std-8 Eng 15-16 - Divine Buds School

Worksheet 2015-16
STD: 8
Subject: English
Section -1
Transformation of Sentences:-
1. The cradle was put into a small drawer of a cabinet.[Q-tag]
2. This young girl was very helpful to me. [Exclamatory]
3. When I painted to anything she told me the name of it in her own tongue.
[No sooner ….then, As soon as….., Hardly…..when]
4. She was very good natured. [Exclamatory]
5. I should be guilty of great ingratitude if I did not mention her are and
affection towards me. [Unless]
6. I chiefly owe my preservation in that country. [Voice]
7. I could not help laughing very heartily. [Affirmative]
8. My little nurse instructed me. [Voice]
9. He advised my master to display me on market day in the next town.[Q.
Tag/ Interrogative]
10. I guessed there was some mischief when I observed my masters. [No
sooner ….then, As soon as….., Hardly…..when]
11. My fears made me fancy. [voice]
12. She had cleverly learned from her mothers. [exclamatory ]
13. How modest I was by nature.
14. The box was closed on every side. [Negative]
15. Couldn’t he perform a hundred entertaining tricks? [Assertive]
16. My master would only allow thirty people at a time to see me. [Negative]
17. I paid my humble respect to the gathering several times. [Interrogative]
18.I took up a thimble filled with a drink. [Voice, Q-Tag, Interrogative]
19. I draw out my hunger. [Voice]
20.My nurse gave ne part of a straw. [Interrogative]
21. I was shown to twelve sets of people. [Negative]
22. My master would not allow anyone to touch me except my nurse.
23. A hazelnut was as large as small pumpkin. [Degree]
24 I was too tired with my first journey to stand upon my legs or speak a
word. [Remove to]
25. I could hardly stand upon my legs or speak a word. [negative]
26. I had no rest at home. [Affirmative]
27. How profitable I was for my master! [Assertive]
28.I had a strong hope. [Exclamatory]
29. He hired the Grultrud. [Negative]
30. There was hardly a rivulet. [Negative]
Section -2
Transformation of Sentences:-
1. It was hot and sunny in Santiago. [Exclamatory, Q-Tag]
2. We bounced out of out bed quickly, we wished each other Merry
Christmas. [No sooner ….then, As soon as…... Hardly…..when]
3. There were no gifts from our parents under the tree. [Affirmative]
4. We approached the tree very slowly. [Interrogative]
5. There were only the white envelopes. [Negative]
6. Are we hallucinating? [Assertive]
7. Are they kidding us? [Assertive]
8. They assures us . [Voice]
9. It released gigantic icebergs. [Interrogative, Voice]
10. We couldn’t wait to surf . [Affirmative]
11. Wouldn’t our sailing rout take us from the city of Punta Arenas in Chile?
12. It’s Ancient name was Terra Incognito. [Q-Tag, Interrogative]
13. Having taken a flight to sail for their destination in an icebreaker called
Rom phehielo Almirante viel Toro . [No sooner ….then, As soon as…...
14. Every looked serious. [Negative]
15. Seafaring and courageous captains just could not get across it.
[Affirmative, Interrogative]
16. How terribly fierce the seas would be all along! [Assertive]
17.Our ship bobbed up and down like a cork. [Q-Tag, Interrogative]
18. There was no time to even think of seasickness. [Affirmative]
19.What a Nail-biting, hair-raising experience the crossing of the Darke was!
20. We did not stop there. [Affirmative, Interrogative, Q-Tag ]
Section -1
 Transformation of Sentences:1. She felt the vibrations of the approaching train. [Q-tag, Interrogative,
2. This aspiring musician faced a bigger challenge. [Exclamatory]
3. She was Profoundly deaf . [Interrogative, Exclamatory]
4. Evelyn lilennie’s loss of hearing had been gradual. [Negative]
5. She didn’t move. [Affirmative]
6. She hadn’t heard. [Affirmative]
7. She noticed a girl playing that she wanted to play pt too. [No sooner
….then, As soon as…... Hardly…..when]
8. Most of the teacher discourages her. [Voice, Negative]
9. Don’t listen through your ears. [Affirmative]
10. Forbes repeated the exercise. [Voice]
11. She could sense certain notes in different parts of her body. []
12. She never looked back from that point onwards. [Affirmative]
13.She auditioned for the Royal Academy of Music. [Interrogative]
