The kidneys develop from mesoderm located between the somites and the
lateral portion of the embryo. Approximately 21 days after fertilization the
mesoderm in the cervical region differentiates into a structural called the
pronephros, which consists of a duct and simple tubules connecting the duct to the
open celomic cavity. This type of kidney is the functional adult kidney in some
lower chordates, but it is probably not functional in the human embryo and soon
disappears. The mesonephros (middle kidney) is a functional organ in the embryo.
It consist of a duct, which is a caudal extension of the pronephric duct, and a
number of minute tubules, which are smaller and more complex than those of the
pronephros. One end of each tubule opens into the mesonephric duct, and the other
end forms a glomerulus. As the mesonephros is developing, the caudal end of the
hindgut begins to enlarge to form the cloaca, the common junction of the digestive,
urinary, and genitale system. The cloaca bacomes divided by a urorectal septum
into two portions: a digestive portion called the rectum and a urogenitalk portion
called the uretra. The mesonephric duct extends caudally as it develops and
eventually joints the cloaca. At the point of junction another tube, the ureter,
begins to form. Its distal end enlarges and branches to form the duct system of the
adult kidney, called the metanephros, which takes over the function of the
degenerating mesonephros. The mesonephric duct and a few tubules remain in the
male as part of the reproductive system but almost completely disappear in the
Renal function
1. To maintain the composition and volume of the body fluids at a constant
2. Formation of an ultrafiltration of plasma, with subsequent.
3. Reabsorption of most of the water and electrolytes by the renal tubules.
4. Secretion of certain other substances into the tubular urine.
5. Reabsorption is the transport of a substance from the tubular lumen to the
blood in surrounding vessels.
6. Secretion is transport in the opposite direction, that is, from the blood to
the lumen.
7. The production of certain humoral substances.
- an enzyme erythropoietic stimulating factor (ESF, or erythrogenin), which
acts on a plasma globulin to form erythropoietin),
- renin, is also secreted by the kidney in response to reduced blood volume,
decreased blood pressure, or increased secretion ofcatecholamines,
- renin stimulates the production of the angiotensins, which
produce arteriolar constriction and an elevation in blood pressure and stimulate the
production of aldosterone by the adrenal cortex.
Renal physiology
The structural and functional unit of the kidney is the nephron, which is
composed of a complex system of tubules, arterioles,venules, and capillaries.
The nephron consists of
- Bowman’s capsule, enclosing the capillary tuft of the glomerulus, which is
joined successively to the proximal convoluted tubule,
- Henle’s loop, the distal convoluted tubule,
- the straight or collecting duct.
Collecting tubules join larger ducts, and all the larger collecting ducts of one
renal pyramid join to form a single duct that opens into a minor calyx.
A number of calyces empty into one of several major calyces that converge
into the renal pelvis. The renal pelvis narrows after it leaves the kidney and forms
what then becomes a ureter, through which urine drains into the urinary bladder.
The blood supply to the kidneys constitutes about one fifth of the total cardiac
output; therefore, profuse bleeding can accompany renal trauma. Because
interstitial tissue is sparse, individual nephrons with their blood vessel component
are closely packed together. Each nephron is supplied by a sizable
afferent arteriole, which separates into capillary loops that comprise
the glomerular tuft. Blood leaves by a smaller efferent arteriole. From there the
efferent arterioles branch into a peritubular capillary network and hairpin loops
called the vasa recta, which parallel the Henle’s loops and the collecting ducts. The
total surface area of the renal capillaries is approximately equal to the total surface
of the tubules.
