Supplementary information Supplementary Figure 1 Figure S1. The Riwasa basin lies in the Bhiwani District of Haryana State, India (Saini et al., 2005). The sampled exposed well section (red circle) is located at N28°47’21. 6’’ E075°57’24.6’’. Overlain on the photograph are the geomorphological units in the Riwasa area, inselbergs (black with white outlines), lacustrine deposits (blue areas), aeolian sand dunes and sheets (unshaded regions). Also shown on the picture is the location of Riwasa village and Dhani Mahu village (black). (Source: Google. (2013) Google Earth (Version 6.1) [Computer program]. Available at (Accessed 24 1 March 2013) Supplementary Figure 2 Figure S2. Adult calcite carapace of the ostracod species Cyprideis torosa that was used for oxygen isotopic measurement. This species thrives in NaCl-rich waters and is abundant in Riwasa paleolake sediments. 2 Supplementary Figure 3: 3 Figure S3: (A) Example of a well-preserved specimen of M. tuberculata used for isotopic analysis and radiocarbon dating from paleolake Riwasa sediments. (B) X-ray diffractogram of the M. tuberculata shell with expected positions of peaks for aragonite (red lines). 4 Supplementary Figure 4 5 6 Figure S4. (A&B) Shell fragments from 247-278cm used for AMS 14C dating of the base of the Riwasa well section. (C) XRD indicates the shell fragments are composed of both calcite (red peaks) and aragonite (blue peaks) with calcite as the dominant mineral. This contrasts with whole shells of M. tuberculata, which are pure aragonite (Fig. S2). The radiocarbon age obtained on the shell fragments was younger than expected (8665±40 14C yr B.P.) because of diagenetic alteration of aragonite to calcite. We reject this date on the basis of poor preservation. 7 Supplementary Figure 5 8 Figure S5. Photographs of the hardground (A) Gastropod beachrock showing lithified gastropod shells embedded in calcite cement forming the hardground. (B) Samples of hardground showing fossil root casts filled by darker sediment. 9 Supplementary Figure 6 Figure S6. Scanning electron photomicrograph of the hardground showing (A) a smooth, well-preserved gastropod in calcite cement; (B) calcite crystals cementing the shells. 10 Supplementary Figure S7 Figure S7. Mineralogy of the hardground as determined by X-ray diffraction. XRD results of hardground cement show 2-theta peak of calcite in red (C), traces of halite, NaCl in green (H) and quartz in blue (Q). 11 Supplementary Figure 8 12 Figure S8: (A) Massive calcareous deposits (Unit III) in the Riwasa well section sediments capped by 12-cm hardground (Unit II). (B) Photograph of the Riwasa well section with lithostratigraphy (left) and environmental interpretation (right). From top to bottom; Unit I- Silty sand; Unit II- Argillaceous hardground; Unit III- Massive calcareous shelly deposit with gastropod and ostracods; Unit IVa- Greenish silt with ostracod and gastropod shells, Unit IVb- Gray silt with ostracods; Unit V- yellow aeolian sand. Overlain on the photograph is the 18O of C. torosa (black), M. tuberculata (green) and bulk carbonate (blue). The hardground exposure surface forms a hard bench marking the transition between Units I and II. 13 Supplementary Figure 9 Figure S9: Bulk carbonate 18O and 13C isotopes in paleolake Riwasa sediments. The lithology and faunal assemblage indicate a lacustrine environment beginning at 11 kyr B.P. The 18O shows two periods of high values: one associated with the hard ground between ~8.3-7.9 kyr B.P. and the other at ~9.6 kyr B.P., preceding the shift to lower 18O at 9.4 kyr B.P., which marks the onset of the deep-water phase. The bulk oxygen isotopes are low and carbon isotopes are highest during the deep-water phase reflecting high primary productivity between 9.4 to 8.3 kyr B.P. The lack of 14 covariance between the bulk carbonate 18O and 13C before and after the deep water phase suggests presence of secondary carbonates (Talbot, 1990). Supplementary Figure 10 Figure S10. The nearest International Atomic Energy Association (IAEA) GNIP station to Riwasa, from which water isotope data are available, is at New Delhi. Seasonal variations in monthly precipitation (yellow bars), surface air temperatures (red) and 18O of precipitation (purple) from New Delhi. The rainfall at New Delhi (representative of north Indian plains) is mainly caused by the northwesterly moving monsoon depressions from the head of Bay