14. Hadn’t I learnt to open my mind and body to sounds and vibrations?
15. She had captured most of the top awards. [Voice]
16. Evenly won’t accept any hint of heroic achievement. [Affirmative]
17. If you work hard and know where you are going, you’ll get there. [Unless]
18. It is intriguing to watch evenly function. [Exclamatory, Q-tag,
19.She speaks flawlessly with a Scottish lilt. [Exclamatory]
20. She never missed a word. [Affirmative]
21. My speech is clear. [Negative]
22. When she plays the xylophone, she can sense the sound passing p the
stick into her fingertips. [No sooner ….then, As soon as…... Hardly…..when]
23. She can feel the resonance. [Voice]
24. She feels music more deeply than any of us. [Degree]
25. Evenly daylights her audiences. [Voice, Q-Tag]
26. She expresses music so beautifully. []
27. Isn’t she a shining inspiration for deaf children? [Assertive]
Section -2
 Transformation of Sentences:1. Only a few buildings survived [Negative].
2. Corpses were piled on the streets [voice].
3. Erwin and Jack proved themselves capable of extraordinary courage and
selflessness[Question tag, Interrogative].
4. A common human reaction to the trauma of a natural disaster is
paralysis[Question tag, Interrogative].
5. He found safety with hundreds of others on a humpbacked bridge[voice].
6. There was so much rubble[Negative].
7. You could hardly see the water[Negative].
8. The crowd on the bridge heard a faint cry[Exclamatory].
9. Erwin scanned the river but couldn’t locate the source of the
10. There were so many men on the bridge[Negative].
11. Nobody made a move.[Affirmative].
12. A polleeman with a video camers contented himself with filming the
13. I ran to the riverside and waded into the water[No Sooner…than…,As
soon as,Hardly….when].
14. After struggling for nearly fifteen minutes, he reached the girl[No
sooner…..than, As soon as….,Hardly….when].
15. I yelled to the men on the bridge to get the girl from me because I was
getting tired. [No sooner…..than, As soon as…., Hardly….when].
16. They were very scared[Add too].
17. I will never forget that moment in my life[Affirmative].
18. I will never forget his face[Affirmative].
_______________________________________________________ _____
19. She screamed in pain[exclamatory].
20. Erwin struggled to untangle her[Question tag, Interrogative].
21. When the two men got th weeping child to the riverbank, they parted
without introducing themselves [No sooner…..than, As soon
22. He was mistaken[Question tag].
23. Erwin and jack met once again and instantly recognized each other.[ [No
sooner…..than, As soon as….,Hardly….when].
__________________________________________________ __________
24. Will I ever forget his face’s[Assertive].
25. He does not know the fate of the young girl[Negative, Interrogative].
26. It would make a big difference to me to know that she
27. Then I could accept the fact.[Question tag, Negative].
28. I lost my own son. [Negative].
29. I lost my own son. [Question tag, voice, Interrogative].
30. The black water looked like heavy mud. [Question tag, Interrogative].
Section -2
Transformation of sentences:-
1 This was eight days since his wife had been in France [Negative].
2 As soon as he awoke , Francis Bennett switched on his phonotelephote.
[No sooner…than, hardly….when].
3 He saw his wife appear in the telephonic mirror.[voice].
4 He quickly jumped out of bed and went into his mechanized dressing
room. [No sooner…than, As soon as, Hardly….when].
5 The day’s work is going to begin. [Negative].
6 Francis Bennett went on into the reporter’s room. [Question tag].
______________________________________________________ ____
7 The subscribers have not only the story but the sight of these events.
8 We haven’t been able to understand the signals the Jovian. [Interrogative,
9 You can’t blame optical science. [Affirmative].
10 The moon is uninhabited [Interrogative].
11 Francis Bennett had reason to be satisfied.[Negative]
12 Hurry up and tell the report age service about it[Question tag]
13 I am anxious for the news [Question tag, Interrogative].
14 This system is expensive. [Negative].
15 The Table was laid and he took his place at it. [No sooner…than, As soon
as, Hardly….when].
16 Let’s see. [Question tag].
17 Take me to my accumulator works at nigara [question tag, Interrogative].
_________________________________________________ _________
18 If I don’t run out of money I’ll succeed in three weeks [Unless].
19 The only thing missing will be the soul [Negative].
20 He would transform it into a seaside resort [voice].
21 During his meal, phonotelephotic communication had been set up with
Paris.[Question tag, Interrogative].
