The Teaching and Learning Directorate: What do we offer? The

The Teaching and Learning Directorate: What do we offer?
The Teaching and Learning Directorate offers workshops and advice in support of learning,
teaching, assessment and pedagogic research. Please see below the list of topics which are
currently available. For more information or to request a workshop, please contact or drop in to 3 Endsleigh Place for a chat. Bookings for
workshops can be made at any time - there is no deadline for requests. However, due to
popularity, you are encouraged to submit a request as soon as possible, as workshops will
be offered on a first-come first-served basis. In discussion with you and your colleagues, we
will organise the specific emphasis of the workshop and select an appropriate member of the
team to deliver it. This will ensure an approach that is both professional and tailored to your
department's needs and circumstances.
Topic area
Staff involved
Academic assessment of careers and
employability education
Academic Writing for Publication
Accredited CPD / The SHELL Framework
Accrediting volunteering activities
Active Learning through ‘Triads’.
Careers Team
Assessing the impact of careers education
Assessment and Feedback
Audience Response Systems for student
Audio feedback on assignments
Copyright issues for teaching and learning
Clickers (Personal Response Systems) &
summative assessment
Creating and Assessing reflective portfolios
Creating and Using Open Educational
Cultural Diversity and Student Attainment
Data analysis for pedagogic research
Data collection for pedagogic research
Developing an Inclusive Curriculum
Developing Critical Thinking
Developing employable students
Digital Literacy
Education for sustainable development and
John Hilsdon
Stephen Gomez
Stephen Gomez
John Hilsdon
LD team
Priska Schoenborn
Glen Crust
Sharon Gedye
Sharon Gedye
Pollyanna Magne
Priska Schoenborn
TEL team
Stephen Gomez
TEL team
Stephen Gomez
Dave Croot
TEL team
Priska Schoenborn
Debby Cotton
Jennie Winter
Becky Turner
Debby Cotton
Jennie Winter
Becky Turner
Pollyanna Magne
Priska Schoenborn
John Hilsdon
LD team
Glen Crust
Sharon Gedye
Dave Croot
TEL team
Stephen Sterling
Debby Cotton
Employability in the Curriculum: Developing
an employability framework for your
Enhancing feedback provision using video
Enterprise education as part of your
Enterprising Teaching and Assessment
Helping your students make positive career
Higher Education Academy Fellowship
Improving your graduate destinations, as
measured by the DLHE Survey
Improving your NSS scores
Independent learning
Introducing sustainability education (ESD)
Learning Outcomes and Assessment
Managing student placement assessment
through an e-portfolio
PDP, ePDP and e-Portfolio
Personal Tutoring
Preparing for the REF in pedagogic research
Problem based learning
Psychometric testing: How this is used in
selection and tools to assist with career
planning and team development
Recruitment techniques used by graduate
employers and how to prepare your students
Research-informed Teaching
Student Transition and Retention
Sustainability literacy and greening the
Teaching at Masters Level
Teaching in the workplace
The nature of the graduate labour market and
what do Plymouth graduates do
The Plymouth Award
Through-life learning
Towards the sustainable university
Using video for teaching and learning
Using your students and alumni to build
capacity in your career programme
Jennie Winter
Sharon Gedye
Priska Schoenborn
Marc Lintern
Stephen Gomez
Pauline Kneale
Marc Lintern
Pauline Kneale
Careers Team
Pollyanna Magne
Debby Cotton
Marc Lintern
Careers team
Pauline Kneale
Sharon Gedye
John Hilsdon
Stephen Sterling
Pollyanna Magne
Stephen Gomez
Dave Croot
Sharon Gedye
Pollyanna Magne
TEL team
Sharon Gedye
Pollyanna Magne
Priska Schoenborn
TEL team
Debby Cotton
Pollyanna Magne
Careers Team
Careers Team
Debby Cotton
Jennie Winter
Sharon Gedye
John Hilsdon
LD team
Priska Schoenborn
Stephen Sterling
Jennie Winter
Priska Schoenborn
Pollyanna Magne
Stephen Gomez
Careers Team
Dave Croot
Dave Croot
Stephen Sterling - co-led with the Office of
Procurement and Sustainability
TEL team
Glen Crust
Careers Team
Using video to enable asynchronous
interaction with learning materials
Using video for laboratory teaching sessions
Using web 2.0 approaches to support
learners in the workplace
Video and audio files to support lectures
Work-based learning
XERTE and Learning Objects
Stephen Gomez / Holger Andersson
Stephen Gomez
Stephen Gomez
Stephen Gomez
Stephen Gomez
TEL team
Is there another topic you need? Email: and we will attempt
to organise it.