Research Studies

Past Research Studies
The Christmas Truce that took place along the Western Front around the 24th
and 25th December 1914.
The Munich Putsch of November 8th 1923.
John F. Kennedy’s visit to Ireland on the 26th June – 29th June 1963.
The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour December 1941, a surprise attack?
The procedures the British government put in place to control and contain the
Mau Mau rebels in Kenya from 1952 to 1961.
An investigation into the conditions that led to the kidnapping of Brian
Keenan and other hostages (1982-1992).
The kidnapping of Lord and Lady Donoughmore on the 4th June 1974.
The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising: Failure or Success?
Hanna Sheehy-Skeffington in America from 1916-18 – “An unmanageable
The Allied invasion of Sword Beach in Normandy in Northern France on the
5th – 6th of June 1944 during World War II.
The German radio station Irland Redaktion and its broadcasts of Nazi
propaganda to neutral Ireland from December 1939 to May 1945.
The medical examinations which took place in Ellis Island 1892-1954:
effective or excessive?
The beginnings of the Ku Klux Klan: 1865-1871.
Stauffenberg’s plot to kill Hitler, 1943-1944.
The role of women in the Special Operations Executive in Britain and France
during World War 2 from 1939 to 1945.
The pirate trial of Anne Bonny and Mary Read, 28th November, 1720.
Public reaction to the first performances of ‘The Playboy of the Western
World’ in 1907.
How did the Committee of Public Safety and the Terror under Maximilien
Robespierre contribute to divisions in France, 1793-1794?
The effects on the citizens of Hiroshima due to the atomic bombing of
Hiroshima, 6 August 1945.
The events of the 1st – 5th June, 1989, in Tiananmen Square; a massacre?
The last days of the Romanovs 16th/17th of July 1918.
The involvement and importance of Eamonn Ceannt in the 1916 Easter Rising.
Operation Green: The Nazi plan to invade Ireland (and Ireland’s and Britain’s
reactions to it).
The hanging of Kevin Barry on the 1st November 1920 during the War of
Independence and its influence on public opinion.
The American Presidential Election of 1960 – a fair result?
The hostage taking of the Munich Olympic Games and the German
government’s response to it.
Bloody Sunday: 30th January 1972, Derry Northern Ireland. The Background,
the march and the repercussions.
The Japanese internment of Dutch colonies in Indonesia during World War
Two (1942-1945).
The causes of Bloody Sunday, St. Petersburg, 9/1/1905
The “Stolen Generations” of the Aboriginal people in Australia, 1900-1970.
Elizabeth O’Farrell and her input in the 1916 Rising.
Why was there an attack on Pearl Harbour?
The significance of the Battle of Gettysburg.
The Burning of Cork City, 11th-12th December 1920, by British Forces.
Music during the Holocaust: the orchestras of Auschwitz, May 1940 – January
Unit 731(Japanese biological warfare research): 1932-1945.
Operation Green (Fall Grün) 1940-1941.
The impact of Bobby Sands’ 1981 strike on Northern Irish politics.
Escape from Auschwitz: Alfred Wetzler, Rudolf Vrba and the Auschwitz
The Russo-Polish War 1919-1920. Lenin’s aim to spread communism to
Germany and Western Europe.
Oskar Schindler: Rescuing the Jews from the Holocaust (1939-1945).
The Katyn Forest Massacre 1939.
Why was Spear put on trial in Nuremburg on the 15th of May 1945?
The contribution of the Merchant Navy during World War 2 (1939-1945) –
The North Atlantic
De Valera’s condolence visit to Dr Eduard Hempel on the death of Adolf
Hitler 2nd May 1945.
The importance of Switzerland’s financial aid to Nazi Germany during World
War two 1939-45.
The impact of the Berlin Wall on the lives of the people of Bernauer Strasse,
The origins and impact of the Black Death in London, 1347-1353.
Bridget Bishop and the Salem Witch Trials, 1692.
The Warsaw Ghetto uprising, April 19th – May 16th 1943. A success or failure?
Loughlinstown Workhouse – An effective provision of relief for the poor of
the Rathdown union, 1846-1849?
The capture of Cuzco, 1533 – The factors that ensured the invasion’s success.
Was the German occupation of the Channel Islands during the war year (19401945) a Nazi success?