22 I’m going to start this moment [question tag].
23 Won’t you be here then? [Assertive].
24 Don’t miss the tube [affirmative].
25 Francis Bennett was very tired[Exclamatory].
Section -1
 Transformation of sentences:-
1 Mahatma Gandhi was one of the most influenced men of the twentieth
century [change the degree].
2 Gandhi has changed many schools before the age of ten[voice].
3 His certificates of progress and character were never bad.
4 Gandhi became serious with his studies and was no longer called a
mediocre student [As soon as, no sooner.. than, hardly….when].
___________________________________________________ __________
5 Geometry was a new subject in which Gandhi was not particularly
6 The teacher taught the subject very well [voice, Exclamatory].
7 I could not follow him[Affirmative].
8 Geometry has been both easy and interesting for me. [Negative,
9 Did the frail but agile Gandhi enjoy physical education and
10 Gandhi never liked gymnastics and cricket [Affirmative].
11 Gandhi disliked both.[negative].
12 Sanskrit proved a harder task [Negative, question tag, Interrogative].
13 I then had the false notion [Negative].
14 I then had the false notion that gymnastics had nothing to do with
15 I know that physical training should have as much place in the curriculum
as mental training [change the degree].
16 He had paid little attention to his handwriting.[negative].
17 He saw in south Africa the beautiful handwriting of lawyers and young
men born and educated there, he repented of his neglect[As soon as, no
sooner..than, hardly….when].
18 Bad handwriting should be regarded as a sign of an imperfect
19 It was too late to improve my handwriting [Remove too].
20 Set every young man and woman be warned by my example.[voice].
21 He was never known to have lost his temper [Affirmative].
22 Jesus would reveal himself only to the poor peasant [Negative].
23 Might not this exercise have stroked an early accursedness of exploitation
and injustice?
_________________________________________________ _________
24 Gandhi could fashion heroes out of common clay[voice, Exclamatory].
25 Unless he saw the beautiful handwriting of the educated men, he could
not have repented[Remove unless].
26 What a rare Politian Gandhi was never known to lost his temper
Section -1
 Transformation of sentences:1 Jeetu is reading a book[voice]
2 Science has brought in revolutionary changes on our lives[Question tag ,
3 The only thing I have seen is an aeroplane [Negative].
4 What a terrific noise it made! [Assertive].
5 Does science create such terrific noise? [Assertive].
6 If it is so , I can’t stand it.[use unless].
7 I can’t stand noisy things. [Affirmative]
8 It has done nothing for me[Affirmative].
9 Am I so bad that it cannot be my friend? [Assertive]
10 I can’t ask my parents.[Affirmative].
11 My father has no time for me. [Affirmative, Interrogative].
12 She doesn’t know such big things. [Affirmative].
13. Are you a friend of my father? [Assertive]
14. You are too ignorant to know about me. [Remove too]
15. You have made a lot of wonderful things for them. [Exclamatory]
16. She always follows me. [Voice, Q-Tag]
17. They have been created by little daughter. [Voice]
18. Don’t misunderstand him. [Affirmative]
19. Please, explain your role with concrete examples. [Interrogative]
20. There is less friction. [Negative]
21. It is a smooth ride. [Negative]
22. You grasped things quickly. [Exclamatory]
23.The match box has black coloured rough surface which is too sticky to
catch fire easily. [Remove too]
24. When two bodies are rubbed against each other, heat is generated by
the friction within them. [As soon as, no sooner.. than, hardly….when].
25. I didn’t realize that everything in hut is a product of science and
technology. [Affirmative, Voice]
26. How ignorant i8 have been! [Assertive]
27. The design of this bullock cart and hut is as old as Harappa Civilization.
28. If mankind has no survived it has to be friend me. [Use Unless]
29. I couldn’t forget you. [Affirmative]
30. Do you want to marry my daughter? [Assertive]
31.You are simply great. [Exclamatory]
32.I have never knew all this. [Q-Tag, Affirmative]
33. You need not to worry about him. [Affirmative]
34.I am all Pervading. [Q-tag, Interrogative]
35. My villagers would love those toys. [Voice, Q-TAg]
Section -1
 Transformation of sentences:1. One of the most interesting insects in our group was wasp.[Degree]
2. After he had got used to doctor Dolittle, he would follow him around the
house like a pet cat. [As soon as, no sooner.. than, hardly….when].
