1 Supplement to Challenges and progress in drilling offshore buried glacigenic deposits 2 3 4 TILL J.J. HANEBUTH*, MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen, Germany; email: thanebuth@marum.de. 5 MICHELE REBESCO, OGS (Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale), Sgonico (TS), Italy. 6 ROGER URGELES, CSIC (Institut de Ciències del Mar), Barcelona, Spain. 7 RENATA G. LUCCHI, OGS (Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale), Sgonico (TS), Italy. 8 TIM FREUDENTHAL, MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen, Germany. 9 * Currently at: Geology and Geophysics Department, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, MA, U.S.A. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 High latitudes are a fundamental player in the Earth’s climate system with regard to ice-sheet history and interaction with global ocean circulation. Polar regions are, however, significantly under-investigated and knowledge gaps exist in proximity to the formerly ice-covered regions. The physical characteristics of glacial tills and proximal glacigenic marine deposits, with a highly consolidated, cohesive matrix and lithic clast inclusions, hinder successful sediment coring. Deep penetration of these deposits by conventional piston and gravity coring, commonly used on multi-purpose research vessels, is very limited. Drill ships, in contrast, allow for deep drilling, but are prohibitively expensive. An alternative with penetration depths ≤ 100 m are multi-barrel seafloor drill rigs deployed from conventional research vessels. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 In July to August 2013, a scientific expedition drilled two > 35-m long boreholes through tills and glacigenic sediments in the Kveithola Trough (western Barents Sea; drill rig MeBo), that hosted icestreams during glacial times. Bathymetric and sub-bottom depositional structures indicate episodic icestream retreat during the climate warming after the last glacial maximum, resulting in successive transversal ridges (grounding-zone wedges, GZWs). Despite high stiffness of the glacigenic deposits forming the GZWs and, thus, considerable sediment adhesion on the drill string that implied a reduced sediment recovery, the target base of the GZW was reached. The experience shows that obtaining marine sediment cores and borehole logs in glacial sediments is technologically challenging. However, the scientific value of drilling into such deposits is worth the effort. The sediment cores will allow for the very first time to reconstruct the sedimentary processes and history of a GZW. 29 Scientific demand to drill into glacigenic depositional successions 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 The dynamics of ice sheets affect sea level, ocean circulation, heat transport, albedo, water-mass characteristics, and marine productivity. For this reason it is extremely important to improve our knowledge on the extent, timing, and mode of decline of past ice-sheets, which is required for reliable icesheet stability modeling. Notably, the past-extent, characteristics and behavior of marine-based ice-sheets are inherently different and not as well understood as terrestrial ice-sheets [Carlson and Winsor, 2012]. However, obtaining adequate core recovery from the sedimentary units left by marine-based ice sheets is difficult using the conventional technology available on most research ships (gravity/piston coring). Core sampling of modern till deposits is prohibitive due to overlying moving ice. Borehole sampling of this ma1 38 39 terial on ice-free present-day shelves is feasible, though drilling without a riser system is inherently difficult [De Santis et al., 2013]. 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 The development of new models of fast flowing ice streams, based on the analysis of sedimentary records of erosion and deposition of former ice streams, is the main objective of the initiative NICE STREAMS (Neogene ice streams and sedimentary processes on high-latitude continental margins), incorporated into the International Polar Year as Activity # 367. Within this initiative, and as a result of an international cooperation between several European institutions, the CORIBAR expedition targeted glacial bedforms and meltwater deposits of the Kveithola Trough system with deep coring to reconstruct the chronology of the deglaciation stages of the western Svalbard/Barents-Sea Ice Sheet. 47 The CORIBAR expedition 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 The CORIBAR expedition was recently carried out on board the German research vessel MARIA S. MERIAN (cruise MSM-30, July 16 to August 15, 2013). The cruise aimed at drilling 70-m long sedimentary sequences through GZWs [Dowdeswell and Fugelli, 2012], made of glacigenic sediments, using the MARUM-owned seafloor drill rig MeBo (Meeresboden-Bohrgerät). The paleo-ice stream depositional system of the Kveithola Trough in the western Barents Sea was selected (Figure 1) because both catchment area and ice-stream extent were relatively small; therefore they were likely to have been sensitive to changes in regional climate and sea level. Data collection in the area included 246 m of sediment cores, including those collected at the five MeBo drilling sites, as well as 2,850 km of multibeam seafloor data and PARASOUND sediment-acoustic profiles. 