An Ordinance authorizing the purchase of immovable property together with improvements thereon, including a warehouse building, located in section 30, township 2 South, range 11 East, Washington
Parish, Louisiana, having municipal address of 2185 Greenlaw Ave, Franklinton,
Chairman Fussell asked if anyone would like to come forward to speak on Ordinance No. 15-595.
No one came forward.
Johnson, Thomas, Route, Posey, Wheat, Fussell and Nassauer
to Order
–Chairman Fussell called the meeting to order.
Item No. 2 – Invocation – Councilman Posey gave the invocation.
Item No. 3 Pledge of Allegiance –Chairman Fussell led in the Pledge of Allegiances.
Item No. 3 Roll Call – Council Clerk Sarah Cook called the roll. Present were Michael Fussell,
Andre’ Johnson, Charles Nassauer, Greg Route, Pete Thomas, Ken Wheat and Aubrey Posey.
Item No. 5 - Approval of Minutes – Approval of Minutes dated January 26, 2015.
Councilman Posey offered a motion, seconded by Councilman Thomas to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of January 26, 2015.
Roll call for vote as follows:
YEAS: (7) Johnson, Thomas, Route, Posey, Wheat, Fussell and Nassauer
NAYS: (0)
Item No. 6 - Dr. Gerald Foret – Dr. Gerald Foret cancelled his presentation.
Item No. 7 - Washington Parish Library – Peggy Caruthers Assistant Director –
I’d like to acknowledge an honor that was given our library director, Al Barron, for being recognized by the Louisiana Library Association, the Anthony J. Benoit award. This award is awarded to Administrative librarians for their mid-career achievement. It is a cumulative award that is given once a year to a noteworthy librarian in public service.
Other library directors, when polled, nominated Al for this award. His service to libraries and his commitment, while centered on Washington Parish, extend to the entire state/library community.
He has testified for two years before the house budget committee, worked against Common Core and against the removal of school librarians and media specialists. He has supported both research and conservation efforts in the area.
I am proud to serve as his assistant director and have watched his career for over 20 years. If there is one thing I admire about him, it is his persistence and dedication to public libraries. There were many times when others might have given up, but he continues to help patrons of all ages to achieve and advance.
Item No. 8 - Consideration of Adopting Ordinance No.15-595 - An Ordinance authorizing the purchase of immovable property together with improvements thereon, including a warehouse building, located in section 30, township 2 South, range 11 East, Washington Parish, Louisiana, having municipal address of 2185 Greenlaw Ave, Franklinton, Louisiana.
Councilman Route offered a motion, seconded by Councilman Johnson to adopt Ordinance No.
15-595. An Ordinance authorizing the purchase of immovable property together with improvements thereon, including a warehouse building, located in section 30, township 2 South, range 11 East, Washington Parish, Louisiana, having municipal address of 2185 Greenlaw Ave,
Franklinton, Louisiana.
Roll call for vote as follows:
YEAS: (7) Johnson, Thomas, Route, Posey, Wheat, Fussell and Nassauer
NAYS: (0)
Item No. 9 - Consideration of Adopting Resolution No. 15-682 – A resolution authorizing the
Parish Government to set payment standards, as required by HUD, will be implemented by
Washington Parish Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program effective January 1, 2015.
Councilman Posey offered a motion, seconded by Councilman Johnson to adopt Resolution No.
15-682. A resolution authorizing the Parish Government to set payment standards, as required by
HUD, will be implemented by Washington Parish Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program effective January 1, 2015.
Roll call for vote as follows:
YEAS: (7) Johnson, Thomas, Route, Posey, Wheat, Fussell and Nassauer
NAYS: (0)
Donna Graham spoke about Resolution No. 15-682. Stated this will be a standard procedure each year and payments will be set yearly. We would like to announce on Thursday at 10:00 AM in the Washington Parish Council Chambers, there will be a meeting for the landlords and
perspective landlords who might be interested in the section 8 program. We welcome you to come to the meeting.
Item No. 10 - Consideration of Adopting Resolution No. 15-683 – A resolution authorizing the
Parish Government to set payment standards, as required by HUD, will be implemented by
Washington Parish Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program effective January 1, 2015.
Councilman Johnson offered a motion, seconded by Councilman Route to adopt Resolution No.
15-683. A resolution authorizing the Parish Government to set payment standards, as required by
HUD, will be implemented by Washington Parish Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program effective January 1, 2015.
Roll call for vote as follows:
YEAS: (7) Johnson, Thomas, Route, Posey, Wheat, Fussell and Nassauer
NAYS: (0)
Winford Pittman – Oak Grove Community – Winford Pittman, 10231 Revier Rd, Bogalusa, La:
Mr. Pittman Showed a demonstration for the council with giving them a pencil and a paper with the definition of Expropriate. He read the definition to the council and at the end asked each councilman if they would sell their property for $500.00 or $50.00 per square ft of your property.
