Andhra University Department of Marine Living Resources M.Sc., COASTAL AQUACULTURE AND MARINE BIOTECHNOLOGY Paper 3.1 : Marine Microbiology - Microscopes: Types and basic principles - Microbes in the sea: Viruses, bacteria, fungi, micro algae and protozoans distribution in the marine environment. - Sterilization techniques employed in microbiological studies. - Viruses: Morphology, enumeration, isolation, culture, classification - Bacteria: Morphology, enumeration, isolation, culture, classification, identification and preservation. - Marine Microalgae, fungi and protozoans: Classification and culture. - Role of microbes in the marine environment. - Methods of controlling microbial organisms: Physical, chemical and chemotherapeutic methods. - Microbial decomposition of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids. - Mangrove microbiology: Mangrove microbial processes and the organisms involved. Books: 1. Carol D. Litchfield 9Ed.) : Marine Microbiology, Dowden Hutechinson & Ross Inc., 1976. 2. Pillay T.V.R.: Aquaculture principles and practices, Fishing New Books, 1981. 3. McVay, J.P.(Ed.): CRC Handbook of Mariculture Crustacean Aquaculture, CRC Press, 1993. References: 1. M.J.Pelezar, E.C.S. Chan & N.R. – Krirg Microbiology Tata-McGrawhill. 2. Collee, J.G., J.P. Duggerid, A.G.Freaser, B.P.Marmion: Practical Medical Microbiology, Churchil Livingston, 1989. Paper 3.2 : Principles of Biochemistry Biomolecules, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, vitamins and minerals –structure , - biological significance, role in metabolism , bioenergetics - Moulting and growth, regulating factors. - Analytical techniques,Biomolecular separation, isolation and purification. Chromatography-paper, thin layer ,GLC,HPLC, affinity chromatography - Centrifugation, spectroscopy, fluorescence, nanometry and microtomy. - Microscopy: Light, bright field, phase contrast fluorescence and electron microscopy. - Enzymes- classification, enzyme action, factors affecting enzyme catalysis, control of enzymatic action, immobilization of enzymes, coenzymes, activators and inhibitors, allosteric enzymes, ribozymes and abyzymes. - Digestive physiology of finfishes and shellfishes. Books: 1. Conn E.E. & P.K. Stump: Outlines of Biochemistry, Wiley Interscience, 1972. 2. Hoar W.S.Fish Physiology Vols. I & III, Academic Press, 1969. 3. Jhingran V.G.: Fish and fisheries of India, Hindustan Publ. Corpn. 1991. References: 1. White A.P., Handler, R. ad E.C.Smith: Principles of Biochemistry, McGraw Hill, 1964. 2. Pillay T.V.R. & W.A. Dill: Advances in aquaculture, FAO, 1979. 3. Kripichnikov, V.S.: Genetic bases of fish selection, Springer Verlag, 1981. Paper 3.3: Bioactive Marne Natural Products – I Bioactivities of Marine Natural Products. An introduction to the of marine natural products; Antibiotic-tumor, repellent, anti-parasitic, Microbial, antifouling. Commercial potential and development of marine natural products. Chitosan as a biomaterial. Algae products: carrageenan, algin, B-carotene and vitamins. Marine microorganisms as a new biomaterial resources (marine microalgae, fungi and bacteria). Dinoflagellates as a source of bioactive compounds: A brief introduction of isolation, chemistry and pharmacology of saxitoxin, brevitoxin and cigatoxn Tunicromes. Isolation techniques: Liquid – Liquid extraction, membrane separation methods and Chromatography (TLC, HPLC) and conventional techniques. Characterization techniques: IR, UV, NMR, and mass spectra. Books: 1. David H.Attway & Oskar R.Zabosky: Marine Biotechnology: Volume 1,2,3, Plenum Press, 1993. References: 1. P.J.Scheuer: Marine. Natural Products, Volume 1 & 2 (1978). Volume (1980-81) Academic Press. Paper 3.4: Marine Pollution Marine Pollution: Definition by GESAMP, major sources of