Erosion and Deposition Directed Reading Guide

Erosion and Deposition Study Guide # 2
Directions: Use pages 298-319 in your earth science textbook to answer the following questions. The
answers are found as you read, so they are in order. THIS WILL BE GRADED, AND YOU WILL SEE
Section 1
1. A body of water meets land at a place called a _________________________________.
2. True or False: The strength of the wind and the length of time the wind blows affect the size of the
3. True or False: The surfer in California, shown in Figure 1, could be riding a wave produced by a
storm near Australia.
4. True or False: Waves travel alone.
5. True or False: Waves are effective at moving material because they release a lot of energy when they
6. Which of the following is NOT true of crashing waves?
a. They produce solid rock
c. They form new beaches
b. They polish sand.
d. They throw rocks.
7. True or False: Any area of the shoreline made up of wave-deposited material is a beach.
8. True or False: Beach materials come only from coastal areas.
9. The most common beach material is light-colored ____________________________.
10. A movement of water _______________________ (perpendicular or parallel) to and near the
shoreline is called a longshore current.
11. Which of the following landforms are created by deposits due to longshore currents?
a. A sea cliff
c. a barrier split
b. A sandbar
d. a bay
Section 2
12. True or False: When the wind causes sand-sized particles to bounce and skip along, the movement is
called sedimentation.
13. True or False: The area of the Painted Desert, pictured in Figure 9 on page 305, shows the results of
14. __________________________________ is the name for depressions in the sand that can be hundreds
of meters deep.
15. Nature’s way of sandblasting rock with strong wind and loose sand is called
16. When the wind blows _______________________ (fast or slow), it can pick up and carry more
material. Heavier material is deposited first when the wind _______________________________
(speeds up or slows down).
17. The fine-grained, windblown sediment loess feels a lot like _____________________ powder.
18. True or False: Loess deposits are responsible for the destruction of many of the grain-growing areas
of the world.
Section 3
19. True or False: Areas where glaciers form are so cold that you can chill a can of juice just by carrying
it outside.
20. Glaciers are found in ______________________ regions and areas at __________________
21. True or False: Alpine and oceanic are the two main types of glaciers.
22. True or False: A continental ice sheet is the largest type of continental glacier.
23. Rugged landforms are carved out by ________________________ glaciers (alpine or continental).
24. Smooth and flattened landscapes are formed by ______________________ glaciers (alpine or
25. ___________________________ are carved by smaller glaciers that join with the main glacier.
26. ___________________________ are bowl-like depressions formed when glacial ice cuts into
mountain walls.
27. ___________________________ are pyramid-shaped peaks formed by three or more depressions.
28. ___________________________ are jagged ridges formed when two or more bowl-like depressions
cut into the same mountain.
29. ___________________________ are formed when a glacier changes the shape of areas between
30. Scientists can determine the direction of glacial ice flow by examining special grooves called
31. All material carried and deposited by glaciers is called glacial __________________________.
Section 4
32. True or False: Gravity controls mass movement.
33. Loose material set at the angle of repose _________________ (will or will not) slide downslope.
34. Which of the following factors affect the movement of material downslope? (Circle ALL that APPLY)
a. Slope of the resting surface
c. moisture level of the material
b. Size of the material
d. weight of the resting surface
35. True or False: More material is moved collectively over time by slow mass movement than by rapid
mass movement.
36. True or False: Over time, creep can cause tree trunks to bend.
If you finish early, answer the review questions (IN FULL SENTENCES) found on pages 303, 308, 315,
& 319). Use your own notebook paper and staple to the back of this page.