Title of Lesson/Task Concept

Planning the Lesson
Title of Lesson/Task
Curriculum Expectations (Cross-Curricular, if possible):
List overall and specific expectations that are addressed.
Learning Goals
Knowledge and Understanding
What facts and information should students know?
By the end of the lesson/task students will be able
Enduring Understanding(s)/Big Idea(s):
Essential Questions:
Use a statement(s) to describe what the students should
understand at the end of the lesson.
Open-ended guiding questions to promote deeper
What do I know about my students’ lives and how can I connect
their lives to this topic?
What current event (Local, National, International)
might spark interest in the Enduring
Understanding/Big Idea?
What popular media might I use to introduce and expand
What experience, project or activity can students
engage in throughout and for a culminating activity?
Differentiated Instruction, Modifications and
Accommodations (Lesson Delivery):
How will you differentiate theLearning environmentContentProcessProduct-
Differentiated Instruction, Modifications and
Accommodations (Assessment):
What accommodations and modifications (for students with
IEP’s) will you make to support students with special needs or
English Language Learners, etc.
Increase time, space, amount
Use manipulatives
Decrease time, space, amount
Oral explanation
Include visuals, models, cueing, organizers
Change seating, groupings
Peer tutor/Partner
Other: ____________________
What alternative ways will you offer the students to
demonstrate their knowledge? E.g., use a tape
recorder to report, draw a picture, act in a play, write
with spell check, etc.:
Critical Thinking
What critical thinking activities will you use to explore the
 Decode the puzzle
 Design to specs
 Perform to specs
 Judge the better or best
 Rework the piece
 Critique the piece
 Refer to page 38 in the Science Curriculum Doc.
(Critical Thinking and Critical Literacy in S &T)
 Other
Describe chosen critical thinking activity:
Assessment for Learning
(Diagnostic) How will you know what the students already
know and can do related to this topic?
(Formative) What evidence will show what the students
are learning as the lesson unfolds?
Assessment as Learning:
(Formative) What opportunities will you provide for peer
and/or self-assessment, setting/revisiting
learning goals?
Assessment of Learning:
(Summative) How will you know how well they understand
the big idea(s) and what knowledge and
skills have been gained? (could be the
culminating task)
Detailed description of Assessment Process and
Possible Assessment Strategies:
o Discussion
o Personal Reflection
o Interview/Conference
o Project
o Achievement Chart
o Pre Test
o Quiz
o Observation
o Oral Report
o Work Sample
o Presentation/Performance
o Checklist
o Audio/Video/Technological
o Learning Log/Journal
o Rubrics
o Self-Assessment
o Peer Assessment
Delivering the Lesson
What are the students doing?
What are you doing?
Minds On:
These should be the awareness and engagement activities
around the topic. They can be whole class (i.e., modeling) or
small group activities (i.e., shared practice).
Modeling means the teacher assumes responsibility to
demonstrate the use of and thinking behind the strategy.
Shared Practice means that the teacher provides explicit
instruction and feedback as the students participate in the
Materials: book,,video clip, Song, article, photo,other…
Looks like: brainistorming , mindmaping, setting a mini-task,
discussion,reviewing previous material, before reading strategy,
Aprox. ________minutes
These are all of the activities (e.g., creating, reflecting, and
revising) that the student would engage in to build the
understanding and skills to meet the expectations and
learning goals.
Looks like: investigation, small groups of students working together,
students making summaries and generalizations, use of manipulatives, use
of technologies, teacher circulating to keep students moving forward, (This
may include probing for misconceptions, providing hints, asking students to
generalize of hypothesize e.g. asking What if? questions. Prompts should
be open-ended and promote deeper thinking and discussion.
Guided Practice: Sample guiding questions and
prompts can go here:
Independent Practice: Approx. _______minutes
(if and when students are ready -can be homework.)
Approx. _______minutes
Revisiting the learning. Debrief etc. Identifying which
student responses encompass the “Big Ideas”.