In Bowman’s capsule the glomerular capsule is composed of two cellular
layers that separate the blood from the glomerular filtrate: the
capillary endothelium and a layer of tubular epithelial lining cells. Situated
between these layers is the basal lamina, or basement membrane. The permeability
of this glomerular membrane is a result of its structure; the capillary endothelium
is fenestrated with poresolfenestrae, and the outer surface of the glomerular
epithelium consists of fingerlike projections (pseudopodia, or podocytes), which
cover the entire surface to form slits called slit pores. The basement membrane has
no visible openings but behaves as if it contains pores or channels. Consequently
the glomerular filtrate, which has essentially the same composition as plasma
except for the large protein molecules and cellular elements, passes through these
three layers and does so at a very rapid rate. The structure of these layers becomes
altered inkidney disease. Renal function in early infancy.
Kidney function in early infancy
1. Glomerular filtration rate is low and does not reach adult values until the
child is between 1 and 2 years of age.
2. There is a large variation in the tubular length between nephrons, although
glomerular size is less variable.
3. The juxtaglomerular nephrons show more advanced development than
cortical nephrons.
The concentrating ability of the newborn kidney does not reach adult levels
until about the third month of life.
5. Adequate amounts of antidiuretic hormone are secreted by the newborn
pituitary gland, other factors appear to interfere with water reabsorption.
6. The Henle’s loop, essential to concentration ability, is incompletely
developed in the newborn.
7. Urea synthesis and excretion are slower during this time.
8. The newborn retains large quantities of nitrogen and essential electrolytes
in order to meet needs for growth in the first weeks of life.
9. Consequently the excretory burden is minimized.
10. The lower concentration of urea, the principal end product of
nitrogen metabolism, reduces concentrating capacity, since it also
contributes to the concentration mechanism.
11. Newborn infants are unable to excrete a water load at rates of older
12. Hydrogen ion excretion is reduced.
13. Acid secretion is lower for the first year of life.
14. Plasma bicarbonate level is low.
15. As a result of these inadequacies of the kidney and less efficient blood
buffers, the newborn is more liable to develop severeacidosis.
16. Sodium excretion is reduced in the immediate newborn period, and the
kidneys are less able to adapt to deficiencies and excesses of sodium.
17. An isotonic saline infusion may produce edema because the ability to
eliminate excess sodium is impaired. Conversely inadequate reabsorption of
sodium from tubules may compound sodium losses in disorders such as
vomiting or diarrhea.
18. Infants have a diminished capacity to reabsorb glucose and, during the first
few days, to produce ammonium ions.
Physical examination
Examination swelling: on the limbs, face, sacral region, lower abdomen,
absent. Muscle tremor, noisy breathing, hemorrhages on the skin, nasal bleeding,
smell of urine and ammonium from the mouth, signs are not found. Lumbar region:
prominence, redness, light swelling, absent.
Kidney palpation in vertical and horizontal position: are not palpated.
Shape, size, consistency, mobility, level of ptosis (palpated kidney, mobile kidney,
“migrating” kidney). Surface, painfulness.
Percussion of renal region: Pasternatskiy’s symptom: positive, in the
right, in the left, on both sides, painfulness during urination, negative.
Frequency of urination in the day, day or night non-keeping of the
urine, painfulness during urination, no changes.
In suspected urinary tract disorders, further assessment by
laboratory, radiologic, and other evaluative methods is carried out.
Complex of laboratory investigation:
1. Urineanalysis once per 7-10 days.
2. Nechiporenco (Amburgeau,Kakovskiy-Addis) test.
3. Revealing of the so-called “active leukocytes” in the urine sediment has
some auxiliary significance.
4. Urine inoculation (not less than 3 times) with definition of microbe
sensitivity to antibiotics.
5. Determination of bacteriuria degree. It is considered significant if there
are 100000 of microbes in 1 ml of urine.
6. Determination of renal function condition with Zimnitsky’s test (takes 8
urine portion once per 3 hours)
7. Rebergs test
8. Determination of secretory renal function and renal blood flow. Function
of distal nephrons (ammonia, filtrated acidity of urine), proximal tubules (α2microglobulin in urine, proteinuria, calciuria, phosphaturia), Henle’s loop (osmotic
concentration of the urine).