3. There were several wasps’ nests. [Negative]
4. How sick we were of wars! [Assertive]
5. All those wars seemed such a stupid was waste! [Exclamatory]
6. I had never seen any of the battles myself. [Interrogative, Affirmative]
7. When I heard this I was fired with a great ardors to do something. [As
soon as, no sooner.. than, hardly….when].
8. Our nest should be defended. [Voice]
9. WE were awakened by a great blowing of bugles and beating of drums.
10. I was grateful. [Negative]
11. I had no idea. [Affirmative]
12. I am not very certain. [Affirmative]
13. We called him blowhard. [Voice]
14.Their enemies were the Smith errenians. [Q-Tag]
15.Do you want to marry my daughter? [Assertive]
16.The tiny creature seemed highly intelligent.[Affirmative]
17. Tangerrine narrated many anecdotes and stories of the insect world to
us. [Voice]
18. It never seems to settle anything. [Affirmative]
19. I had never seen any of the battles my self. [Affirmative]
20. He was too far away for me to apologize. [Remove too]
21. What could I do? [Assertive]
22. I was such a tiny creature. [Exclamatory]
23. It did not matter at all which side won. [Interrogative, Affirmative]
24.There also may be the regular names. [Interrogative]
25. It eas clear that the general had come up to this high point. so he could
get a good view of the fight. [Negative]
26. He wanted to stay in a safe place himself. [Negative]
27. He expected a very fine battle. [Exclamatory]
28. He battle had begun. [Negative]
29. They would both make a nasty mess in getting it. [Exclamatory]
30. As I noticed the horses move restlessly at the first roar of the canon to me
[As soon as, no sooner.. than, hardly….when].
31. If I sting his horse I might possibly accomplish something. [Use Unless]
32. It was a dirty trick to play on the horse. [Exclamatory]
33. It would be no use. [Affirmative]
34. I crawled along the horse’s flank and strung him in another place. . [As
soon as, no sooner.. than, hardly….when].
35. I would like a little more marmalade. [Voice, Q-Tag]
36. The Bomblasteronians were completely disheartened and demoralized
and they took to their heels.
Section -2
 Transformation of sentences:1 Live it back. [Q-Tag]
2 What a liar! [Assertive]
3 Don’t try and rob someone else’s property. [Affirmative]
4 Don’t lie. [Affirmative]
5 You don’t know anything. [Affirmative]
6 They are stealing my things. [voice]
7 Let’s do something fun. [Q-Tag, Interrogative]
8 It’s so boring. [Exclamatory]
9 Let’s go on picnic. [Q-Tag]
10.Shut up Pia. [Q-Tag]
11You are the big animal expert. [Exclamatory]
12We did that in class 1. [Voice]
13That’s for babies. [O-Tag]
14They’re really cute. [Exclamatory]
15 I’ve got a hatch full of rare Angora rabbits. [Voice]
16Rottweiler is the fiercest dog. [Exclamatory]
17He’s a very dangerous dog. [Exclamatory]
18He is highly trained. [Q-Tag, Exclamatory]
19They are very highly pedigreed. [Exclamatory]
20 I’ve got a pair of twin Persian cat. [Voice]
21I have to brush them every day. [Voice]
22 He sleeps so soundly that you can dag him around by the collar. [Add
23 They’ll all laugh at me if I tell them about my silly dog. [Use Unless]
24 You don’t have a pet. [Affirmative]
25. It’s a mangy old street dog. [Exclamatory]
26. It can hardly walk. [Negative]
27. Pia has a most exciting pet. [Degree]
28. You’ll forgive me. [Voice]
29. As soon as she is there, everyone is quiet. [No sooner…than,
30. We can’t here you. [Affirmative]
31. I’ve got a monkey. [Voice]
32. What a lovely unusual pet you got. [Assertive]
33. Is it one of those brown monkeys that Bandarwalas have?. [Assertive]
34. My uncle bought her in Chit. [Voice]
35. You’ve created such a sensation with your monkey.. [Voice]
36. You can prepare a lecture about your very special pet . [Q-Tag.
Interrogative, Voice]
37. Get some photos and all. [Voice]
38. It’s call pepper. [O-Tag]
39. Pia can introduce me to her. [Voice]
40. I couldn’t disappoint them. [Affirmative]
41.I would tell it in a nano second. [Voice]
42. I was embassased. [Q-Tag]
43. I wish I’d read them a bit more carefully and learnt not to shoot my mouth
off. [Exclamatory]
44. Do you think your parents would mind? [Assertive]
45. I’m sure. [Q-Tag, negative]
46. Give me their mobile numbers. [Q-Tag, Voice]
47. It may be appropriate if I call them. [Unless]
48. They both have very important meetings today. [Negative]
49. I don’t feel good. [Affirmative]
50. I am lying [O-Tag]
51.Remind me of your brothers’ name. [Voice]
