S Mills publications

List of publications S. Mills
Mills, S. (ed.) 2011. Interventions: Măgura past & present. Bucureşti: Renaissance.
Mills, S. and Mirea, P. (eds) 2011. The Lower Danube in prehistory: landscape
changes and human-environment interactions. Proceedings of the
international conference, Alexandria, 3-5 November 2010. Bucureşti:
20in%20Prehistory.html [Accessed 14/06/2011].
Bailey, D.W., Andreescu, R., Mills, S. and Trick, S. (eds) 2001. Southern Romania
Archaeological Project: second preliminary report. Cardiff Studies in
Archaeology 20. Cardiff: Cardiff School of History and Archaeology,
Cardiff University.
Buck, C., Cummings, V., Henley, C., Mills, S. and Trick, S. (eds) 2000. U.K. chapter
of Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology:
proceedings of the fourth meeting Cardiff University, 27 and 28 February
1999. Oxford: British Archaeological Reports.
Bailey, D.W., Andreescu, R. and Mills, S. (eds) 1999. Southern Romania
Archaeological Project: preliminary report 1998. Cardiff Studies in
Archaeology 14. Cardiff: Cardiff School of History and Archaeology,
Cardiff University.
Bailey, D.W. (assisted by Mills, S.) (ed.). 1998. The archaeology of value: essays on
valuation, prestige and status. Oxford: British Archaeological Reports.
Papers and chapters:
Mills, S. forthcoming. New survey and GIS investigation of the Battle Moss multiple
stone row alignments. In A. Baines, K. Brophy and A. Pannett (eds),
'Megalithic overkill': the multiple stone rows of Caithness and Sutherland in
their context. Edinburgh: Society of Antiquaries of Scotland monograph
Mills, S. 2011. The potential of Historic Landscape Characterisation for the Lower
Danube region. In S. Mills and P. Mirea (eds), The Lower Danube in
prehistory: landscape changes and human-environment interactions.
Proceedings of the international conference, Alexandria, 3-5 November
2010, 203-219. Bucureşti: Renaissance.
Mills, S. 2010. The contribution of sound to archaeology. In E. Ţânţăreanu (ed.),
Buletinul Muzeului Judeţean Teleorman. Seria Arheologie 2, 179-195.
Bucureşti: Renaissance.
Mills, S. 2009. ‘We opened up a really nice porcelain door handle’. In M. J. Allen, N.
Sharples and T. O’Connor (eds), Land & People: papers in honour of John
G. Evans, 19-30. Oxford: Oxbow Books.
Mills, S. 2009. High-resolution study and raster interpolation of early Neolithic pit
features at Mǎgura-Buduiasca, Teleorman County, southern Romania. In E.
Ţânţăreanu (ed.), Buletinul Muzeului Judeţean Teleorman. Seria Arheologie
1, 55-66. Bucureşti: Renaissance.
Mills, S. 2005. Sensing the place: sounds and landscape archaeology. In D.W. Bailey,
A. Whittle and V. Cummings (eds), (un)settling the Neolithic, 79-89.
Mills, S. 2005. Auditory archaeology. Conservation Bulletin, 47, 29-30.
S. 2005. Applying auditory archaeology to Historic Landscape
Characterisation: a report produced for English Heritage. Cardiff: Cardiff
http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/hisar/people/sm/aa_hlc/ [Accessed: 14/06/2011].
Mills, S. 2005. Auditory archaeology at Çatalhöyük. Çatalhöyük 2004 archive report.
http://www.catalhoyuk.com/archive_reports/2004/ar04_40.html [Accessed:
Mills, S. 2001. The SRAP GIS project. In D.W. Bailey, R. Andreescu, S. Mills and S.
Trick (eds), Southern Romania Archaeological Project: second preliminary
report, 29-38. Cardiff Studies in Archaeology 20. Cardiff: Cardiff School of
History and Archaeology, Cardiff University.
Mills, S. 2000. An approach for integrating multisensory data: the examples of Sesklo
and the Teleorman Valley. In C. Buck, V. Cummings, C. Henley, S. Mills
and S. Trick (eds), U.K. chapter of Computer Applications and Quantitative
Methods in Archaeology: proceedings of the fourth meeting Cardiff
University, 27 and 28 February 1999, 27-37. Oxford: British
Archaeological Reports.
Mills, S. 1999a. Fieldwalking. In D.W. Bailey, R. Andreescu and S. Mills (eds),
Southern Romania Archaeological Project: preliminary report 1998, 35-44.
Cardiff Studies in Archaeology 14. Cardiff: Cardiff School of History and
Archaeology, Cardiff University.
Mills, S. 1999b. Surface collections: grab techniques. In D.W. Bailey, R. Andreescu
and S. Mills (eds), Southern Romania Archaeological Project: preliminary
report 1998, 45-52. Cardiff Studies in Archaeology 14. Cardiff: Cardiff
School of History and Archaeology, Cardiff University.
Joint articles:
Bailey, D.W., Mirea, P., Thissen, L.C., Mills, S. and Andreescu, R. forthcoming. On
the early Neolithic in southern Romania: context, results, and agenda for
research. In D. Boric and M. Gurova (eds), Identities of the First
Neolithic Communities in the Balkans. Oxford: Oxbow.
