Tasksheet 1: How environmentally friendly are you

Tasksheet 1: How environmentally friendly are you?
Ask your partner these questions. Make a note of his or her answers.
Partner’s name: ____________________
Do you recycle paper e.g. cereal boxes, note paper, bags, newspaper, and so on?
Do you use both sides of a piece of paper whenever possible?
Do you recycle bottles and jars?
When you are at the supermarket and buy something small, do you tell the shop
assistant that you do not need a bag?
Do you bring your own bags to the supermarket?
Do you recycle aluminium cans (drink cans)?
Do you frequently look for those clothes in your wardrobe which you do not want any
longer and give them away to others who can use them?
Do you think carefully about the packaging before you buy a product?
Do you save paper bags?
 Do you turn off electrical appliances when you are not using them?
 Do you turn out lights when you are not using them and no one else is in the room?
 If it's not too far, do you walk or ride your bike instead of taking the car or going by
 Do you avoid buying plastic products such as picnic plates, cups, and egg cartons?
 Do you avoid using spray cans that contain gases called CFC’s?
 To keep the air clean, do you grow plants in your house?
 When you brush your teeth, do you just wet your brush, then turn off the water and
turn it on again when you need to rinse your brush off?
 Do you keep bottles of water in the refrigerator so that you do not have to let the tap
run when you want a cold glass of water?
 Do you take showers instead of baths?
 Instead of wasting water by pouring water, do you pour it on a thirsty plant rather
than wanting down the sink?
 Do you throw rubbish in rubbish bins, not on the ground?
 When you see rubbish on the ground, do you take time to throw it away?
Partner’s Score:
_____ Yes/
The Environment Intermediate Tasksheet 1
_____ No/