Activity CSIRO Key Learning Students will investigate the

Episode 10
30th April 2013
Key Learning
Students will investigate the contribution that the CSIRO has made to scientific research in Australia and the
impact that scientific discoveries have had on people’s lives.
The Australian Curriculum
Science / Science as a Human Endeavour / Use and
influence of science
Science / Science as a Human Endeavour / Nature and
development of science
Scientific understandings, discoveries and inventions are used
to solve problems that directly affect peoples’ lives (ACSHE083)
Scientific knowledge changes as new evidence becomes
available, and some scientific discoveries have significantly
changed people’s understanding of the world (ACSHE119)
Scientific knowledge is used to inform personal and community
decisions (ACSHE217)
Science and technology contribute to finding solutions to a range
of contemporary issues; these solutions may impact on other
areas of society and involve ethical considerations (ACSHE120)
People use understanding and skills from across the disciplines
of science in their occupations(ACSHE224)
Science knowledge can develop through collaboration and
connecting ideas across the disciplines of science (ACSHE223)
Science / Science Inquiry Skills / Planning and
With guidance, plan appropriate investigation methods to
answer questions or solve problems (ACSIS086), (ACSIS103)
Discussion Questions
What was the main point of the CSIRO story?
Describe what the students in this story are learning about.
The CSIRO is one of the largest scientific research organisations in the world. True or false?
The CSIRO was started by the Australian Government how many years ago?
a. 9 years
b. 90 years
c. 900 years
Name one of the most significant inventions made by the CSIRO.
Discuss as a class how this important invention has changed people’s lives.
The CSIRO is mostly funded by the government. Who else does the CSIRO rely on for their funding?
Why did the CSIRO recently have to cut around 200 jobs?
Think of three adjectives to describe the science classes that CSIRO hold in schools.
Do you think it is important that CSIRO continues its scientific research? Explain your answer.
©ABC 2013
The role of the CSIRO: brainstorming & further investigation
Begin with a class brainstorming session. Use some of the following questions as discussion starters.
Brainstorming questions
 What is the first thing that comes to mind
when you think of science? Think about
innovation, discoveries and inventions.
 Can you think of any science discoveries or
inventions that have impacted on your life?
 How do you think the recent budget cuts at
CSIRO will affect their science research?
Provide students with the opportunity to undertake further investigation into the work of the CSIRO and the
impact that scientific understandings, discoveries and inventions have on people’s lives.
Further Investigation
 What is the role of the CSIRO?
o When was the CSIRO founded?
o What areas of science research does the CSIRO focus on?
o How important is the CSIRO and the work they do with kids in schools?
 Did you know that scientists at the CSIRO invented Wireless LAN (WiFi) technology and developed
‘plastic’ money? Conduct further research into either one of these or another CSIRO discovery and
explore how it has impacted on people’s lives.
Encourage students to share their research with the class.
Interesting ways to present the information include:
Infographic. Take a look at CSIRO’s infographic for inspiration
Prezi presentation
Oral presentation
Web page
©ABC 2013
Be a Scientist
Consider inviting a local scientist to your classroom to hold a Q&A discussion which will form part of your
research on a science topic you are currently studying. Alternatively go to the ABC Science Ask an Expert
website to ask a curly question!
Design an experiment - students become scientists
Provide students with the opportunity to think and behave like a scientist. In pairs or small groups, students
work on designing a science experiment to answer a question or solve a problem. Here are some examples
of possible questions as a starting point for a scientific inquiry.
Science inquiry questions
 Are you already focusing on a science topic in class? Use this as a basis for your experiment.
 Visit your school or local community garden to discover possible scientific experiments. Working with
a partner, students must identify a researchable problem and conduct an investigation based on their
observations. For example, which vegetables grow best in shade?
 Refer to the ABC’s The Surfing Scientist website for a science experiment idea.
 Refer to the CSIRO’s Do-it-yourself science page for experiment ideas.
Investigation Framework
Here is an investigation framework to guide students when planning and conducting their experiments.
Investigation Framework
 What am I going to investigate?
 What do I think will happen (prediction)?
 Why do I think this will happen?
 What steps do I need to follow to investigate my prediction?
 What materials and equipment will I need? Make list or draw and label each item.
 How will I make it a fair test? What variables am I going to keep the same?
 Write a sentence that summarises what happened?
 A labelled diagram or a table of my results or observations to demonstrate what happened.
 Was this what I expected? Yes or no.
CSIRO Education Programs – weblinks
Engage with Australia's only national network of science education centres.
Excite and educate students and teachers with curriculum linked hands-on
workshops at your school or our centres.
Find out how the Double Helix Science Club can help your school.
©ABC 2013
CSIRO Lab on Legs provides a range of exciting hands-on laboratory
experiences that highlight the everyday applications of scientific research.
Lab on Legs is available for students in Years 4 to 12, in both regional and
metropolitan schools.
Science by Email is a free online newsletter for students, teachers and anyone
with an interest in science.
Further Investigation
Engage your students with open-ended science investigations and technology projects
through the CSIRO CREST program. Learn more...
 Related Research Links
ABC 7.30 – Sparking children’s interest in science
ABC News – CSIRO looks set to cut 200 jobs
Questacon – CSIRO
CSIRO – Wireless LAN to the world
Questacon – Plastic banknotes
CSIRO – Education
Behind the News – Science Kids
©ABC 2013