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 The Kveithola system consists of a ~100-km long, 12-km wide E-W trending 300-m deep glacial trough [Bjarnadóttir et al., 2013]. Inside the trough, forward motion of the paleo-ice stream produced parallel mega-scale lineations that are overlain by GZWs [Rebesco et al., 2011]. The dynamic mechanism and timing of emplacement of these GZWs are of primary scientific interest as they document an episodic retreat of the paleo-ice stream with interposed periods of ice-sheet stillstand after the last glacial maximum. Moreover, GZWs represent a key morphological element responsible for ice-shelf stabilization because they counteract collapses induced by ice-sheet thinning and sea-level rise [Dowdeswell and Fugelli, 2012]. 65 66 67 68 69 70 The reconstruction of the glacial history of the Kveithola Trough included the study of its Trough Mouth Fan (TMF) developed off the shelf edge (Vorren et al., 1998). This fan is composed of a succession of hemipelagic sediments deposited during warm interglacial periods; gravity-transported glacigenic debrites originated from sediment dumping over the shelf edge by the paleo-ice stream during glacial maxima; and fine-grained laminated sediments supplied by turbid subglacial meltwaters (plumites) released at the ice-stream front during the deglaciation [Lucchi et al., 2013]. 71 First deployment of a shipboard-operating seafloor drill rig in a high-latitude environment 72 73 74 75 During the CORIBAR expedition, we deployed the seafloor drill rig MeBo for the first time in the Arctic region to gain experience in high-latitude drilling and to obtain unique sedimentary records from GZW and plumite successions documenting a rapidly-retreating fast-moving ice system. MeBo drilling is conducted with a stationary platform on the seabed, mandatory for optimal control on the drilling process 2 76 77 78 79 (Freudenthal and Wefer, 2013). A special umbilical is used for lowering the 10 tons device to the seabed and for remote control. Standard H-size wire line core barrels and drill rods for drilling down to 70 m below seafloor are stored on two magazines on the drill rig. An autonomous spectral gamma ray probe serves for borehole logging. 80 81 82 83 We were able to deploy the MeBo at five sites: three sites located in the Kveithola trough having the target to drill across the GZWs, and two sites along the TMF to recover older units including glacigenic debrites (i.e., mass-transport deposits made of unsorted glacially-derived sediments dumped over the shelf edge by the paleo-ice stream during glacial maxima). 84 Characteristics of grounding-zone wedges and glacigenic debrites 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 The results document sediment-dynamic and paleo-environmental aspects of the Kveithola paleo-icestream and associated TMF from the last glacial maximum through the deglaciation and interglacial stages. The dataset provide evidence for an ice stream that reached the shelf edge carving a glacial trough and delivering substantial amounts of sediment to the slope in the form of glacigenic diamicton and plumites. The ice stream retreated in at least four different stages recorded as a succession of GZWs. Glacial landforms and deposits have been subsequently draped by 15 m of post-glacial muds interbedded with icerafted debris, and up to 20-m thick contourite drifts in the inner area of the Kveithola Trough. 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 The CORIBAR expedition provided the first long-recovery sedimentary record of a GZW. At Site GeoB17601-6 (Figure 1), MeBo cored through a 15-m thick glacimarine sediment drape, fully penetrated the 15-m thick glacigenic sediments of the GZW, and drilled 11 m into the underlying basal tills. Borehole gamma-ray logging highlighted major depositional discontinuities and lithological changes, particularly evident at the base of the GZW, at the contact with the underlying deformation till. Along the upper clayrich succession (GZW, glacimarine sediment drape), major changes in log data likely relate to the sediment consolidation state resulting from the loading history (or lack of) by the ice stream. 99 100 101 102 103 104 Indeed, despite potential drilling disturbance, the shear strength (measured with a pocket penetrometer at the base of the recovered sections) is relatively low in the glacimarine sediment drape (> 12 kPa) and increases suddenly within the clays of the GZW with values up to 52 kPa. Below the GZW, a diamicton with cobbles and pebbles within a stiff clayey matrix has shear strengths even up to 100 kPa, likely indicative of basal deformation tills. The core, though not analyzed yet, will provide the first age constraints on the timing of GZW formation. 105 The future of deep drilling in polar regions from research vessels 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 As expected, the glacigenic deposits were a challenge for drilling. With the attempt to get a bestpossible recovery, average recovery rates were 84 % for continental slope deposits, 72 % for the Holocene drape, and 23 % for the drilled diamicton (GZW 43 %; basal till 9 %). Valuable experience was collected for MeBo drilling during the CORIBAR expedition by testing different types of drill bits, core catchers and controlling drill parameters. Core-catcher strength proved to be critical in the soft Holocene drape. Typically we worked with flush rates of 10-15 l/m, torque values below 200 Nm and penetration rates of about 0.25 cm/s in these extremely soft deposits. Glacigenic diamictons and slope deposits, of cohesive and plastic clayey matrix were very sticky and hampered rotation of the drilling string. This was especially 3 114 115 116 117 118 119 the case for basal tills as indicated by high torque values of >350 Nm despite of increased flushing rates of ~25 l/min. A slight reduction in flushing rate from 22-23 l/min to <20 l/min resulted in a core recovery increase from 31 to 55 % within the GZW indicating that the amount of flush water is a critical parameter for core recovery rates in the glacial deposits. Glacigenic debrites on the continental slope were sticky and had similar consistency as GZW tills inside the trough. We allowed torque values up to 600 Nm by keeping the flush water rate below 25 l/min and reached recovery rates > 80%. 