9. Biochemical analyses of blood: total protein, cholesterole, residual
nitrogen, creatine, blood urea, dysproteinemia (with elevated levels of α-and γglobulins), rise of ciliac acids, mucoproteis, positive C-reactive protein reaction.
10. Ultrasonography of kidneys and urinary bladder.
11. Urography, excretory urography, cystography and cyctoscopy.
General analyses of the urine:
Collect the morning urine, middle portion; inverstigate physical properties,
and lead microscopy.
Urine physical properties:
clearness, pH, specific gravity,
methods chemical properties: protein, glucose, sugar, ketone bodies,
biliary pigments
microscopy of sediment: leukocytes, erythrocytes, cylinders, endotelial
Changes from the side of general analysis of urine:
Low or high specific gravity of urine, proteinuria, ketonuria, glucosyria,
leucocyturia, casts in urine, bacteria’s in urine.
Common rules of urine collection:
The first portion of urine have to be taking after slipping in the morning.
Before taking the analysis the patient must be washed and he have to collect
the urine in the clear bottle, then send it to laboratory.
Bacteriological investigation:
10 ml of urine in the sterile test-tube.
Quantities method:
Method by Kakovsky-Addis:
In the clear bottle collect urine, which was excreted of urine while 10 night’s
hours (from 22 to 8). Count formed, elements of daily urine:
Leucocytes/ erythrocytes as 2x10 6 /1x106
Ambyrze’s method
Use for investigate “minute leukocyturia” formed elements which excreted
of urine while one minute leucocytes / erythrocytes as 2x106 / 1x106
Nechepurenko’s method
Taking middle portion of urine, near 2-3 ml.
Count number formed elements in the 1 ml of urinary sediment.
leucocytes / erythrocytes as 2x10 6 /1x106
Zymnyckiy’s test
Collect 8-portion urine while 24 hours; from 6 o’clock (this portion do not
take).While every 3 hours to the 6 of other day.
Control edema
Weigh daily, measure abdominal girth at umbilicus
measure accurately intake and output
test urine for specific gravity, album
collect specimens for laboratory examination
take blood pressure
Prevent further edema formation
Provide salt-restricted diet
limit fluids if odered
Establish good nutrition
administer high-protein, high-carbonate diet (restrict sodium during edema)
administer supplementary vitamins and iron as ordered.
Prevent skim breakdown
provide meticulous skin care
cleanse and powdre opposing skin surfaces several time daily
separate skin surfaces with soft cotton
support edematous organs, such as scrotum
cleanse edematous eyelids with warm saline wipes
changes position frequently, maintain good body alignment
Urinary tract infection (UTI)
UTI is a significant childhood problem, probably second only to infection of
the respiratory tract. Although its exact incidence is not known, it is suggested that
from 1% to 2% of school-age children have UTI as demonstrated by significant bacteriuria. The peak incidence of UTI not caused by structural anomalies
occurs between 2 and 6 years of age. Except for the neonatal period, females have
a 10 to 30times greater risk for developing UTI than males. It has been estimated
that approximately 5% of school-age females will develop bacteriuria by 18 years
of age. Such statistics attest to the importance of preventing, diagnosing, and
treating this problem to prevent recurrent infections and possible renal damage in
later years.
Predisposing factors. A number of factors predispose to the development of
UTI. The major ones included here relate to anatomic, physical, and chemical
Anatomic and physical. These factors seem to account for the increased
incidence of bacteriuria in females. The short urethra, which measures
about 2 cm in young females and 4 cm (l'/2 inches) in mature women, provides a
ready pathway for invasion of organisms. The longer male urethra (as long
as 20 cm [8 inches] in an adult) and the antibacterial properties
of prostatic secretions inhibit the entry and growth of pathogens.
Introduction of bacteria can occur in females during tub baths. Soap or water
softeners decrease the surface tension of the water, increasing the possibility of
fluid entry into the short urethra. Tight clothing or diapers, poor hygiene, and local
inflammation, such as fromvaginitis or pinworm infestation, may also increase the
risk of ascending infection.
