Principles of Echidna Rehabilitation For Veterinarians, Veterinary Technicians and Volunteer Wildlife Rehabilitators Wildcare Australia Inc. PO Box 2379, Nerang Mail Centre Qld 4211 Telephone: (07) 5527 2444 Facsimile: (07) 5563 0058 Email: Website - This document is the property of WILDCARE AUSTRALIA INC. and is subject to copyright. It may not be copied, changed or distributed without the written consent of the authors or WILDCARE AUSTRALIA INC. © 2006-2010 For our wildlife “we are both their greatest enemy and their only hope. These wonderful creatures will not argue their case. They will not put up a fight. They will not beg for reprieve. They will not say goodbye. They will not cry out. They will just vanish. And after they are gone, there will be silence. And there will be stillness. And there will be empty places. And nothing you can say will change this. Nothing you can do will bring them back. Their future is entirely in our hands.” Bradley Trevor Greive. International Best-Selling Author and Passionate Wildlife Conservationist Priceless. The Vanishing Beauty of a Fragile Planet. Principles of Echidna Rehabilitation © Wildcare Australia 2006-2010 Page 2 of 69 Index Page Contributors Introduction 5 5 SECTION ONE Natural history and nomenclature Taxonomy Habitat (Distribution and home range Natural diet Anatomy and Physiology - General notes Anatomical features – Spines and fur, Weight and size Longevity, sex and sexual maturity Skeleton – overall view The skull Post cranial skeleton - Shoulder girdle Appendages – Forelimb Appendages – Hind limb Gait and walking tracks Brain and spinal chord Senses – vision, hearing, snout, smell Body temperature and water balance Digestion – role of snout and tongue Palate structure and ingestion of prey Excretion Reproduction – the annual cycle, courtship and copulation Male reproductive organs Female reproductive organs Egg laying and egg development Hatching Lactation and suckling Milk consistency Principles of Echidna Rehabilitation © Wildcare Australia 2006-2010 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14-15 16 17 18 19 20 21-22 23 25 26 27 28-29 29-30 31 32 33 34 35 Page 3 of 69 SECTION TWO Haematology Rescue Techniques Capture and handling Assessment Techniques Assessment Checklist Sedation techniques Taking blood samples Weighing the echidna Common reasons that echidnas come into care Trauma injury – Motor vehicle accidents Damaged snout x-rays Pain relief and antibiotics Housing for road trauma patients Artificial Heating Dog attack trauma Housing examples Other reasons that echidnas come into care Trauma quick reference chart Diets – Adults Common diseases – parasites, viruses, bacteria and fungi 36 37 38 39 40-41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 49 50 51 52 53-54 55 56-58 SECTION THREE Rehabilitating orphaned echidnas Special requirements and hygiene Record keeping Puggle development chart Puggle development photographs Feeding techniques and recipes Weaning and preparing the juvenile for release Release procedures Conclusion Reference List Acknowledgements 59 60 60 61-62 63 64-65 66 67 67 68 69 APPENDICES 69 Minimum Housing Standards Rescue and Examination Sheet Wombaroo feeding and Growth Chart Principles of Echidna Rehabilitation © Wildcare Australia 2006-2010 Page 4 of 69 Contributors Sharon Griffiths Vicky Carlsson Karen Scott All work edited by Dr Jon Hanger BVBiol, BVSc (Hons), PhD Introduction Echidnas are the oldest surviving mammal on the planet today, with five sub species of short-beaked echidnas, as well as their close relatives, the long-beaked echidnas; found in New Guinea. There are four subspecies of short-beaked echidna found in Australia, and although slightly different they will all be classed generally as echidnas throughout the remainder of the text. The first section of the notes discusses the wild echidna, with its range of anatomical and physiological variations, lifestyle, senses and general peculiarities! It is essential to understand and appreciate this unique animal and the way it spends its life, to be a successful echidna rehabilitator. The second section covers topics such as differentiating a sick echidna from a healthy one, undertaking a full examination of the animal, sedation techniques and their importance, taking blood samples and comparing these to a normal echidna parameters, typical reasons why echidnas come into care, appropriate pain relief methods and common diseases and their treatment. The final section looks at hand rearing orphaned echidnas and the total commitment needed to ensure a successful release. This section provides detailed puggle developmental charts, feeding techniques for each stage of development, notes on the weaning process and final release procedures. These notes aim to provide the relatively experienced wildlife rehabilitator, veterinary technician or veterinarian with a reference guide for the treatment and rehabilitation of echidnas. More comprehensive notes on echidna medicine can be found in the references at the end of these notes. Principles of Echidna Rehabilitation © Wildcare Australia 2006-2010 Page 5 of 69 Natural History of the Echidna Three species of giant monotremes once roamed Australia during the Pleistocene era; the largest of these species being Zaglossus hacketti, with reliable fossil records collected from Western Australia. However, monotreme fossils have also been found in Argentina suggesting that their distribution covered the southern regions of Gondwana, which is also supported by the existence of the long-beaked echidnas currently found in New Guinea (Rismiller, 1999). It is now known that the monotremes belong to the oldest order of mammals, and therefore echidnas and platypus are the oldest surviving mammals on the planet today (Rismiller, 1999). Nomenclature Monotreme Mono meaning ‘one’ and tremata meaning ‘hole’. This refers to its single opening cloaca (Rismiller, 1999). Tachyglossus Meaning swift tongue (Rismiller, 1999). aculeatus Meaning furnished with spines (Jackson, 2003). Principles of Echidna Rehabilitation © Wildcare Australia 2006-2010 Page 6 of 69 Taxonomy Class Mammalia Order Monotremata Family Tachyglossidae Genus/Species Tachyglossus aculeatus (Short beaked) (Australia) Sub-species T. a. acanthion Zaglossus bruijnii Zaglossus attenboroughi Zaglossus bartoni (Long beaked) (Long beaked) (Long beaked) (Papua New Guinea) (Papua New Guinea) (Papua New Guinea) T. a. aculeatus T. a. multiaculaetus T. a. setosus T. a. lawesii Figure 1: Source: Shows the species and sub-species of echidna. (Jackson, 2003). Table 1: Source: Showing the basic details of the 5 subspecies of Tachyglossus aculeatus. (Augee et al., 2006). Name T. a. aculeatus T. a. lawesii Distribution Eastern New South Wales and Victoria; Southern Queensland South Australia, especially Kangaroo Island New Guinea Lowlands T. a. setosus Tasmania T. a. acanthion Northern Territory, Northern Queensland, inland Australia and Western Australia T. a. multiaculaetus Principles of Echidna Rehabilitation © Wildcare Australia 2006-2010 Distinguishing Characters Spines project out of fur, which is relatively short. Many long, thin spines which project beyond the fur. Spines are long and stout with thick brown fur. Relatively few short spines with soft thick fur. Spines rarely protrude through the fur which is light brown in colour. Spines are long and stout. Fur is black, ‘bristle-like’ and sparse on the back. Fur is also absent on the ventral surface. Page 7 of 69 Habitat Distribution Figure 2: Shows the distribution of echidnas in the Australia mainland, Tasmania and many islands. Source: (Triggs, 2004). Echidnas are found all over Australia including regions of rainforest, dry sclerophyll forest and arid zones. Their numbers are lower in intensely managed farmland and outer city suburban zones, and local extinction occurs in heavily urbanized regions (Menkorst and Knight, 2001). They are able to survive extreme temperatures, with localised adaptions such as denser fur, in several sub species. Although echidnas are seldom encountered, they are widespread and their conservation status is considered to be ‘low risk’ (Menkorst and Knight, 2001). Home range Echidnas are solitary except at mating; but not territorial. They have overlapping home ranges which vary greatly in size and shape between individuals and the regions in which they are found. For example, research has shown that the mean home range for an echidna in Southern Queensland is 50 ha compared to 65 ha in the wheat belt area of Western Australia. Such overlapping and tolerance of other echidnas is often seen, when suitable hollows and crevices are in high demand, and echidnas are happy to share with several others of their species (Augee et al., 2006). In captivity, this tolerance of other echidnas has made housing echidnas in the same enclosure feasible, presuming that each of them is in a healthy and non-infectious condition (Augee et al., 2006). Principles of Echidna Rehabilitation © Wildcare Australia 2006-2010 Page 8 of 69 Natural Diet The short-beaked echidna is classed as a myrmecophage (ant and termite specialist); however, they will also eat larvae of other invertebrates such as the Scarab beetle, as well as other adult beetles and earthworms. The size of the prey is limited by the gape of the echidna’s mouth, which is around 5mm. The tongue can dart out and extrude up to 18cm to catch its prey, with the help of its very sticky saliva (Augee et al., 2006). The ferocity of many ant and termite defense systems is well understood by echidnas, and they generally choose to prey on the less defensive ants in the colony such as the larvae, queen ants, pupae and the winged ants. Being opportunistic feeders their diet is balanced mainly between ants and termites in the same proportions as they are found in their environment (Augee et al., 2006). To find its food the echidna is extremely reliant upon its snout. It will forage through the leaf litter poking its snout into rotting logs and other potential food sites, until it can detect either the smell or the electrical impulse of its potential prey. It will use its powerful forepaws to rip open logs to reach its prey, or may simply lie on top of a nonaggressive ant mount, and wait until the ants race over its awaiting tongue; whereby the tongue is quickly withdrawn into its mouth (Augee et al., 2006). Figure3: The echidna finds its food through the many receptors on its snout, and then uses its tongue to gather the crawling insects. Source: (Rismiller, 1999) Principles of Echidna Rehabilitation © Wildcare Australia 2006-2010 Page 9 of 69 Echidna Anatomy and Physiology Echidnas are very different in many ways to other mammals, exhibiting both reptilian and advanced mammalian characters (Walton and Richardson, 1989). They have been tagged as ‘primitive animals’, because they have maintained many of their ancestral characteristics (Plesiomorphies). These characteristics in no way hinder their function or adaption, in fact they have helped the species to survive (Augee et al., 2006). The following table outlines these Plesiomorphies