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 Our core recovery for the diamictons is comparable to previous ODP expeditions, but significantly higher for the firm to stiff GZW sediments. Average recovery in ODP drilling in Antarctica was 10.1 % (subglacial till in Leg 178 shelf-transect sites) and 7.9 % (subglacial and proximal diamicton in Leg 188 Site 1166). IODP Exp. 341 had a recovery rate of 24 % for diamictons deposited from suspension settling, gravity flows, and ice rafting (Site U1421). With the SHALDRILL technology, recovery was 40 % for an 80-cm thick diamicton (2nd leg), but 0 % in preceding attempts during the 1st leg. Only the ANDRILL project, deploying full drill-hole cementation and circulation muds, achieved a recovery of 98 %. Using MeBo with further flush-water reduction would likely improve core recovery in the stiff to hard (likely highly consolidated) basal tills. as well. We are, thus, optimistic that further technical experience will help improving recovery rates and sediment quality in polar environments. 130 131 132 MARUM is currently developing the second MeBo generation with a drilling capacity of 200 m below seafloor. MeBo200 will supplement the several hundred meters deep drillings performed from drill ships such as RV JOIDES RESOLUTION and RV CHIKYU. 133 Acknowledgements 134 135 136 137 138 139 The CORIBAR team members: A. Camerlenghi and A. Caburlotto (OGS), T. Hörner (AWI, Bremerhaven), H. Lantzsch and A. Özmaral (MARUM, Bremen), J. Llopart (CSIC, Barcelona), L.S. Nicolaisen (GEUS, Copenhagen), K. Andreassen and G. Osti (UiTromsø), A. Sabbatini (UNIVPM, Ancona). CORIBAR is funded by the Italian PNRA, Spanish “Ministerio Economia y Competitividad”, Danish Carlsberg Foundation and Dansk Center for Havforskning, Norwegian Statoil ASA, and MARUM incentive. CORIBAR is embedded into the international NICESTREAM project. 140 References 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 Bjarnadóttir, L.R., D.C. Rüther, M. Winsborrow, K. Andreassen (2013), Grounding-line dynamics during the last deglaciation of Kveithola, W Barents Sea, as revealed by seabed geomorphology and shallow seismic stratigraphy. Boreas, 42, 84–107, doi:10.1111/j.1502-3885.2012.00273.x. Carlson, A.E., K. Winsor (2012), Northern Hemisphere ice-sheet responses to past climate warming. Nature Geosciences, 5, 607–613, doi:10.1038/ngeo1528. De Santis L., K. Gohl, R. Larter et al. (2013), Rationale for future Antarctic and Southern Ocean drilling. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 15, id. EGU2013-12007. Dowdeswell J.A., E.M.G. Fugelli (2012), The seismic architecture and geometry of grounding-zone wedges formed at the marine margins of past ice sheets. GSA Bulletin, 124, 1750–1761, doi: 10.1130/B30628.1. 4 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 Freudenthal, T., G. Wefer (2013), Drilling cores on the sea floor with the remote-controlled sea-floor drilling rig MeBo. Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems Discussion, 3, 347–369, doi: 10.5194/gid-3-347-2013. Hanebuth, T.J.J., and expedition team (2013), CORIBAR - Ice dynamics and meltwater deposits: coring in the Kveithola Trough, NW Barents Sea, RV MARIA S. MERIAN cruise MSM30. Berichte, MARUM, University Bremen, 299, 74 pp., ISSN 2195-7894. Lucchi, R.G., A. Camerlenghi, M. Rebesco et al. (2013), Postglacial sedimentary processes on the Storfjorden and Kveithola trough mouth fans: Significance of extreme glacimarine sedimentation. Global Planetary Change, 111, 309–326, doi:10.1016/j.gloplacha.2013.10.008. Rebesco, M., Y. Liu, A. Camerlenghi et al. (2011), Deglaciation of the Barents Sea Ice Sheet - a swath bathymetric and sub-bottom seismic study from the Kveitehola Trough. Marine Geology, 279, 141– 147, doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2010.10.018. Vorren, T.O., J.S. Laberg, F. Blaume et al. (1998). The Norwegian-Greenland sea continental margins: morphology and late quaternary sedimentary processes and environment. Quaternary Science Review, 17, 273–302, doi: 10.1016/S0277-3791(97)00072-3. Fig. 1: PARASOUND profile through a grounding-zone wedge in the Kveithola Trough with MeBo Site GeoB17601-6. Logs and lithological information are converted to time using a 1500m/s sound-speed velocity. The vertical scale is the same for the PARASOUND profile and the logs/lithology plots. Borehole logs and sediment samples: natural -ray of Uranium (U) and Potassium (K), shear strength (SS) measurements (pocket penetrometer), natural Gamma Ray (GR), sediment recovery (blue dots), lithology from barrel core catchers (colored bars). Physical drilling parameters: Drill-head torque (DT), flush rate (FR), penetration rate (PR). Right bottom inset shows location of Kveithola Trough (star). Left top shows multibeam bathymetry with location of PARASOUND and MeBo borehole. 5