Bailey, D.W. and Mills, S. 2011. Măgura past & present. In G. Velho (ed.), ArtLandscape Transformations, 33-40. Porto: GRECA Artes Gráficas.
Dănilă, C. and Mills, S. 2011. For pits’ sake. In S. Mills (ed.), Interventions: Măgura
past & present, 139-166. Bucureşti: Renaissance.
Macklin, M.G., Bailey, D.W., Howard, A.J., Mills, S. and Robinson, R.A.J. 2011.
River dynamics and the Neolithic of the Lower Danube catchment. In S.
Mills and P. Mirea (eds), The Lower Danube in prehistory: landscape
changes and human-environment interactions. Proceedings of the
international conference, Alexandria, 3-5 November 2010, 9-14. Bucureşti:
Mills, S. and Bailey, D.W. 2011. What is Măgura? And who do we think we are? In
S. Mills (ed.), Interventions: Măgura past & present, 11-37. Bucureşti:
Mirea, P. and Mills, S. 2011. The space-museum continuum: engage! In S. Mills
(ed.), Interventions: Măgura past & present, 237-255. Bucureşti:
Mills, S. and Pannett, A. 2009. Sounds like sociality: new research on lithic
contexts/technologies in Mesolithic Caithness. In S. B. McCartan, R.
Schulting, G. Warren and P. Woodman (eds), Mesolithic Horizons: Papers
presented at the Seventh International Conference on the Mesolithic in
Europe, Belfast 2005, 715-719. Oxford: Oxbow Books.
Radu, V., Bălăşescu, Mirea, P., Mills, S., Moldoveanu, K. Andreescu, R. and Bailey,
D.W. 2009. A ritual animal deposition found at Măgura ‘Buduiasca’
(Teleorman County). In E. Ţânţăreanu (ed.), Buletinul Muzeului Judeţean
Teleorman, Vol 1, 131-148.
Tringham R.E. (with Mills, S. and Ashley, M.). 2008. Remediated Places 2004-May
2007. Çatalhöyük 2007 archive report, 348-356. [Online]. Available at:
[Accessed 14/06/2011].
Tringham R.E, Mills, S. and Ashley, M. 2007. Senses of place: remediations from
text to digital performance. Visual Anthropology Review. [Online].
Available at: http://chimeraspider.wordpress.com/2007/09/19/remediatedplaces-final-draft/ [Accessed 14/06/2011].
Mulville, J. (with contributions from I. Dennis, C. Johns, S. Mills, A. Pannett and T.
Young) 2007. Island in a Common Sea: archaeological fieldwork in the
Isles of Scilly 2006. Cardiff Studies in Archaeology 28. Cardiff: Cardiff
School of History and Archaeology, Cardiff University.
Bailey, D.W., Andreescu, R., Howard, A., Macklin, M. and Mills, S. 2004. Alluvial
landscapes in the temperate Blakan Neolithic: investigating changes in fifth
millennium BC land-use. In N. Cauwe, M. Vander Linde, Ö. Tunca and M.
Lebeau (eds), The Copper Age in the Near East and Europe (Acts of the
XIVth UISPP Congress, University of Liège, 2-8 September 2001), 339-341.
Oxford: BAR.
Howard, A.J., Macklin, M.V., Bailey, D.W., Mills, S. and Andreescu, R. 2004. Late
Glacial and Holocene River Development in the Teleorman Valley on the
southern Romanian Plain. Journal of Quaternary Science 19 (3), 271-280.
Bailey, D.W., Howard, A., Macklin, M.V., Andreescu, R. and Mills, S. 2003.
Preservation and prospection of alluvial archaeological resources in the
southern Balkans: a case study from the Teleorman river valley, southern
Romania. In A. Howard, M. Macklin and D. Passmore (eds), Alluvial
archaeology in Europe, 239-249. Lisse: A.A. Balkema.
Andreescu, R., Bailey, D.W., Mills, S., Trick, S. and Mirea, P. 2002. Locuirea neoeneolitică din valea Teleormanului, zona Lăceni-Măgura (Southern
Romania Archaeological Project). In S. Marinescu-Bîlcu (ed.), Studii de
Preistorie, 33-46. Bucureşti: Asociaţia Română de Archeologie.
Bailey, D.W., Andreescu, R., Howard, A.J., Macklin, M.V. and Mills S. 2002.
Alluvial landscapes in the temperate Balkan Neolithic: transitions to tells.
Antiquity 76: 349-355.
Bailey, D.W., Andreescu, R., Thissen, L, Howard, A., Macklin, M., Haita, C. and
Mills, S. 2000. Landscape archaeology of Neolithic southcentral Romania:
aims, methods and preliminary results of the Southern Romania
Archaeological Project. Studii şi Cercetări de Istorie Veche şi Arheologie,
51 (3-4), 131-151.
Mills, S. 1996. Developing a form typology for Eneolithic pottery from the settlement
mound at Ovcharovo, northeastern Bulgaria. Unpublished BA dissertation,
University of Wales, Cardiff.
Mills, S. 1997. Towards a systematic approach to the study of visual experiences in
prehistory: investigations at Neolithic Sesklo, Greece. Unpublished MA
dissertation, University of Wales, Cardiff.
Mills, S. 2001. The significance of sound in fifth millennium cal. BC southern
Romania: auditory archaeology in the Teleorman River Valley.
Unpublished PhD dissertation, University of Wales, Cardiff.