Literacy Readiness Questionnaire

No Staff! No Time! No Money!
10 Tips for Adding Library Services at Your Library
1. We consider our library (or library system/district):
a. Urban
b. Suburban
c. Urban/rural
d. Rural
e. Rural/resort
f. Frontier
g. Other
2. Our library offers:
a. Family literacy programs
b. Adult literacy services for native speakers
c. Adult literacy services for English language learners
d. Board games for library patrons of all ages
e. Computer and video gaming programs for children and teens
f. Outreach Services
g. Public access computers
h. Other
3. Our library is thinking about adding literacy services.
a. Adult literacy services for native speakers
 Tutoring
 Classes
 Collections
b. Adult literacy services for English language learners
 Tutoring
 Classes
 Collections
 Conversation Club
c. Other
4. Our library has an outreach department.
a. No
b. Yes
c. If yes, what does outreach look like at your library?
5. What is your position(s) at the library?
c. What do you really do?
6. Name a few of the library’s community partners.
d. Who else would you like to partner with?
7. Who funds literacy at your library?
a. Library budget
b. Friends of the Library
c. LSTA funds
d. Foundation grants
e. Individual donors
f. Other
8. Do you have a favorite library-literacy success story?
9. Do you have any advice for libraries adding literacy services?
Can we contact you when we have resources to share and when we need
additional information? If so, please include:
a. Your name: ____________________________________
b. Your library and location: _________________________
c. Your e-mail address: ____________________________
American Library Association, Office for Literacy and Outreach Services
Dale Lipschultz, Literacy Officer
September 2007
Made possible by support from Verizon