Classic Books & Periodicals Relevant to Worldviews and Cultural

Featured Book Grouping for Sept. 19-20th, 2014
Books and DVD's Relating To Our Forum
Money, Greed and God: Why Capitalism is the Solution, Not the Problem
–Dr. Jay Richards. .
This is one of the most important books you and your youth can read relative to
our culture today. Why is capitalism influenced by the ethics of Christianity
consistent with the teachings of Jesus? It deals with the myths we see in media,
our education system etc. about free markets - a very thorough covering of the
subject of economics. Readable, practical, a book you should read once a year
Infiltrated: How to Stop the Insiders and Activists Who are Exploiting the
Financial Crisis to Control Our Lives – Dr. Jay Richards.
Most Americans bought into the idea that the 2008 crash was caused by out-ofcontrol bankers and mortgage brokers, and elaborate, opaque financial
products. Richards makes a compelling case that the blame lies largely with
government policy - and therefore the legislative "solutions." His portraits of
key players in our ongoing national drama are eye-opening and fresh - a
pathology destined to get worse.
Indivisible: Restoring Faith, Family, and Freedom Before It's Too Late James Robison & Jay Richards
Robison and Richard recognize that the moral consensus that sustained our
country has ceased to exist. They offer fresh and penetrating diagnoses of our
cultural disease, how we contracted it, what we must do to cure it. Abortion,
runaway government, marriage, poverty and prosperity, politics and
environment - they tackle the hard issues exposing the culprits and giving
The Privileged Planet - How Our Place In The Cosmos is Designed For
Discovery - Guillermo Gonzalez and Jay Richards
Is the earth special or just another planet? Is it's ability to sustain life blind
chance or the result of design? Is it's position in the Milky Way (perfect for life)
chance or design? How the laws of constants that govern the universe must
be narrowly fine-tuned for the existence of any complex life resource for discussions about origins.
Same-Sex Marriage: A Thoughtful Approach to God's Design for
Marriage - Sean McDowell and John Stonestreet. (Sean will be our January
2015 speaker)
How should Christians respond to same-sex marriage? This book clearly defines
and contrasts two very different meanings of marriage. In the process, it
reveals the history of thinking about marriage and the dramatic shift in our
culture's understanding of human dignity, and the meaning of freedom and
sex. Same-sex marriage matters to the future of our culture and may be
the most relevant subject of our day.
Two books to help you think about Non-Discrimination and
Religious Liberty
The Homosexual Agenda - Exposing The Principle Threat to Religious
Liberty – Alan Sears & Craig Osten - Alliance Defending Freedom.
Because the homosexual activists, the ACLU and others have linked up to
destroy our moral base, this book is FUNDAMENTAL to what is happening in
America. It exposes the
LGBT movement and its rising legal tide and their
aim of "trumping" the rights of all other groups, especially people of faith.
This well documented book from a decade ago
is even more relevant today
and will forever solidify your understanding that these
"angels" mean to
destroy our culture.
The ACLU vs. America - Exposing The Agenda to Redefine Moral Values
– Alan Sears& Craig Osten - Alliance Defending Freedom.
This well documented work exposes the Socialist-Communist leanings of the
founders and their anti-Christian crusades. And, those goals
have not changed. From
its very beginning, the ACLU has sought to destroy
from within the America our Founders intended. Give this to a friend and ask
them to read the first page of chapter
one... this work exposes the evil
works of an anti-god, anti-American organization
Blue: For Earth, for Humanity, for Freedom - A film (and "Idea") by J.D.
King J.D. has captured how the Progressive Environmental Movement is
manipulating government (Agenda 21 etc.) to bring down our free market
system. Using key
spokesmen from many countries, he exposes their
distortions of climate change.
Books We Carry at Most Events
Worldview Basics:
Understanding the Times – Dr. David Noebel
A comprehensive ‘textbook’ on the major worldviews - must for every library.
We consider this the worldview bible.
