Document 7280003

Reading Connections 4
Audio Script
Unit 1: Music and the Mind
Focus on Testing: Listening
Woman: I’m so stressed at work. I’ve been putting in 12-hour shifts, but there’s still
not enough time to get everything done.
Wow, it’s no wonder you’re so tired. Wasn’t your manager going to hire
another graphic designer to help you?
Woman: He was, but the boss ordered a hiring freeze to save money. So, now we’ve
got all these cases pouring in, and I’m the only one handling them. Maybe I
should just quit.
Before you do that, here’s an idea. I read an article by a physical therapist.
He said listening to soft music at work can lower your blood pressure and
even help you concentrate. It’s worth a try.
Unit 2: Body Language Across Cultures
Focus on Testing: Listening
Welcome to the Vancouver Exploratorium. You’ll notice there are no ropes or
barriers separating visitors from exhibits. We encourage you to have a hands-on
experience, so everything can be touched, held, pressed, and poked. Section A is our
permanent display area. Kids will love the fossil dig, where they can become
archaeologists in our giant sand pit! Exhibits in Section B vary according to our
featured animal. This month, it’s the beautiful snow leopard. In Section C, you’ll find
our Creature Café and gift shop. If you lose your way, just refer to one of the
information screens located throughout the building. Visitors are reminded that
photography is prohibited.
Unit 3: Turning Waste Into Wealth
Focus on Testing: Listening
That construction site across the street is driving me crazy. Aren’t libraries
supposed to be quiet places?
Woman: Well, it’s not their fault that someone in the neighborhood is building a new
office complex. But I know what you mean. They could put more effort into
keeping the noise level down.
Or, the library could do more to make itself noise proof. Putting in a new set
of windows would help. You know, I’m going to recommend that they do
just that. Maybe I can convince them to make some changes.
Unit 4: The Search for Other Worlds
Focus on Testing: Listening
Typhoons regularly threaten fishermen, coastal cities, and mountainous regions. Until
now, our responses to these dangerous weather systems have been overly reactive and
poorly organized. We need proactive techniques that minimize risk and save lives.
That’s what the Typhoon Readiness System is for. Once a super typhoon is detected,
the agency will determine its likelihood of making landfall. If there’s more than a
60% chance, a series of measures will take effect. A TRS task force will evacuate
inhabited areas. Also, all boats will be called back to port. In extreme cases, people
will be required to stay indoors, unless there’s an emergency.
Unit 5: Crowdsourcing
Focus on Testing: Listening
Woman: I can’t believe Greg quit to join another marketing firm. It’s like people have
no sense of loyalty anymore.
I know what you mean. He said he was offered a higher salary, but I heard
he got into an argument with the boss. If you ask me, that’s why he really
Woman: Could be. Regardless of the reason, I wish he had stayed a few weeks longer.
We were working on a big campaign together. Now, I have to do everything
Well, my case load isn’t very heavy this month. Maybe I can give you a
Unit 6: Architecture and Identity
Focus on Testing: Listening
Good afternoon, everyone. I hope you’re enjoying your flight. Shortly, we’ll be
passing over the Grand Canyon, one of the West’s biggest natural landmarks. We’re
going through a patch of clouds, so if visibility is blocked, I’m afraid you might have
to use your imagination. I do apologize for that. The good news is we’ll get through
this weather system eventually – maybe in eight or nine minutes – and it will be clear
flying after that. We expect to touch down in Las Vegas at 3:35. That’s 10 minutes
behind schedule. Current weather at our destination is warm and windy, with a very
light rain.
Unit 7: Food Safety
Focus on Testing: Listening
The restaurant’s yearly inspection is on April 15. That’s only seven days
from now.
Woman: That soon? It feels like we just went through one. All right, we’ll need to
clean everything in the kitchen, not to mention the storeroom and break
room. The restaurant needs to be spotless.
Yes, ma’am. We’ve also got a batch of supplies scheduled for delivery on
the 15th. Should I reschedule that for later in the month?
Woman: Good thinking, yes. I’m glad we finally finished redecorating last month.
The backrooms were a mess while that was going on.
Unit 8: Spending a Fortune
Focus on Testing: Listening
The real estate market, and new homeowners in particular, are facing hard times.
Many people took out huge mortgages during the recent property bubble. Critics
charge they were living beyond their means. However, as long as values kept rising,
homeowners felt secure. After the bubble burst, though, real estate took a turn for the
worse, and unemployment rose. Millions of people, out of work and in trouble, could
no longer afford their mortgages. For those homes worth less than the original buying
price, homeowners are in a so-called “underwater” state. Many wind up simply
walking away, leaving banks to repossess the property.
