1 Six rare Lepidostrobus species from the Pennsylvanian of the Czech Republic and their bearing on the classification of lycospores Jiří Beka*, Stanislav Opluštilb aLaboratory of Palaeobiology and Palaeoecology, Institute of Geology, Academy of Sciences, Rozvojová 135, 165 00 Prague 6, Czech Republic, e-mail: mrbean@gli.cas.cz b Faculty of Science of the Charles University, Albertov 6, 126 43 Prague 2, Czech Republic, e-mail: oplustil@natur.cuni.cz Abstract Grouping of the common and diverse Carboniferous dispersed miospore genus Lycospora is suggested. Authors divide Carboniferous lycospores into six subgroups, based on their morphology and the knowledge of their in situ records. The stratigraphical range of the cones is from the Langsettian to the Stephanian B. Six plant specimens from the Bohemian Late Palaeozoic continental basins belong to six Lepidostrobus species. Differing morphology of fructifications and their in situ spores lead to a separation of the cones into the following species: Lepidostrobus kohoutii sp. nov. containing Lycospora uzunmehmedii spores, Lepidostrobus cf. haslingdenensis containing Lycospora uber spores, Lepidostrobus sp. A yielded spores that compare with the dispersed species Lycospora microgranulata, Lepidostrobus sp. B possessed Lycospora cf. microgranulata spores, Lepidostrobus sp. C yielded spores of the Lycospora torquifer-type, and Lepidostrobus sp. D contains Lycospora cf. subjuga spores. It means, that each cone species yielded lycospores comparable to one dispersed spore species. The palaeoecology of the plant fossils is discussed. Their environment is typified by either clastic or mixed clastic/peat substrates and standing water. Therefore, they grew in clastic swamps developed along the lake margins or shallows. Key words: Lycospora, Lepidostrobus, in situ and dispersed spores, Pennsylvanian. * Corresponding author 2 1. Introduction Lycospores belong to the most abundant and the most reported dispersed miospores of Pennsylvanian age. Authors propose six subgroups of dispersed Carboniferous lycospores (not new genera, subgenera, species or varieties), based on their morphological characteristics, i.e. the occurrence of the cingulum and the zona and their widths, the type and the number of sculpture elements on distal and proximal surfaces and perforations of zona. A comparison with in situ lycospores from the Carboniferous of the Czech Republic and elsewhere is made. We compared compressions and petrified (coal-balls) specimens of cones based only on in situ lycospores due to different mode of the preservation. Compressed specimens of lycopsid strobili are among the most commonly occurring fertile parts of plant fossils of the Pennsylvanian coal-bearing deposits. They are found either in organic connection with leafy shoots of their parent plants or, more often, as isolated cones or their fragments. Organic connection can provide correlation among the strobilus, its spores and the parent plant, that can help us to distinguish otherwise morphologically similar cone species. Otherwise, the determination of the isolated strobili is based only on their morphology and spore content. Lepidostrobus (Brongniart) Brack-Hanes and Thomas is the most frequent genus encountered among all the lycophyte fructifications. For a long time, it has been accepted as a genus of heterogeneous morphology with spores including bisporangiate and monosporangiate specimens. Accordingly, Chaloner (1953) and Felix (1954) recommended use of the spores as an important criterion to distinguish different natural cone species. However, the most important step in understanding the real nature of Lepidostrobus was achieved by Brack-Hanes and Thomas (1983). They studied the holotype of the type species of the genus (Brongniart´s original specimen of L. ornatus Brongniart), which yielded cingulizonate lycospores. Therefore, they restricted the use of the genus Lepidostrobus only to male monosporangiate cones with lycospores. Those cones, containing 3 different microspores or megasporangiate or even bisporangiate cones described formerly as Lepidostrobus were assigned to different lycopsid genera, which are defined not only on spore content and general cone morphology or anatomy, but also on the degree of integumentation expressed by lateral alation or by the occurrence of integument. Similar to the progress in cone taxonomy, a comparable advance has been made in the investigation of their parent plants. Most of the studies are based on anatomically preserved (petrified) specimens (DiMichele 1985; DiMichele and Bateman 1992; DiMichele and Phillips 1985, 1994; Eggert 1961; Phillips and DiMichele 1992). These authors erected several new genera and distinguished two principal types of lepidodendrid trees that dominated the clastic swamps and peat mires during the Late Namurian and Westphalian. The first type involves the monocarpic genera Lepidodendron Sternberg, Lepidofloyos Sternberg and Synchysidendron DiMichele and Bateman. These are characterised by a cone-bearing crown developed only in the final phases of their growth followed by tree death. The second group represents polycarpic genera that produced small deciduous, cone-bearing, lateralbranch systems throughout life allowing them continuous or repeated reproduction. Polycarpic forms are represented by several species of the genera Diaphorodendron DiMichele and Paralycopodites (Morey and Morey) DiMichele. The latter genus is probably an anatomically defined equivalent of the compression genus Ulodendron sensu Thomas. It was a small tree that produced lateral deciduous branches with bisporangiate cones of the genus Flemingites (Carruthers) Brack-Hanes and Thomas. All the above mentioned genera differ not only in their habitus but also in ecological constraints concerning the nutrient supply, water-table level and its stability. Lepidodendron probably favoured clastic to mixed peat/clastic nutrient-rich substrates in habitats with standing water. Only a few species preferred purely peat substrates (Phillips and DiMichele 1992). Therefore, most species occupied poorly drained floodplains, wet clastic swamps or 4 lake margins. Lepidofloyos was also restricted in its occurrence to habitats with standing water but with peat substrates. Nevertheless, its habitats overlapped to some degree with Lepidodendron. Most of its occurrence was concentrated in rheotrophic, only occasionally inundated mires. Diaphorodendron and Synchysidendron were better adapted to habitats with exposed, to partially submerged, peat substrates being associated with dense undergrowth. Paralycopodites probably preferred environments with intermittent floodings, clastic input and peat exposure being usually associated with coal-seam seat-earth clastic partings (DiMichele and Phillips 1994). From the above-mentioned short history of lycopsid cone investigation, results dealing with in situ spores provide important data for the determination of natural species as well as for ecological constraints of their parent plants. The ideal result would be the correlation of spores–fructification–parent plant. Such a correlation allows reconstruction of the vegetational history of coal seams and associated clastic sediments. Lepidostroboid fructifications from the Czech Republic were described by Feistmantel (1873 a,b) for the first time, but later mainly by Němejc (1954). The taxonomical studies of the latter author are based only on cone morphology. In situ spores of some Bohemian Lepidostrobus species and some related lycopsid cones were first studied by Drábek (1967). His results, however, have remained unpublished. The most recent research has been carry out by Bek (1998) and Bek and Opluštil (1998, 2004). Current results are presented in this contribution, but further investigation is in progress. 