of Bengal and the rainout efficiency is 15 about 56% (Bhattacharya et al., 2003; Sengupta and Sarkar, 2006). The low18O values associated with maximum summer rainfall in July-Aug-Sept extend into October and November before increasing after December (Rozanski et al., 1993). The seasonal range in 18O is large, averaging -7.5‰ during the summer monsoon season and 0.3‰ during the dry season. AGE ESTIMATION OF THE HARDGROUND Onset of hardground formation: We have estimated what effect a small hard water error might have on the estimated age of the onset and end of hardground formation (Table S1, S2, S3). Depth Age (14C yr) 2 error HW error (14C yr) Corrected age (14C yr) Cal. age 2 error (yr B.P.) 121 7505 ±45 100 7405 8205 145 121 7505 ±45 200 7305 8100 90 Table S1: Hard water lake error correction of 100-200 14C yr B.P. of the estimated age of the onset of hardground formation at 121 cm. End of hardground formation: As the sediment lithology is same following the hardground to top of the section, the 16 end of the hardground formation at 108cm was estimated by extrapolation by the sedimentation rate obtained from above to be 7.9±0.1 kyr B.P. We estimated the effect of a small (up to 200yrs) hard water error might have on the 14C ages obtained from 70 and 96 cm and propagated the combined errors including calibration, reservoir age, and interpolation to the hardground horizon. Case I: Assuming negligible hard water lake error and the propagation of error from the combined error including calibration i.e. analytical uncertainty and interpolation to the hardground horizon The age of the end of hardground formation was estimated by linear extrapolation of the 14C ages obtained from 70 and 96 cm, the slope of the regression line m, is given by: m (7666 7155 ) (t 96 t 70 ) 19.65yr /cm (96 70) 26 where t70 and t96 is the calibrated age at 70 cm and 96 cm respectively. Extrapolating upto the depth 108 cm, the age at 108cm, t108 is t108 = (96-108)*m + t96 = 7901.8 yr (~7900 yr)……………(i) Now if we consider, the calibration errors associated with t70 and t96 as t70 and t96 respectively then the new resultant slope (m’) of the line with the associated error, say 17 m, is given by m' m m 19.65 (t96 mt 70 ) (96 70) Using the upper and lower bounds of the analytical errors on the calibrated ages at 76 cm and 96 cm i.e. ±134 and ±59 yr respectively, the propagated error on slope (m) is ±2.9 and ±7.9 yr/cm. Introducing this error in the calculation of the extrapolated age, t108, at 108cm t108' (96 108)m'(7666 t96 ) Substituting the corresponding values of the new slope m’ and rearranging the equation: t108' (96 108)(m m) (7666 t96 ) (96 108)m 7666 12m t 96 substituting (i), the age at 108 cm i.e. ~7900 yr in this equation, we have t108' 7900 (12m t96 ) t108 t108.............................(ii) Hence the combined error propagated in the calculation of the extrapolated date at a depth of 108 cm corresponding to the beginning of the hardground is (12m t96 )which following substitution of the m = ±2.9 and ±7.9 can be obtained 18 to be ±34.8±59 and ±88.8±59. The extrapolated age has been shown in the plot (Fig. S9 ) along with the maximum (±147.8) and minimum (±24.2) range of errors associated with obtained age at 108cm. Figure S11 Error propagation on the age at 108 cm assuming negligible hard water error. The maximum age range for the end of hardground formation is 8050-7750 yr B.P. Case II: Hard water lake error of 100 yrs Depth Cal. age Age (14C yr) 2 HW error Corrected 2 error 19 (cm) error (14C yr) age (14C yr) (yr B.P.) 70 6270 ±45 100 6170 7088 148 96 6835 ±30 100 6735 7592.5 67.5 Table S2: Age estimation at 108 cm using the equation (i) given in Case I is 7825 yr B.P. and the propagated combined errors of calibration and linear extrapolation gives ±166.9 yr and ±30.3 yr as maximum and minimum uncertainties respectively. Hence, the maximum age range would be 7992 – 7658 yr B.P. Case III: Hard water lake error of 200 yrs Depth Cal. age 2 2 error (cm) Age (14C yr) error HW error (14C yr) Corrected age (14C yr) (yr B.P.) 70 6270 ±45 200 6070 6908 120 96 6835 ±30 200 6635 7519 55 Table S3: Age estimation at 108 cm using the equation (i) given in Case I is 7800 yr B.P. and the propagated combined errors of calibration and linear extrapolation gives ±135.8 and ±25.6 as maximum and minimum uncertainties respectively. 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