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Ohio Grade 8 Achievement Test for Science – May 2007
Annotated Item 11
Standard and Benchmark Assessed:
Earth and Space Sciences
C. Describe interactions of matter and energy throughout the lithosphere,
hydrosphere and atmosphere (e.g., water cycle, weather and pollution).
Extended Response Question:
Use the information in the table and maps below to answer questions 7-11
Weather Table and Maps
The weather information shown below was reported on Sunday, the 15th of the month, and two
days later on Tuesday, the 17th of the month. The table includes conditions for Sunday only,
whereas the maps report early morning conditions for both Sunday and Tuesday.
Source: Ohio Department of Education
August 07
Ohio Grade 8 Achievement Test for Science – May 2007
Annotated Item 11
In your Answer Document, using the two weather maps and the table of weather data,
predict the likelihood of precipitation and probable sky conditions (cloud cover) at
Cleveland, Ohio, for Sunday and for the following Tuesday.
Give reasons for your predictions for each day. (4 points)
This extended response question asks students to predict the likelihood of precipitation and
probable sky conditions (cloud cover) in Cleveland, Ohio on two given days based upon
provided weather maps and weather data. Students must read and interpret the weather maps
and table of weather data and communicate their understanding of weather patterns typically
associated with low and high pressure weather systems and with the movement of cold and
warm fronts. Students must interpret the given weather information in the context of their
understanding of weather concepts and make a scientifically valid prediction regarding likely
weather conditions for each specified day. Students must also support their predictions with
evidence from the weather maps and weather data. Students must communicate a correct
prediction for Sunday and Tuesday. The response that earns full credit correctly predicts
precipitation and cloudy skies for Sunday because of a cold front that is passing through
Cleveland and clear skies with no precipitation for Tuesday because there is no frontal system
This question is classified as Communicating Understanding / Analyzing Science Information
because the task requires students to recall information regarding weather concepts, interpret
and analyze weather maps and data tables and make an accurate prediction regarding weather
Performance Data:
The percent of public school students earning each score point for question 11 on the May 2007
Ohio Grade 8 Achievement Test for Science:
Percent at Each Score Point
Sample Response for Item 11 (Extended Response):
Exemplar Response:
On Sunday, the weather in Cleveland should be stormy or rainy because of the cold
front that is passing through. There is a high likelihood of rain and the sky will be cloudy
when the front passes through. On Tuesday the weather should be sunny (no clouds or
precipitation) because of the nearby high pressure air mass.
Other Correct Response(s):
On Sunday it should be windy and rainy with dark clouds and then turn clear and colder
Source: Ohio Department of Education
August 07
Ohio Grade 8 Achievement Test for Science – May 2007
Annotated Item 11
as the cold front passes through. On Tuesday the sky should be clear with no rain
because there are no frontal systems nearby.
Scoring Guidelines:
4 point
3 point
2 point
1 point
0 point
Student Response
The response provides correct weather predictions (including
sky conditions and likelihood of precipitation) for both Sunday
and Tuesday and a correct, supporting reason for each
The response provides correct predictions for both Sunday and
Tuesday, but the supporting reason for one of the days is
incorrect, unclear, or missing.
3 point sample answer:
The weather on Sunday should be cloudy and rainy because of
the cold front nearby and on Tuesday it should be clear
because the rain moved away.
The response provides one correct prediction with a supporting
reason, but an incorrect prediction on the other day
OR the response provides correct predictions for both days but
has incorrect, unclear, or missing supporting reasons for both
2 point sample answer:
The weather should be clear on Sunday because of the cold
front nearby. The weather should be sunny with no rain on
Tuesday because of the high pressure system nearby.
The response provides the correct prediction for one day but
has an incorrect, unclear, or missing supporting reason for that
1 point sample answer:
The weather should be sunny on Tuesday because it is a
couple of days after Sunday.
The response fails to provide a correct prediction for either day.
The response does not meet the criteria required to earn one
point. The response indicates inadequate or no understanding
of the task and/or the idea or concept needed to answer the
item. It may only repeat information given in the test item. The
response may provide an incorrect solution/response and the
provided supportive information may be totally irrelevant to the
item, or possibly, no other information is shown. The response
may name the days of the week without supporting information.
The student may have written on a different topic or written, “I
don't know”.
0 point sample answer:
There is a likelihood of precipitation and sky conditions on
Sunday and Tuesday.
Source: Ohio Department of Education
August 07