2. Material and methods All of the specimens originated from central and western Bohemian Late Palaeozoic basins (Plzeň and Kladno-Rakovník basins). The stratigraphical ranges of the studied cones vary 5 from the Bolsovian to the Stephanian B. The Lepidostrobus cones are classified in accordance to the approach of Thomas and Brack-Hanes (1984). Where possible, palynological samples were taken from various parts of cones (basal, middle and apical) to determine the morphological variations or ontogenetic stages of the spores. Spores were recovered by dissolving small portions (separated from the cone species with a mounted needle) of cones in nitric acid for 24-48 hours and KOH for 1-2 hours. Most of spores were mounted in glycerine jelly for direct microscopic examination. Others were coated with gold for examination with the CAMECA SX100 and TESLA scanning-electron microscopes. Measurements of spore diameters and cingulum and zona widths were taken from 40-50 spores per cone. This number is sufficient and does not differ from results, based on 100 or 150 specimens. Lycospores obtained from studied cones were classified according to the system of dispersed spores suggested by Potonié and Kremp (1954, 1955), Dettmann (1963) and Smith and Butterworth (1967). In situ spores were compared directly with the original diagnoses (holotypes), descriptions and illustrations of dispersed lycospore species. Species determinations are based only on these original diagnoses, and not on the interpretations of subsequent authors. Comparisons are made with other lycospores isolated from various Lepidostrobus cones. Only palynological comparisons of compressed and petrified (coal-balls) specimens is evaluated due to different preservation of fossils. Studied cone specimens and palynological slides are housed in the palaeobotanical collection of the National Museum in Prague. Negatives and digital photos of spores are stored in the Institute of Geology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague. Digital photos of cones are in the Faculty of Sciences, Charles University, Prague. Measurements and the type of sculptures of proximal and distal surfaces of Bohemian in situ lycospores are given in Tab. 1. It was possible to compare our results only with papers where a good and precise description or measurements of in situ spores have been made. Therefore, 6 we could use for comparison only data reported by Thomas (1965, 1970, 1987, 1988), Willard (1989b), Thomas and Dytko (1980), Brack-Hanes and Thomas (1983), Hagemann (1966) and Bek and Opluštil (2004) from compressed specimens and from coal-balls by Felix (1954), Balbach (1966), Taylor and Eggert (1968), Leisman and Rivers (1974) and Willard (1989a). Data from these in situ lycospores are given in Table 2 (compressed specimens) and Table 3 (coal-balls specimens). Measurements of Bohemian Lepidostrobus cones are given on Tab. 4. 3. Systematic palaeontology Class Lycopsida Scott, 1909 Order Lepidocarpales Thomas and Brack-Hanes, 1984 Genus Lepidostrobus (Brongniart) Brack-Hanes and Thomas, 1983 Type species Lepidostrobus ornatus Brongniart, 1828 Lepidostrobus kohoutii, sp. Nov. (Plate I, 1-7). Holotype: Specimen E 6112, the National Museum, Prague. Type locality: Ronna Mine in Kladno, Kladno-Rakovník Basin. Type horizon: The holotype is preserved in roof shale of the Upper Radnice Seam, Radnice Member, Kladno Formation, Bolsovian, Pennsylvanian. Material: The only specimen is the holotype. Etymology: Mr. T. Kohout is the finder of the holotype. Diagnosis: The strobilus 80 mm long, 35 mm wide. Width without distal laminae 22 mm, cone axis 4 mm wide. Pedicels perpendicular to the cone axis, 10 mm long, 1 mm high. 7 Sporangia oval, 2 mm high along the whole length and as long as pedicels. Distal laminae narrow, triangular, 23 mm long, with maximum width 5.5 mm at or near the base. Spores of subtriangular to subcircular amb. The diameter 31-45 m. Laesurae simple reaching 4/5 of the radius, sometimes labrum 1-3 m wide and high. Cingulum 2-4 m wide. Zona 3-6 m wide. Proximal and distal part of zona laevigate sometimes punctate or perforated. Proximal surface of central body laevigate to finely scabrate. Distal surface of central body densely microspinate to microgranulate. Description: Although the holotype is 80 mm long, estimated length of L. kohoutii is between 150-250 mm. It is longitudinally split showing the axis, pedicels and distal laminae. However, the preservation state (specimen is preserved in a grey mudstone with sandy admixture) does not provide many details on inner morphology. The cone body, including distal laminae has a total width of 36 mm. Pedicels are attached at an angle of about 85 degree to the cone apex. Distal laminae are attached to the cone body at an angle of about 30-35 degree, and are narrow, entire, of triangular to slightly lanceolate shape. They are gently arched curved to the apex. The apex is, however, not preserved but it may be relatively acute as is indicated by gradual tapering of the cone in this direction. The midvein is distinct within the whole length of the laminae. Spores are 31.0 (36.2) 45.0 m in diameter. Labrum is 1.0 (2.1) 3.0 m. Cingulum is 2.0 (3.3) 4.0 m wide and zona 3.0 (4.5) 6.0 m wide. Zona is sometimes laevigate, punctate or perforated (Pl. I; 2, 3, 5-7). Comparison: Spores released from this specimen compare with the dispersed species Lycospora uzunmehmedii Artűz (Artüz 1957, p. 250). Lepidostrobus kohoutii differs from other Bohemian lepidostroboid strobili mainly by its spores. In terms the cone can be comparable with L. sp. D (Plate II, 25) and L. stephanicus (Němejc) Bek and Opluštil, which yielded different type of lycospores. From coalfields outside the Czech Republic, there are several species that in size and general morphology seem to be comparable with this new 8 species, especially L. meunierii Renault and Zeiller, L. jacksonii Arber and L. kidstonii Zalessky. L. kohoutii microspores are of the similar morphological type to those isolated from compression specimens of L. haslingdenensis Thomas and Dytko by Thomas and Dytko (1980) and Willard (1989b), but differ in the sculpture of distal surface. Similar lycospores were reported from compression specimens of L. barnsleyensis Thomas, L. dawsonii Thomas, Bek and Opluštil, L. cf. haslingdenensis and L. jacksonii Arber. Spores named as Lycospora cf. uzunmehmedii described by Bek and Opluštil (2004) from Bohemian species Lepidostrobus thomasii Bek and Opluštil possess narrower cingulum and zona (Table 2). The only very roughly similar in situ petrified (coal-balls) lycospores are described from L. oldhamius Williamson by Willard (1989a), but these spores differed mainly by broader zona and narrower cingulum (Tab. 3). Stratigraphical range and geographic distribution: This species has been known until now only from the Radnice Member (lower Bolsovian) of central Bohemia (the Kladno-Rakovník Basin). Parent plant: Unknown. Paleoecology: The holotype is preserved in weakly laminated sandy mudstone from the roof of the Upper Radnice Seam, which is interpreted as lacustrine sediment of an extensive lake (Opluštil et al. 1999). Spores of L. kohoutii, however, only rarely occur in the Upper Radnice Seam (Opluštil et al. 2001). Therefore, the parent plant probably preferred only clastic swamps developed along lake margins or shallows. These habitats were characterised by permanently standing water. Lepidostrobus cf. haslingdenensis Thomas and Dytko, 1980. (Plate I, 8-13). 