and Apomorphies (derived characteristics found only in monotreme mammals). Table 2: Detailing the various characteristics found in echidnas and their revolutionary path. Source: (Augee et al., 2006). Apomorphies (Derived) Stocky, neck less body Short, stout limbs held horizontally from the body Snout formed by elongated nasal bone and mandibles Snout covered with skin rich in mechanoreceptors Electro-receptors in snout Limited development of external pinna (ear) Spur on hind legs Hind feet rotation outward Replacement of teeth with keratinized pads Plesiomorphies (Ancestral) Oviparity (egg-laying) Post temporal opening Large septo-maxilla (a wedge-shaped bone in the snout) Interclavicle and precoracoid in shoulder girdle These following adaptations have helped in their long term survival of bush fires, flooding, cold winters and hot summers because: Burrowing animals can avoid predators as well as extreme temperatures. Food sources are all found underground, which are easily located by electroreception, even in total darkness. Echidnas are able to tolerate acute asphyxia such as airway blockage or chronic asphyxia such as high carbon dioxide levels and low oxygen levels (Augee et al., 2006). Principles of Echidna Rehabilitation © Wildcare Australia 2006-2010 Page 10 of 69 Anatomical Features of the Echidna Spines and fur The echidna’s spines cover its head, back and tail with only a covering of fur on its ventral surface. The spines are generally straw-coloured with black tips, and are both strong and sharp; the purpose of these spines being purely for defense. When threatened, an echidna will dig down vertically onto the soil with its spade-like paws, until only its spiny covered back protrudes (Menkorst and Knight, 2001). The echidna’s fur ranges in colour from black to straw with thickness varying greatly depending on geographical location. For example in north and central Australia its fur is both short and very sparse, whereas in Tasmania its fur is so long and thick that the spines are almost entirely obscured. Underneath the fur and spines the echidna’s skin is very dark brown to black in colour (Menkorst and Knight, 2001). Figure 4: Source: Compares the density of fur in Australian sub-species. (Menkorst and Knight, 2001). Weight and size Short-beaked adult echidnas can weigh anywhere between 2 to 7kgs, with their head to tail measurement varying between 230 – 350mm, from tip of snout to anus. Their tail length measures between 85-95mm from anus to the tail’s distal tip, and their snout is around 55mm long (Menkorst and Knight, 2001). However, neither the size nor weight of an echidna is a useful indicator of age, maturity or gender. Some 12 to 18 month old echidnas can actually weigh less than they did when they were weaned off their mother, if they have had difficulty in learning to forage for themselves. Sexually mature males can also drop considerable amounts of weight after mating, due to the extra energy used up when following the females (Rismiller, 1999). Principles of Echidna Rehabilitation © Wildcare Australia 2006-2010 Page 11 of 69 Longevity Echidnas have been recorded as living up to 49 years in captivity, with Philadelphia Zoo, USA holding the record. In the wild, a free-ranging echidna was observed over a period of 45 years, with this longevity of life span thought to be a result of their generally slow lifestyle (Augee et al., 2006). Unless an echidna has been observed since birth, it is very difficult to age an echidna. One such measure is the sheath covered spur on the inside ankle of both male and female juveniles. This sheath covered spur is evident from the puggle stage of development, and the sheath is shed as a general rule within the first 4 years of an echidna’s life. However, both male and female echidnas may retain one or both spurs, which unlike the platypus are inactive and not used for defense (Rismiller, 1999). Other helpful hints on aging echidnas are based upon: the thickness of their paw pads, skin condition on their feet, wear on the front claws and grey tinged hairs on their head. Older echidnas are also more cautious around unknown objects or animals, whereas younger echidnas are more curious (Rismiller, 1999). Sex and sexual maturity The sex of an echidna can be precisely determined only during the breeding season, whereby the mature female echidna will be followed by a ‘train’ of mature male echidnas. (Augee and Gooden, 1997). However, ultrasonography in a veterinary surgery will identify gonads, and palpation of the penis in males is possible once the echidna is anaesthetised. It has also been confirmed that although juvenile female echidnas possess a spur initially, it is not visible outside the “spur skin pocket” as an adult and may have been lost altogether. In contrast, the male echidnas spur continues to grow to lengths of 15mm and data suggests that they are invariably present as adults. Therefore, spur detection is a reliable means of sexing adult echidnas but cannot be positively used in the case of juveniles (Johnston et al., 2006). Sexual maturity is likewise an unknown entity. Research undertaken by Dr. Peggy Rismiller has suggested that female echidnas become sexually active at around 5 years of age and normally have their first puggle at age 6 or 7. Male age at sexual maturity has yet to be determined through research (Rismiller, 1999). Principles of Echidna Rehabilitation © Wildcare Australia 2006-2010 Page 12 of 69 Skeleton – overall Notes: 1 – Cervical ribs 2 – Shoulder girdle 3 – Sternal ribs, 4 – Epipubic bone 5 – Perforate acetabulum 6 – Post-temporal foramen 7 – Dentary and lower jaw bone Figure 5: Source: Shows the basic overall drawing of an Echidna skeleton. (Augee and Gooden, 1997) Figure 6: Shows an entire body x-ray of an Echidna. Source: The Australian Wildlife Hospital Principles of Echidna Rehabilitation © Wildcare Australia 2006-2010 Page 13 of 69 Skull Figure 7: Diagrams showing the ventral, dorsal and lateral views of the Echidna skull. Source: (Walton and Richardson, 1989) Code A Bs D E F Fm = = = = = = Fo Fp Gf Mb = = = = Mx N Oc = = = Os = Pmx Tm = = Zp = Alisphenoid Basisphenoid Dentary Ectopterygoid Frontal Foramen magnum Foramen ovale False palate Glenoid fossa Manubrium of malleus Maxilla Nasal Occipital condyle Ossification in sphenoparietal membrane Premaxilla Tympanic membrane Zygomatic process of maxilla The echidna skull fuses early in development which leaves very few observable suture lines. The skull is bird-like with a large domed cranium which houses a relatively large brain. The floor of the cranial compartment is made of a cribiform plate which is perforated along its length, to allow the many olfactory nerves to pass through from the olfactory senses in the epithelium of the snout, to the olfactory bulb of the brain (Augee et al., 2006). The long thin tubular snout is formed from extensions of the premaxillary, septomaxillary and maxillary bones. The snout is completely lacking in dentition, but is perforated by many small holes which house the many branches of the trigeminal nerve. The nasal cavity opens at the nostrils which are dorsally located, at the anterior end of the snout (Augee et al., 2006). Principles of Echidna Rehabilitation © Wildcare Australia 2006-2010 Page 14 of 69 The dorsal and lateral sides of the skull roof show scars, where the origin of strong straplike muscles extend to the shoulder insertion point of the echidna. These powerful muscles cover the neck region; obscuring its presence. The zygomatic arches are very thin because they are not needed as muscle attachment points for the chewing action as in other mammals. The tympanic bone is not covered by a bulla, with only a small bony overhang to provide protection for the middle ear (Augee et al., 2006). The lower jaw is formed from two bones called the right and left dentaries, and is the most basic form of lower jaw in any mammal. These dentaries are thin splinter-like structures, weakly fused at the symphysis and loosely articulated at the glenoid fossa. These bones are basic in design because they are not greatly involved in the grinding of the echidnas food. The opening and closing of the echidna’s mouth is quite unusual, as the lower jaw does not lower as such, but instead rotates about its long axes, through the use of longitudinal ligaments, to allow the tongue to dart in and out to catch its prey (Augee and Gooden, 1997). Figure 8: Source: Shows a photograph of an echidna’s skull, with the dentaries and sensory nerve foramen. (Augee et al., 2006) Principles of Echidna Rehabilitation © Wildcare Australia 2006-2010 Page 15 of 69 Postcranial Skeleton The echidna possesses 7 cervical vertebrae as in most mammals. The first two are the atlas and axis as in other mammals; however the similarity ends here. The remaining 5 cervical vertebrae are fused to ribs as seen in reptiles (Walton and Richardson, 1989). The remaining vertebrae are: 16 thoracic, 3 lumbar, 3 sacral and 12 caudal. There is no clear difference between the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae, as all their spinous processes point caudally (Augee et al., 2006). The echidna’s ribs are similar in structure to that of birds, being heavily ossified, with broad, overlapping sternal ribs attaching directly to the sternum without cartilage. The ribs are also unusual in the fact that they do not possess a head and tubercle as in other mammals, but instead the rib attaches directly to the side of the vertebrae (Augee et al., 2006). Appendages (Forelimbs) Figure 9: Shows the ancient nature of the echidna’s pectoral shoulder girdle. Source: (Augee and Gooden, 1997). Notes: 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: Clavicle Epicoracoid Coracoid Presternum Interclavicle (Precoracoid) Glenoid Fossa Scapula The shoulder girdle closely resembles that of a crocodile or other large reptile, as it possesses two clavicles, two scapulae (with acromian processes at the anterior borders), two coracoids, two epicoracoids and a medium T-shaped interclavicle; the latter not being found in any other mammal (Walton and Richardson, 1989). This structure provides rigidity and stability with a wide horizontally oriented humerus sitting deeply into the glenoid fossa. The distal end of the humerus increases in width, which provides an ample muscle attachment surface for greater digging and climbing power (Augee et al., 2006). Principles of Echidna Rehabilitation © Wildcare Australia 2006-2010 Page 16 of 69 Figure 10: Source: Shows the forelimb structure of the echidna with its horizontally held humerus and wide digits. (Rismiller, 1999). The humerus is held at right angles to the body and rotates about its axis during locomotion. The radius and ulna articulate with a condyle of the humerus in a ‘quasispiral’ configuration. The manus consists of 5 digits, with wide, spade-like claws which make plantar contact directly beneath the glenoid (Walton and Richardson, 1989). These digits form shovel like structures when the echidna digs for its prey (Augee et al., 2006). Principles of Echidna Rehabilitation © Wildcare Australia 2006-2010 