52. Is this sister of mine in trouble again/ [Assertive]
53. I think that we’d better call your parents. [Voice]
54. I don’t understand what’s going on.
55. When uncle got us a monkey, our parents were afraid. [No sooner…. than,
As soon as, hardly…when]
56. She is too happy. [Remove too]
57 She can’t handle too much happiness. [Affirmative]
58. She is so foolish that she can’t handle any excitement. [Add too]
59. it’s illegal to take wild animals out of their habitat. [Negative]
60. I wish I could have shipped her back to the South American jungles.
 Turn into indirect speech:
1. Gulliver said “This young girl was very helpful to me.”
2. He said ,”I chiefly owe my preservation in that country.”
3. The old man said to my master, “Display him on market day in the next
4. He said, “the poor girl laid me on her chest and began to cry.”
5. Gulliver said , ”I was myself less worried than my nurse, as I had a strong
hope, which never left me, that I would one day regain my liberty.”
6. He said , “How terribly shaken I was by the end of the journey!”
7. He said , “I drew out my hanger and flourished it after the manner of
fencers in England .”
8. Gulliver said , “ My master will allow anyone to touch me except my
9. He said , “We travelled for ten weeks and I was shown in eighteen large
towns besides many villages.”
10. They said , ”There were no gifts from our parents under the tree , or
from Santa , for that matter.”
11. “Are we hallucinating?” we thought.
12. “Are they kidding us?” they said.
13. They said , “this passage is the principal reason why the continent of
Antarctica was not discovered for a long time.”
14. They said , “how terribly fierce the seas would be all along!”
15. They said, “We stayed in our cabins and clung to our berths.”
16. They said, “We dug our hands into the kangaroo pouch of our wind
heaters and sighed.”
17. “I suddenly realized she hadn’t heard,” says Isobel Glennie.
18. A specialist said to her parents “she shall be fitted with hearing aids and
sent to a school for the deaf.”
19. “Ever thing suddenly looked black ” , says evelyn.
20. Ron Forber said to Evelyn, “Don’t listen through your ears , try to sense it
some others way.”
21. Evelyn said ,”Suddenly I realized I could feel the higher drum from the
waist up and the lower from the waist down. ”
22. She said , “I had learnt to open my mind and body to sounds and
23. He said ,”in our two-hour discussion , she never missed a word”.
24. “My speech is clear because I could hear till I was eleven,” she says.
25. She explains , “It tingles in the skin my cheek bones and even in my
26. She explains , “Music pours in through every part of my body.”
27. Master percussionist James Blades says ,” God may have taken her
hearing , but he has given her back something extraordinary.”
28. Ann Richlin of the Beethoven Fund for Deaf Children says , “ she is a
shining inspiration for deaf children.”
29. Erwin says , “nobody made a move.”
30. Erwin realized , “nobody was going to help , so I ran to the riverside and
waded into the water.”
31. Erwin said , “I yelled to the men on the bridge to get the girl from me
because I was getting tired.”
32. Erwin said , “I will never forget that moment in my life.”
33. He said , “In will never forget his face.”
34. “It would make a big difference to me to know that she survived,” Erwin
35. Erwin said ,”then I could accept the afct that although I lost my own son,
I helped save the life of someone else’s child.”
36. Gandhi said , “Geometry was a new subject in which I was not
particularly strong and the English medium it still more difficult for me.”
37. Gandhi says ,”My shyness was one of the reasons for this aloofness,
which I now see was wrong.”
38. Gandhi said, “Today I know that physical training should have as much
place in the curriculum as mental training.”
39. He said,”I saw that bad handwriting should be regarded as a sign of an
imperfect education.”
40. He said,”I tired later to improve mine but it was too late.”
41. He said , “I can never repair the neglect of my youth.”
42. Gandhi said , “Set every young man and woman be warned by example
and understand that good handwriting is a necessary part of education.”