Physical factors relating to the functioning of the bladder are of major
importance in the occurrence and spread of infection. Ordinarily urine is sterile,
but at 37° C it is an excellent culture medium. Under normal conditions the act of
completely and repeatedly emptying the bladder flushes away any organisms
before they have an opportunity to multiply and invade surrounding tissue.
However, urine that remains in the bladder allows bacteria from the urethra to
rapidly become established in the rich medium.
Incomplete bladder emptying may result from reflux, anatomic
abnormalities, especially involving the ureters, or dysfunction of the voiding
mechanism. Vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) refers to the retrograde flow of bladder
urine into the ureters. Reflux increases the chance for and perpetuates infection,
since with each void urine is swept up the ureters and then allowed to empty after
voiding. Therefore, the residual urine in the ureters remains in the bladder until the
next void.
Primary reflux results from the congenitally abnormal insertion of the
ureters into the bladder and predisposes to development of infection. Secondary
reflux occurs as a result of infection. Normally the ureters enter the bladder wall in
such a manner that the accumulating urine compresses the subrnucosal segment of
the ureter, preventing reflux. However, the edema caused by bladder infection
renders this mechanism at the ureterovesicular junction incompetent. In addition,
in infants and young children the shortness of the subrnucosal portion of the ureter
decreases the effectiveness of this antireflux mechanism. Other causes of
secondary reflux are neurogenic bladder from either chronic obstruction or neural
dysfunction or as an iatrogenie result from progressive dilation of the ureters
following surgical urinary diversion.
Reflux with infection can lead to kidney damage, since refluxed urine
ascending into the collecting tubules of the nephrons allows the microorganisms to
gain access to the renal parenchyma, initiating renal scarring.
Inflammation of the kidney and upper tract (may be acute or chronic).
Acute or chronic inflammatory disease resulting from infection may involve
the kidneys and upper urinary tract (pyelonephritis) or the bladder and lower tract
Acute pyelonephritis
Onset of disease based on the ground of acute bacterial and viral infections.
Diagnostic clinical criteria
1. Disuria - frequent and painful micturitions (urination).
2. Painful syndrome – lumbar region pains are present in the majority of
school age children.
3. The temperature as a rule, febrile or subfebrile.
4. Urinary syndrome consists of leucocyturia, normal or elevated diuresis,
monotonous, decreased specific gravity of the urine in different portions. Urine
inoculation - positive in 85% of cases.
5. Edematic syndrome is absent.
6. Hypertension is not typical.
7. Syndrome of intoxication - weakness, indisposition, bad appetite, loss of
weight, vomiting, toxicosis, exicosis.
Main indices of renal function are normal. Morphologic changes of kidneys
are primary lesion of interstitial renal tissue.
Glomerulonephritis is an infectious allergic renal disease with primary
lesions of glomerule.
Diagnostic clinical criteria
I. Extrarenal symptoms:
1. Edema.
2. Arterial hypertension.
II. Renal symptoms:
a) Oliguria and anuria are present in the initial period of acute
glomerulonephritis, in this case urine has high specific gravity (10301040 and more),
b) hematuria of different degree - moderate (microhematuria – when the
quantity of RBC is less then 50) and massive (macrohematuria - when the
quantity of RBC is more then 50),
c) proteinuria:
 moderate - up to 1000 mg/l (daily loss is up to 1 g);
 significant - more than 1000 mg/l. up to 2500-3000 mg/l (daily loss is
2,5-3 g);
- massive - more than 3000 mg/l (daily loss is more than 3 g),
d) leucocyturia - is not typical for glomerulonephritis; may be transitory
leucocyturia of lymphoid character,
e) cylindruria - hyaline, epithelial, granular, waxy casts.
Nephrotic syndrome: massive proteinuria, hypoproteinemia,
hyperlipidemia, hypersholesterinemia, edemas.