pollution, dynamics, transport paths and agents. Toxicology: Lethal and sub lethal effects of pollutants on marine organisms, evaluation of toxicity tolerance, bioassay. Enzymatic removal of hazardous organic substances from aqueous effluents. Sewage: Domestic, Industrial, agricultural and aquacultural discharges, their composition and fate in the marine environment, toxicity and treatment methods, sewage disposal system. Environmental Impact Assessment Methods of aquaculture activities. Oil pollution: Sources and fate of oil, composition and toxicity of oil, biological effects treatment procedures. Thermal and radioactive pollutants: Source and characteristics, strategies for disposal of RNA and Heated effluents, biological effects and alternative uses of waste dumping, mining and dredging operations, their effects on the organisms and marine environment. Text Books/References: 1. S.E. Nielsen: Tropical Pollution, 1982. 2. A.M.Chakravarthy Biodegradation and detoxification of Environmental pollutants, CRC Press, 1928. 3. O.Kinne: Marine Ecology, Vol.V.Ocean Management 3&4, John Wiley & Sons, 1984. 4. Johnston R. (Ed.) : Marine Pollution, Academic Press, 1976. 5. Patin. S.A.: Pollution and Biological resources of the Oceans Butterworth & Co. Ltd., 1982. 6. Ruive M. (Ed.) : Marine Pollution and Fishing News Sea Life, 1972. 7. Venugopalan, V.K.: Pollution and Toxicology, CAS in Marine Biology, 1991. 8. Rita Colwell (Ed.): Biotechnology in Marine Sciences, Academic Press, 1981. 9. Prakesh P.: Textbook of Marine Pollution. 10. Gupta, P.K.: Introduction to Biotechnology. COASTAL AQUACULTURE AND MARINE BIOTECHNOLOGY FOURTH SEMESTER Paper 4.1: Pathology and Immunology - Disease causing agents: Physical, Chemical and Biological - Disease diagnostics: Epidemiology, Laboratory studies, microbiological and histopathological studies. - Viral, bacterial, fungal and protozoan diseases in marine organisms and their control methods. - Chemotherapeutic agents: Types and modes of action. - Applications of biotechnology in the diagnosis and control of diseases. - Antigens and their general properties. - Immunoglobulins: Structure and properties - Immunity: natural and acquired; Immunogenetics - Cytotoxicity mechanisms. - Immunology of invertebrate marine organisms - Techniques in immunology, precipitation reactions, agglutination reactions. ELISA, RIA, Immuno-electrophoresis, vaccine production and immunization. Immunotherapy, production of monoclonal antibodies, hybridoma technology. Reference Books: 1. Schoperclans diseases Vols. 1 & 2, Oxian Press Pub. Ltd. 1981. 2. I.M.Riott Essential of Immunology Blackwell Pub. Paper 4.2 : Molecular Biology - Cell- Structure ,organization, function - Molecular basis of nucleic acids- DNA, RNA , mitochondria, plastids. Ribosomes . Structure, replication, damage and repair. biological membranes, the Gene amplification, rearrangement, cell membranes, nuclear membrane , model membranes, complex membranes ,structures and conservatives. Glycoconjugates and proteins in membrane systems, Ion transport, Na/K phase, molecular basis of signal transduction. - Regulation of gene expression in pro and eukaryotes, attenuation and antitermination. - Operon concept, DNA methylation, Heterochromatinization, regulatory sequences and transacting factors, Evironmental regulationof gene expression - Mechanism of transcription of prokaryotes and eukaryotes. RNA processing ribonucleoproteins, Genetic code, protein synthesis, Bacteriophage Genetics, Transduction, Complementation, Molecular recombination, DNA ligases, topoisomerases, gyrases, methylases, nucleases, restriction endonucleases. Books: 1. J. Paul: Cell Biology, Hinemanu Books Ltd. 1975. 2. D. Frirfelder: Microbial Genetics, 1987. 3. Albert et al. Molecular Biology of the Cells, 1989. 