Page 17 of 69 Appendages (Hind limb) Figure 11: Showing the unusual pelvic joint which allows the hind limb to reach any part of the body, and the rotated hind leg which makes the hind feet appear to be facing backwards. Source: (Rismiller, 1999) The short pelvic girdle is more advanced than the shoulder girdle, with the iliac blade directed cranially and dorsally. The echidna pelvis has an incomplete symphysis through the acetabulum, similar to birds. Its epipubic bones are attached to the cranial margins of the pubis as in most marsupial mammals (Augee et al., 2006). The femur is short and stout, and projects laterally from the body. Therefore locomotion is through rotation (approximately 45o) about the proximal-distal axis (head of femur to patellar groove), along with elevation and depression of the femur (Walton and Richardson, 1989). The kneecap has a broad groove for the kneecap and flat femur condyles. The tibia and fibula are both rotated caudally, which rotates the hind foot outward and backwards. There are 5 digits on the hind foot but the claws are primarily for grooming not digging. Digit 1 is small, whereas the digits 2-5 are longer and stronger. A spur is present on the echidna’s ankles, but these spurs are not connected to a venom gland (Augee et al., 2006). Principles of Echidna Rehabilitation © Wildcare Australia 2006-2010 Page 18 of 69 Gait The echidna’s gait is best described as a slow, rolling walk, with the two legs on one side of the body moving in unison, followed by the two legs on the other side of the body (Triggs, 2004). Figure 12: Source: Shows the front and hind feet of the echidna. (Triggs, 2004) Figure 13: Shows the walking track pattern of the echidna. Source: (Triggs, 2004) Principles of Echidna Rehabilitation © Wildcare Australia 2006-2010 Page 19 of 69 Brain and spinal chord Figure 14: Shows the left view of an echidna brain. Source: (Augee et al., 2006) Notes: Alpha and beta sulci. A = Auditory M = Motor S = Sensory V = Visual The size of the echidna brain is about the same size as a domestic cat, with 36% of the neocortex buried in the multi-folded convolutions, allowing a greater amount of cortex to be fitted into the skull area. The position of the visual, sensory, and auditory areas of the echidnas brain are like no other mammal. Almost half of the sensory area of the brain is allocated to the snout and tongue. The trigeminal nerve and its related nuclei in the brain are also greatly exaggerated. It is therefore no wonder that the olfactory bulb, and the paleocortex (older portion of the cerebral cortex); both related to the sense of smell, are also greatly enlarged (Augee et al., 2006). Another unusual feature of the echidna’s brain is the extent of the pre-frontal cortex, (known in humans as the silent area due to its lack of motor response). The echidna’s pre-frontal cortex takes up 50% of the cerebral cortex. Although there is no clear reason for its increased size, it has once again been linked to olfactory information and information received from the electroreceptors on the snout, due to the large mass in the dorso-fronto-medial thalamus which projects to the frontal cortex (Augee et al., 2006). The echidna’s spinal chord is short and ends at the 7th thoracic vertebrae. This shortness allows the echidna to roll into a tight defensive ball without over-stretching its spinal chord in the process. The ‘cauda equina’ is a resilient sheath of nerve roots radiating from the distal end of the spinal chord. The only other dissimilarity between the echidna and other mammals in regards to its spine, is that the motor and corticospinal nerve tract crosses from one side of the brain to the other in the pons (Augee et al., 2006). Principles of Echidna Rehabilitation © Wildcare Australia 2006-2010 Page 20 of 69 Senses Vision The echidna’s eyes are black and bead-like and sit at the base of the snout. They have both rods and cones (10 – 15%), and therefore are able to see in black and white, and colour. The optic nerve fibres cross over to the other side of the brain at the optic chiasma. Eyesight is not an essential sense for echidnas, and blind specimens have been known to survive (Augee and Gooden, 1997). Hearing Spines cover the external parts of the echidna’s ears with much of their structure being similar to other mammals. However, the echidna’s ‘oval window’ is not oval but round; similar to birds and reptiles, and its cochlea has a banana shaped curve instead of a coil as in other mammals. The chain of bones in the middle ear are firmly locked to the skull bone, and therefore whenever the snout is tapped on the ground vibrations travel directly back to the cochlea. The echidnas cochlear has adapted to hear frequencies of 5 KHz proficiently, which is exactly the type of frequency emitted by ants and termites (Augee and Gooden, 1997). Taste A sense of taste is gained through two slits forming a ‘V’. These slits are located on the dorsal surface of the caudal end of dental pad of the tongue, and lead down to an area of taste buds. Further taste buds are located laterally and caudally to the dental pad, which are perfectly located, as this is the area where the prey is crushed (Walton and Richardson, 1989). The snout The snout is an extremely important sensory feature for the echidna. The snout is used not only for odour detection but also temperature and touch, through the use of sensitive receptors. The electroreceptors are similar to those possessed by the platypus, but found in no other terrestrial animal. They are able to detect small electrical currents which are transmitted to the brain through the trigeminal nerves, and are thought to be used to hunt for food (Augee and Gooden, 1997). Principles of Echidna Rehabilitation © Wildcare Australia 2006-2010 Page 21 of 69 Figure 15: Source: Shows the echidna’s snout and related sensory areas. (Augee and Gooden, 1997). The echidna’s sense of smell is extremely important and used for many of its daily habits. It is used by males to detect females in the mating season, used to detect the odour given off by termites and ants, and also used by the newly hatched puggle to detect the mother’s areola region prior to feeding (Augee and Gooden, 1997). The following figure shows the nasal passage and its complex labyrinth of bone, supporting a large area of epithelium, rich in odour receptors. Figure 16: Shows the nasal passages within the echidna’s skull Source: (Augee and Gooden, 1997) Principles of Echidna Rehabilitation © Wildcare Australia 2006-2010 Page 22 of 69 Body Temperature Along with the platypus, echidnas have the lowest body temperature of any mammal. Their normal temperature is 33oc, and normally never goes above 34 oc. Voluntary (striated) muscle normally maintains their body temperature above 30 oc, but it can drop as low as 20 oc if very inactive (Augee and Gooden, 1997). Echidnas also use insulated microclimates such as those found in hollow logs and burrows as well as the external temperature through basking, to control their body temperature. In extreme cold, echidnas will hibernate from as early as February until August. During this period they lose around 3% of their body fat every month. Mature echidnas will stop hibernating in August even though it may still be winter, in order to mate, whereas immature echidnas may extend their hibernation for several more weeks until the external temperature increases (Augee and Gooden, 1997). Echidnas have a low metabolic rate compared to other mammals. It takes a third less oxygen to keep one gram of echidna tissue alive compared to either dog, cow or man, which also relates to the need for 2/3rd’s less food (energy) intake. This low metabolic rate may be due to its reliance on termites and ants, and its burrowing activity (Augee and Gooden, 1997). The greatest problem facing echidnas in most parts of the Australia is heat. A body temperature greater than 34oc will kill an echidna. Echidnas possess no sweat glands and do not pant. Blood flow to the skin helps to cool the echidna, but echidnas will avoid excessive heat by burrowing, seeking shaded areas or simply reverting to dusk and dawn activity patterns. Echidnas are able to swim and have been observed doing so during excessive heat (Augee and Gooden, 1997). Principles of Echidna Rehabilitation © Wildcare Australia 2006-2010 Page 23 of 69 Water Balance The snout plays a key role in conserving water in a process called ‘countercurrent heat exchange’. Inhaled air makes contact with moist tissue in the bony labyrinth, and is warmed before meeting the lungs. Exhaled air is cooled as it passes down the snout, and moisture is left behind on the inside of the snout for the next inhalation (Augee and Gooden, 1997). Urine is one means of water loss, with the echidna kidney function and structure being similar to other mammals, except that they do not possess Loops of Henle, but do possess dwarf sized nephrons. Faeces and some evaporation from the skin are the two other examples of water loss experienced by the echidna. The following table details a 3kg echidna’s water loss at air temperatures of 25oc. Table 3: Source: Shows water loss from the echidna’s body on a daily basis (Augee and Gooden, 1997). Water loss area Respiratory tract and skin Urine Faeces Grams of water lost per day Total 51 g 60 g 9g 120 g Moisture is gained primarily through the echidna’s diet of termites. Termites contain 77% water, and along with the release of water through the metabolism of the protein and fat in the termite diet, the echidna needs only eat around 150g of termites per day to make up the water loss of 120g as seen in table 3. Echidnas will drink water and also take up droplets of dew found in desert environments; similar to other desert living animals (Augee and Gooden, 1997). Principles of Echidna Rehabilitation © Wildcare Australia 2006-2010 Page 24 of 69 Digestion The role of the snout As previously mentioned the snout is used to search for prey. It is a particularly well adapted instrument, with its wedged shape, able to pry into holes as well as make its own holes into termite and ant nests. It can also be used to crush prey that are too big to fit into the echidna’s small mouth. The tongue The tongue of the echidna is the main tool used to pass food into the mouth, and is shot out of the mouth at a rate of up to 100 times per minute. It is oval shaped in cross section and can reach up to 18cm in length, fully extended. It has two distinct regions; an extendible round rostral region and a fixed caudal region. The anterior region is very flexible and can bend into a ‘u’ shape at its tip. The tongue extension is achieved through two bundles of longitudinal muscles at the back of the tongue surrounded by circular muscles. Figure 17: Source: Shows the cross section of an echidnas tongue. (Augee and Gooden, 1997) Figure 18: Source: Principles of Echidna Rehabilitation © Wildcare Australia 2006-2010 Shows an anesthetized echidna with its tongue extended. The Australian Wildlife Hospital Page 25 of 69 Figure 19: Shows the grinding apparatus of the tongue and ridged palate. Source: (Augee et al., 2006) Ingestion