2015-2016 Humanities Reading: Leadership through Literacy TEACHER Mrs. Jenny Grant ROOM A123 PHONE (EXT.) 972-747-3308 Ext. 1123 Students need these supplies daily: Agenda book Novel for SRJ (Silent Reading and Journaling) Pencil, blue/black/red pen, and highlighters GRADING WEIGHTS 20% homework/class work 30% quizzes 50% tests and projects EMAIL ADDRESS Jenny_grant@allenisd.org (best way) Leadership through Literacy Themes: Celebrating Leadership Perspectives of Leadership in Literacy Leadership Moments The Call to Lead GT Reading Reading 7 GT course is designed to foster and develop leadership across multiple genres of literacy. Students will focus on reading and literacy skills to further their understanding of leadership qualities as they relate to historical and literary characters. LATE WORK: • • • Assignments will be accepted up to 2 days, but the grade earned will not be higher than 60%. On the 2nd day without the assignment, students will be assigned Homework Club and a parent notification/permission note will be sent home. **If the signed note is returned the following day along with the completed assignment, the student will not have to stay for Homework Club. For late work due to absence, please refer to the student handbook. RE-TAKING ASSIGNMENTS AND MAKE-UP TESTS: Any student who did not pass an assignment, quiz, or test may ask for tutoring and the opportunity to re-take to try to earn a 70%. It is up to the student to schedule a tutoring session (within a reasonable amount of time) before he or she will be allowed to make-up the assignment or test. If the student does not meet with their teacher for tutoring and redo the assignment, quiz or test within a reasonable amount of time, the original grade will remain. Students who were absent for a test, will ONLY have 2 weeks in which to get the test made-up. Tutoring is before or after school. Please give me advance notice if you will be coming in. Important information for reading class can be found online. To access this information: go to the AISD website at http://www.allenisd.org where you will find a link at the top to Ereckson’s web site. Once you are on our site, click on “Teachers” and scroll down to find your teacher’s name There’s an app for Ereckson Middle School for smartphone users.