DELTA-OMEGA TECHNOLOGIES, LTD. DOT 111/113 PRODUCT APPLICATIONS Table of Contents. Select the section to view by clicking on those headings. EXTERIOR AIRCRAFT CLEANING............................................................................... 1 JET ENGINE COMPONENTS .......................................................................................... 2 PRECOATING SURFACE CLEANERS .......................................................................... 2 OXYGEN SYSTEM COMPONENTS ............................................................................... 2 NON-DESTRUCTIVE INSPECTION ............................................................................... 3 PRODUCT USES/CONDUCT NAMES ............................................................................ 3 MILITARY USES: ............................................................................................................. 3 MILITARY POINTS OF CONTACT: ............................................................................... 4 Dot 111/113 is a concentrated, fully aqueous liquid cleaning solution for use in cleaning hard metal and other surfaces and other surfaces. Biodegradable and non-toxic, DOT 111/113 rinses very cleanly and leaves virtually no residue on surfaces. It is noncorrosive to a wide array of metals and metal alloys and does not degrade plastics, rubbers, acrylics or other elastomers. DOT 111/113 is non-flammable, non-combustible and non-fuming. It contains no hydrocarbons, terpenes, glycol ethers, aromatics or any hazardous components as defined in 29 CFR 1910.1200. Dot 111/113 does not solubilize hydrocarbons into solution, which allows for easy and collection of contaminants through oil water separators, skimmers or absorption. The product itself generally meets discharge criteria to municipal sewers or waste treatment facilities – always check local criteria prior to discharging any chemical. The following applications for DOT 111/113 have undergone extensive field testing for effectiveness and meet the listed military or commercial specifications. In some cases, the specifications listed are a requirement of OEMs for any materials used to clean their equipment ( for example, ARP 1755 is a requirement of jet engine manufactures for any materials used to clean jet engines and component parts) . The materials typically used for each application that DOT 111/113 can replace are listed in each section. These include ozone-depleting substances such as 1,1,1-trichloroethane and CFC-113, and hazardous solvents such as MEK, toluene and PD680. EXTERIOR AIRCRAFT CLEANING Routine and maintenance cleaning of exterior aircraft surfaces. May also be used to clean ground support equipment, vehicles and support equipment engines. Military Specifications: MIL-C-87937B, Type II, Cleaning Compound, Aerospace Equipment Establishes the requirements for biodegradable, water dilutalbe, environmentally safe cleaning compounds for use on aerospace equipment to include aircraft, aerospace ground equipment (AGE) and AGE engines. Technical Order (T.O.) 1-1-691 Tri-Service Technical manual for aircraft weapons systems Cleaning and Corrosion Control. Authorized for used as a replacement for MEK and 1,1,1-trichloroethane for spot cleaning (wipe-on, wipe off) of aircraft surfaces and components. Commercial Specifications: Boeing D6-17487 Revision J – Boeing Aircraft specification which establishes the requirements of “Exterior and General Cleaners and liquid waxes” used on Boeing aircraft. Douglas CSD #1 – McDonnell Douglas Customer Service Document which establishes the requirement of “General Purpose Cleaner” used on McDonnell Douglas aircraft. Replaces highly alkaline cleaners or those with high solvent content. JET ENGINE COMPONENTS SAE ARP 1755A – A test protocol developed by the society of Automotive engineers; Aerospace Recommended Practice to determine the effect of cleaning agents on aircraft engine materials. Results are reported as amount of stock loss. GEAE CT-882 – Requirements issued by General Electric