of prey Unlike the general hinge joint associated with the mandible of most mammals, the echidna’s two long thin mandibles rotate about their axis and swing the mouth outwards. This action opens the mouth only enough to release and withdraw the sticky tongue (Augee et al., 2006). The sublingual salivary glands empty their treacle-like secretions onto the tongue creating a very sticky surface, which the ants and termites adhere to easily. Once the ants are inside the mouth they are crushed between two sets of keratinised spines; one located on the palate and the other located on the dental pad, at the base of the tongue. The feeding regime is very efficient, with an echidna being able to eat up to 200g of termites/ants every 10 minutes (Augee et al., 2006). The echidna’s gastric lining consists of cornified stratified squamous epithelium, which further breaks down the exoskeletons of the insects mechanically. Digestion occurs in the small intestine with the caecum being greatly reduced and unused. The intestine is long, to make up for the lack of peptide digestion. The intestinal mucosa excretes the enzymes maltase and isomaltase, to breakdown maltose and isomaltose sugars, and trehalase to breakdown trehalose; the primary sugars found in insects (Booth, 1999). The digestive process takes quite some time, with 200g of termites taking two days or more to clear (Walton and Richardson, 1989). Principles of Echidna Rehabilitation © Wildcare Australia 2006-2010 Page 26 of 69 Excretion Figure 20: Source: Shows typical echidna scats. (Triggs, 2004). Echidna scats are long cylinders up to 2cm in diameter. They contain small particles of insects, and are often covered by a thin layer of mucous. The scat’s colour varies depending on the soil type found in the echidna’s home range; as dirt is also ingested with their uptake of insects. The scats have a strong earthy smell when fresh, but very little smell when dry (Triggs, 2004). As previously stated, the echidna’s kidneys resemble other mammals in their structure apart from a few minor changes. Therefore, echidnas are ‘ureolitic’, with their end product of protein catabolism being urea, and the end product of purine metabolism being uric acid. The echidna is able to produce hypertonic urine, a useful mechanism in dry arid home ranges, with urine concentrations reaching up to 2,300 m Osmkg -1 (Walton and Richardson, 1989). Principles of Echidna Rehabilitation © Wildcare Australia 2006-2010 Page 27 of 69 Reproduction The reproduction life cycle of the female echidna can be seen in Figure 21. Hibernation is a common practise in colder states but will not be as important for echidnas in northern parts of Queensland. Figure 21: Source: Shows the annual cycle of a female echidna with her young. (Augee et al., 2006) Courtship The majority of the year is spent alone, in the echidna world. However, when a female is coming into season, usually between July and September, ‘trains’ of echidnas may be seen foraging around together from anywhere between 7 to 37 days. The echidna at the front of the train is always a female, and she may be followed by up to 10 males (Rismiller, 1999). The male who endures the courtship period, and remains closest to the female, may be the lucky one and have a chance to breed, when the female is receptive. However, it has been observed that males may also head butt each other in an attempt to be the chosen mate. The males are lured to the normally solitary female by a pheromone released as a glossy secretion found in her hibernaculum (Augee et al., 2006). Principles of Echidna Rehabilitation © Wildcare Australia 2006-2010 Page 28 of 69 Copulation The female echidna has been observed lying flat on her abdomen whilst the ‘chosen’ male digs a trench alongside her body. He is then able to lie alongside the female and get his tail under her tail, so that their cloacas are touching. His penis, normally around 7 cm long, is able to enter her cloaca and copulation can last from between 30 to 180 minutes, after which time they separate. The female will go back to her solitary life (Rismiller, 1999), and generally mates only once in a season. However, if she loses her first young, she can conceive a second time in the same season. In the meantime, the successful male may either go back to his solitary life, or rejoin further courtship chains. Females are thought to mate every second year, although this varies considerably between individuals (Augee et al., 2006). Male reproductive organs Figure 22: Shows the engorged penis of a male echidna, highlighting the two halves, each possessing two bulb-like knobs. Source: (Augee and Gooden, 1997) . Principles of Echidna Rehabilitation © Wildcare Australia 2006-2010 Page 29 of 69 Figure 23: Shows the male reproductive tract of an echidna. Source: (Augee et al., 2006). The male echidnas’ testes are ovoid in shape and suspended within the abdominal cavity; caudal to the kidneys. Sperm is ejaculated from the terminal epidydimis through a short vas deferens to the urogenital sinus. Sperm travels down this sinus and out via the urethra of the penis. Note that urine does not pass down this same urethra; but instead passes through the cloaca. Male echidnas do not have seminal vesicles or prostrate glands (Augee et al., 2006). The testes grow rapidly in size around early April; during the period of spermatogenesis and reach their maximum weight in August (8g of testes/kg of echidna body weight). By the end of September, the testis will have shrunken back to bean-sized organs (Augee et al., 2006). Sperm of the echidna is quite unique and both the sperm and means of maturation resemble that of birds, rather than other mammals. Principles of Echidna Rehabilitation © Wildcare Australia 2006-2010 Page 30 of 69 Female reproductive organs Figure 24: Shows the female echidna’s reproductive tract. Source: (Augee et al., 2006). Principles of Echidna Rehabilitation © Wildcare Australia 2006-2010 Page 31 of 69 Egg laying Figure 25: Source: Shows the developmental stages of the echidna egg. The shaded area represents the egg inside the mother’s reproductive tract, and the unshaded area shows the development of the egg, whilst in her pouch. (Tyndale-Biscoe, 1975). Figure 26: Shows the enlarged allantois during the pouch incubation period of the egg. Source: (Tyndale-Biscoe, 1975) Notes: Al = YS = Allantois Yolk sac The oviduct is the place of both fertilisation and the initial layer of the egg shell. Further secretions are added to the egg within the uterus until a cream-coloured, leathery shell has formed. The egg remains in the female reproductive tract for another 17 -21 days. The egg is about the size of a grape (13 – 17mm), oval in shape and weighs between 1.5 – 2 grams. Once the egg has been laid, it remains in the females pouch for a further 10 days. The temporary pouch is constructed through the thickening of the abdominal muscles and swelling of the mammary glands. During this period it is believed that the female echidna starts to construct her nursery burrow, which normally consists of a metre long tunnel with an enlarged area at the end. Further tunnels of a shorter nature may also connect to the final burrow, and all kinds of bedding materials may be incorporated into the nursery area. Dams may also re-use burrows from previous pregnancies (Augee and Gooden, 1997). Principles of Echidna Rehabilitation © Wildcare Australia 2006-2010 Page 32 of 69 Hatching Figure 27: Shows a new puggle hatching from the egg. Source: (Rismiller, 1999). The 0.3 – 0.4g puggle hatches from the egg by using its egg tooth and caruncle (hard pointed bump on the puggle’s snout), and uses its digits and claws to pull its way along the dam’s hair into the pouch area (Augee et al., 2006). Figure 28: Shows the newly hatched puggle with its egg tooth and translucent skin. Ingested milk is clearly visible through the skin. Source: (Walton and Richardson, 1989). Principles of Echidna Rehabilitation © Wildcare Australia 2006-2010 Page 33 of 69 Lactation It is important to consider the time of year for rehabilitating female echidnas, because they may be tending young either in their pouch or in a burrow. Therefore, it is essential that they be returned to their place of rescue as quickly as possible. Figure 29: Source: Shows the shaven abdomen of a lactating female echidna. The swollen mammary glands create the pouch and the milk patch, called the “areola” is clearly visible. (Augee and Gooden, 1997). The female echidna does not possess nipples to feed her young. Instead she has milk patches called ‘areola’ within her pouch, whereby up to 150 pores secrete the milk onto specialized hair follicles. The Puggle finds the areola via scent, and then proceeds to suck up the milk at a rapid rate, whilst encouraging milk letdown through ‘nuzzling’ (Augee et al., 2006). A Puggle is able to increase its weight by 20% in just a few hours of feeding, which is useful, because female echidnas may not resuckle their young for up to 10 days. On average the Puggle will gain 0.4g in weight for every milliliter of milk consumed. Once the Puggle starts to grow spikes (around 50 days and/or 200g), it will be removed from the pouch and left in the burrow whilst the mother forages for several days on end (Walton and Richardson, 1989). However, the mother continues to suckle her young when she returns to the burrow every 4-6 days, until the Puggle is around 200 days of age and weighs approximately 800 – 1300 g. Principles of Echidna Rehabilitation © Wildcare Australia 2006-2010 Page 34 of 69 The consistency of the milk changes as the young echidna grows. Table 4 indicates the general composition during the two main stages of lactation. Table 4: Source: Young hatchling milk ~12% solids Fat Protein Carbohydrates and minerals Highlights the change in milk composition produced by the female over the lactation period. (Walton and Richardson, 1989). Composition of solids 1.25% 7.85% 2.85% (Inc 8.3μml of iron) Mature juvenile milk composition ~48.9% solids Fat Protein Carbohydrates and minerals Composition of solids 31% 12.4% 2.8% (Inc 33μml of iron per ml) General notes on echidna milk Echidna milk contains very little free lactose, and therefore the main carbohydrates are fucosyllactose and sialyllactose. Mature milk consists of the following fatty acids: oleic acids (61%), palmitic (16%), palmitoleic (6%), linoleic (5%) and stearic (4%), with very little in the way of polyunsaturated fatty acids. The whey of the milk contains large amounts of iron-binding protein (transferrin), which is derived from the blood serum of the mother along with albumin, immune γ-globulin and other milk proteins. The pink-reddish colour of the whey, is due to the presence of the transferrin (Walton and Richardson, 1989). Weaning preparation time has shown the milk to contain the greatest amount of protein, probably needed to satisfy the growing keratin needs of the juvenile’s spines and fur, prior to emergence from the burrow (Augee et al., 2006). Weaning When the juvenile is around 200 days of age and weighing between 800 – 1300g, the mother will return to the burrow, dig