Nephrytyc syndrome: hypertension, hematuria, moderate proteinuria,
Prevention of urinary tract infection
Measures of prevention
Perinea hygiene - wipe from front to back. Avoid tub baths,
Short female especially with bubble bath or water softener; use showers
urethra close to Avoid tight clothing or diapers: wear cotton panties rather
vagina and anus than nylon. Check for vaginitis or pinworms, especially if
child scratches between legs
Avoid “holding” urine; encourage child to void frequently,
Incomplete especially before a long trip or other circumstances when
emptying (reflux) toilet facilities are not available
and overdisEmpty bladder completely with each void
tentionof bladder
Avoid straining at stool
Concentrated Encourage generous fluid intake Acidify urine with juices
and alkaline urine such as apple or cranberry and a diet high in animal protein
Acute renal failure (ARF)
ARF is an acute impairment of renal function to exist when the kidneys
suddenly are unable to regulate the volume and composition of urine appropriately
in response to food and fluid intake and the needs of the organism.
Diagnostic criteria: There are prerenal, renal and postrenal (obstructive)
ARF. The principal feature is oligoanuria associated withazotemia, acidosis, and
diverse electrolyte disturbances. ARF is not common in childhood, but the
outcome depends on the cause, associated findings, and prompt recognition and
The terms “azotemia” and “uremia” are often used in relation to renal
failure. Azotemia is the accumulation of nitrogenous waste within the blood.
Uremia is a more advanced condition in which retention of nitrogenous products
produces toxic symptoms. Azotemia is not life threatening, whereas uremia is a
serious condition that often involves other body systems.
Important causes of ARF:
I. Prerenal:(decreased perfusion).
1. Acute gastroenteritis (vomiting, diarrhea, nasogastric tubes).
2. Acute anemia (hemolytic crises, including sickle cell crisis).
3. Shock.
4. Congestive heart failure
II. Renal:
1. Acute tubular necrosis:
 fluid loss, hemorrhage, shock,
 intravascular hemolysis,
 sepsis,
 nephrotoxic drugs, chemical, radiocontrast substances,
 major surgical procedures, road accidents, extensive burns,
 hepatic failure, congestive cardiac failure.
2. Glomerular disease:
 acute glomerulonephritis,
 hemolitic uremic syndrome.
3. Interstitial nephritis.
4. Acute bacterial pyelonephritis.
5. Miscellaneous:
 snakebite,
 renal vein thrombosis.
III. Post-renal (obstructive): Calculus, blood dots, crystals of uric acid,
Laboratory findings associated with acute renal failure
Clinical problem
BUN catabolism.
Significantly decreased
Elevated plasma Continued production.
creatinine levels Significantly decreased
Continued endogenous
Significantly decreased
excretion. Depletion of
production in neonates
depleted protein stores.
Increased in situations
amounts of necrotic
tissue or extravasated
factors. More sensitive
measure of intensity of
Low in
neonate because of
small muscle mass
relative to size
Opisthotonos. Major
threat to life.
Decreased excretion of
catabolism. Decreased
excretion compounded
by metabolic acidosis.
May develop cerebral
considered in acute
renal failure. May
contribute to cardiac
arrhythmia. With ECG
changes, major threat
to life. Maybe lost
from gastrointestinal
with During alkali therapy,
metabolic acidosis and may cause tetany.
Chronic renal failure (CRF)
The kidneys are able to maintain the chemical composition of fluids within
normal limits until more than 50% of functional renal capacity is destroyed by
disease or injury. Chronic renal insufficiency or failure begins when the diseased
kidneys can no longer maintain normal chemical structure of body fluids under
normal conditions. Progressive deterioration over months or years produces a
variety of clinical and biochemical disturbances that eventually culminate in the
clinical syndrome known as uremia. The pattern of renal dysfunction is remarkably
uniform no matter what disease process initiates the advanced disease. Renal
vascular disorders such as hemolytic-uremicsyndrome, vascular thrombosis,
or cortical necrosis are less frequent causes.