1998 Lepidostrobus cf. haslingdenensis; Bek, pl. 18, figs 15-18; pl. 19. 9 Material: The only specimen comes from the Tuchlovice Mine, Roof shale of the Upper Radnice Seam, Radnice Member (Bolsovian), Kladno Formation. Kladno-Rakovník Basin. Specimen E 5587 is stored in the National Museum, Prague. Description: Specimen is represented by a fragment about 75 mm long of the middle part of a cone preserved as a longitudinally split impression in grey mudstone. It measures 45 mm across but only 32 mm without the distal part of the sporophylls (axis and pedicels). Axis is 4 mm wide. Pedicels are arranged into a low helix. They are 11 mm long and approximately 1 mm high being perpendicular or even gently turned backward. Distal laminae triangular, entire, about 10-11 mm long, gradually tapering to the apex. They are inserted to the pedicels at an angle of about 45 degree. Spores are of circular to sub-circular amb with a smooth or slightly undulate outline. Size range is 30.0 (39.1) 45.0 m. The laesurae extends to the outer margin of central body or onto the zona, often with a labrum 1-4.5 m on average. The cingulum is 2.0 (2.57) 3.0 m wide and developed as dark ring on the outer margin of central body. The proximal part of cingulum is laevigate or finely scabrate and the distal part irregularly scabrate. The zona is 2.0 (4.39) 6.0 m wide, sometimes perforated. The proximal parts of the zona are laevigate or finely scabrate, the distal parts are finely scabrate. The sculpture of proximal surface of the central body is laevigate. The distal surface of the central body is microspinate to microgranulate (Pl. I, 9). The exospore (especially the proximal surface) sometimes shows various degree of degradation and, consequently it is not easy to distinguish the original sculpture. Comparison: Cone morphology of our specimen is similar (Thomas, pers. comm., 1999) to the holotype of Lepidostrobus haslingdenensis, although it is slightly broader (due perhaps to taphonomic factors or to different maturity levels). The British holotype is from a different stratigraphic position (Namurian C) than the Bohemian cone. Due to these facts, we identify 10 the Bohemian specimen as L. cf. haslingdenensis. Our lycospores are very similar to those isolated from Lepidostrobus haslingdenensis by Thomas and Dytko (1980). These authors compared their spores with the dispersed species Lycospora noctuina Butterworth and Williams. The sculpture of this dispersed species is rugulate on the distal surface (rugulae from 3-6 m wide and high, see Butterworth and Williams, 1958, p. 376). British in situ lycospores possess different densely microspinate distal surfaces and Thomas (1987) emended the original diagnosis of L. noctuina based on the occurrence of a large grana or verrucae or rugulae, 1-3 m broad, distally in the central area within the cingulum. Thomas and Dytko (1980) did not mention these rugulae and they are not seen on their original photos of the distal surface. We are of the opinion that L. noctuina is defined as a species with a rugulate distal surface and that it is not necessary to emend this species because a different type of sculpture was found on in situ spores of Lepidostrobus haslingdenensis. Microspores isolated from the holotype of L. haslingdenensis do not possess large rugulae, and therefore, they cannot correspond to the original diagnosis of Lycospora noctuina, given by Butterworth and Williams (1958). It is possible to compare isolated lycospores to some other, similar and welldefined dispersed species of the same morphological type, but with microspinate or microgranulate distal surface. Lycospora uber (Hoffmeister, Staplin and Malloy) Staplin compares (especially in the same type of distal sculpture) with both Bohemian and British microspores. Lycospores isolated from the Bohemian specimen Lepidostrobus cf. haslingdenensis are most similar to the dispersed species Lycospora uber. Lycospores of Lepidostrobus haslingdenensis described by Willard (1989b) possess rugulate, i.e. different, sculpture on the distal surface, and narrower zona. Willard´s specimen differs from the Bohemian cone, and also from the holotype of this species, by having a broader cone axis (6-9 mm). We suppose that Willard´s specimen is not L. haslingdenensis what is supported by different in situ lycospores. It seems that Willard´s spores correspond better to the original 11 diagnosis of Lycospora noctuina given by Butterworth and Williams (1958), particularly as regards the same rugulate distal surface. Morphologically roughly similar spores, but of the Lycospora uzunmehmedii-type, were isolated from the Bohemian species Lepidostrobus kohoutii and L. thomasii. Compression strobili of L. dawsonii, L. barnsleyensis and L. jacksonii yielded this type of lycospores. The only very roughly similar in situ petrified (coalball) lycospores are described from Lepidostrobus oldhamius by Willard (1989a), but these spores are smaller with narrower cingulum (Tab. 3). Stratigraphic range and geographic distribution: Lepidostrobus cf. haslingdenensis is known only from the Late Palaeozoic continental basins of the central and western Bohemia where it occurs in the Radnice Member of the lower Bolsovian age. The type locality of this species is Rossendale, Lancashire in Great Britain, and the type horizon is the Millstone Grit of uppermost Namurian age (Thomas and Dytko 1980). Parent plant: Unknown. Palaeoecology: The specimen is preserved in the roof shale of the Upper Radnice Seam that is of lacustrine origin. Its parent plant therefore probably grew along the lake margins in wet habitats with standing water. Occurrence of its spores in the dispersed spore association of the transition phase of the Upper Radnice Seam (Opluštil et al. 2001) indicates that its parent plants also could have favoured peat substrates of eutrophic planar mires with high water table. Lepidostrobus sp. A. (Plate I, 14-20; Plate II, 1-5). 