the young out of the nesting area, and then emerge from the burrow with her young echidna. She will feed it one last time, and simply walk away leaving the burrow entrance open. She will not return to the burrow again, hence avoiding any further contact with her young (Augee et al., 2006). Principles of Echidna Rehabilitation © Wildcare Australia 2006-2010 Page 35 of 69 Haematology Table 5: Source: Shows the normal haematological and serum biochemistry of echidnas. (Booth, 1999). Analyte PCV (L/L) RBC (x 1012/L) Hb (g/L) MCV (fL) MCH (pg) MCHC (g/L) WBC (x 109/L) Neutrophils (x 109/L) Lymphocytes (x 109/L) Monocytes (x 109/L) Eosinophils (x 109/L) Basophils (x 109/L) Platelets (x 109/L) Sodium mmol/L Potassium mmol/L Chloride mmol/L Bicarbonate mmol/L Glucose mmol/L BUN mmol/L Creatinine mmol/L Calcium mmol/L Phosphorous mmol/L Cholesterol mmol/L Total protein g/L Albumin g/L Globulin g/L Total Bilirubin μmol/L Alanine Aminotransferase U/L Alkaline Phosphatase U/L Lactate Dehydrogenase U/L Aspartate Aminotransferase U/L Creatine Phosphokinase U/L Principles of Echidna Rehabilitation © Wildcare Australia 2006-2010 Short-beaked echidna (30 samples) 0.40±0.06 6.25 ± 0.85 145 ± 26 65 ± 5 23.8 ± 0.4 360 ± 50 11.95 ± 5.52 6.60 ± 3.86 5.11 ± 2.51 0.3 ± 0.27 0.08 ± 0.17 0 414 ± 125 138.7 ± 6.06 3.11 ± 0.58 94.66 ± 4.8 31.57 ± 6.16 4.83 ± 1.48 10.55 ± 2.97 0.07 ± 0.04 2.52 ± 0.35 1.76 ± 0.44 4.54 76.19 ± 11.51 37.94 ± 8.37 38.23 ± 5.22 5.88 ± 2.85 100 ± 32.93 161.17 ± 53.21 239.75 ± 136.28 321.21 ± 135.71 79.19 ± 37.76 Page 36 of 69 Rescue Techniques If an injured or sick echidna is reported, they should be taken to a wildlife veterinarian immediately for a full and thorough assessment. Echidnas are very spiky and hence handling can be tricky. However, if they are handled in a compassionate and gentle manner from the start, chances are they will be quiet, easy echidnas to rehabilitate. Echidnas will often avoid capture by digging themselves into the soil or other tight spots. It is very difficult to remove them without digging them out physically. Digging should be far enough from the animal to avoid further damage to limbs, snout or other body parts. Do not use a shovel to dig the echidna out – use your hands. To remove the echidna it is essential that the hole dug allows the rescuer access to the underbelly region of the echidna. To remove the echidna, place a hand just behind the forelimbs on the underbelly region. The echidna will tend to curl around the hand, creating a secure hold (Booth, 1999). Echidnas can also be picked up when rolled into a ball with thick leather gloves to protect the hands, however, most people prefer not to wear gloves, as they lose sensitivity to the echidnas movements (Jackson, 2003). A different method of handling can be used if the echidna is on hard ground, which makes it difficult to dig either side of the echidna to access its underbelly. One hind leg can be grabbed by the ankle and the echidna gently lifted off the ground until the second leg can be held. If the echidna’s hind leg is not accessible, touching the snout generally causes the hind limb to shoot out behind the echidna’s body momentarily, whereby it can be grabbed as in the previous fashion (Jackson, 2003). Do not use this method of handling if the echidna is suspected of being injured. For those that are not experienced with handling echidnas, the use of a pair good quality leather gloves are strongly recommended. Alternatively, use a thick towel (folded over) and wrap this around the echidna to pick it up. The towel method though makes it difficult to assess the back of the echidna. Keep in mind at all times that echidnas are escape artists and climb extremely well. Therefore, transportation must be in containers such as tall plastic bins with secure lids (holes must be drilled into the lid for ventilation). Layers of towels should be placed on the base and in hot weather, covered ice packs may also be placed alongside the container to keep the temperature below 25oc to avoid overheating (Booth, 1999). Principles of Echidna Rehabilitation © Wildcare Australia 2006-2010 Page 37 of 69 Figure 30 and 31 Above: Preferred method for handling echidnas. Source: Karen Scott Figure 32: Source: Shows the preferred methods of handling echidnas (Jackson, 2003) Principles of Echidna Rehabilitation © Wildcare Australia 2006-2010 Figure 33: Source: Shows the agility of echidnas. Australia Zoo Wildlife Hospital Photo Gallery Page 38 of 69 Assessment Techniques 90% of missed diagnoses are from not LOOKING rather than from not KNOWING In other words, you will miss or overlook more diagnoses because you have failed to observe your echidna fully and conduct a thorough, systematic examination, rather than because you are not trained. This applies to all wildlife, not just echidnas. Get into a set routine of working through an examination on every sick or injured animal that comes into your care. As unpleasant as it sounds, collecting dead bodies and performing examinations on them is a great way to learn, with the added benefit that you cannot hurt them! A thorough assessment of every echidna must be done as soon as it comes into care delays or the unwillingness to stress the echidna can cost it its life. A copy of an assessment sheet may be found in the appendices. Some very sick animals will show no outward signs of illness at all. In most cases a complete and thorough physical examination, including blood tests, x-rays, ultrasound and swabs will need to be performed before an accurate diagnosis can be given. These will all need to be done by a competent wildlife veterinarian and due to the secretive nature of the echidna the animal must be anaesthetised for the examination. These tests can take up to several hours to conduct. In some cases it may be necessary to administer first aid, such as fluid therapy, clearing an obstructed airway, controlling bleeding etc before completing your examination. If you have the echidna anaesthetised, this is easier, more humane for the echidna, and allows easy euthanasia if the disease or injuries are severe. Euthanasia of a sick or injured animal should only be undertaken when the animal is anaesthetised, except under exceptional circumstances, such as if you are in the field and do not have access to anaesthesia. Figure 34: Indicates how well an echidna can curl into a tight ball making assessment difficult without an anesthetic. Source: Karen Scott Principles of Echidna Rehabilitation © Wildcare Australia 2006-2010 Page 39 of 69 Assessment Check-List Clinical Signs Demeanour Healthy / Normal Bright Alert Responds to stimuli (eg being touched) Conscious Rolls into a tight ball when handled Sick / Injured Mobility/Limbs Can climb well with rolling gait Attempts to dig into substrate when approached/disturbed Quiet / depressed Distressed Unconscious Does not or is slow to react to stimuli Does not roll into a tight ball when handled (Indicative of shock, dehydration, injury) Does not attempt to dig into substrate when disturbed Abnormalities in movements (eg only using front legs, dragging a limb, falling over, swaying). Head tilted to one side (trauma) Paralysis (Indicative of trauma related injury) Sides of body concave Thin, sparse fur Body Condition Good body condition Rounded body Spines in good condition Breathing Barely discernible (handling may result in increase respiration rate) Easily discernible Noisy breathing (not bubbly noise) Head Symmetrical Abnormal symmetry Indentations Swelling Crepitation (Indicative of trauma related injury) Eyes Bright and shiny Principles of Echidna Rehabilitation © Wildcare Australia 2006-2010 Dull Sunken (dehydrated) Closed (pain/dehydrated) Protrusion (trauma) Swelling (trauma) Clear fluid (trauma) Nystagmus (head injury) Unequal pupil(s) (trauma) Unreactive pupil(s) (trauma) Page 40 of 69 Clinical Signs Healthy / Normal Sick / Injured Snout Black and shiny Straight Clear bubbles from nostrils Distorted (fracture) Blood from nostrils (trauma) Abrasions (trauma) Swelling (trauma) Dull/wrinkled (dehydrated) Spines Shiny A few missing spines is normal Some broken spines are normal Blood Missing spines that appear to be freshly broken Evidence of saliva Mouth/Jaw No discharge Symmetrical Misaligned jaw (trauma) Blood (trauma) Swelling (trauma) Crepitation (trauma) Cloaca Clean Free from discharge Pale pink in colour Pale in colour (dehydrated/shock) Diarrhoea Blood Lacerations Ears No discharge Blood Clear fluid (Indicative of trauma related injury) Parasites Faeces Urine Over abundance of ticks (in excess of 20-30 ticks) Fly blown / Maggots Coccidiosis in faeces Normal for faeces to be passed once to twice a week. Normal faeces have a very strong smell Diarrhoea (infection) No faecal output (constipation) Normal for urine to be passed every 1-3 days No urination (trauma or dehydration) Ticks are normal (echidnas are a natural host for ticks) Principles of Echidna Rehabilitation © Wildcare Australia 2006-2010 Page 41 of 69 Sedation techniques The anesthetic of choice is Isoflurane® administered by mask, T-piece and Isotec vaporizer; 5% for induction and 2-3% for maintenance, with an oxygen flow rate of 1-2 litres per minute. An induction box with perspex sides is good for initial induction, but a mask can be made from a 25mL syringe case. One word of warning, when placing the snout within the mask, do not allow the feet to push the snout out of the mask. Hold the mask very firmly against the patient as they are both stubborn and strong. ‘Alfaxan CD RTU’ (Alfaxalone 10mg/ml) @ 3mg/kg I.M. can also be used for induction, which is then normally coupled with gaseous Isoflurane®. Figures 35 and 36: Source: Shows inducation and maintenance of anaesthesia using Isoflurance and mask. Australia Zoo Wildlife Hospital Photo Gallery Normal vital signs for the echidna: Body temperature Heart rate Respiratory rate 23-32oc 96 ± 13 beats per minute 11 ± 3 breaths per minute Source: (Booth, 1999). Principles of Echidna Rehabilitation © Wildcare Australia 2006-2010 Page 42 of 69 Taking blood samples Blood samples can be taken from jugular, cephalic or femoral veins, although the easiest method is to take blood from a blood filled bill sinus, on the dorsal aspect of the beak, just caudal to the external nares. The echidna must be anaesthetised for this procedure. A 25 gauge winged infusion needle can be inserted centrally just through the skin and gentle suction applied to obtain 1-2mls (Booth, 1999). Figure 37: Source: Shows blood sampling using the ‘bill sinus’ technique. The Australian Wildlife Hospital Blood samples Slide 1 = Two neutrophils and one lymphocyte (WG stain) Slide 2 = Eosinophil (WG stain) Slide 3 = Monocyte and lymphocyte (WG stain) Figure 38: Source: Shows 3 typical blood samples taken from short-beaked echidnas. (Clark, 2004). Principles of Echidna Rehabilitation © Wildcare Australia 2006-2010 Page 43 of 69 Weighing the echidna Weighing an echidna can be achieved by either placing the animal in a bucket and hanging the bucket from the scales, or placing the echidna on a flat bed scale. Echidnas should be weighed regularly