Schwartz, Graham V Brown, Blaise Genton and Vasee S Moorthy
Published on: 9 January 2012
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Aims and Scope
Malaria Journal is aimed at the scientific community interested in malaria in its broadest sense.
It is the only journal that publishes exclusively articles on malaria and, as such, it aims to bring
together knowledge from the different specialties involved in this very broad discipline, from the
bench to the bedside and to the field. Malaria Journal offers a fast publication schedule while
maintaining rigorous peer-review; this is achieved by managing the whole of the publication
process electronically, from submission to peer-review.
Editor-in-Chief - Marcel Hommel, University of Liverpool, UK
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Bed net plan for underfed kids curbs malaria deaths
Published on: 06 January 2016
Outdoor mosquito trap uses human scent as lure
Published on: 31 December 2015
Scientists slip infertility gene into malaria mosquito
Published on: 17 December 2015
Latest Collections
Re-imagining malaria – a platform for reflections to widen horizons in malaria control
Edited by Julian Eckl and Susanna Hausmann Muela, this series discusses the social and societal
factors that impact on malaria control.
WHO global malaria recommendations
The Malaria Policy Advisory Committee to the WHO present the recommendations from their
biannual meetings.
The ACTwatch project: monitoring anti-malarial markets in seven countries
Methods and results from household and outlet studies from the 5-year ACTwatch project.
Towards malaria elimination
A collection of articles outlining malaria elimination efforts across the world.
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Impact Factor: 3.11
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