FLORIDA A&M UNIVERSITY COURSE OF STUDY: SOCIOLOGY FRESHM AN YEAR COURSE NUMBER COURSE TITLE AMH 2010 or 2020 American History ANT 2000 Introduction to Anthropology ENC 1101 Freshman Composition Skills I ENC 1102 Freshman Composition Skills II HUM Elect Humanities Elective MAC 1105 College Algebra MGF 1106, 1107, MAD 2120 or Math For Liberal Arts I or II or Finite Math or Probability & Statistics STA 2023 POS 2041 American National Government SYG 2000 Introduction to Sociology SYG 2010 Social Problems Total HOURS 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 30 SOPHOMORE YEAR COURSE NUMBER AMH2091/AFA 3104 BSC 1005/BSC 1006 ENC 2300 or ENC 3243 HUM Elect PHYSCI REQ/AST 1000** SPC 1050 OR 2600 PSY 2012 ECO Elect Free Electives Total COURSE TITLE African-American History/The African American Experience Biological Sciences Improved Writing or Professional Report Writing Humanities Elective Physical Sciences/Astronomy Foundations of Speech or Public Speaking Introduction to Psychology Economics Elective COURSE NUMBER SYA 3010 *** SYA 3300 *** SYA 3400 *** SYA 4930 SYD 4730 COURSE TITLE Sociological Thought Research Process I Research Process II Seminar in Sociology Sociology of Black Experience HOURS 3 4 3 3 4 3 3 3 4 30 JUNIOR YEAR Total HOURS 3 3 3 3 3 15 SENIOR YEAR COURSE NUMBER SY SY Elect Total COURSE TITLE Sociology or Anthropology Electives Minor Electives Electives TOTAL HOURS HOURS 15 18 12 45 120 Students may use up to 6 semester credit hours of upper division anthropology courses as a substitute for 6 sociology elective credit hours. Note: Students without 2 high school credits in a foreign language must successfully complete 8 credit hours in one foreign language before being eligible for graduation. ***SYA 3010, SYA 3300 and SYA 3400 must be taken before SYA 4930. Revised 02/12/2016 pg. 1 of 2 COURSES FOR SOCIOLOGY MAJORS (30 HOURS MINIMUM) Required Courses ANT 2000 SYG 2000 SYA 3010 SYG 2010 Introduction to Anthropology Introduction to Sociology Sociological Thought Social Problems SYA 3300 SYA 3400 SYA 4930 Research Process I Research Process II Seminar in Sociology ELECTIVES IN SOCIOLOGY AND ANTHROPOLOGY ANTHROPOLOGY/INTERNATIONAL STUDIES ANT 2410 Cultural Anthropology ANT 2511 Emergence of Man ANT 3212 Peoples of the World ANT 3241 Magic, Witchcraft and Religion ANT 3340 Caribbean Cultural Patterns ANT 3422 Family and Kinship: Cross Cultural Perspectives ANT 3351 South African Ethnography ANT 3352 Peoples and Cultures of Africa ANT 3702 International Development ANT 3711 Cross Cultural Conflict Resolution ANT 4905 Directed Individual Study ANT 4930 Special Topics RACIAL AND ETHNIC STUDIES SYD 3700 Intergroup Relations SYD 3770 Race and Culture SYD 4730 Sociology of the Black Experience COMMUNITY SOCIOLOGY/SOCIAL CHANGE SYD 3600 Community Structure and Analysis SYD 4020 Population Problems SYD 4603 Community Development SYO 3410 Urban Sociology SYO 3440 Rural Sociology SYO 3510 Social Stratification SYP 3351 Social Movements SYP 4400 Social Change SYP 3510 Deviant Behavior SYP 4730 Aging in America FAMILY LIFE STUDIES SYO 3102 Family Systems in America SYO 3110 Men, Women and Social Change SYO 4103 Parenting in America SYO 4160 American Minority Family Systems OTHER ELECTIVES SYP 3030 Small Groups SYA 3931 Honors Seminar I SYA 3932 Honors Seminar II SYA 4131 Social Behavior SYA 4654 Program Evaluation SYA 4942 Internship SYO 3400 Medical Sociology SYO 4250 Sociology of Education SYP 3000 Social Psychology GRADUATE COURSES SYA 5136 Theories of Social Behavior SYA 5659 Program Evaluation SYA 5971 Internship SYD 5608 Strategies of Community Development SYD 5609 Program Planning for Developmental Work SYD 5705 Seminar in Race and Ethnic Relations SYO 5255 Sociology of Education SYO 5325 Applied Sociology RESEARCH AND METHODOLOGY CAP 3505 Computer Applications for the Social Sciences SYA 4654 Program Evaluation Revised 02/12/2016 pg. 2 of 2