Would you take that for your property? Councilman Route said “I don’t know”? Mr. Pittman said “well it don’t matter then took his pencil back and gave him a penny”. Each Councilman’s pencil was taking and replaced with a penny. “Now you know how the people in Oak Grove
Feel.” In closing Mr. Pittman stated that there is always something to be done. “This Council is the most powerful group of people in this Parish.” There are several things you can do:
Get a backbone.
Find the fire you had when you first ran for those seats.
Stand up for the people who need you to stand up for them.
Write a letter to the Corp of Engineers opposing the Reservoir in this area.
Hold yourselves more accountable of what goes on in this parish.
Join with the school board and sheriff’s department to better help build up our educational system and to make our Parish safer.
Work towards building a stronger infrastructure where people will want to come and live in our parish.
“There are many things you can do if you really cared about the people in this parish. I thank you for your time.”
Councilman Thomas addressed Mr. Pittman on the Reservoir. “I agree with your arguments
100%. I do not agree with this reservoir project as it stands and where they plan on digging it.”
“I believe I have a relative that is buried in a cemetery in Oak Grove and I do not agree with where they want to put this reservoir.” “I’m not saying I’m against a reservoir.” “We are going to have a new state representative, senator, and a new governor this year. I find it hard to believe that once they are elected, they would be able to appropriate the amount of money it’s going to take to dig that big of a reservoir, knowing we have the state deficit we have. I’m not for it and I would hope they wouldn’t be for it as well.” “I just wanted to let you know where I stood on that.”
Item No. 12 - Public Participation – Chairman Fussell asked if anyone from the public would like to speak.
Jerry Thomas, 52027 Hwy 438, Thomas La:
“I’m a former Senator from this district, former representative and corner.” “Mr. Pittman I do appreciate you so much and you can tell that you have done a lot of research.” “I would never support a project that covers cemeteries’ churches and homes.” “Like Councilman Thomas said we will be having a new representative, senator and governor and we don’t know where they stand on this issue.” “It would be very important for this group to stay active and ask these questions of these gentlemen who will be running for these positions.” “If we could have found an area in this parish without effecting people then yes, I would have supported that and it would have been a nice project.” “I just want to congratulate Mr. Pittman and his group because they
have kept this issue alive.” “We need to look at our newly elected officials and see where they stand.” “Thanks very much.”
Al Barron, Parish Library Director, Came forward to let the public know about a 3D demonstration. Maker night in Bogalusa come see what 3D printing can do. February 24 th , 6PM.
Maker Night is hosted by Mr. Todd Giglio. Call 985-735-1961 for any information. This will be at Bogalusa Library.
Item No. 9 - President’s Report - President Thomas received a letter from the Washington
Parish Gas Utility District #2 to appoint Joseph Felder as a board member for a five year term.
Councilman Johnson offered a motion, seconded by Councilman Route to appoint Joseph Felder to the board for a 5 year term.
Roll call for vote as follows:
YEAS: (7) Johnson, Thomas, Route, Posey, Wheat, Fussell and Nassauer
NAYS: (0)
President Thomas congratulated Al Barron his achievement for the Anthony J. Benoit Award.
President Thomas thanked Attorney Wayne Kuhn for all his dedication, hard work, and long hours he puts in for the Parish.
President Thomas stated the Washington Parish Government will be closed Monday February 16,
2015 for Presidents’ Day and Tuesday February 17, 2015 for Mardi Gras day.
Item No. 10 - Council Discussion –
Councilman Route: Congratulated Al Barron.
Councilman Thomas: Congratulated Al Barron
Councilman Wheat: Congratulated Al Barron and thanked Attorney Wayne Kuhn for all his hard work and dedication to the Parish.
Councilman Johnson: Congratulated Al Barron.
Councilman Posey: Congratulated Al Barron. Posey also wanted to let the public know that earlier in the year Keith Fussell Washington Parish Fair Catalog received Volunteer of the year with Louisiana Associations of Fair and Festivals.
Chairman Fussell: Congratulated Al Barron.
Item No. 11 - Adjourn – No further business to come before the council, meeting was adjourned and motion by Councilman Posey, seconded by Councilman Wheat.
YEAS: (7) Johnson, Thomas, Route, Posey, Wheat, Fussell and Nassauer
NAYS: (0)
Order of Voting:
Andre’ Johnson Kenneth Wheat
Pete Thomas Michael Fussell
Greg Route
Aubrey Posey
Charles Nassauer
Next meeting will be held on Monday, February 23, 2015
In accordance with the Americans Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance, please contact
Sarah Cook, Clerk to the Council at 985-839-0105 describing the assistance that is necessary.
(All Ordinances, Resolutions and Attachments in its entirety are available at the office of Clerk of the Council at 909 Pearl Street, Franklinton, Louisiana or at (985)839-0105 or
“This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer.”