1998 Lepidostrobus sp. B (part); Bek, pl. 14., non pl. 15. Material: The specimen originates from Kounov locality, near Rakovník, Otruby Member, Slaný Formation 12 (Stephanian B), Kladno-Rakovník Basin. The fragment of this cone is anatomically partly preserved, fossilized by pyrite and oxidized now. The specimen E 3476 is stored in the National Museum, Prague. Description: Fragment of a longitudinally split cone, 30 mm in diameter. The cone axis is about 7 mm wide, and shows diamond-shaped, helically arranged sporophyll scars. Pedicels and sporangia are 10 mm long, attached to the axis at an angle of 50-60 degree. Distal laminae are not preserved. Sporangia are oblong, 12 mm long. Spores are of triangular to subtriangular amb with smooth or finely undulate outlines. Size range is 32.0 (35.0) 42.0 m. Laesurae are simple, extending to the outer margin of central body, sometimes with a labrum 1-2.5 m large. The cingulum is 1.4 (2.21) 3.5 m wide, developed as dark ring on the outer margin of the central body. Proximal and distal parts of the cingulum are laevigate, or irregularly scabrate. The punctate, or often perforated zona, is 1.5 (2.58) 3.5 m wide. Circular, sub-circular and irregular perforations occur usually on the inner part of zona and average about 1 m across (Pl. I, 15, 17; Pl. II, 2). The sculpture of the proximal surfaces of central bodies is microgranulate or granulate (Pl. I; 15, 17), whereas the distal surfaces of central bodies are densely microgranulate or granulate, in comparison (Pl. I; 18, 19; Pl. II, 1, 5). Remarks: We do not erect a new species because the fragmentary nature of the specimen prevents us from giving a precise and complete diagnosis. Isolated lycospores are correlated with the dispersed species Lycospora microgranulata Bharadwaj (Bharadwaj 1957a, p. 104; pl. 27, fig. 18). Comparison: The studied strobilar fragment may be comparable with Lepidostrobus sp. B (Pl. II, 6) or L. stephanicus. However, L. stephanicus contains different lycospores (Lycospora punctata Kosanke) and it occurs at a different stratigraphical level. The cone morphology and the size of Lepidostrobus sp. A is comparable with L. sp. D (Plate II, 25). However, a more 13 precise comparison is impossible due to a poor preservation and incompleteness of L. sp. A. Also, in situ lycospores of both species are roughly similar although not identical. Similar spores with relatively narrow cingulum and zona belong to the most abundant in situ lycospores. Spores isolated from Lepidostrobus barnsleyensis Thomas by Thomas (1965) have the same perforations of the zona, but possess much broader cingulum and zona and different sculpture elements. Lepidostrobus cf. squarrosus Kidston yielded spores comparable (Willard 1989b) with Lycospora punctata, which have different density of sculpture elements on the proximal surface, are smaller and the zona is not perforated. Spores described from Lepidostrobus praelongus Lesquereux and L. variabilis Lindley and Hutton and comparable (Willard (1989b) with Lycospora torquifer (Loose) Potonié and Kremp seem to be similar but differ by smaller diameter, broader cingulum and a zona that is not perforated. Spores isolated from Lepidostrobus sp. C sensu Hagemann and L. sp. D sensu Hagemann by Hagemann (1966) and L. ornatus by Brack-Hanes and Thomas (1983) are smaller and lack the perforations of the zona. Spores of the Bohemian species Lepidostrobus nemejcii Bek and Opluštil and comparable with Lycospora triangulata Bharadwaj are smaller with a narrower zona (Tab. 2). Similar spores isolated from petrified (coal-ball) specimens of Lepidostrobus coulterii Jongmans and L. minor Leisman and Rivers were reported by Balbach (1966) and Leisman and Rivers (1974). Both possess smaller lycospores, although the sculpture is similar. L. fayettevillense Taylor and Eggert is another producer of similar cingulizonate lycospores with prominent perforations of the zona and similar sculpture, only the cingulum and the zona are broader (Tab. 3). Stratigraphic range and geographic distribution: This specimen occurs in strata ranging from the lower Bolsovian to the upper Stephanian B. Such a wide stratigraphical range is not common among the tree lycopsids. The only known plant with such a long stratigraphical 14 range is Asolanus camptotaenia Wood, however, the presence of other rarely occurring species is not excluded. Parent plant: Unknown. Paleoecology: The specimen is preserved in lacustrine sapropelitic roof shale (called Švartna) of the Kounov Seam. Parent plants probably grew in the wet habitat of lake margins, or shallows with a high water-table necessary for their reproduction. Lepidostrobus sp. B. (Plate II, 6-12). 1998 Lepidostrobus sp. B, (part); Bek, pl. 15, non pl. 14. Material: The single specimen is preserved in whitish tonstein „velká opuka“, intercalated in the Upper Radnice Seam. Ronna Mine in Kladno, Radnice Member, Kladno Formation (Bolsovian), KladnoRakovník Basin. The specimen E 3542 is stored in the National Museum, Prague. Description: The specimen represents only a fragment of the middle part of a longitudinally split strobilus which is 43 mm wide including distal laminae. The axis is from 2.5 to 3 mm thick. Pedicels in middle part are about 9 mm long. Distal laminae are rather narrow, triangular in shape, with maximum width up to 3 mm at the base. They are about 12-13 mm long being bent arch-like to the apex. Spores are of triangular to sub-triangular amb with smooth or finely undulate outlines. Size range is 35.0 (40.1) 48.0 m. Laesurae are simple, extending to the outer margin of the central body, sometimes with labrum 1-3.5 m large. The cingulum is 2.0 (2.62) 3.5 m wide, developed as dark ring on the outer margin of the central body. Proximal and distal parts of the cingulum are laevigate or irregularly scabrate. The laevigate, punctate or sometimes perforated zona is 2.0 (2.73) 4.0 m wide. The sculpture of the proximal surfaces of central bodies is microgranulate or granulate (Pl. II, 7). The distal 15 surfaces of central bodies are more densely microgranulate or granulate than the proximal surfaces (Pl. II; 11, 12), in comparison. Remarks: Unfortunately spores of this type were obtained only from this specimen, and therefore only a limited number of specific characteristics are observable. Consequently, we do not propose a new species until we obtain additional more complete specimens, which will allow its ordinary comparison and definition as a new species. Comparison: The described specimen represents a fragment of a middle-sized cone that is quite similar to Lepidostrobus lycopoditis Feistmantel, occurring at the same stratigraphical level. However, these species differ in their spore content. Whereas Lepidostrobus sp. B provided only microspores, L. lycopoditis is a bisporangiate species, containing both microand megaspores (Bek and Opluštil 1998) and belongs to the genus Flemingites. Isolated spores are similar to those isolated from Lepidostrobus sp. A and compared with the dispersed species Lycospora microgranulata. Lycospores of Lepidostrobus sp. B are bigger with broader cingulum and zona and lower density of distribution of sculptural elements on both surfaces, which allow classification with Lycospora cf. microgranulata. Comparison with other compressed and petrified cones and spores is the same as in Lepidostrobus sp. A due to the similarity of morphological character of the spores in both cones. Stratigraphic range and geographic distribution: The only specimen is from the lower Bolsovian strata of the Radnice Member in the Kladno-Rakovník Basin. Parent plant: Unknown. Palaeoecology: The specimen is preserved in the volcanoclastic parting of the Upper Radnice Seam and was probably buried in situ, i.e. probably within the range of the crown of its parent plant. It is supposed that the parent plant favoured peat substrates of rheotrophic mires with high water table. 16 Lepidostrobus sp. C. (Plate II, 13-20). 