Teaching Geography publishes articles which contain material of

Writing for Teaching Geography
Teaching Geography publishes articles which contain material of practical value to teachers of geography
in secondary schools. The journal provides a forum for:
* the exchange of ideas about teaching methods and resources;
* the analysis of new developments in geographical education; and
* the initiation and debate of new ideas.
Types of articles
Articles for the journal should be written in such a way as to be accessible to a professional geography
teacher/lecturer. Authors should also note that the readership extends beyond England and Wales.
Where a manuscript focuses on a commercial product/resource then it must have a clear purpose which
would be of interest and relevance to the readers and one that does not merely publicise the product.
The journal is divided into a number of sections:
Geography Curriculum articles discuss and exemplify particular aspects of the curriculum. Manuscripts
submitted for Geography Curriculum should not to exceed 3500 words and include diagrammatic material
and/or photographs (or suggestions for illustrative material) where appropriate.
Research File articles report and discuss geographical education research. They should report research
is relevant to geography teachers/lecturers in the 11-19 age range
informs the thinking and practice of geography teachers/lecturers
has direct relevance to the geography classroom both in its scope and findings
is written in such a way as to be accessible to a professional geography teacher/lecturer audience.
Articles may also be considered with support teachers who are engaging in geographical education
research by exploring approaches to such research. These articles should not exceed 3000 words.
Teaching File articles describe specific teaching ideas and materials. Any teaching and learning activities
included in the manuscript should have been trialled in the classroom. The word limit for Teaching File
articles is 2000-3000 words.
The Forum section includes shorter articles which deal with matters of general interest to teachers (10002000 words).
Regular Features cover Assessment Matters and Information and Communications Technology. Manuscripts for
these sections should be submitted for the attention of the appropriate Feature Editor. They should not
exceed 2000 words.
There is also a Reviews and resources section. For details on how to submit material for review, or to offer
to review resources, please email Dorcas Turner (dturner@geography.org.uk).
Information for contributors
Type your manuscripts in double-spacing with wide margins and email to Anna Gunby
Most manuscripts submitted to Teaching Geography will be refereed. Referees may make suggestions for
amendments/additions to the text before the manuscript is accepted for publication..
Once the manuscript has been accepted for publication please email the final version or send on disk
together with a printed copy.
Title page
The title of the article, the authors' name(s), affiliation, address, telephone and fax numbers, email
address and as a word count and three to five key words, should be printed on a separate sheet. To
facilitate anonymous refereeing these details should not appear elsewhere on the manuscript.
Use a maximum of three levels of heading and follow this convention: A. FIRST LEVEL HEADING, a.
second level heading, and i. third level heading.
Units and measurements
For all measurement please use the SI metric system (imperial equivalents may be given in brackets). Use
numerals in the text, except for full numbers between one and ten.
Type tables in double-spacing and number each one consecutively.
Notes and References
Notes should be numbered consecutively throughout the text with explanations listed at the end of the
manuscript before the 'References'. The Harvard system is used for references. In the main body text
references should give the author's name and date of publication, e.g. (Morrish, 1994). References
should be listed in alphabetical order at the end of the article, for example:
Morrish, M. (1994) 'Checking up on China', Teaching Geography, 19, 2, pp. 51-7.
References should be restricted (a maximum of 12) to those which are necessary or particularly helpful
and must be accessible.
Illustrative materials
Rough diagrams are accepted and redrawn in full colour. All illustrations should be numbered
sequentially and provided with captions. Titles should not be drawn on maps or diagrams.
Wherever possible supply good quality colour photographs, transparencies or original children's work
with your article. Please email Anna Gunby (anna@geography.org.uk) before submitting digital images.
For all material (including figures) you use from other sources, which may infringe copyright laws, you
must obtain copyright clearance from that source before including it. If in doubt, email Anne Greaves
Authors will be required to check proofs of their article, this may be in the form of an edited
All contributions should be addressed to Ms Anna Gunby, Production Editor, Teaching Geography,
The Geographical Association, 160 Solly Street, Sheffield S1 4BF. Tel: 0114 296 0088; Fax: 0114 296
Complimentary copies
On publication, sole and first authors of co-authored articles will receive six copies of the issue of
Teaching Geography which contains their article.