Ch. 13 Living with your LIVER Regulation: keeping things balanced

Ch. 13 Living with your LIVER
Regulation: keeping things balanced and responding to changing needs.
Toxin: a substance that can cause damage to your body.
Poison: a substance that causes severe damage or death with only a little amount.
 Helps digest fats.
 Bigger than the brain.
 Second largest organ after our skin.
 Weighs about three pounds
 Can grow back if half is damaged
 Transplants regenerate from one half the liver
 Too much of toxins can permanently damage the liver- Alcohol, too many headache medicines
 Regulates cholesterol, sugar, and fat
 Controls what substances get stored or filtered out
 Too many toxins cause Cirrhosis which is scar tissue of the liver.
 Such as alcohol, headache medicines and Hepatitis.
 Breaks down harmful substances.
 Makes nutrients easier to be taken up by the body.
CH 15 Digestion
Chemical Breakdown: The process if breaking down food using chemicals such as saliva, hydrochloric acid,
and bile.
Mechanical breakdown: The process of breaking down food using physical forces like chewing with teeth or
churning of the stomach muscles.
Absorption: The taking in of substances across membranes such as nutrients in blood.
Nutrients: Substances needed for energy, growth, and repair.
Ch. 13 Living with your LIVER
Regulation: keeping things balanced and responding to changing needs.
Toxin: a substance that can cause damage to your body.
Poison: a substance that causes severe damage or death with only a little amount.
 Helps digest fats.
 Bigger than the brain.
 Second largest organ after our skin.
 Weighs about three pounds
 Can grow back if half is damaged
 Transplants regenerate from one half the liver
 Too much of toxins can permanently damage the liver- Alcohol, too many headache medicines
 Regulates cholesterol, sugar, and fat
 Controls what substances get stored or filtered out
 Too many toxins cause Cirrhosis which is scar tissue of the liver.
 Such as alcohol, headache medicines and Hepatitis.
 Breaks down harmful substances.
 Makes nutrients easier to be taken up by the body.
CH 15 Digestion
Chemical Breakdown: The process if breaking down food using chemicals such as saliva, hydrochloric acid,
and bile.
Mechanical breakdown: The process of breaking down food using physical forces like chewing with teeth or
churning of the stomach muscles.
Absorption: The taking in of substances across membranes such as nutrients in blood.
Nutrients: Substances needed for energy, growth, and repair.