Diagnostic criteria
I. Clinical:
tiredness, fatigue, headache, loss of appetite, vomiting,
polyuria, nicturia, polydypsia, bone and joint pains, retardation of growth,
dryness and itching of skin,
muscular convulsions, paresthesias, signs of sensor or motor neuropathy,
heart failure and hemodynamic disorders.
II. Laboratory:
decrease of glomerular filtration rate,
metabolic acidosis,
decrease of thrombocytes’ adhesion,
hyperkalemia, hyperphosphatemia, hypocalcemia, hypoproteinemia,
renal osteodystrophy,
X-ray examination of the chest may reveal cardiomegaly, hypertrophy of
the left ventricle, aortectasia, lung’s edema, pleural exudates.
Cause of chronic renal failure
1. Glomerular diseases.
a) Glomerulonephritis:
- of unknown etiology,
- associated with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), polyarteriitis
- Henoch-Schonlein vasculitis.
b) Familial nephropathy:
- nephronophthisis,
- Alport’s syndrome,
c) Hemolytic uremic syndrome,
d) Amyloidosis.
2. Congenital anomalies:
a) bilateral renal dysplasia,
b)congenital nephrotic syndrome,
c) polycystic kidney.
Clinical manifestations
The first evidence of difficulty is usually loss of normal energy and
increased fatigue on exertion. For example, the child may prefer quiet, passive
activities rather than participation in more active games and outdoor play. The
child is usually somewhat pale, but it is often so inconspicuous that the change
may not be evident to parents or others. Sometimes the blood pressure is elevated.
As the disease progresses, other manifestations may appear. The child eats less
well (especially breakfast), shows less interest in normal activities, such
asschoolwork or play, and has an increased urinary output and a compensatory
intake of fluid. For example, a previously dry child may wet the bed at night.
Pallor becomes more evident as the skin develops a characteristic sallow, muddy
appearance as the result of anemia and deposition of urochrome pigment in the
skin. The child may complain of headache, muscle cramps, and nausea. Other
signs and symptoms include weight loss, facial puffiness, malaise, bone or joint
pain, growth retardation, dryness or itching of the skin, bruised skin, and
sometimes sensory or motor loss. Amenorrhea is common in adolescent girls.
The therapy is generally instigated before the appearance of the uremic
syndrome, although there are occasions in which the symptoms may be observed.
Manifestations of untreated uremia reflect the progressive nature of
the homeostatic disturbances
generaltoxicity. Gastrointestinal symptoms
include anorexia and nausea and vomiting. Bleeding tendencies are apparent in
bruises, bloody diarrhealstools, stomatitis, and bleeding from lips and mouth.
There is intractable itching, probably related to hyperparathyroidism, and deposits
of urea crystals appear on the skin as “uremic frost”. There may be an unpleasant
“uremic” odor to the breath. Respirations become deeper as a result of
metabolic acidosis, and
hypertension, congestive heart
pulmonary edema.Neurologic
involvement is reflected by progressive confusion, dulling of sensorium, and,
ultimately, coma. Other signs may include tremors, muscular twitching, and
Collection of urine
The labels for urine and stool specimens should contain the following
- the child’s name,
the ward unit,
the nature of the specimen,
the date and hour of collection.
The type of analysis requested by the doctor routine urine and stool
specimens should be collected in the morning. Since a freshly Passed specimen
facilitates more accurate analysis, specimens should be taken to the moratory as
soon as possible.
In some hospitals, a disposable cellophane diaper is used to collect urine
specimens from infants and children. The cellophane diaper is applied instead of
the regular diaper, with the point of the diaper between the infant’s legs. The head
of the crib mattress should be elevated in Fowler’s position to facilitate drainage of
urine to the collection portion of the diaper. When the urine specimen has been
passed, the diaper is removed, the point cut with scissors and the urine transferred
to a specimen bottle.
