Day 2 Workshop Times / Locations

Our programme of workshops is designed to spur you into action to move your career
forward. All delegates will attend the first two plenary sessions. After this, there is the
chance to attend up to three workshops – you can mix and match from any of the three
career strands.
Plenary Sessions
10.30am Keynote Speaker: Professor Helen Gleeson, on managing her own career
Plenary Workshop: Vox Coaching - Communicating with Clarity
Is your message getting across? How can you increase your impact in presentations or
conferences? A practical and energetic session from VOX Coaching – frequently the ‘star
turn’ at University conferences - book your seat now...
Workshop Strands
a) Academic Careers Workshops
Strategic Academic Career Planning:
Professor Helen Gleeson & Dr Claire Stocks, University of Manchester
This workshop will define possible academic career paths and support you in planning the
development of your own academic career.
* 12noon and 2pm (Room F2)
Fellowship & Grant Writing Applications:
Dr Judy Williams & academics from The University of Manchester
Highlighting what makes a good and bad application and giving insider tips for success.
* 2pm and 3pm (room D7)
Academic CV Surgery
Dr Sonja Tomaskovic & Dr Gemma Muckle, The University of Manchester
Want to make the most of your applications for academic jobs and fellowships? This
workshop will give you tips on how to stand out and get your message across effectively in
your academic CV. Bring your own CV and evaluate it critically to see if it really is “fit for
*2pm (Room F1)
Academic Interviews:
Elizabeth Wilkinson & academics from Earth Sciences*‡, Manchester Business
School*, Life Sciences‡ and Arts, Histories & Cultures*‡ from The University of
Manchester (* - 12-1pm, ‡ - 3-4pm)
Want to know what goes on in an academic interview panel and what they’re looking for?
Hear from academics who make recruitment decisions and get the chance to ask them all
about academic interviews.
*12noon and 3pm (Room F14)
b) Careers Workshops For Non-Academic Careers
CV Surgery For Non-Academic Jobs
Dr Sonja Tomaskovic & Dr Gemma Muckle, University of Manchester
Did you know that non-academic CVs are radically different to academic CVs? This
workshop will give you tips on how to stand out and get your message across effectively in
your CV for non-academic jobs. Evaluate your own CV and see if it really is “fit for purpose”.
*3pm (Room F1)
How To Impress At Assessment Centre:
The Co-operative Group
An ‘insider’s guide’ to the Assessment Centre process and how to succeed from a leading
local employer
*2pm and 3pm (Room E2)
Marketing Yourself & Your PhD:
Dr Charlie Ball, HECSU & Nicola Pike, University of Manchester
This workshop will talk you through what employers are looking for and how to sell yourself
successfully during the application process.
*12noon (Room D7)
c) Careers Workshops – Suitable for Any Career
Confident Communication:
Vox Coaching
Communication is vital to your career – whether approaching a senior academic about a
fellowship or research proposal, or brainstorming at a conference. This session takes a
practical look at making the most out of your colleagues and contacts, and at ways to
communicate with confidence - even in daunting situations.
*2pm and 3pm (Room E1)
Personal Impact:
Vox Coaching
Your research work is important – how can you speak about it with confidence and flair?
What will engage and interest your audience? This involving session explores how
communication can have impact, and offers opportunities for discussions and contributions.
*12noon (Room E7)
Maximising Your Strengths:
Dr Louise Hill, The University of Manchester
This workshop will give you the opportunity to reflect and focus on your strengths. Through
talking with other people you will develop ideas for how you can make the most of your
strengths and talents to maximise your career success. In preparation for this workshop,
try and reflect on what you think some of your strengths are. When are you at your best?
*3pm (Room D1)
Evidencing Skills:
Dr Gemma Muckle, The University of Manchester
A chance to think about how potential employers might perceive the skills you have gained,
using practical examples of recent job specs and group discussion to learn from each other.
*12noon (Room E1)
Clarifying Your Career Goals:
Dr Louise Hill, The University of Manchester
This workshop uses a new picture card technique to help you visualise where you want to
take your career and specify goals and actions to help you move forward. You will create a
visual and written action plan to take away with you.
*12noon and 2pm (Room D1)
Presenting At Interview:
Myc Riggulsford: freelance journalist, presenter and trainer
Simple practical tips to enhance success at interview focusing on getting a clear message
*12noon (Room E2); 2pm and 3pm (Room E7)
Using On-line Tools For Your Career:
Elizabeth Wilkinson, University of Manchester
Whether it’s saving time when looking for job ads, making connections with those in the
know, or developing your professional presence, on-line tools are opening up new ways to
manage your career. Find out how to avoid being left behind and make on-line career tools
work for you.
*2pm (Room F14)
Emotional Intelligence:
Orietta Houghland, The University of Manchester
We all have an EQ (Emotional Quotient) but what is it, why is it important and what can we
do with it? By developing our Emotional Intelligence we can become more productive and
successful at what we do, and help others to be more productive and successful too.
*12noon and 2pm (Room D2)
Getting To Know Your Personality Type:
Graham Keating, The University of Manchester
Exploring your personality type (using the MBTI model) will help you understand yourself,
others and how to get yourself noticed and listened to!
*12noon (Room F1)
OPQ: What Kind Of Organisation Suits Your Personality?:
Paul Dixon, The University of Manchester
Introducing the Occupational Personality Questionnaire, providing in-depth information on
how you fit within a work environment, how you work with others and perform against role
*3pm (Room D2)
Room & 12.00
Clarifying Career Goals
Clarifying Career Goals
Maximising your Strengths
Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence
Marketing yourself and
your PhD
Grant & Fellowship
OPQ: What kind of
organisation suits your
Grant & Fellowship
Evidencing Skills
Confident Communication
Confident Communication
Presenting at Interview
How to Impress at
Assessment Centre
How to Impress at
Assessment Centre
Personal Impact
Presenting at Interview
Presenting at Interview
Getting to know your
Personality Type
Academic CV Surgery
CV surgery for
Non-Academic Jobs
Strategic Academic
Career Planning
Strategic Academic
Career Planning
Academic Interviews
Using Online Tools for your Academic Interviews
If you have any questions or queries, please ask at the Help Desk in the
Pathways Lounge.