whilst in hospital and at least once per week once in a rehabilitation programme. Puggles must be weighed on scales that show the minimum of 1g increments. Figure 39: Source: Shows an echidna being weighed on a flat bed electronic scale. The Australian Wildlife Hospital Principles of Echidna Rehabilitation © Wildcare Australia 2006-2010 Page 44 of 69 Common Reasons Why Echidnas Come into Care From Wildcare Australia’s records of all animals that are rescued annually, only 0.2% will be echidnas. Echidnas require special rehabilitation permits, if a rehabilitator is to care for these animals, either as adults or juveniles. The carer must be both experienced and have the correct facilities to house these animals. Other , 10% Road trauma, 45% Dog attack, 45% Graph 1: Source: Itemises the reasons why echidnas come into care. Wildcare Australia rescue database. Principles of Echidna Rehabilitation © Wildcare Australia 2006-2010 Page 45 of 69 Trauma Injury Motor Vehicle Accidents Adult Echidnas are often injured due to encounters with motor vehicles. The echidna’s thick spiny covering can obscure many injuries, and this coupled with the inability of echidnas to vocalise, means that very often, the seriousness of their injuries is overlooked. Common signs of injury Broken quills, distorted beaks and an inability to move are all common injuries associated with road trauma. A careful look at the quills will often indicate the area that has taken the brunt of the impact. Examination without an anaesthetic is near impossible, due to the secretive nature of echidnas, and their ability to curl into tight spiky balls. Follow the sedation procedure as previously detailed. Thoroughly examine each area of the body for any signs of trauma. Clear mucous bubbling from the snout is normal, however if there is evidence of ‘bloody bubbles’, this often indicates serious trauma. Radiographs are essential to diagnose fractures within the body, particularly in the snout. Carefully feel for any ‘crepitus’ of the snout, indicating a fracture. Echidnas with unilateral beak fractures can be rehabilitated as long as the snout is not greatly distorted and the fracture site is not open. However, grossly distorted, compound or bilateral fractures, with visible bone fragments should be euthanased immediately. Fractured beaks that are aligned but visible on radiograph can heal well with confinement and medication. It is essential to remember that the snout is the echidna’s main method of finding food. Excessive damage tosensory regions on the end of the snout, as seen in figures 42 and 43, will not allow the echidna to survive in the wild. Principles of Echidna Rehabilitation © Wildcare Australia 2006-2010 Page 46 of 69 Figure 40: Source: Shows the x-ray of a normal echidna snout (Dorsal aspect) The Australian Wildlife Hospital Figure 42 and 43: Source: Figure 41: Source: Shows a unilateral fracture (Dorsal aspect) The Australian Wildlife Hospital Show bilateral compound fractures (Dorsal aspect) The Australian Wildlife Hospital Fractures to limbs are impossible to externally stabilise due to the echidna’s short stocky body and incredible strength. Internal surgical correction should be considered if any limb fractures are to be attempted. Principles of Echidna Rehabilitation © Wildcare Australia 2006-2010 Page 47 of 69 Pain relief It can be difficult to monitor pain in echidnas. They do not vocalize, but may lie laterally or dorsally, often shaking, if pain is severe. Pain relief is vital. Opioid and non-steroidal drugs are commonly given for 1-5 days. Often after this time the animal is comfortable. Table 6: Shows the commonly used drugs to manage pain in echidnas. Drug registered name Methone Temgesic Rimadyl Metacam Composition Dosage Methadone 0.2 – 0.5mg/kg hydrochloride 10mg/ml Buprenorphine 0.01mg/kg hydrochloride Carprofen Day 1 50mg/ml 0.4mg/kg Meloxicam 5mg/ml Day 2 -5 0.2mg/kg Day 1 0.2mg/kg Day 2 -5 0.1mg/kg Frequency Administration 4 to 6 hourly Intramuscular 8 to 12 hourly Intramuscular SID Subcutaneous SID Subcutaneous SID Intramuscular or subcutaneous SID Intramuscular or subcutaneous Commonly antibiotics are also given, despite no wounds being seen as healing can be difficult due to the ‘dirty’ nature of animal. Drug registered name Clavulox injectable Composition Dosage Frequency Administration Clavulanic acid 35mg/ml Amoxycillin 140mg/ml 1ml of suspension (20kg/BW) SID for 5 days Subcutaneous or intramuscular (into thigh muscle) Principles of Echidna Rehabilitation © Wildcare Australia 2006-2010 Page 48 of 69 Artificial Heat It has been very well accepted that echidnas do not tolerate high temperatures and their temperature should be maintained below 25ºC. Regulating their temperature in this way is believed to also assist with the reduction of pain. There have been some instances however where a sick or injured echidna has required a heat source for their recuperation. If an echidna in care is not progressing as well as expected and/or is not eating, try offering a heat source. This can be done by placing a heat pack or electric heat pad under the hospital enclosure at one end of the enclosure. Ensure that the enclosure is large enough however that the echidna can move away from the heat source if it desires. You should be able to gauge within a few hours whether the echidna actively seeks the heat source. Housing for road trauma patients Hospital cages are defined in the ‘Echidna Minimum Housing Chart’, found in the appendices section. If pain relief is adequate and temperature is carefully regulated to below 25°C, then the echidna will be comfortable. If these factors cannot be controlled, the echidna will constantly try to probe or self traumatise the snout. By adding an ice pack to the outside of the hospital box, you can often quieten the patient down, and it will seek out this area. Soft mulch should line the base of each hospital box to a height of 15-20 cm. Change the mulch once to twice per week. If the echidna has open wounds, replace the mulch with several soft towels or sheets. These will be required to be changed every 2-3 days or when soiled. Be conscious of vibrations created by walking too close to the echidna’s hospital box, particularly when they are unwell. Echidnas sense disturbance / movement and immediately react by burrowing. Hospital boxes should always be placed in a dark, cool, quiet ‘low traffic’ area. Fractured beaks require 2 – 4 weeks to heal, and generally the echidna is confined to a hospital box for this time. Little movement is preferred for the first week, which is achievable if pain relief and temperature are well controlled. After this time they may be observed to burrow and scratch within the mulch. Once comfortable, a meat mix (refer to recipes included under the diet section of these notes) should be offered every second night until eating resumes. Release should only be considered after feeding normally and actively seeking out both native and supplementary foods. Make sure the echidna is not merely stumbling over the food bowl. Prior to release termite mounds and hollow logs containing termites should be offered, to test the strength of the beak. A final radiograph should be taken after this activity to confirm damage to the fracture site has not occurred. Most adult echidnas take well to supplementary meat mixes after sometime in care. Water should be available at all times in a heavy low bowl. Principles of Echidna Rehabilitation © Wildcare Australia 2006-2010 Page 49 of 69 Figure 44: Source: Shows a typical hospital box for an echidna, with deep mulch and water bowl. The Australian Wildlife Hospital Dog Attack Echidnas that present with wounds are almost certainly the victims of dog attack. There maybe broken spines visible, but often saliva, dirt and deep wounds are seen. An anaesthetic is required in order to assess the severity of the wounds, and to administer fluids if required. Flush all dirt and debris from the wounds. Antibiotics are required whilst the wounds are visible, and Clavulox injections are the preferred choice. Again pain relief is of utmost importance. Non-steroidal drugs maybe adequate, however opioid based drugs are necessary to control severe pain. Oral medications are normally considered too difficult to administer to adult echidnas unless they are eating well and it can added into their food. In juvenile echidnas, oral medications will be well tolerated, if administered by syringe and cannula into the mouth. Due to the nature of the injuries, ‘wounded’ echidnas must be kept on fresh towels within the hospital box. The base towel is often damp with the covering towels being dry if possible. This set up depends on the external temperature. Towels will need to be changed every second day or sooner if soiled. A sturdy low water bowl must always be available. Once wounds heal, mulch can be substituted for the towels, but often at this time they are ready for release. Principles of Echidna Rehabilitation © Wildcare Australia 2006-2010 Page 50 of 69 Figure 45 and 46: Source: Show typical hospital boxes lined with fresh towels and cooler packs to maintain the temperature below 25oc. Australia Zoo Wildlife Hospital Photo Gallery. Figure 47: Large heavy duty plastic tub 120cm x 70cm x 60cm. These make excellent hospital enclosures for echidnas. Manufactured by Rapidplas “Poly Creep Box” Source: Karen Scott Figure 48: Large plastic tub. These make an excellent economical hospital enclosure for echidnas. Size – 50cm x 55cm x 80cm. Available through Bunnings Warehouse for approximately $55 each Principles of Echidna Rehabilitation © Wildcare Australia 2006-2010 Page 51 of 69 Other reasons that echidnas come into care The following pictures show other types of injuries that echidnas may sustain. Figure 49: Severe dermatitis Figure 50: Burnt snout tissue, evident after 2 days in care. Figure 51: Burnt spines (bush-fire Victim. Figure 52: Orphaned juvenile. All photographs sourced from The Australian Wildlife Hospital. The following pages detail a quick reference guide to typical traumas seen in echidnas, and how to manage the animal in a veterinary surgery. Principles of Echidna Rehabilitation © Wildcare Australia 2006-2010 Page 52 of 69 Trauma type Fractured beak (simple, unilateral) Assessment tools / techniques General anaesthetic – Isoflurane Alfaxan CD RTU I.M. ( 3mg/kg ) Radiograph essential. Fractured beak ( compound / bilateral / distorted ) Drug administration & Dose rates Housing Requirements and Outcome. Methone 0.2-0.5 mg/kg I.M (4 -6 hourly ) Temgesic 0.01mg/kg I.M. (8 -12 hourly ) Rimadyl 0.4mg/kg S.C. SID (initial dose then 0.2mg/kg SID additional doses) Metacam 0.2 mg/kg s/c SID ( initial dose then 0.1mg/kg SID additional doses ) Clavulox injection 1ml/20kg BW SID Hospital box (straight sided large plastic box – dimensions 690mm x 470mm x 450mm with strong lockable ventilated lid as per figure 42. Soft bark substrate, sturdy water bowl General anaesthetic – Isoflurane Alfaxan CD RTU I.M. ( 3mg/kg ) Outcome: if comfortable, prognosis good. Do not consider for treatment / rehabilitation. Euthanase – intravenous, intrahepatic, cardiac