4. De Robertis : Cell and Molecular Biology 5. Watson et al. Molecular Biology of the Gene, Benmamin Cummings Pub. Paper 4.3: Marine Biotechnology - Microbial fermentation, microbes in decomposition and recycling processes, application of biofermenter and biofertilizer. Microbial transformation process, the structure of fermentation process. - Genetic engineering, gene targeting, approaches in biotechnology, isolation in nuclear and extra nuclear DNA, Gene modification and introduction southern, northern and south-western blots, hybridization, colony hybridization and sequencing of proteins, and nucleic acids, polymerase chain reaction. - Recombinant DNA and genome analysis. cloning. Gene manipulation, molecular Application of DNA technology in aquaculture, transgenic biology, allopheny. - Cell and tissue culture primary culture, cell line, cell clones, callus culture, somaclonal culture, micropropagation, somatic embryogenesis, haploidy, protoplast fusion and somatic hybridization, cybrids. - Single cell proteins: Spirulina culture and its nutritional quality. Live feed Organisms: requirements, large scale culture methods. Culture of different phytoplankton, zooplankton like Artemia sp. Brachionus sp. Chironomid larvae and their nutritional quality. Text Books: 1. M.D. Travan, S.Boffey, K.H.Goulding, P.Stauburry: Biotechnology: The Biological Principles, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., 1991. 2. Carol D. Litchfield (Ed.) : Marine Microbiology, Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross, Inc., 1976. 3. Bye, V.J. and A. Ponnaiah: Application of Genetics in Aquaculture, CMFRI Special Publication No.13, 1983. 4. M.D. Travan, S. Boffey, K.H. Goulding, P.Stauburry: Biotechnology: The Biological Principles, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., 1991. 5. Carol D. Litchfield (Ed.): Marine Microbiology, Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross, Inc., 1976. 6. Collee, J.G., J.P.Dugerid, A.S. Traven, B.P. Marimion: Practical Medical Microbiology, Churchil Livingston, 1989. References: 1. Jeffrey H.Miller: Experiments in Molecular Genetics, Cold-Spring Harbour Laboratory Press, 1993. 2. Pillay, T.V.R. & Win A.Dill: Advances of Aquaculture, FAO, 1979. 3. Imai, T.: Aquaculture in Shallow Seas, Amevind Pub. Co. 1977. 4. Sambrook, Fritsch * Maniastes: Molecular Cloning Vols. 1, 2 & 3. Cold spring harbor laboratory press. 1989 5. Pillay, T.V.R. & Win A. Dill: Advances of Aquaculture, FAO, 1979. 6. Imai, T.: Aquaculture in Shallow Seas, Amevind Pub. Co. 1977. Paper 4.4. Bioactive Marine Natural Products - II Bioactive marine natural products: Anti-tumour, tumour promoting, anti- inflammatory, cytotoxic, anti- neoplastic and analgesic compounds. Nitrogen containing marine natural products: Amides, (Symbioramide, mycolamide – A), Tyrosin based metabolites (Aeroplisinin – 1), diagoamides – A and B, Indoles (Herbindoles – A - C) Imadezoles (Girolline), Pyridines (Theonelladines), Peptides (didemnins, Dolastatins), ara – A, nucleosides (toyocamnins), swinholide and macrolides. Non Nitrogenous Bioactive Compounds: polyketides (Dysidazirine, ficulinic acids-A and B, Duryne, Aliphatic esters, peroxides), prostanoides (clavulone –II punaglandin-1, chloro, bromo and iodo vulones). Polyethers (hemibrevitoxin B, lokadaicacid), macrolides (amphidinilide .A. swinholide A, bryostatins) Terpenes, laplysiterpenoid, geranyl hydroquinone. Averol and Averone, curcuphenol, cembranoides, brantheines V&Z, oxygenated sterols and saponins (sarasinoside A, Xeniasterol C, Imbricatosides A and B, cephalostatins). Books: 1. David H.Attway & Oskar R.Zabosky: Marine Biotechnology, Volume 1,2,3, plenum press 1993. References: 1. P.J.Scheuer: Marine Natural Products, Volume 1&2 (1978) Volume (1980, 81), Academic Press.