
ABSCESS: Localized collection of pus
ADHESION: scar tissue joining two surfaces or structures. Usually refers to bowel, but
can apply to joints, meninges, etc.
AGENESIS: failure of formation of a body part
ANEURYSM: abnormal dilatation of an artery
ASCITES: accumulation of fluid in peritoneal cavity
ATRESIA: structure which should be hollow remains solid
CARBUNCLE: multiloculated subcutaneous abscess, usually due to staphy infection
CIRRHOSIS: hardening, usually of liver, with nodular hyperplasia
CYST: epithelial lined sac containing fluid
DEGENERATION: degenerative changes of cells short of necrosis
DIVERTICULUM: pouch or pocket leading from a main cavity or tube
EMBOLUS: non-dissolvable material transferred from one part of the circulation to
another. Can arise in arterial, venous or lymphatic vessels
EMPYEMA: pus in an anatomical space, e.g. pleural cavity
FECALITH: intestinal concretion formed around or from feces
FISTULA: abnormal granulating tract connecting two epithelial lined surfaces
HARMATOMA: tumor-like collection of excess tissue or abnormally situated tissue
formed during development
HERNIA: abnormal protusion of part or all of a viscus through a weakening of the body
cavity wall that usually contains it.
ICTERUS: Jaundice
INFARCTION: necrosis of tissue due to ischaemia
INTUSSUSCEPTION: telescoping of one portion of the bowel into another
JAUNDICE: yellow appearance of skin, mucosa and conjuctivaes, and all organs, due to
excess bilirubin in serum or organs
KELOID: a thick scar resulting from excessive growth of fibrous tissue and occurring
especially after burns or radiation injury
KYPHOSIS: hunchback; dorsal curvature of spine
METAPLASIA: replacement of one type of cell in tissue by another
NECROSIS: death of cells in an organ or tissue
NEOPLASIA: process of new growth or tumor formation
OBSTRUCTION: something that impedes or blocks a flow
PAPILLARY: projecting from a surface
PARESIS: slight or partial paralysis (i.e. focal limb weakness)
PERFORATION: the creation of a hole in an organ, tissue or tube
POLYP: growth protruding from mucosal membrane that extends into a cavity
PUS: liquid material containing living and dead bacteria, leucocytes and tissue debris in a
serous exudate
PYEMIA: septicemia with pus in blood and secondary sites of suppuration
REGENERATION: renewal of lost tissue or parts
REPAIR: restoration of continuity after injury
SCAR: remnants or residuum of the healing process
SINUS: blind-ending tract lined with granulation tissue and opening onto an epithelial
STENOSIS: narrowing of a duct, canal or channel or a natural passage
THROMBUS: clot formed in a blood vessel or tissue space during life
ULCER: lack of surface epithelium on a mucous or cutaneous surface, usually
accompanied by inflammation
VARIX: focally dilated vein
VOLVULUS: intestinal obstruction due to twisting of bowel on its mesentry
WOUND HEALING: restoration of continuity after wounding