10th August 2015 Dear Fellow Liverymen and Freemen, Re: Society Guest Dinner – Friday 2nd October I hope you are all having a most enjoyable summer. However, autumn is approaching and with it, the next Society event which is the Guest Dinner. The Dinner will be held at Tallow Chandlers Hall, 4 Dowgate Hill London EC4R 2SH, on Friday 2nd October, 7pm for 7.30pm. This is a truly delightful Hall and marks a welcome opportunity for the Society to dine there. The Hall sits on the buried walls of the Roman Governor’s Palace and its gated entrance is at the top of Dowgate Hill, just off Cannon Street. The Tallow Chandlers Company was formed in about 1300 to regulate oils, ointments, lubricants and fat-based preservatives and to manage candle making using tallow (animal fats). Over the next 150 years they expanded in membership and influence, until King Edward IV granted them a coat of arms in 1456 and full livery status in 1462. By the 1500s, the Company was looking after London’s trade in a wide range of domestic goods, including sauces, vinegar, soap, cheese and herrings. They were also intimately involved in the service of the City as tallow candles played a key role in the compulsory street lighting for the City of London, and the Company supplied the City Watch with 60 men. The Hall has been on Dowgate Hill since 1476. However, the original medieval Hall was burnt down in the Great Fire of London in 1666, so today's Hall dates from 1672 and has been in continuous use since then. Apart from the loss of the original musician’s gallery, the Hall’s basic size, shape and layout has changed little over the years. During World War II, bomb damage led to some minor repairs and rebuilding, but the Hall itself survived largely unscathed. Nowadays, the Hall has a well-deserved reputation as one of the most welcoming and well preserved of London’s livery halls. We have been most fortunate to secure as our guest speaker, William Hunt, Windsor Herald of Arms in Ordinary at the College of Arms in London. Some of you may recall a most enjoyable Society visit to the College of Arms a number of years ago and William has spoken at one of our Dinners in the past. William was a member of the Common Council of the City of London Corporation 2004-2013 and is a Liveryman and Past Master of the Playing Card Makers’ Company. He served in the Honourable Artillery Company, retiring with the rank of Major in 2000. He is a most entertaining speaker and will greatly add to your enjoyment of the evening. The cost of the Dinner will be £75 for Society Members and £80 for guests. The booking form is attached. I look forward to seeing you on 2nd October. With best regards, John Fahy President 2015/16 THE SOCIETY OF THE LIVERY OF THE COOPERS’ COMPANY Society Guest Dinner Friday 2nd October, Tallow Chandlers Hall Name: _______________________________ Address: _____________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Tel: ________________________ Email: _______________________ Please reserve the following places: Society Member ...............@ £75 £ Guest.................................@ £80 £ Total £ Names of Guests 1 2 3 4 Please advise any dietary requirements for yourself and guests Please return the form either by email or post (address below) to: Mr. Chris Nicholls, Society Events Co-ordinator, at the earliest opportunity. Places will be allocated and acknowledged strictly in order of receipt of application. Email: events@fleurgifts.com Tel: 01708 228054 Mobile: 07813 560080 Chris Nicholls, Fleurgifts & Homeware, 1 Station Road, Upminster, Essex, RM14 2HT Payment Arrangements The Society’s preferred means of payment is by electronic bank transfer and for reference the Society’s bank account details are: Account Name: The Society of the Livery of Coopers Company Sort code: 60-80-08 Account number: 15669068 I confirm I have made an electronic payment for £.......... with the reference [Your Name] Guest Dinner Alternatively payment may be made by cheque and sent to Chris Nicholls at the address shown.