Total Truth – Nancy Pearcey
An excellent development and background of worldview thinking. Must read for
any serious student of worldviews.
How Should We Then Live - The Rise and Decline of Western Thought and
Culture - Francis Schaeffer
This classic is one of the best places to start in understanding why we are where
we are in this culture. People are as they think and the choices we are
making now will irrevocably mold the direction of our culture.
How Now Shall We Live? - Chuck Colson and Nancy Pearcey
How our ideas about the world shape the way we live. Very good essential and
easy to read. Highly recommended.
Mere Christianity – C.S. Lewis
A powerful and rational case for the Christian faith. A true classic that all should
The Cathedral Builder- Pursuing Cultural Beauty - Jeff Ventrella with ADF
The Rule of Law is a cathedral we have to build brick by brick. This series of
essays has "brought together in one place a sobering and thorough analysis of
every major issue facing America.”
 A Christian Manifesto – Francis Schaeffer
A call to change the course of history by returning to biblical Truth allowing
Christ to be Lord of all of life
A Communist Manifesto – Karl Marx & Frederick Engels
1848 Classic: Theories on the nature of societies and politics and how they
progress from “evil” worldwide Capitalism to utopian Communism
Rules For Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals: Saul Alinsky
Why Rules? It was the only book Dr. Ben Carson referenced in his talk in
Billings. Barack Obama's handbook, the one he taught to community organizers
in Chicago. The book Hilary Clinton did her senior dissertation on, it outlines
the Marxists rules of the game being played out before your eyes, every day.
The Second American Revolution: John W. Whitehead
"Clearly the most important book I have read in a long time" - Francis Schaeffer.
It exposes what happened when our law system went from 'Biblical based to
Case based law - one of cultures most profound examples of Darwinian
influence. Law, like religion is a fundamental reality which is related to the
entire structure of a society.
Cultural-Church Issues - Relative to the Health of the Body of Christ
 Prodigal Press: Confronting the Anti-Christian Bias of the American News
Media - Marvin Olasky and Warren Cole Smith, WORLD Magazine. This is no
Fox-News-Rant but a logical, readable, review of how we got where we are at
and how the press has affected that decline. These authors offer ideas and hope
for how we can turn this tide - challenging youth to take up this mantle.
A Lovers Quarrel With the Evangelical Church - Warren Cole Smith, WORLD
Warren addresses the ongoing slide into a church-culture based on emotion that
has marginalized truth and our theological underpinning. He develops the
argument that instead of evangelizing and making disciples, much of the church
has become part of the cultural decline of the west.
Faith Undone: The Emerging Church, a New Reformation or an End Time
Deception - Roger Oakland (A book I reference regularly)
This book may take you to your own front door - to your church. What is the
history and background of the Emerging Church-Growth Movement that is all
around us? What is the background of some of the "big name players" ?
A Time of Departing: How Ancient Mystical Practices are Uniting Christians
with the World's Religions - Ray Yungen. Eastern Mysticism is invading almost
every evangelical denomination, church, and seminary. This deception is
coming in under the banner of Contemplative Prayer, justified as Meditation. Is
this biblical meditation leading to closer relationship with God? Again, we see
the proponents admitting they got it from Eastern Pantheists.
How To Protect Your Child from the New Age and Spiritual Deception - Berit
Kjos. Tempting New Age voices beckon our children in schools, movies, music,
and now even in the church. Berit's deep understanding of these forces will
equip you and your youth to recognize and deal with this deception that is all
around us.
A Balance of Justice: Searching for Truth in a Relative Nation - (DVD) Ben
Dupre, Border Watch Films.
Featuring Col. John Eidsmoe, it explores issues concerning law and order and
who will define those standards. Should our constitution be modernized?
 What Is Marriage? Man and Woman: A Defense: Sherif Girgis, Ryan T.
