The Animal Bill of Rights “The question is not whether they can think as we can. . .the question is, can they suffer?” -Dr. Peter Singer 1. All animals are born with an equal claim on life and right to existence on Gaia as are humans. 2. All animals are entitled to respect and dignity commensurate with their right to existence. Humanity shall not arrogate to itself the right to exterminate or exploit any species. Since homo sapiens have evolved into a macrophase force upon the planet (for good or ill effect dependent upon our actions), animals have the right to the care and protection of humanity. 3. No animal shall be ill-treated, subjected to cruel acts, or to abuse or neglect. It is humanity’s responsibility to act for the welfare of all species. The golden rule is hereby extended to all animals indiscriminately. 4. All wild animals have a right to liberty and procreation in a natural, healthy environment commensurate to their species’ needs. Deprivation of any animal’s freedom for any reason, including educational purposes, is not humanly allowable. 5. Companion animals to humanity have the right to live and grow at the rhythm and under the conditions of life and freedom particular to their species. It is not allowable for humans to interfere with these rhythms or infringe on these conditions for any reason save the animal’s well-being. Human caretakers of companion animals are hereby known as guardians and not owners or masters. As such, so must humanity’ quality of duty to their companion animals equally improve. Guardians have a solemn responsibility to provide for their companion animals in a way that facilitates the animal’s natural lifespan in appropriate love and nurturing care. Companion animals shall not be subjected to any cruel or degrading act, especially abandonment. 6. Any animal experimentation for any reason (scientific, medical, commercial, or otherwise) involving any physical or psychological suffering whatsoever is incompatible with the rights of animals and is thus impermissible in human society. Replacement methods not involving animals must be developed and utilized. 7. No animal shall be harmed or exploited for the amusement of humanity. Exhibitions, sports, and spectacles involving animals are incompatible with their dignity and liberty. 8. Any act involving the wanton killing of animals, such as farming or hunting, is biocide; that is, a crime against sentient life itself. Animals are not to be used for food, medicine, clothing, or any other materials that require their death, suffering, harm, exploitation, or infringement of liberty. 9. Any act involving the mass killing of animals is genocide; that is, a crime against the species. Pollution (i.e. toxic waste, nuclear radiation, oil spills, acid rain, carbon imprinting, etc.) and destruction of the environment (i.e. damming rivers, strip mining, deforestation, clear-cutting, urbanization, etc.) are inexcusable and impermissible activities of homo sapiens and must be eliminated in human society through comprehensive educational efforts coupled with the utmost legal restrictions and punitive measures towards offenders. The external human factors of overpopulation and industrialization coupled with the internal human characteristics of apathy, ignorance, arrogance, and greed is hereby acknowledged as the causative formula behind Earthly pollution and environmental destruction, and are likewise acknowledged as the primary areas requiring positive human change on a global scale. 10. As a macrophase force upon the Earth, it is humanity’s duty to act as stewards, protectors, and benefactors of the biosphere in all of its regional expressions (mountains, forests, swamps, plains, waters, jungles, canyons, etc. etc.) and for all of its inhabitants, likewise acknowledging that the preservation of plant-life’s biodiversity is fundamental to animal and human survival as well. Thus, under this Bill of Rights, it is an imperative human obligation to develop and implement a society mutually sustainable for all Earthly Beings immediately. To further this cause, animals have the right to have their issues rightfully addressed in human courts (through qualified human representatives) and their causes duly enforced through human law for the beneficent outcome of ALL species, not just the concerns of homo sapiens.