Unit 9: Wonders of the Deep
Focus on Testing: Listening
Over here you’ll see our shark tank. These beautiful creatures are fierce
predators. However, they play important roles in their ecosystems.
Woman: Interesting. I always thought sharks were nothing but trouble. Oh my, there’s
someone in the tank! Isn’t he worried about being bitten?
Oh, that’s Ralph, our chief trainer. Don’t worry, he’s been working with
sharks for 20 years.
Woman: It still doesn’t look safe. I’m a nurse, and I can’t even imagine swimming
with a shark. Ralph is braver than I’ll ever be!
Unit 10: Product Placement
Focus on Testing: Listening
Welcome to Bargain Barn. We’re celebrating our 25th anniversary with our biggest
sale ever! Everything, from lawn mowers to hammers, is at least 10% off. You’ll find
especially good bargains in the home gardening department, where flower seeds are
marked at a 20% discount. Attentive shoppers will note green stickers on some
products. That means the item is a full half off the original price! Make sure to visit
our Barter Corner, where you can trade in old home appliances for similar items at a
steep discount. Finally, to make the most of our sale, pay with your Bargain Barn
credit card. Use it to earn points that can be traded in for great items.
Unit 11: White Collar Crime
Focus on Testing: Listening
I’ve got a delivery for Gary Martin.
Woman: Mr. Martin is in a meeting. I’m his executive assistant. I’ll sign for it.
I’m afraid only the intended recipient can sign for a package. He also needs
a photo ID. Our company has strict policies for our clients’ protection, since
they often send sensitive or legal documents.
Woman: I see. Well, you can wait until Mr. Martin is finished or come back in half an
hour. Or you can leave your card, and I’ll have him call you.
Unit 12: Working Disabled
Focus on Testing: Listening
At this year’s Equal Access Conference, you’ll learn dozens of ways to make your
workplaces more accessible to disabled workers. First off will be a plenary speech by
Dr. Andy Johnson, a software engineer who also founded a networking club for
disabled IT workers. Throughout the day, you’ll be able to choose from 23 talks by
other leading experts. Make sure to visit Simonson Hall, where hundreds of devices
and adaptive technologies will be on display. Also, don’t forget to take advantage of
some of your greatest resources: each other. With at least one disabled worker on
staff, you all have plenty of ideas to share with each other.
Unit 13: Pet Therapy
Focus on Testing: Listening
Woman: Claudia Stein, Berlin Daily. Can you confirm rumors that Unified Paper may
lose 1 billion euros this year?
I’d rather not comment on rumors. Like everyone in this industry, we’ve had
less than an ideal year. Raw material costs are up 25 percent, and revenues
are down. But we’ve also cut costs by 500 million euros.
Woman: If I could follow up... Are you saying United Paper will turn a profit?
The year’s final sales data isn’t in, so I'm sorry I can’t answer that. I know
other reporters will have similar questions. I can tell you we recently earned
300 million euros from the sale of our retail business.
Unit 14: Quantum Computers
Focus on Testing: Listening
Thank you for calling the customer helpline of Omega Computers, the Northeast’s
leading electronics retailer. To find one of our multiple locations, visit us online at Our showrooms are open Monday to Friday from 10 AM to
midnight. On weekends and public holidays, our business hours are 11 AM to 9 PM.
If you know your party’s extension, please say or dial it now. If you’re calling about a
specific transaction, please say or dial 8. To speak with a sales representative, please
say or dial 9. For operator assistance, please say or dial 0. Remember, our website has
a superb selection of products and our guaranteed lowest prices.
Unit 15: Breaking the Cycle of Poverty
Focus on Testing: Listening
Woman: Mr. Lewis, I’d like to say I’m very sorry about your flower pot.
I appreciate that, Brenda, but it wasn’t your fault. I saw your brother Ricky
and his friends playing ball in the street.
Woman: Well, I still feel bad about it. He’s barely eight, but he really loves sports.
It’s my job to look after him after school, but I’ve also got homework to do.
I know what a burden that can be. Hey, here’s an idea. There’s a community
center on 5th Street, with a basketball court and ping pong tables. It’s run by
Emily Jefferson, a good friend of mine. You should check it out some time.
Unit 16: The Future of Energy
Focus on Testing: Listening
In technology news, researchers at Oakland University have announced a
breakthrough in biofuel research. They claim their system, which produces ethanol
from corn, is 25% more efficient than current methods. That’s good news at a time
when ethanol, a growing alternative to gasoline, is coming under fire. Critics charge
that so much corn is used to produce the biofuel that it’s driving up food prices.
Supporters say the more efficient manufacturing process will ease pressure on food
supplies. Or, critics wonder, will it simply increase demand for ethanol and cause
food prices to rise again? It’s a debate that’s likely to continue as we look for the right
balance between food and energy production.