43. Jeetu said , “Science has brought in revolutionary changes in our lives.”
44. Jeetu said , “the list here is endless but I haven’t seen a single thing to
45. Jeetu said , “Does science create such terrific noise?”
46. Jeetu said ,”Is it a friend to city people alone and not a village lad like
47. Jeetu said to him , “Are you a friend of my father?”
48. Jeetu said to science , “I’ve met you the first time today.”
49. Science said to Jeetu , “I never knew that you were so ignorant about
50. Technology said to Jeetu ,”don’t misunderstand him.”
51. Jeetu said to science ,“Please explain your role with concrete examples.”
52. Technology said to Jeetu ,”Why are the wheels circular?”
53. Technology said ,”Yes ,it is my product.”
54. Science said , “that’s my daughters work.”
55. Jeetu said to science ,”I didn’t realize that everything in my hut is a
product of science and technology.”
56. Jeetu said, “how ignorant I’ve been .”
57. Jeetu said to science,” How can you be scared of pollution. ”
58. Science said to Jeetu , “It’s my son who has turned into a vagabond.”
59. Science said to Jeetu , “Do you want to marry my daughter Technology.”
60. Jeetu’s Mother said to Jeetu, “What’s the matter?”
61. Jeetu’s Mother said to Jeetu,”what are you saying about science?”
62. Jeetu’s mother said to him,”Your expensive science textbook is lying on
the ground.”
63. Jeetu said , “Science was right here . where is he now?”
64. Jeetu said,”I can’t allow a science textbook to b soiled.”
65. Francis Bennett said to cash,”What have you got?”
66. Cash said to Francis Bennett, “We haven’t been able to understand .”
67. Francis Bennett said to cash , “Aren’t you getting some result from the
moon at any rate?”
68. Francis Bennett said ,”Hurry up and tell the reportage service about it.”
69. Francis Bennett said , “I’m anxious for the news to appear in today’s
70. “Where are we going sir?” asked the aero-coachman.
71. Francis Bennett said to coachman,”Take me to my accumulator works at
72. Francis said to him , “Are you saying you’re going to be able to construct
a humanbeing”
73. Francis Bennett said to Edith, “When do you expect to get back to
74. Francis said to Edith ,”Ten you’ll be here?”
75. Edith said to Francis,”I’m going to start this moment.”
76. Francis said to edith ,“don’t miss the tube.”
77. Tangerine said,”Many battles have been faught in this historic spot.”
78. Tangerine said , “How sick we were of wars!”
79. Tangerine said,”When I heard this I was fired with a great ardour to do
80. He said , “I was hopefull that I might do something on behalf of my
81. Tangerine said , “It was I who had won the battle. Now I’d like a little
more marmalade,please.”
82. Students said to teacher , “Let’s go on a picnic.”
83. Teacher said to students , “today we are going to discuss domestic animals.”
84. Shama said , “I’ve got a batch full of rare Angora rabbits.”
85. Rohan said,”I’ve got the fiercest dog in the whole world a Rottwriter. ”
86. Pia said,”What can I tell you?”
87. Pia said, ”They’ll all laugh at me if I tell them about my silly pet dog .”
88. Teacher said to Pia, “ Let’s hear about your pets”.
89. Student 4 said to Pia, “Don’t tell me that you don’t have a pet”.
90. Teacher said to Pia, “What a lovely unusual pet you got”.
91. Student 3 said to Pia, “Is it one of those brown monkeys that Bandarwalas
92. Teacher said to the students, “Calm down please, I’ve to give you written
93. Student 3 said, “Why can’t Pia bring the monkey to the class”.
94. Principal said to Pia, “Your teacher has just informed me that you have a
delightful monkey as a pet”.
95. Principal said to Pia, “live me their mobile number”.
96. Principal said to Pia, “Do you think that your parents would mind.”
97. Pia said to Principal, “They both have very important meetings today.”
98. Pia said to Principal, “Don’t call him.
99.Avik said , “Is this sister of mine in trouble again?”
100. Principal sai to avik,”I think we’d better call your parents and let pia rest at
101. Avik said , “I just don’t understand what’s going on.”
102. Principal said to Avik ,”Pia has created a sensation in school today.”
103. Avik said to pia , “Don’t you agree that tough little maths test would sober
you up.”
104.All students said, “Don’t be like that, avik.”
105.Avik said , “My parents knowing that she is so foolish and can’t handle any
106.principal said to Avik , “We won’t be able to have such an exotic creature
visit us.”
107.avik said, “I think I’m going to enjoy home today.”
108. teacher said to the students , “Please get back to class, breaktime’s over.”
109.Pia said , “I’m gratefull to my brother , of course , for saving me and lying
for me and all that.”
110.Pia said , “What can I tell you?”