NORFOLK COMMISSION ON THE ARTS AND HUMANITIES 208 East Main Street, Norfolk, VA 23510 (757) 664-4330 Fax: 664-6810 FY 12 FINAL REPORT DUE SEPTEMBER 28, 2012, 5:00 p.m. EDT ORGANIZATION/PROJECT TITLE GRANT AMOUNT MAILING ADDRESS/CITY/STATE/ZIP EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR GRANT ADMINISTRATOR TELEPHONE NUMBER Provide 2011-2012 season schedule and audience figures for grant-supported Norfolk activities. PLEASE GROUP AND SUBTOTAL ACTIVITIES/PERFORMANCES BY TYPE, for example: mainstage productions, inschool programs, arts instruction, community outreach programs, exhibitions, etc. Dates Activity/Performance Norfolk Venue # of Perfs. # Paid Admission # Comp. Admission Total Attendance Totals: INDICATE NUMBER OF SPECIAL INDIVIDUALS SERVED (IF EXACT NUMBERS ARE UNKNOWN, PLEASE GIVE ESTIMATE AND INDICATE WITH *) BY GRANT SUPPORTED ACTIVITY Children ____________ Racial Minorities ____________ People with disabilities ____________ Senior Citizens ____________ Military ____________ Others (Describe) _________________________________ Number of Participating Artists ______________ FY 12 OVERALL ACTIVITY OF YOUR ORGANIZATION IN NORFOLK: NUMBER OF DISTINCT CULTURAL EVENTS offered in Norfolk by your organization during the granting period (9/1/118/31/12) open to the public: Number of free events ___________ Number of events with an admission charge __________ OVERALL ATTENDANCE at your organization’s cultural events in Norfolk: Total attending free events ___________ Total attending events with admission charge ___________ FY 12 EDUCATION and OUTREACH ACTIVITY OF YOUR ORGANIZATION IN NORFOLK—please note that these figures are a subset of, not an addition to, figures above: Number of the free or ticketed events listed above that are in-school or student activities _________ Total attending these activities _______________ Number of the free or ticketed events listed above that are community outreach activities ____________ Total attending these activities ___________________ FY 12 EMPLOYMENT Number of full time employees __________ Number of part-time employees ____________ FY 12 BOARD OF DIRECTORS PARTICIPATION: Number of board members __________ Percent of board members contributing financially ______________ DESCRIBE EFFECT OF GRANT, especially any specific, notable outcomes. Attach letters, reviews, news clippings, etc. Indicate method of grant acknowledgment (attach program, ads, etc.) Can be continued on back of page 3. ORGANIZATION / PROJECT BUDGET SUMMARY: Grant Guidelines require a copy of the organization’s most recent annual audited financial statement. If the audit is not yet available, an unaudited statement should be attached, and the audit should be submitted when it becomes available. If the organization is not audited, the unaudited statement should be attached. In either case, the budget should be summarized below (i.e., please fill in both parts of this form). FY 11-12 FINAL Revenue A. Contributed 1. Norfolk Commission 2. Local Grants a. Chesapeake b. Hampton c. Newport News d. Portsmouth e. Suffolk f. Virginia Beach g. Williamsburg h. York County 3. State 4. Federal 5. Membership Fees 6. Individual Contributions 7. Corporate Contributions 8. Other (specify)_______________________ B. Earned 9. Admissions/Ticket sales (inc. Tax) 10. Concessions/Product Sales 11. Interest 12. Other (specify)_______________________ 13. Other (specify)_______________________ C. Fundraising Events/Activities (gross income) 14. (specify)____________________________ 15. (specify)____________________________ D. Other 16. (specify)____________________________ 17. (specify)____________________________ E. Total Income In-kind Contributions (dollar value, do include above a. Services b. Goods and Materials c. Space F. Total In-Kind Organization Project $ FY 11-12 Final Expenses A. Salaries/Wages/Honoraria* 1. Principal Administrators a. Administrative Support 2. Principal Artistic Staff a. Artists/Performers/Lecturers 3. Consultants 4. Other (specify)_______________________ B. Non-Personnel 5. Office Rental 6. Utilities and Telephones 7. Insurance and Bonding 8. Office Supplies 9. Travel/Lodging/Meals 10. Materials 11. Printing and Duplicating 12. Postage 13. Advertising 14. Equipment Purchase 15. Equipment Rental 16. Repairs and Maintenance 17. Facility Rental (all)** 18. Real Estate Taxes (all)** 19. Personal Property Taxes (all)** 20. Interest Expense 21. Bank Service Charges 22. Admission Taxes (all)** 23. Fundraising Expenses 24. Parking paid by organization (all) ** 25. Other (specify)_______________________ 26. Other (specify)_______________________ Organization Project $ 27. TOTAL EXPENSES 28. NET INCOME <DEFICIT> * Include fringe benefits and payroll taxes **For items 17-19, and 22, 24, list Norfolk amounts only below DIRECT REVENUES RETURNED TO NORFOLK UNDER THIS GRANT (IF PARKING IS ESTIMATED, INDICATE WITH AN ASTERISK ADMISSION TAXES $_______________ REAL ESTATE TAXES $_______________ SALES TAXES $_______________ BUSINESS LICENSES $_______________ FACILITIES RENTALS (NOT SERVICES) PAID TO CITY* $_______________ STAFF/PERFORMER/PATRON PARKING $____________/____________/____________ OTHER (DESCRIBE) $_______________ TOTAL RETURNED TO NORFOLK IN FY 12 $_______________ *Note that facilities rentals refers to City-owned facilities, not university, church, or private venues. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, ALL INFORMATION IN THIS FINAL REPORT IS COMPLETE AND ACCURATE. NAME AND TITLE OF AUTHORIZED OFFICIAL (PRINT OR TYPE) ____________________________________________________ SIGNATURE / DATE _________________________________________________________________________________________ H:\Arts (NCAH files)\GRANTS\FY 12 Grants\FY12 FINAL REPORT.doc