Use of the plastic disposable urine collector
The type of plastic disposable urine collector may be affixed to the perineal
region to facilitate the collection of a urine specimen. Peel off the gummed backing
(A) and place the adhesive portion firmly against the perineum of the infant. The
adhesive will adhere to the skin. Place the infant in Fowler's position to aid the
flow of urine by gravity. Check the bag frequently until the desired amount of
urine is obtained. Remove the bag by peeling the adhesive gently from the skin.
Transfer the specimen to a urine bottle, label, and send it to the laboratory.
Test tube method of collecting urine
To use a test tube to collect urine, line the edges of the test tube with
adhesive tape. Insert the penis in the tube and secure the adhesive tape to the pubis.
The infant’s legs should be restrained for safety. Place the infant in Fowler’s
position to aid the flow of urine by gravity. Remove the test tube by peeling the
adhesive from the skin. Transfer the urine to a specimen bottle, label it and send it
to the laboratory. This method should be used only when plastic disposable urine
collectors are not available.
Suprapubic aspiration of urine
Needle aspiration of urine is used when an adequate clean urine specimen is
desired and other methods have failed. Some pediatricians prefer a suprapublic
needle aspiration to a catheterization procedure. The bladder tap provides
unequivocal information concerning the bacteriology of the urine.
Nursing responsibilities
1. The procedure should be performed at least one hour after the patient has
voided. A sterile technique is used.
2. The child lies supine with the legs held in a froglike position.
3. The doctor palpates the bladder and the nurse may be requested to
compress the infant’s urethra. (In the male infant this is accomplished by pressure
on the penis; in the female, by pressure upward through the rectum). Compression
of the urethra serves to prevent urination during the procedure.
4. The suprapubic area is cleansed with iodine and alcohol.
5. A 20 cc. syringe, with a 20 gauge 1 1/2-inch needle attached, is used by
the doctor to pierce the abdominal wall approximately 1 to 2 inches above the
symphysis pubis.
6. The aspirated urine is placed in a sterile tube, labeled, and sent to the
7. No dressing is required following the procedure.
The nurse should observe the child for signs of hematuria following the
procedure and report positive findings to the doctor.
Measuring hourly urine output
When the doctor requests an accurate hourly recording of urine output, and a
catheter is not inserted, the nurse must devise a method to collect all urine passed.
A plastic diaper may be used, with the collecting point of the diaper affixed to
drainage tubing. In male infants, a finger cot may be placed over the penis (with a
hole cut in the end of the finger cot) and the end portion affixed to drainage tubing.
The drainage tubing should be secured to the side of the bed so that looping of the
distal end is avoided and drainage of urine by gravity is promoted. The distal end
of the drainage tubing may empty into a calibrated drainage bag which is secured
to the bedframe.
Renal system disorders syndromes:
1. Disuria syndrome
2. Painful syndrome
3. Urinary syndrome
4. Edemas syndrome
5. Hypertension syndrome
6. Hypotension syndrome
7. Intoxication syndrome
8. Nephrotic syndrome
9. Nephrytyc syndrome
10. Chronic renal failure
11. Acute renal failure
12. Cardiovascular system dysfunction syndrome
13. Anemic syndrome
14. Hemolytic-uremic syndrome
15. Enuresis (urinary incontinence) syndrome
1. Anatomy and physiology ROD R.SEELEY 1992 by Mosby-Year Book,Inc.
2. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics / edited by Richard E. Behrman, Robert M.
Kliegman, Ann M. Arvin; senior editor, Waldo E. Nelson – 15th ed. –
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3. Whaley L.F., Wong D.L.: Nursing care of infants and children, St.
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6. Практические навыки педиатру / И.Н.Усов, М.В.Чичко, Л.Н.Астахова /
Под ред. И.Н.Усова.- Мн.: Выш.шк., 1990.- 400 с.
7. Пропедевтика детских болезней / Под ред. А.А.Баранова.- М.:
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8. Чеботарьова В.Д., Майданник В.Г. Пропедевтична педіатрія. - К., 1999.578 с.
Prepared by Nykytyuk S