
Ashley Coker
TE 360 Lesson Plan 2
LESSON PLAN: Language Arts
GRADE: 3rd
Title: Dear Juno Vocabulary—Character Traits
Behavioral Objectives: After 20 minutes of instruction, 95 percent of the 3rd
grade class will be able to complete the following with 100 percent accuracy:
Identify the author and illustrator of a story.
Recognize story elements.
List three story elements.
Demonstrate knowledge of character traits.
Name three character traits.
Describe how readers understand characters.
Text: Macmillan / McGraw Hill Treasures 3rd Grade Textbook, page42
Worksheet pages 8 and 9.
Quiz, page 8.
Manipulative: Character Web
Bulletin Board: The Elements
Learning Center: Core Vocabulary
A. Review:
1. The terms character, setting, and plot.
2. The term story structure, reminding students that good readers
use the main characters, setting, and plot to understand the story
3. The vocabulary words envelope and photograph.
B. Introduce the learning center Core Vocabulary.
1. Direct students to use the apples as vocabulary flash cards.
2. Students should:
a. Read the apple card.
b. Decide what vocabulary word is being defined.
c. Open the apple and look at the core to check their answer.
d. Return all apples back to the basket.
Ashley Coker
TE 360 Lesson Plan 2
LESSON PLAN: Language Arts
GRADE: 3rd
3. Have two students demonstrate for the class.
C. Introduce the term character traits.
1. Explain that character traits are qualities of the people in stories.
2. Character traits explain a person’s personality.
a. A character may be kind, happy, angry, lonely, etc.
b. Instead of stating this directly, an author often uses the story
to give us clues about a character.
c. We call these clues context clues.
D. Have students to list different personality traits.
A. Direct students to:
1. Turn to page 42 of your textbook.
2. Look at the definition of realistic fiction on page 42.
3. Read the definition together: an invented story that could have
happened in real life.
4. Read the title of today’s read-aloud: Dear Juno.
5. Notice the author, Soyung Pak, and illustrator, Susan Kathleen
6. Follow along as you read the story to page 53.
B. Demonstrate what a Character Web is by showing it on the board.
C. Explain:
1. To better understand or comprehend a character, you must identify
his or her character traits.
2. The center circle on the Character Web is for the character trait.
3. The circles on the outside are clues that lead us to believe a
person possesses a particular trait.
4. We must find statements or events throughout the story that help
us understand a character.
5. Use the character question on page 51: How do we know that Juno
is smart?
6. Have students supply clues for why they think Juno is smart.
a. He carefully looks at the photo and flower.
b. He thinks about why Grandma sent the flower and photo.
c. He figures out what the letter is about before his parents read
d. He knows that people give news in letters.
Ashley Coker
TE 360 Lesson Plan 2
LESSON PLAN: Language Arts
GRADE: 3rd
Closure (Conclusion):
A. Review character traits.
 Ask:
a. How do we know what a character is like? Character traits,
events and reactions in the story, context clues
b. What are the story elements that help us understand a story?
Plot, Setting, Characters
B. Introduce bulletin board The Elements.
1. Direct students to:
a. Sort story elements.
b. Check answers on back of cards.
c. Draw one card form each element.
d. Write a story using the elements drawn.
e. Return all of the cards to the Story Elements pocket when
2. Have two students demonstrate for the class.
VII. Guided Practice:
A. Have students to:
 Complete page 9 (all students except Group A).
a. Privately instruct Group A (students in need of modification)
to work slowly answering only questions 1 and 3.
b. Privately instruct Group B (students in need of additional
challenge) to complete the required assignment, plus begin
writing a letter on the back that tells a story.
B. Divide students into groups and instruct students to…
1. Use their Character Webs to decide what it tells us about Juno that
he sends a picture to his grandmother.
2. Work together to come up with three other clues that point to the
same trait.
C. Walk among students, and observe responses; provide assistance where
VIII. Assignment:
A. Have students to:
• Complete page 8, (all students except Group A).
Ashley Coker
TE 360 Lesson Plan 2
LESSON PLAN: Language Arts
GRADE: 3rd
a. Privately instruct Group A (students in need of modification)
to work with a partner.
b. Privately instruct Group B (students in need of challenge) to
complete the required assignment, plus write a true sentence
using as many vocabulary words as possible.
B. Instruct students to complete the work as homework.
C. Direct students to submit completed assignments tomorrow.
A. Conduct a question/answer session.
1. Observe students’ responses.
2. Check for understanding.
3. Repeat any needed information.
B. (Later) check students’ homework assignments due for today.
C. Record grade.
D. Follow appropriate grading guidelines for Group A and Group B.
1. Located on the inside cover of Lesson Plan Notebook.
2. Listed under “Grouping Identification and Grading System.”
E. Explain Quiz 8 covering Dear Juno Vocabulary Words, and direct students to
complete test.
F. Take up tests and record grade.
A. Determine the following:
1. Did the students understand the Language Arts lesson?
2. Were the instructions clear?
B. Determine if students’
1. Verbal
2. Written
3. Test or
4. Quiz
Responses reveal adequate comprehension of reading comprehension
C. Apply necessary changes to future Language Arts lessons.