puncture. Radiograph essential. Broken Quills only Fractured Limbs General anaesthetic – Isoflurane Alfaxan CD RTU I.M. ( 3mg/kg ) Radiograph essential. General anaesthetic – Isoflurane Alfaxan CD RTU I.M. ( 3mg/kg ) Radiograph essential. As above Hospital box (as above) Soft bark substrate, sturdy water bowl Outcome: if comfortable, prognosis good. As above Euthanase unless surgical correction. Hospital box for surgical cases. Trauma type Dog Attack wounds Assessment tools / techniques General anaesthetic – Isoflurane Alfaxan CD RTU I.M. ( 3mg/kg ) Drug administration & Dose rates As above Outcome: if comfortable and able to keep clean, prognosis good. Radiograph, if suspected limb injury Juvenile / sub adult Disorientated, walking around ( <800 gm) No sign of trauma Found digging around house General anaesthetic – Isoflurane Alfaxan CD RTU I.M. ( 3mg/kg ) Antibiotics and pain relief may need to be administered if the juvenile has injuries, as in adult cases. Thoroughly check for injury and illness. Possibly looking for mother. Orphaned. Assess its ability to move, demeanour and general awareness. If rehabilitation is necessary, follow notes under – Feeding techniques, puggle development table and release procedures. Hospital box / outside pen required depending on level of development. Outcome : good prognosis If no injuries are found and demeanour is bright and responsive Release immediately to the exact location from where it was rescued if possible. Common to see this situation in suburbia. Keep dog / animals confined to allow echidna to move away. General anaesthetic optional if no adverse signs. Principles of Echidna Rehabilitation © Wildcare Australia 2006-2010 Housing Requirements and Outcome. Hospital box (as above) but with : Damp towels - changed every second day. Sturdy water bowl Page 54 of 69 Diet - Adults Recipes for meat mix Recipes 1, 2 & 5 are based on one meal for an adult echidna. These recipes offer variety to captive echidnas and maybe helpful to stimulate eating by stubborn patients. Recipes 3 & 4 are balanced diets depending on time of the year and should make up the bulk of captive echidna supplementary food. Ingredients Instructions RECIPE 1 50g lean beef mince 2 tbsp Wombaroo Small Carnivore 1 tbsp natural yogurt 1 raw egg 1 tbsp of high protein cereal (Farex®) RECIPE 2 ¼ cup Adult maintenance Eukanuba dry dog food. 1 tbsp Wombaroo Small Carnivore RECIPE 3 Summer Diet December June to RECIPE 4 Winter Diet July November Recipe 5 to 750g Prime grade beef mince 1/3 cup wheat bran ½ cup Wombaroo Small Carnivore (optional) 102g Glucodin® (glucose powder) 125ml Olive Oil 8g Calcium carbonate 8g Vitamin E Powder (Equine E) 2ml Soluvet® (bird vitamins) 750g Prime grade beef mince 1/3 wheat bran 3 eggs 286g Glucodin® (glucose powder) 56ml Olive oil 8g Calcium carbonate 8g Vitamin E powder (Equine E) 2ml Soluvet® (bird vitamins) ½ Wombaroo Small Carnivore Wombaroo Echidna milk (made as per manufacturers directions). 1-2 teaspoons of Farex® (optional) 1-2 teaspoons of Wombaroo Small Carnivore (optional) Mix all ingredients together. Add sufficient water to produce a moist slurry. This recipe will make approximately 80g of meat mix, of which juveniles normally consume 50g per meal. Soak dry dog food for 4 hours. Mash them together. Feed the whole amount to an adult echidna but only 50g to a juvenile. Mix all ingredients together. Take 60g of this meat mix and blend it with 50ml of water per feed per adult. Mix all ingredients together. Take 60g of this meat mix and blend it with 50ml of water per feed per adult. Can also be offered to adult echidnas. May be more readily accepted than meat mix diet, particularly those with fractured beaks. Note: All the recipes can be made en masse, then divided into individual portion sizes and frozen for future use. Live termites, ants and other small invertebrates can be added to the defrosted meat mix just prior to feeding. Common Diseases Parasites Coccidiosis Coccidian parasites of the echidna are: Eimeria tachyglossi Eimeria echidnae Octosporella hystrix Symptoms in adults - heavy infestations usually only cause mild focal enteritis but can cause bloody faeces. Symptoms in sub-adults – extensive villus loss, crypt hyperplasia, inflammation, death. Diagnosis Through wet faecal preparation and faecal floatation (Rose, 1999). Treatments Baycox (Toltrazuril 25mg/ml) at 10-20mg/kg, given orally for 2 days. Trimethoprim/sulphadiazine 5mg/kg of the trimethprim component, given I.M. once per day for 5 days (Booth, 1999). Sparganosis The parasites are: Spirometra erinacei (intermediate host being cats and dogs). Causes serious pathology in all ages of echidna. Tumour – like masses develop in subcutaneous tissue, up to 12 cm in size, surrounded by inflammation. Transmission is thought to be through drinking infected water (Booth, 1999). Aponomma concolor This ‘echidna tick’ infests wild and captive animals and in large infestations can cause anaemia and dermatitis. Only if the burden is very heavy should the echidna be treated Treatment Ivermectin 200μg/kg by S.C. into skin of neck or ventral abdomen (Rose, 1999). Nematodes Principles of Echidna Rehabilitation © Wildcare Australia 2006-2010 Page 56 of 69 Echidnas are host to many nematodes that affect the gastrointestinal tract, pulmonary tissues and subcutaneous tissues including: Parastrongyloides spp. Nicollina spp. Tachynema spp. Tasmanema spp. Ophidascaris sp. Dipetalonema sp. (Rose, 1999). Haemoprotozoa An Anaplasma marginale –like organism can affect the red blood cells, along with other blood protozoans such as Theileria tachyglossi and Babesia tachyglossi (Rose, 1999). Viruses Herpes virus A multisystemic infection that causes hepatitis and death. Pox virus Causes severe dermatitis. Adenovirus Causes cytomegalic inclusion bodies in the kidney (Booth, 1999). Bacteria Salmonella spp. Some are sub-clinical while others have caused septicaemia and death. Mycobacterium sp. Causes generalised chronic infection. Other fatal diseases recorded have been caused by the following bacteria: Staphylococcus sp. Streptococcus spp. Aeromonas sp. Proteus sp. Edwardsiella sp. (Booth, 1999). Principles of Echidna Rehabilitation © Wildcare Australia 2006-2010 Page 57 of 69 Fungi Microsporum gypseum. Associated with broken spines. Candida albicans Cultured from oesophagus and stomach of hand-reared juvenile echidna. Cryptococcus Causes pneumonia. Principles of Echidna Rehabilitation © Wildcare Australia 2006-2010 Page 58 of 69 Rehabilitating Orphaned Echidnas As with adult echidnas, a rehabilitator must hold a special rehabilitation license issued by their local Environmental Protection Agency. Although puggles do not require feeding every 2-3 hours like many other types of orphaned wildlife, tube feeding and other associated activities needed to raise a puggle are skilled tasks, and only very experienced carers should consider raising a puggle from a young age. On the following page is a puggle development sheet. It is designed to be used as a guideline only, and carers must realise that every animal is different. Specific requirements Dry skin A juvenile echidna’s skin may become dry when in care. Some carers use ‘Sorbelene’ lotion on the skin, however, it is normal for young echidna’s skin to be dry, and as long as the leaf litter within its housing is kept cool and damp (lightly spray every other day with water), this alleviates the problem (Jackson, 2003). Constipation and diarrhoea Puggles and juvenile echidnas do not have to be stimulated to pass faeces or urine. However, they can become constipated, and therefore their excretion times should be monitored and recorded. Constipation can be treated with ‘Microlax’ enemas (Jackson, 2003). Diarrhoea is often caused by Candida or Salmonella. Stress As with all wildlife, stress can kill young echidnas very easily. Consideration should be given to whether a carer is able to provide a very quiet environment free of domestic pets, before attempting to hand-raise a puggle (Jackson, 2003). Hygiene Hygiene as with all orphaned wildlife is of paramount importance. guidelines should be followed: The following Wash hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap, before and after handling the echidna. Ensure all bedding is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected regularly. Use only pre-boiled water to make up milk formulas. Clean any spilt milk, urine or faeces from the puggles skin with warm water only, as soon as possible, and dry thoroughly. Wash all feeding equipment in warm soapy water, and then sterilise by boiling for 10 minutes or soaking in ‘Milton’ or a similar product. Rinse before use in preboiled water. Always discard leftover milk - never reheat leftover milk (Jackson, 2003). Record keeping As puggles do not come into care very often, it is essential to keep accurate records for future reference. The following data should be kept: Time and date. Body weight before and after feeding in 1g increments (puggle stage) and then once weekly when in the outside pen. General activity and demeanour. Signs of trauma, injury or sickness. Amount of food offered. Amount of food taken. Medications administered and repeat veterinary visit details. Developmental stage changes. Release date and time. (Jackson, 2003). On the following page is a puggle development sheet. It is designed to be used as a guideline only, and carers must realise that every animal is different. Principles of Echidna Rehabilitation © Wildcare Australia 2006-2010 Page 60 of 69 Age and Weight 3 – 4 weeks 105 – 200g Normal stage of development Artificial housing Still pouch bound with mother Pink skin, no spines visible, eyes shut. Urination – expected every 3-4 days when animal is picked up. Defecation – expected every 1-2 weeks. Faeces – yellow/mustard colour, toothpaste consistency. Spines visible under the skin. Eyes close to opening. Skin starts to appear bluish. Small insulated box (plastic sides), no lid. Sterile pouches and cloths – secured with a peg. No external heating – air temp 23 – 28oc. Regulation of temperature can be obtained through the use of ice packs wrapped in a towel and placed in a corner of the esky. No stimulation needed for defecation or urination. As above. 6 weeks Eyes open. Fine spines through the skin. Skin distinct blue colour. As above. 2 months Spines 2mm length over entire body. Increased activity at each feed. As above. 3 months. Ear opening visible. Starting to climb and explore burrow. Place in container (690x470x455mm) with 20cm of dirt base. Bury a 30cm length of storm water PVC drainage pipe at a 45o angle, to act as a burrow. 