Anderson, & Dr. Robert George
With many countries on the verge of redefining this pivotal institution, this
work issues an urgent call for full discussion of what is at stake. An insightful
and influential defense of marriage as it has been historically and rightly
The Case for Marriage: Why Married People are Happier, Healthier, and
Better off Financially - Linda Waite & Maggie Gallagher
Their research contradicts the anti-marriage myths that have become the
"common sense" of most Americans. Ideas like marriage are a bad deal for
women, divorce is better for children when parents are unhappy, marriage is a
private choice not a public institution and many other secular driven agendas.
 God and Government – Chuck Colson An insider’s view of the boundaries
between faith and politics
You Can Still Trust a Communist to be Communist – F. Schwarz & D. Noebel
The 'text book' for understanding Communism, Cultural Marxism and the
Growing Threat to America.
Agenda – Grinding America Down (DVD) We can still order – Curtis Bowers
Award winning documentary on Cultural Marxism’s invasion of America
American Heritage Series (10 disc DVD set) – David Barton, Wallbuilders
A complete set of information on America’s founding, constitution, church and
state issues, the involvement of pastors, the early courts and the duty of a
Christian citizen.
America’s Godly Heritage (DVD)– David Barton, Wallbuilders
An overview of beliefs of many of the famous founding fathers concerning the
proper role of Christian principles in education, government and public affairs
Lives of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence – Benson Lossing
A reprint of the 1848 biographical sketches of the signers of the Declaration
Separation of Church & State: What the Founders Meant – David Barton
What is the proof for the original intent and how did it get so distorted?
Original Intent: The Courts, The Constitution & Religion – David Barton
A more complete treatment of the founders’ intent regarding the relationship
among these three entities
The Truth about Thomas Jefferson – David Barton, Wallbuilders
A concise pamphlet about the famous letter Jefferson wrote that has turned into
an unintended “wall” between faith and politics in recent years
Documents of Freedom – Wallbuilders
The Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and George Washington’s
Farewell Address
The ACLU vs. America: Alan Sears and Craig Osten (from The Alliance
Defending Freedom) Their battle with the ACLU.
 Money, Greed and God: Why Capitalism is the Solution, Not the Problem –Jay
Why capitalism influenced by the ethics of Christianity is consistent with the
teachings of Jesus.
 Brave New Schools* – Berit Kjos
A sobering look at our education system from an author who understands the
underlying agendas. Key read to understand the origins of Common Core.
 The Genesis Record – Dr. Henry Morris
A verse by verse scientific and devotional commentary on the book of Genesis
The Lie: Evolution –Ken Ham
If you believe that evolution can be made to fit the Bible, this book is for you.
Tornado in a Junkyard – James Perloff
The probability of life arising from random processes is examined and compared
to believing that a tornado could strike a junkyard and create a working watch.
Already Gone* – Ken Ham and Britt Beemer
Shocking research test on why the next generation is calling it quits on church
Already Compromised*– Ken Ham and Greg Hall
A thorough assessment of the state of Christian colleges and seminaries
Modern Creation Trilogy* – Drs. John and Henry Morris
An exhaustive examination of the evidence for evolution and creation
Periodicals –
AIG (Answers in Genesis) Quarterly and Monthly 1:1 Answers Update –
ICR (Institute for Creation Research) and Monthly Acts &
Life Application Issues:
Tactics: A Game Plan for Discussing Christian Convictions* –Gregory Koukl
Defending Christianity in the public square in an engaging and disarming way
The Faith – What Christians Believe, Why They Believe It & Why It Matters –
Chuck Colson
Building a biblical worldview that is true and comprehensive enough to
encompass your whole life consistently
Specialty Issues:
 How to Stay Christian in College – Jay Budziszewski
An essential primer for every Christian young person heading into a world ready
and eager to attack and destroy every shred of faith they encounter
Knowing Your Rights – Jay Sekulow
A great pamphlet to equip you with what you need to know to live out your faith
Time-Sensitive Resources:
 World Magazine –