
Read-me file for the supplementary figures in “Reconstructing the upper water column
thermal structure in the Atlantic Ocean” by Cleroux et al.
The supplementary material includes the following figures, as numbered in the manuscript.
Figure A) Temperature variability along a section following the core-top location from two
atlas databases, WOA and UOT. The UOT database compiles ship measurements with high
spatial and temporal resolution, which captures the high variability around the equator.
Figure B) Temperature versus salinity (WOA05) for each core-top location at different
depths, and correlation coefficients (table on the right).
Figure C) Comparison between 18O of foraminifera (plotted as in Figure 2) and 18O calcite
calculated for different oceanographic levels (thick lines). Green, red and blue thick lines are
the 18O calcite calculated at depth of respectively: the chlorophyll maximum, water density
of 26 kg. m-3 and water density of 27 kg. m-3.
Figure D) 13C composition versus latitude for all the deep-dwelling planktonic species.