1998 Lepidostrobus sp. C; Bek, Tab 16. Material: Specimen E 3531 originated from the Lužná Mine near Rakovník, Bolsovian, Kladno-Rakovník Basin and is stored in the National Museum, Prague. Description: Small, 70 mm long fragment of the middle part of a longitudinally split strobilus. The preserved width of the cone is 38 mm, but the original is estimated to be about 48 mm, including distal laminae and 44 mm without them. The axis measures 8.5 mm in diameter. Pedicels and sporangia are 19 mm long, being attached at an angle of about 60-70 degree. Sporangia are 1.8 mm long. Spores are of triangular to sub-triangular amb. Size range is 26.0 (32.5) 36.0 m. Laesurae are simple, extending to the outer margin of central body, sometimes with labrum 1-2 m large. Cingulum is 2.0 (2.71) 3.5 m wide, developed as dark ring on outer margin of the central body. Proximal and distal parts of the cingulum and zona finely microgranulate. The punctate or sometimes perforated zona is 1.4 (1.96) 2.6 m wide. The sculptures of both surfaces of central bodies are microgranulate or granulate. The density of distribution of sculptural elements is roughly the same on both surfaces. Remark: Isolated spores are closely comparable with the dispersed species Lycospora torquifer (Loose) Potonié and Kremp. The holotype of L. torquifer was established by Loose (in Potonié, Ibrahim and Loose 1932). Potonié and Kremp (1955; pl. 17, 355) illustrated the holotype that is not of the Lycospora-type (Somers et al. 1972). All other miospores referred by Potonié and Kremp (1955; pl. 17, 356-359) to this species evidently belong to Lycospora (Ibrahim) Schopf, Wilson and Bentall. The Bohemian lycospores are correlated with these specimens, i.e. L. torquifer sensu Potonié and Kremp (pl. 17, 356-359; non pl. 17, 355). 17 Comparison: Lepidostrobus sp. C is quite similar in size and outer morphology to Lepidostrobus sp. B (Pl. II, 6), although L. sp. C seems to be slightly more robust. However, the small differences in sizes are unimportant for their separation into two species. Different spore content is a sufficient criterion. Spores isolated from L. sp. A and L. sp. B are larger in diameter and possess broader and perforated zona. Spores from L. sp. D are larger and belong to a different spore species (Lycospora subjuga-type). Spores isolated from compressed specimens of Lepidostrobus praelongus and L. variabilis and compared by Willard (1989b) with the same dispersed species Lycospora torquifer have broader cingulum and zona and different types of sculpture elements. Very similar spores were described from compressed specimens of Lepidostrobus sp. D by Hagemann (1966) and L. nemejcii by Bek and Opluštil (2004). Spores isolated from petrified (coal-ball) specimens of L. coulterii by Balbach (1966) and L. minor by Leisman and Rivers (1974) are also of similar morphology. Stratigraphic range and distribution: The only known specimen occurred at the level of the Radnice Member, Kladno Formation (lower Bolsovian) Parent plant: unknown. Palaeoecology: The specimen is from the volcanoclastic partings of the Upper Radnice Seam mined in a small coalfield in Lužná, near Rakovník. Its parent plant preferred inundated eutrophic mires. Lepidostrobus sp. D. (Plate II, 21-25). 1954 Lepidostrobus kidstonii Zalessky; Němejc, pl. 1, fig. 4. 1998 Lepidostrobus sp. A, (part); Bek, pl. 13; non pls 11, 12. Material: Only one specimen was found. It was referred by Němejc (1954; pl. 1, 4) to Lepidostrobus kidstonii, preserved in a roof shale of the Upper Radnice Seam, Radnice Member (Bolsovian), Kladno 18 Formation. The specimen is from the Kralupy upon Vltava (Červená Hůrka Hill) locality in the south-eastern margin of the Kladno-Rakovník Basin. The specimen, E 5596, is stored in the National Museum, Prague. Description: The specimen represents an incomplete 125 mm long part of a slender nearly cylindrical cone with a blunt apex. Sporophylls are helically arranged. The width of the cone body is about 20 mm, the length/width ratio is >6:1. The specimen is preserved as a compression; detached distal laminae are not preserved. Internal morphology including the axis, is not preserved. Spores are of sub-triangular to sub-circular amb, their outlines are smooth or finely undulate. The diameter is 28.0 (35.0) 41.0 m. The labrum is 1-2.5 m wide and high. The cingulum is 2.0 (2.7) 3.5 m wide developed as dark ring on outer margin of the central body. The zona is 1.0 (1.8) 2.8 m wide. The density of micrograna is higher on the distal surfaces of central bodies than on the proximal surfaces, in comparison (Plate II, 21). The inner part of the zona is sometimes laevigate, sometimes punctate (perforated on only one surface) and sometimes it seems to be perforated through (perforations of both, proximal and distal surfaces). Comparison: Lepidostrobus sp. D might be comparable with L. nemejcii, L. kidstonii, and also with L. meunierii. L. sp. D is apparently slender in comparison with L. nemejcii but in situ lycospores of both species are of the same morphological type. L. kidstonii is another comparable species, as confirmed by Němejc´s misinterpretation of the holotype of L. sp. D. Czech specimen fits with Zalessky´s L. kidstonii in size and general morphology. However, due to limited number of available specimens, as well as just one type of preservation, detailed comparison is impossible. Nevertheless, the question of exact relationships of these two species remains unsolved until microspores of L. kidstonii become available. Similarly, the comparison with other species, such as L. meunierii, is only of limited value due to the absence of spore content of the holotype. Our specimen is also rather poorly preserved. 19 Isolated lycospores (Pl. II, 21-24) are similar to the dispersed species Lycospora subjuga Bharadwaj (Bharadwaj 1957b; p. 127; pl. 25, 84). The holotype of L. subjuga has broader cingulum and zona and we classify our microspores as L. cf. subjuga. Microspores isolated from Lepidostrobus sp. D are smaller than those from L. sp. A and L. sp. B and possess narrower zona. Lycospores yielded by L. sp. C are similar only with smaller diameter. Very similar spores are reported from L. nemejcii by Bek and Opluštil (2004) and L. sp. D by Hagemann (1966) and the morphology of the cone specimens is the main criterion for their determination. Roughly similar spores have been isolated from compressed specimens of L. sp. A by Willard (1989a), which are smaller and possess a much broader cingulum (Tab. 2). Spores yielded by compressed specimens of L. obovatus (Rénier) Bek and Opluštil, L. stephanicus by Bek and Opluštil (2004) and L. ornatus by Brack-Hanes and Thomas (1983) have different sculpture (Tab. 2). Spores isolated from petrified (coal-ball) specimens of L. coulterii by Balbach (1966) and L. minor by Leisman and Rivers (1974) are also of similar morphology (Tab. 3). Parent plant: Unknown. Stratigraphic range and geographic distribution: This species is known only from lower Bolsovian continental deposits (Radnice Member) of the central Bohemian Late Palaeozoic basins. Palaeoecology: Occurrence of the species in the lacustrine-roof shale of the Upper Radnice Seam indicates that the parent plant probably occupied habitats with wet clastic substrates and standing water along the lake margins. However, its spores belong among the commonly occuring lycospores of the Upper Radnice Seam, in which it is restricted to the lower and uppermost parts interpreted as eutrophic planar mires with increased clastic input and standing water above the peat substrate (Opluštil et al 2001). 