Executive Summary

A Not for Profit Concern
Executive Summary
We are a not for Profit Concern and are in the process of application for our IRS letter of
Determination, and thus will not claim status until we have achieved our letter.
Company Synopsis
Founded by leaders in medicine, education and technology, Bridge Technologies Foundation
Inc. (Bridge) was formed to recruit and educate technicians for placement into operating
rooms and related hospital/clinic environments. The company paradigm includes an
integrated manpower registry that provides career management at the individual level and
resource scheduling management for the medical-facilities clients. Creation of a
comprehensive informational database and full web-access integration, across the full
program platform, will provide unprecedented levels of user information, competency
assessment, quality control and end-user efficiency. Ultimately, the Bridge system will
create higher levels of hospital care, reduce errors and lower operating costs for hospitals and
Bridge’s primary goal is to facilitate a reduction of preventable medical errors (PME’s) in
hospitals and clinics across the country. A significant percentage of current PME’s are a
result of insufficient training on the ever expanding array of advanced medical devices and
equipment currently in use in hospitals and clinics. Spiraling insurance premiums, legal costs
and tightening requirement from accreditation agencies, as well as the ongoing shortage of
accredited technicians, have created a significant opportunity for the Bridge program.
Company Program
Bridge Institute: Education
The Bridge Institute has created and tested unique perpetual educational and competency
measurement materials for technicians who are responsible for the operation of all high-tech
equipment in the operating room. This includes anesthesia and peri-operative technicians
(pre-operative, operative, post-operative as well as bio-medical technical support). In
addition, materials are under development for areas such as data-recovery. This education
will take place in classroom settings, clinical sites at hospitals and web-based virtual
classrooms, allowing for 24 hour access. Course content will range from entry-level to
Bridge founders, over a period of ten years, and at considerable expense, have completed a
standardized education program for certification with the ASATT (American Society of
Anesthesia Technicians & Technologist). These copyrighted materials are extensive and
represent thousands of hours of research and compilation. Currently, Bridge goal is to be
allocated the preferred program to teach and develop and reinvigorate the program for
CNASATT (California Nevada Association for Anesthesia Technicians and Technologists).
The first program was conducted at Skyline College in Northern California. Bridge will
conduct interactive distance education and intends to archive these classes for use Virtual
Web classrooms. Hands-on training and onsite competency evaluation and ongoing CEU
(continuing education units) classes will be available for anesthesia technicians.
Bridge HR Registry
The basis of the Registry will be an available pool of trained and certified technicians and
professionals available to hospitals and clinics. Addressing the currently expanding trend of
outsourcing for hospital services, Bridge will provide the qualified staffing that is required,
on a flexible basis, thus reducing both the liabilities and costs for the facilities. Bridge will
offer a complete anesthesia support package including, onsite supervision, schedule-relevant
flexible staffing and ongoing C.E.U.'s for relevant staff. All of this will be performed on
fully integrated web-based software, providing flexible, proficiency
management/certification, interactive on-line manpower scheduling for each work-center.
Students as well as certified technicians will build electronic resumes as they acquire
training, while online systems track their experience and competencies at the point of care.
Bridge Solutions:
Bridge Solutions Think-tank and Communication Portal.
A membership driven site designed to allow members to have input and participate in the
development, direction, and objectives of the Bridge Institute and Technologies. Bridge
solutions will also house the information and solution site for Member Driven activities.
Inclusive of links to help to evolve the healthcare industry into the next Generation of
healthcare paradigms. Finding solution, creating viable pathways and implementing those
solutions for greater participation, understanding and proficiency in healthcare today.
Bridge Technologies
Technologies focuses on current as well and helping to develop the next Generation of
Technical Support Technology Providing Integrated access to Systems that while
decreasing cost, increase proficiency, compliance, and continued educational development.
Leasing State of the art, emergent response, regional block, anesthesia support,
and airway management Systems.
The leader in innovative teaching and communication network building.
Future Development
The Bridge Education and HRRegistry programs will be the primary focus of the company
for the first two or more years of operation; however, the technical expertise of the Bridge
staff, the established relationships with hospitals/clinics and the continued focus of the
industry on reducing PME’s allows for some logical areas of expansion in the peri-operative
area. Just several of these are.
Equipment calibration & life-cycle management.
Materials management.
Interactive FDA alert and policy at POC
Emergency Algorithms and interaction access
Distance learning initiatives
Airway Management Support Solutions
Regional Anesthesia Support Solutions
Emergency Response Solutions
Global Implementation of the Bridge System
The interactive software platform will allow for ready integration of these programs.
Skype- 415-800-4590