5 weeks Food Offer off hand daily for 2-3 days at ratio of 10% of body weight. If no success, then tube feed. Tube feed 5% body weight every 36 hours. (See ‘Feeding techniques’ in the following section) Milk formula is <0.3 Wombaroo Echidna milk. Hand feeding every 48 hours. Start transition process to > 0.3 Wombaroo Echidna milk. (See separate feeding notes). Hand feeding every 48 hours at 10% of body weight. Milk formula >0.3 Wombaroo Echidna milk. Handfeeding every 48 – 72 hours at ratio 10% body weight. Milk formula >0.3 Wombaroo Echidna milk. Handfeeding every 48 - 72 hours at ratio 15% body weight. Milk formula >0.3 Wombaroo Echidna milk. Exercise prior to feeding by allowing roaming in a confined room, on a non-slip surface. Offer warm water on hand after each feed. Age and Weight 5 months 6 months Normal stage of development Active, starting to stand and walk. As above. Artificial housing Outside pen with access to hollows and leaf litter. See figures 53-56, for examples of the appropriate housing. Food Milk formula >0.3 Wombaroo Echidna milk offered in a bowl sprinkled with Wombaroo Small Carnivore Mix. Increase the amount of Wombaroo Small Carnivore Mix over the next 4 weeks until it has the consistency of a thick paste. Water bowl present in pen. Must weigh juvenile echidna’s minimum fortnightly from this point forward. Feed as often as the juvenile is active. Some juveniles may eat daily and some may eat every 23days. Cooler weather will mean less frequent feedings. As above. Feed meat mix +/- milk formula >0.3 Wombaroo Echidna milk (see attached meat mix recipes). 7-10 months Out of burrow. As above. Present termite mound in the 800 – 1000g Independent. pen. Faeces should resemble those of Mix termites into meat mix. normal adult echidnas, seen in 50g meat mix offered twice Figure 20. weekly. 1 tbsp of clean sifted dirt should be added to each feed. Milk +/- meat mix is offered as often as the juvenile is active Under 3 weeks of age, it is generally not feasible to hand raise orphaned puggles. Puggles can vary greatly in weight when first in care. Often weight losses are seen in the first few weeks until the puggle becomes settled. The above table is intended as a guide only. The ‘Wombaroo Feeding Chart’ can be found in the appendices section. Refer to the species coordinator for further advice. Principles of Echidna Rehabilitation © Wildcare Australia 2006-2010 Page 62 of 69 Puggle development photographs Figure 53: Shows a puggle around 4 weeks of age. Figure 54: Compares a 4 week old puggle to one that is between 5-6 weeks of age. Note the eyes are almost open and spines just starting to break through the skin. Figure 55: Shows a puggle around 2 months of age. Figure 56: Shows a puggle around 2-3 months of age, with a visible ear opening. Figure 57: Shows a puggle approximately 5-6 months of age drinking echidna milk mixed into a slurry with small carnivore mix. All photographs sourced from the Australian Wildlife Hospital. Feeding techniques and recipes For the first few days in care, the puggle should be offered the relevant Wombaroo Echidna Milk Replacer from the carer’s hand. For hygiene purposes the carer must scrub hands with ‘chlorhexidine scrub’ prior to feeding the puggle. The hands should be rinsed thoroughly and dried with a sterilised hand towel (Iron steam cleaned or autoclaved). Feeding steps Hand feeding technique: Carer to cleanse hands as above. Unwrap puggle and weigh; record weight and work out relevant quantity of milk to feed. Warm allocated quantity of milk and test on palmer side of wrist. Place puggle in an upright position sitting hind legs on clean towel, with front legs raised and perched onto feeding hand. Drizzle milk from a sterile syringe onto the palm of the feeding hand. The Echidna should probe the palm of the hand and ‘slurp’ the milk. Their tongue remains in their mouth, and it is very much a sucking action. Once milk has been consumed or echidna is reluctant to drink further, begin cleaning the puggle with warm water and a clean face washer. Re-weigh the puggle to ascertain amount of milk consumed. Replace into a clean pouch. The puggle will tend to fall asleep at this point. Figure 58: Echidna being hand-fed. Principles of Echidna Rehabilitation © Wildcare Australia 2006-2010 Page 64 of 69 Tube feeding For the first few days in care the puggle may be reluctant to eat directly off the carers hands. However, the milk should always be offered daily in this manner to encourage self feeding. After three days of offering the milk without success, the carer must progress with tube feeding. Tube feeding is a complex process and should only be carried out by experienced carers or with veterinarian supervision. Tube feeding has the potential to cause inhalation pneumonia if the tube is incorrectly placed. A new sterile infant gastric feeding tube (IGFT) should be used for this process every time. The gauge of the tube is dependant upon the age of the puggle – Up to 4 weeks of age - 5fr IGFT Over 4 weeks of age – 8fr IGFT Tube feeding technique (Preferably a two person operation) Carers to cleanse hands as above. Unwrap puggle and weigh; record weight and work out relevant quantity of milk to feed. Warm allocated quantity of milk and test on palmer side of wrist. The length of tube needed to reach the puggle’s stomach must be measured. To do this, place the end of the tube at the puggle’s stomach area and then line up the tube along the simulated oesophagus up to the tip of the beak. Take a note of this required length. Over insertion causes the tube to coil inside the stomach and can re-enter the oesophagus. Draw up the milk into feeding syringe and attach this to the feeding tube. Prepare the feeding tube ready for insertion by lubricating the end with KY jelly. First carer should hold the puggle firmly on a clean towel with snout raised upward. Second carer should carefully insert the tube into snout from the side of the mouth to the designated marking on the tube. The carer must hold the junction between the syringe and the tube with one hand (as the milk is very thick and difficult to dispense), whilst depressing the syringe with the other hand. Once the required quantity of milk has been given the tube should be ‘kinked off’ and carefully removed. A small drop of milk should be applied to the outside of the mouth once the tube is removed, in order for the puggle to get a taste of the milk and stimulate food acceptance. Re-weigh the puggle to ascertain amount of milk consumed. Replace puggle into a clean pouch. Principles of Echidna Rehabilitation © Wildcare Australia 2006-2010 Page 65 of 69 Weaning and preparing the juvenile echidna for release The weaning process starts when the echidna juvenile is around 7 months of age (200 days); as in the wild. However, unlike the natural method of weaning displayed by the mother, the rehabilitation process is a little slower. By 7 months the echidna juvenile has already been outside in a purpose built pen for 2 months. It has been fed a diet of ‘meat mix’ and echidna replacement milk. At the weaning stage the milk feeding ceases, and termites are introduced to the diet. The handling of the echidnas at this stage must be kept to a minimum (weekly weighing only), and observation should be from a distance. Figure 59: Shows an outside pen for an echidna Figure 60: Shows the deep leaf litter and vegetation. Note the shade cloth cover for protection from the heat. Figure 61: Shows the sturdy water bowls and hollow logs for burrowing. Figure 62: Shows a bank of echidna pens with leafy overhangs. All photographs sourced from the Australia Zoo Wildlife Hospital Photo Gallery Release procedure Echidnas are best released according to climatic conditions. For instance, respected echidna rehabilitator Helen George, releases her echidnas in September, one year after they were born, whereas other carers in warmer climates release their echidnas in autumn (May to June) to stop them becoming overweight in care. Whatever the time of year of the release, it is expected that the echidna will drop body weight in its first year after weaning, both in wild and hand reared sub-adults. A soft release with a carer or other interested party is the best method of release, where a pen can be constructed on the release property. The echidna should be allowed to remain in the pen for a couple of days to get over the stress of travelling to the property. The door can then be opened and the echidna is able to move off at its own pace. Supplementary feeding for the first weeks or so, may help the echidna settle into the area until it can develop it own home range. Alternatively, just before dusk, the echidna can be placed in a large fish tank, a clean 44 gallon drum, plastic hospital box or other suitable container, which should be placed on its side. A thick layer of soil and leaf litter should line the inside of the container. The echidna is then free to move off at its own pace (Jackson, 2003). If the echidna needs to be tracked for research, tracking devices or simple coloured straws can be glued to the spines of the echidna prior to release (Jackson, 2003). Conclusion Echidnas are in care for some considerable time when orphaned and adult echidnas are normally badly injured when they come into care. Therefore, it is essential that the rehabilitator be aware of the commitment and specialised skills needed for this species, before they consider taking on these amazing animals. Reference List Augee, M., Gooden, B., 1997. Echidnas of Australia and New Guinea, University of New South Wales Press LTD, Sydney. Augee, M., Gooden, B., Musser, A., 2006. Echidna - Extraordinary egg-laying mammal, CSIRO Publishing. Booth, R., 1999. Care and Medical Management of Monotremes. In: Wildlife In Australia - Healthcare and Management, Western Plains Zoo, Dubbo, pp. 4150. Clark, P., 2004. Haematology Collingwood. of Australian Mammals, CSIRO Publishing, Jackson, S., 2003. Australian Mammals - Biology and Captive Management, CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood. Johnston, S.D., Madden, C., Nicolson, V., Pyne, M., 2006. Identifying the sex of Short-beaked Echidnas. Australian Veterinary Journal 84, 63-65. Menkorst, P., Knight, F., 2001. A Field Guide to the Mammals of Australia, Oxford University Press, Oxford. Rismiller, P.D., 1999. The Echidna - Australia's Enigma, Group West Publishers, Hong Kong. Rose, K., 1999. Common Diseases of Urban Wildlife. In: Sydney., U.o. (Ed.), Wildlife in Australia - Healthcare and Management, Post Graduate Foundation in Veterinary Science, Dubbo, pp. 365-430. Triggs, B., 2004. Tracks, Scats and other Traces - A Field Guide to Australian Mammals, 2nd ed. Oxford University Press, Oxford. Tyndale-Biscoe, H., 1975. Life of Marsupials, Edward Arnold (Australia) Pty. Ltd., Victoria. Walton, D.W., Richardson, B.J., 1989. Fauna of Australia. Mammalia., Vol. 1B, Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra. Principles of Echidna Rehabilitation © Wildcare Australia 2006-2010 Page 68 of 69 Acknowledgments Photos kindly provided by :The Australian Wildlife Hospital Australia Zoo Wildlife Warriors Worldwide Steve Irwin Way Beerwah Qld 4519 Telephone: 07 5436 2097 The entire contents of these notes should be considered copyright and no part of the text may be reproduced in any form without written permission from Wildcare Australia and/or the authors. Appendices Rescue Examination and Assessment Sheet – Echidnas Wildcare Australia - Minimum Housing Standards Wombaroo Feeding Chart Principles of Echidna Rehabilitation © Wildcare Australia 2006-2010 Page 69 of 69