20 4. Carboniferous dispersed lycospores In situ lycospores were probably the first described Carboniferous miospores. Lycospores were often reported together with lycopsid in situ megaspores from cones of the Flemingites and “Lepidostrobus”-types by, e.g. Kidston (1889), Williamson (1893) and others. To date about 100 dispersed Carboniferous lycospore “species” have been described in the literature. Some of them are very similar and can be synonymised (see Somers et al. 1972, Bek and Opluštil 2004) and others possibly do not belong to this genus (Bek and Opluštil 2004). The genus Lycospora was proposed by Schopf, Wilson and Bentall in 1944 for: “…trilete radial spores…equator marked with a short thick tapering ridge, 18-45 μm…nearly smooth; minutely granulose or rugose; equatorial ridge resembles a typical flange development” (Schopf, Wilson and Bentall, 1944, p. 54). The chosen type species was Lycospora micropapillata (Wilson and Coe) Schopf, Wilson and Bentall. Piérart (1964) divided lycospores into three main groups (Lycospora, Microcingulata and Bizonaria) and identified some synonymous species. Somers et al. (1972) published a revision of Carboniferous lycospores and studied and described several their holotypes. They divided all of them into four main artificial groups, Lycospora orbicula, L. noctuina (including two varieties), L. rotunda and L. pusilla (including four varieties). Tens of species of dispersed lycospores were synonymised, based on pure artificial criteria. Somers et al. (1972) chose L. pusilla as a very important species, giving the name to the biggest group of lycospores. The problem is that the preservation of the holotype of Lycospora pusilla is far from perfect, therefore, it is impossible to observe important morphological details and we can rely only on original descriptions. Ibrahim (1932 in Potonié et al. 1932) proposed Lycospora pusilla (as Sporonites pusillus Ibrahim) as a cingulate species, i.e. lacks the zona. Somers et al. (1972) redefined Lycospora pusilla as a cingulizonate species, i.e. possesses cingulum and zona, although they (Somers et al., 1972, 21 pp. 33-34) stated in the description of the holotype, that the zona is not visible (!) and that the equatorial structure is only 2-3 μm broad. It is not probable (if the equatorial structure 2-3 μm would consist of cingulum and zona), that the holotype is really cingulizonate, because the width of the cingulum and the zona of cingulizonate lycospores is very rarely less than 3-4 μm. Somers et al. (1972) did not follow Ibrahim´s concept of L. pusilla but authors accept L. pusilla as a cingulate species, i.e. L. pusilla sensu Ibrahim non Somers et al. Authors observed (Bek 1998, Bek and Opluštil 2004 and herein) several thousands of in situ lycospores, but cingulizonate specimens, i.e. with so narrow equatorial structure consisting of cingulum and zona, occur very rarely, if soever. We propose a new, more detailed grouping of Carboniferous lycospores, based on three main factors and own knowledge of in situ spores. The first criterion is the width of the zona and cingulum, the second is the type of sculpture elements on the proximal and distal surface and the third criterion is the comparison of the number of sculpture elements (“density”) on the proximal and distal surface. It is very significant feature, because usually the number of sculpture elements on the distal surface is greater, than on the proximal hemisphere. It is possible to divide Carboniferous lycospores, based on these criteria, into two principal types, cingulate and cingulizonate specimens (Thomas 1970). Cingulate lycospores can be divided into two subgroups. The illustrations and descriptions of several lycospore species are poor and authors have not an opportunity to observe all of them (i.e. original slides) and decide their affinity to subgroups. It is the reason, why we do not mention subgroups of all dispersed lycospore species (more than 100), but we could choose only the most typical, well defined and often reported species. On the other hand, the list of all Carboniferous dispersed lycospore species does not exist. 22 The first subgroup consists of cingulate lycospores with prominent microspinate sculpture of the distal surface and high number of sculpture elements there. For example, holotypes of the dispersed species Lycospora orbicula and L. granulata Kosanke belong to this subgroup. All microspores of this type were produced by cones of the genera Flemingites and probably Bothrodendrostrobus Hirmer. In situ lycospores of this subgroup were described from several compression specimens of flemingitalean cones (Bek 1998) from the Pennsylvanian of the Czech Republic. The second subgroup of cingulate lycospores is typified by microgranulate to microverrucate sculpture of the exospore. For example, dispersed species Lycospora parva Kosanke, L. rugosa Schemel and L. granianellatus Staplin can be assigned to this subgroup. In situ lycospores of this type were reported from tens of compression specimens of cones Lepidostrobus sternbergii (Němejc) Bek and Opluštil from the Pennsylvanian of the Czech Republic and from some petrified and compression Lepidostrobus specimens rom elsewhere. It is possible to divide cingulizonate Carboniferous lycospores into four subgroups depending on the width of cingulum and zona and the sculpture of the proximal and distal surfaces. The third subgroup consists of cingulizonate lycospores with a relatively narrow cingulum and narrow zona. The width of the zona is less than 3-3.5 μm. For example, dispersed species Lycospora denticulata Bharadwaj, L. contacta Habib, L. subjuga Bharadwaj, L. brevijuga Kosanke, L. brevis Bharadwaj, L. microgranulata Bharadwaj, L. punctata Kosanke and L. triangulata Bharadwaj can be assigned to this group. Cingulizonate lycospores of the fourth subgroup are typified by a relatively narrow cingulum and wide zona. The width of the zona is more than 4 μm. For example, dispersed species Lycospora loganii (Wilson) Potonié and Kremp, L. pellucida (Wicher) Schopf, Wilson and Bentall, L. micropapillata (Wilson and Coe) Schopf, Wilson and Bentall, L. 23 micrograna Hacquebard and Barss, L. intermedia (Wilson and Hoffmeister) Wilson and Hoffmeister, L. pseudoannulata Kosanke and L. perforata Bharadwaj and Venkatachala belong to this subgroup. Some specimens can possess more or less prominent perforations of the zona (L. perforata, L. pseudoannulata). Lycospores with a relatively wide cingulum and wide zona can be divided into two subgroups, based on the type of sculpture elements. The fifth subgroup is characterized by the microspinate sculpture of the distal surface and laevigate to very finely scabrate proximal surface. For example, the dispersed species Lycospora noctuina (Butterworth and Williams), L. nitida Artüz, L. uzunmehmedii Artüz, L. tenuireticulatus Artüz and L. uber can be assigned to this subgroup. The affinity of L. paulula Artüz is very questionable, because the holotype more resembles some densospores rather than lycospores. In situ lycospores of this subgroup are described mainly from compression Lepidostrobus specimens in the Czech Republic as well as elsewhere and their occurrence in coal-balls is rare. Lycospores of the sixth subgroup are characterized by a relatively wide cingulum and wide zona, prominent microgranulate to granulate sculpture of the distal surface and laevigate to very finely scabrate sculpture of the proximal surface. For example, the dispersed species Lycospora rotunda Bharadwaj, L. breviapiculata, L. subtriquetra, L. curtata and L. curtata f. velata belong to this subgroup. In situ lycospores of this type are known only from compression strobili of Lepidostrobus