The Berlin Wall, 1961: the reasons for its construction and the factors that
enabled its successful completion.
The Rivonia Trial of Nelson Mandela, October 1963 – June 1964, and its
contribution to the Anti-Apartheid movement in South Africa.
Lady Jennie Churchill and the influence and contribution to her son Winston
Churchill’s early political career (1893-1918).
Monsignor Hugh O’Flaherty and the Rome Escape Line (1941-1945). What
were the factors that ensured its success?
The expedition of Robert Scott to the Antarctic (1910-1912). The reason for
the expedition’s unfulfilled goals.
The media’s response to the Stardust Fire 14th-18th February, 1981.
The Freedom Rides, May 4th 1961 to May 17th.
The British Political Warfare Executive (PWE) and their use of ’Black
Rumours’ during World War Two (1939-1945) – An effective weapon of
The impact of John Fitzgerald Kennedy’s visit to Ireland. 26th June – 29th
June, 1963.
Inghinidhe na hEireann: did they achieve their aims by 1916?
Jean Francois Champollion and his translation of the Rosetta Stone, 1822-24.
Was he the stone’s true decoder?
Klaus von Stauffenberg and his role in the Valkaire Plot, which were plans to
assassinate Hitler in 1944.
The significance of code breaking during the battle of the Atlantic 1939-45.
The Contagious Diseases Act 1864
The Black and Tans’ reprisals throughout Ireland between 1920-1921.
‘The filth and the fury’ – the effect of the Punk movement on Britain between
1975 and 1980.
To what extent did John Charles McQuaid participate in drafting the 1937
The Irish Christians Fronts establishment and involvement in the Spanish
Civil War 1936-1937.
Black ’47 – Ireland’s dependency on the potato
The planning of Robert Emmet’s attempted rebellion in Ireland, 1803.
The reaction of the Catholic Church to the 1981 Hunger Strike.
The circumstances which led to the introduction and the ultimate defeat of
‘The Control of Importation, Sale and Manufacture of Contraception Bill’
Mary White Ovington and the founding of the National Association for the
Advancement of Coloured People.
Resistance Activities in Auschwitz- A study of the revolt of 7th October 1944.
The Lusitania was a legitimate target of opportunity.
‘Holohoax: the ideas and arguments of Holocaust deniers’.
German espionage in Ireland during the second world war 1939-1945. A
success or failure?
The IRA and Nazi Germany: Collaboration and the role of Seán Russell.
The impact of Simone de Beauvoir and her writings on the Women’s
Liberation Movement and on Contemporary society in France, 1949-1974.
John Rabe and the establishment of the Safety Zone in Nanking during the
Japanese invasion of China 1937.
The reaction in Ireland to the death of JFK in November 1963.
Why was there a gradual decline in support for American involvement in the
Vietnam War (1965-72) among participating soldiers and what consequences
did this have?
 The reaction of the Dublin print media to the Easter Rising, 1916 (April
24th – June 13th )
 ‘Lee Harvey Oswald, Dallas 1963, Guilty as charged.’
 Malcom X and the organisation of Afro-American Unity (OAAU) 196465.
 Chairman Mao and the ‘Great Purge’, 1966-1967.
 The Failure of the State to address abuses in the Industrial School System.
 De Valera’s escape from Lincoln Jail, 3rd February 1919.
 The Final Days of the Romanov Dynasty, 1918.
 ‘Bloody Sunday’ the 30th January, 1972.
 The treatment of the Japanese Americans after the attack on Pearl Harbour
on December 7th 1941.
 Von Braun’s contribution to the U.S. Space Programme and its race with
Russia. (1945-1957)
Frank Capra’s war film series ‘why we fight.’ Effective indoctrination of
American GIs? 1942-1945.
Eleanor Roosevelt’s role in the West Virginian Homestead Project 19331948 – an idealogical or realistic plan?
Richard Nixon and the Watergate scandal, 1972.
The role of Lieutenant William Calley in the My Lai Massacre, March
The Manhattan Project’ 1943-45
The hanging of Kevin Barry, (November 1920) and the impact this had on
the Irish War of Independence, 1919-1921.
The involvement of Elizabeth O’Farrell in the 1916 Easter Rising.
The Dublin Monaghan Bombings May 17th 1974.