Aircraft Engines for Approving cleaners for solvent replacement of materials used on jet engine alloy parts Manufactured by GEAE. This test protocol includes SAE ARP 1755 as part of the Requirements. Replaces 1,1,1-trichloroethane, hydrocarbon solvents, toluene, PD680 ( Stoddard solvent ) and other hazardous solvents. PRECOATING SURFACE CLEANERS Wet adhesion (Tape Test) per MIL-C- 83873, sec. 4.6.16. Determines th4e intercoat Adhesion of an organic coating system. This procedure is used to determine the cleanliness of the surface prior to coating. Used for final cleaning of surfaces to remove fingerprints, oily residue and Particulate matter prior to coating or painting. Replaces MEK, 1,1,1-trichloroethane and other hazardous solvents. OXYGEN SYSTEM COMPONENTS NASA NHB 8060.1C, Test 13A, Liquid Oxygen (LOX) Mechanical Impact Testing NAVSEA Report on Aqueous Oxygen Cleaning Products and Processes Replaces 1,1,1-trichloroethane, CFC-113 (Liquid Freon), Isopropy1 Alcohol (IPA), Tri-Sodium phosphate NON-DESTRUCTIVE INSPECTION Letter issued by Mr. Ron Sharpe, NDI Manager, Robins AFB, GA, outlining testing Performed in NDI shop. Replaces 1,1,1-trichloroethane PRODUCT USES/CONDUCT NAMES DOT 111/113 is listed on the Qualified Products List (QPL) under MIL-C-87937A, Type II , Cleaning compound, Aerospace Equipment. The product is also authorized for use under T.O. 1-1-691 in lieu of MEK and 1,1,1-trichloroethane for spot cleaning, approved for use in pre-cleaning of oxygen systems components. Additional approvals for specific applications are pending. MILITARY USES: Aircraft Cleaning – DOT 111-113: Cleaning exterior of painted and unpainted aircraft, wing edges, landing gear, wheels. In use at over 30 Air Force Bases worldwide. Cleaning procedures outlined in MIL-C-87937, T.O. 1-1-691 and procedure manuals for specific aircraft. ATTAR: Heavy-duty cleaning/degreasing and carbon removal of painted aircraft and other applications including component parts as approved by specific program managers. Wipe-solvent – DOT 111/113: Wipe-on, wipe-off cleaning for bare metal and other surfaces replacing MEK and 1,1,1-trichloroethane. Authorized for use under T.O. 1-1-691; cleaning procedures outlined in T.O. 1-1-691. Aerospace Ground Equipment (AGE) – DOT 111/113: cleaning of ground equipment and AGE engines. Cleaning procedures outlined in MIL-C-87937. Cabinet Washers – DOT 111/113 and ATTAR: Heated, high pressure spray in an enclosed cabinet; used to clean metal parts with quick turn around; light to medium contamination; cleaning procedures and approvals specific to application. MILITARY POINTS OF CONTACT: Kelly Air Force Base, TX is the originating activity and custodian of MIL-C-87937. This specifications as well as set the standards for replacements of ODCs and other hazardous chemicals to be incorporated in existing technical orders, procedural manuals and military standards. DOT 111/113 is in use at several locations on base. SA-ALC/TIESM Kelly AFB, TX 78241-5000 (210) 925-8745 SA-ALC/SFTT Kelly AFB, TX 78241 (210) 925-7613 Hill Air Force Base, UT was the first Air Force Base to test DOT 111/113 for cleaning aircraft and other applications. Approved its use on the F-4 and F-16 aircraft after performing additional testing on special wiring (Kaepton, Tefzel, Polyimide). DOT 111/113 is in use at other locations on base, including the Missile shop. ATTAR-D also being evaluated as a heavy duty cleaner and carbon remover. 