ronnaensis from the Pennsylvanian of the Czech Republic (Bek and Opluštil, 2004). In situ spores isolated from Bohemian specimens of L. kohoutii and L. cf. haslingdenensis and compared to the dispersed spore species Lycospora uzunmehmedii and L. uber belong to the fifth subgroup of cingulizonate lycospores with a relatively broad cingulum and zona. All other lycospores isolated from Lepidostrobus sp. A-D can be assigned to the third subgroup of cingulizonate lycospores with a relatively narrow cingulum and zona. 24 5. Conclusions Six specimens of less commonly known lycopsid cones assigned to six species of the genus Lepidostrobus are described from the Late Carboniferous continental coal-bearing deposits of central and western Bohemia. All of the findings represent only isolated strobili, or mainly their fragments, and their determination is, therefore, based only on external morphology and spore content, whereas their parent plants are unknown. Despite their fragmentary nature, these strobili complete demonstrated the high-specific diversity of lycopsids in the continental basins of the Bohemian Massif during the Westphalian and Stephanian (Bek and Opluštil 2004). Plants preferred habitats with either clastic or mixed clastic/peat substrate and standing water. Therefore, they grew in clastic swamps developed along the lake margins or shallows. More precise characterisation of the habitats of particular species and their synecological relationships are, however, not known, because all the specimens underwent various degree of transport before their final burial. A new detailed grouping of Carboniferous lycospores, based on morphological criteria and knowledge of in situ, i.e. natural species is proposed. It is possible to recognise six subgroups of Carboniferous lycospores. Cingulate species are determined, based on the type of the distal surface. Cingulate lycospores of the first subgroup possess densely microspinate sculpture of the distal surface while the second subgroup of cingulated lycospores is characterized by microverrucate, microgranulate exospore of the distal surface. 25 Cingulizonate lycospores can be divided into four subgroups, based on the width of the cingulum and the zona and the type of sculpture elements. The third subgroup is typified by a relatively narrow cingulum and narrow zona. The fourth subgroup is characterized by a relatively narrow cingulum and wide, sometimes perforated zona. Lycospores of the fifth subgroup possess a relatively broad cingulum and broad zona and microspinate sculpture of the distal surface. The sixth subgroup of Carboniferous lycospores consists of specimens with a relatively broad cingulum and broad zona and prominent microverrucate and verrucate distal surface. All these morphological types of dispersed lycospores were found as in situ from several Lepidostrobus species from the Pennsylvanian of the Czech Republic (Bek 1998, Bek and Opluštil 2004, herein). All in situ lycospores from one cone specimen are of the same type and can be assigned to one dispersed spore species. We do not know parent plants of all dispersed lycospores. It is possible to determine only a few of them, especially parent cones of some morphologically prominent lycospore types. For example, cingulate lycospores of the first subgroup were produced by Flemingites and maybe Bothrodendrostrobus cones (Bek 1998). It seems, that cingulate lycospores of the second subgroup were produced by very robust, i.e. very thick and long (about one meter or even longer) cones of the Lepidostrobus sternbergii-type (Bek 1998, Bek and Opluštil 2004). The authors visited several collections of Carboniferous plants in the Czech Republic and in Museum fűr Natűrkunde in Berlin and Chemnitz, Germany, Natűrwissenschaften Museum and Geologische Bundesanstaldt in Vienna, Austria, the University of Lille, France and the Museum in Leiden, Netherlands and all parent cones of such cingulate lycospores were always of the same (robust) type. 26 Only a few parent plants of lycospores of the third and fourth subgroups can be determined. It may be possible to determine only those produced cingulizonate lycospore with a narrow cingulum and a broad perforated zona (Lycospora perforata-type). Parent plants of lycospores of the fifth subgroup are hardly determined, because all these lycospores are very similar. On the other hand, we are sure of the identity of the parent plant of cingulizonate lycospores of the sixth subgroup, i.e. cingulizonate lycospores with a broad cingulum and a broad zona and microverrucate to verrucate distal surface. These lycospores were isolated only from Bohemian cones of Lepidostrobus ronnaensis (Bek and Opluštil 2004). We are aware that the determination of some in situ and dispersed lycospores can be difficult and subjective, especially those of the third and fourth subgroups thus our division need not be definitive and perfect. Acknowledgements. We are grateful to Profs. B.A. Thomas from the University of Lampeter, D.J. Batten from the University of Aberysthwyth, Wales, U. K., E.L. Zodrow from the University College of Cape Breton, Sydney, Canada and W.A. DiMichele from the Smithonian Institute, Washington, USA, Dr. Ch. Wellman from the University of Sheffield, UK and Prof. M. Streel from the University of Liege, Belgium for correction of the text and helpful remarks and suggestions. We acknowledge financial support from the Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (project A 3013902), the Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education to the Faculty of Science (Charles University) No. CEZ: J13/98:113100006 and Research Program (AVOZ30130516) of the Institute of Geology, Academy of Sciences, Prague. J. Trnka from the Faculty of Sciences of the Charles 27 University, Prague is thanked for the help with preparation of photographs of figured specimens. Special thanks to Mgr. R. Pátová from the National Museum, Prague. REFERENCES Artűz, S., 1957. Die Sporae dispersae der Turkischen Steinkohle von Zomguldak-Gebiet. Rev. de la Fac. des Sci. de l´Univ. D´Istanbul, Seri B 22, 4, 239-263. Balbach, M.K., 1966. Microspore variation in Lepidostrobus and comparison with Lycospora. Micropaleontology. 12, 334-342. Bek, J., 1998. 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London, Phil. Trans. 184B, 1-38. Explanation of plates PLATE I 1. Lepidostrobus kohoutii, sp. nov., holotype E 6112, Mine Ronna in Kladno, the KladnoRakovník Basin, roof shale of the Upper Radnice Seam, Radnice Member (lower Bolsovian). 0.75. 2-7. Spores isolated from Lepidostrobus kohoutii, sp. nov., holotype E 6112, and comparable with the dispersed species Lycospora uzunmehmedii Artűz, 1957. Fig. 4. Tetrad of microspores. All 500. Notice wide and often perforated cingulum. 8. Lepidostrobus cf. haslingdenensis Thomas and Dytko, 1980, E 5587, Tuchlovice Mine near Kladno, the Kladno-Rakovník Basin, roof shale of the Upper Radnice Seam, Radnice Member (lower Bolsovian). 1. 9. Densely microspinate distal surface of spore isolated from Lepidostrobus cf. haslingdenensis Thomas and Dytko, 1980, E 5587, and comparable with the dispersed species Lycospora uber Artűz 1957, SEM. 1600. 10-13. Spores isolated from Lepidostrobus cf. haslingdenensis Thomas and Dytko, 1980, E 5587, and comparable with the dispersed species Lycospora uber Artűz 1957. All 500. 31 14. Lepidostrobus sp. A, E 3476, Kounov near Rakovník, Otruby Member, Slaný Formation (Stephanian B), the Kladno-Rakovník Basin, roof shale of the Kounov Seam. General view on the longitudinally split fragment of the strobilus fossilised by pyrite. 1. 15. Lateral view of spore isolated from Lepidostrobus sp. A, E 3476, and comparable with the dispersed species Lycospora microgranulata Bharadwaj, 1957, SEM. 1600. 16., 18. Tetrad of spores isolated from Lepidostrobus sp. A, E 3476, and comparable with the dispersed species Lycospora microgranulata Bharadwaj, 1957. All 500. 17. Proximal surface of spore isolated from Lepidostrobus sp. A, E 3476, and comparable with the dispersed species Lycospora microgranulata Bharadwaj, 1957, SEM. 800. Notice the perforation of the zona. 19. Two spores isolated from Lepidostrobus sp. A, E 3476, and comparable with the dispersed species Lycospora microgranulata Bharadwaj, 1957. 500. 20. Three spores isolated from Lepidostrobus sp. A, E 3476, and comparable with the dispersed species Lycospora microgranulata Bharadwaj, 1957. 500. PLATE II 1-5. Spores isolated from Lepidostrobus sp. A, E 3476, and comparable with the dispersed species Lycospora microgranulata Bharadwaj, 1957. Figs. 1 and 5 showing lateral views and the differences of the number of sculpture elements on the proximal and distal surface. All 500. 6. Lepidostrobus sp. B, E 3542, Ronna Mine in Kladno, Radnice Member, Kladno Formation (lower Bolsovian), tonstein “velká opuka” intercalated in the Upper Radnice Seam. 1.1. 7. Proximal surface of spore isolated from Lepidostrobus sp. B, E 3542, and named as Lycospora cf. microgranulata Bharadwaj, 1957. SEM. 1700. 8-12. Spores isolated from Lepidostrobus sp. B, E 3542, and named as Lycospora cf. subjuga Bharadwaj, 1957, SEM. All 500. Figs. 11. and 12. show lateral views and the sculpture of the proximal and the distal surface. 13-14. Spores isolated from Lepidostrobus sp. C, E 3531, and comparable with the dispersed species Lycospora torquifer (Loose) Potonié and Kremp, 1955. All 500. 32 15. Proximal surface of spore isolated from Lepidostrobus sp. C, E 3531, and comparable with the dispersed species Lycospora torquifer (Loose) Potonié and Kremp, 1955, SEM. 1300. 16. Lepidostrobus sp. C, E 3531, Lužná Mine near Rakovník, the Kladno-Rakovník Basin, Radnice Member (lower Bolsovian). 1. 17-18, 20. Spores isolated from Lepidostrobus sp. C, E 3531, and comparable with the dispersed species Lycospora torquifer (Loose) Potonié and Kremp, 1955. All 500. 19. Proximal surface of spore isolated from Lepidostrobus sp. C, E 3531, and comparable with the dispersed species Lycospora torquifer (Loose) Potonié and Kremp, 1955, SEM. 2000. 21-24. Spores isolated from Lepidostrobus sp. D, E 5596, and named as Lycospora cf. subjuga Bharadwaj, 1957. All 500. 25. Lepidostrobus sp. D, E 5596, Červená hůrka hill in Kralupy nad Vltavou, the KladnoRakovník Basin, roof shale of the Upper Radnice Seam, Radnice Member (lower Bolsovian). 0.75. Cones r (m) Lepidostrobus kohoutii 15.5(18.1)22.5 Lepidostrobus cf. haslingdenensis 150(196)225 Lepidostrobus sp.A 190(223)250 Lepidostrobus sp. B 170(225)260 Lepidostrobus sp. C 140(163)180 Lepidostrobus sp. D - basal part 165(185)205 - apical part 140(172)205 c (m) 2.0(3.3)4.0 20(26)30 14(22)30 20(26)35 20(27)35 20(26)35 20(26)30 z (m) 3.0(4.5)6.0 20(44)60 15(26)35 20(27)40 14(20)26 15(20)28 10(19)25 In situ lycospores Sculpture of proximal surface Laevigate, finely scabrate Laevigate, finely scabrate Microgranulate, granulate Microgranulate, granulate Microgranulate, granulate Microgranulate Sculpture of distal surface Microspinate, microgranulate Densely microspinate Densely microgranulate, granulate Densely microgranulate, granulate Microgranulate, granulate Densely microgranulate Table 1. The radius (r), cingulum (c) and zona widths (z), sculptures of proximal and distal surfaces of Bohemian in situ lycospores and their parent cones. 33 Lycospore / Parent cone Lycospora perforata /Lepidostrobus barnsleyensis Lycospora sp./ Lepidostrobus comosus Lycospora sp./ Lepidostrobus sp. C Lycospora sp./ Lepidostrobus jacksonii r (m) c (m) z (m) Sculpture of proximal surface 14 2.5 3 Microgranulate 17 5 2 Microgranulate 16 2 2 Microgranulate 18 2.5 2.5 Microganulate Lycospora/ Lepidostrobus sp. D 17 2 1.5 Microgranulate Lycospora cf. uber/ Lepidostrobus dawsonii 20.5 4.5 4 Laevigate Lycospora noctuina/ Lepidostrobus haslingdenensis 1645 225 29 Lycospora punctata/ Lepidostrobus cf. squarrosus 1545 34 34 Granulate, microgranulate Microgranulate Lycospora rotunda/ Lepidostrobus sp. A Lycospora torquifer/ Lepidostrobus praelongus, L. variabilis Lycospora noctuina/ Lepidostrobus haslingdenensis 1515 157 56 38 24 37 1713 27 3 Lycospora perforata/ Lepidostrobus binneyanus Lycospora granulata/ Lepidostrobus ornatus 135 14 2 2.5 4 3 Lycospora punctata/ Lepidostrobus stephanicus 18 2.6 2.1 Lycospora triangulata/ Lepidostrobus nemejcii 18 2.5 1.9 Lycospora cf. uzunmehmedii/ Lepidostrobus thomasii 18 2.9 3.9 Lycospora rotunda/ Lepidostrobus ronnaensis 19 3.9 3.8 Lycospora loganii/ Lepidostrobus obovatus 18 2.7 2 Sculpture of distal surface Laevigate Microgranulate Microgranulate Microgranulate, granulate Densely microgranulate Microgranulate, microverrucate Verrucate, rugulate Densely microgranulate Finely granulate Granulate, rugulate Verrucate, rugulate, Densely rugulate, baculate baculate, verrucate Scabrate, laevigate Microspinate Microgranulate Granulate, microgranulate Microspinate, microgranulate Microverrucate, microgranulate Laevigate, finely scabrate Laevigate, finely scabrate Microverrucate, verrucate Reference Thomas 1965 Thomas 1965 Hagemann 1966 Thomas 1965 Hagemann 1966 Thomas, Bek and Opluštil in press Willard 1989b Willard 1989b Willard 1989b Willard 1989b Thomas and Dytko 1980 Laevigate Thomas 1988 Densely granulate, Brack-Hanes and microgranulate Thomas 1983 Densely microspinate, Bek and Opluštil microgranulate (2004) Densely Bek and Opluštil microverrucate, 2004 microgranulate Microgranulate Bek and Opluštil 2004 Microverrucate, Bek and Opluštil verrucate 2004 Microverrucate Bek and Opluštil 2004 Table 2. The radius (r), cingulum (c) and zona (z) widths and sculptures of proximal and distal surfaces of selected compressed in situ lycospores and their parent cones. Lycospore / r (m) C (m) z (m) Parent cone 4 6 Lycospora sp./Lepidostrobus oldhamius (associated with 17 Lepidofloyos harcourtii) Lycospora cf. perforata/ Lepidostrobus fayettevillense 23 3 4 Sculpture of proximal surface laevigate Sculpture of distal surface Microspinate, microgranulate Reference Densely microgranulate Densely microgranulate microgranulate Taylor and Eggert 1968 Balbach 1966 Lycospora sp./ Lepidostrobus coulterii 13 1.5 2.5 Laevigate, finely microgranulate microgranulate Lycospora sp./ Lepidostrobus minor 13 2 3 microgranulate Willard 1989a Leisman and Rivers 1974 Table 3. The radius (r), cingulum (c) and zona (z) widths and sculptures of proximal and distal surfaces of selected coal-balls in situ lycospores and their parent cones. 34 Cones Lepidostrobus kohoutii Lepidostrobus cf. haslingdenensis Lepidostrobus sp. A Lepidostrobus sp. B Lepidostrobus sp. C Lepidostrobus sp. D Width of the cone (mm) 35 45 26-30 43 38-48 20 Width of the axis (mm) 4 4 7 2.5-3 8.5 - Length of pedicels (mm) Length of distal laminae (mm) Estimated length of the cone (mm) 17 11 10 9 19 - 23 10-11 12-13 - 150-250 300-500 ? ? ? 200-400 Table 4. Measurements of Czech Lepidostrobus species described herein.