7278 4th St. OO-ALC/TIELM Bldg. 100 bay “E” Hill AFB, UT 84056 (801) 775-2992 OO-ALC/LMIA Silo-based ICBM Systems Program Office Hill AFB, UT 84056 (801) 777-1966 Env. Coordinator, Aircraft OO-ALC/LADPE Hill AFB, UT 84056 (801) 777-2042 Robins Air Force Base: Evaluating DOT 111/113 since August, 1992. Currently using the product in the Wet Clean Shop; on the wash rack to clean aircraft; pylon shop; NDI Lab as a wipe solvent on F-16 aircraft prior to painting per Y.O. 1-1-691. Chief Surratt initiated the change authorization to incorporate the use of MIL-C87937, Type II in T.O. 1-1-691 as a wipe solvent after testing DOT 111/113 for that application at Robins AFB. WR-ALC/TIELN Robins AFB, GA 31098-5000 (912) 926-1287 WR-ALC/CNC Robins AFB, GA 31098-5990 (912) 926-3284 McClellan Air Force Base: Evaluating DOT 111/113 since October, 1992 for several uses base wide. Currently using the product in several locations on base. SM-ALC/LICF McClellan AFB, CA 95652 (916) 643-6552 Tinker Air Force Base: Evaluating DOT 111/113 since July, 1992. Currently using the product in the engine test cell, on the wash rack to clean aircraft, cleaning precision bearings, and other applications. Also evaluating ATTAR as a heavy-duty cleaner and carbon remover for cleaning a large number and variety of parts. B-1 systems manager OC-ALC/LABEF Bldg 3001 staff drive Tinker AFB, OK 73145 Corrosion control facility OC-ALC/LAPEP Tinker AFB, OK 73145 (405) 736-3109 (405) 736-7452 OC-ALC/LIPEB Tinker AFB, OK 73145 (405) 736-5730 OC-ALC/LAPEP Tinker AFB, OK 73145 (405) 736-5986 Wright Patterson Air Force Base, OH: DOT 111/113 in use in several locations on base, including Wright Lab for NDI, on the wash rack to clean aircraft, cabinet washers for component cleaning and other locations on base. 4950 Test Wing/MAOES 5281 Schweinfort Ave. WPAFB, OH 45433 (513) 257-2880 WL/MLS WPAFB, AFB, OH 45433 (513) 255-5117 Newark Air Force Base, OH: Evaluating DOT 111/113 for several critical and precision cleaning applications to replace ODCs. Mr. Hunt works extensively with the Air Force Center for environmental excellence and other organizations seeking alternatives to ODCs and other hazardous solvents. Also testing ATTAR-D for various applications with very good results, especially at removing brominebased lubricants. Aerospace Guidance and Metrology Center AGMC/CN 813 Irving-Wick Dr. Newark AFB, OH 45057-0013 (614) 522-7712 Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA): DOT 111/113 accepted for use as a pre-cleaner of oxygen systems components under NAVSEA’s procedures established to reduce and/or eliminate the use on ODCs. MIL-STD 1359 and MIL-STD 1330, which govern cleaning of aviation and shipboard oxygen systems cleaning respectively, are currently being revised to incorporate the use of pre-cleaners under accepted procedures. It is estimated that pre-cleaners can reduce the use of OCDs by as much as 90% when used for pre-cleaning of oxygen systems components. Naval Sea Systems Command 2531 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Arlington, VA 22242-5160 (703) 602-5552 COMMERCIAL USES: OXYGEN SYSTEMS AND COMPONENTS CLEAING: AV-OX, Inc. is an FAA repair station for oxygen cylinders and components. Testing shows DOT 111/113 very effective for use in cleaning oxygen cylinders but AV-OX must have authorization from either Boeing or the military before the product can be incorporated in cleaning procedures. Using the product to clean small components in ultra sonic units and hand wiping. Puritan Bennett Corp. manufacturers and refurbishes oxygen cylinders and has rewritten their procedures for cleaning the inside of oxygen cylinders incorporating the use of DOT 111/113: a 10% solution of product and deionized water is placed inside the cylinder and rotated clockwise for 5 minutes, 5 minutes counter clockwise, drain, rinse, with deionized water. NVR testing on cleaned cylinders exceeded requirements. Getex corp. manufactures oxygen mask assembles and facepieces used by the military. They use a diluted solution of DOT 111/113 to clean the facepeices , oxygen supply hoses and valves used to assemble the facepeices. Procedures include wiping, ultrasonic cleaning and immersion with mild agitation. Nucor steel, a steel manufacture, used DOT 111/113 to flush newly installed oxygen supply lines. A 10% solution was flushed through the lines, followed by deionized water rinse and forced air to dry. Nucor replaced 1,1,1-trichloroethane in this procedure. East West Industries manufactures oxygen systems components. They use a diluted solution of DOT 111/113 for cleaning in ultrasonic units, following by a DI ultrasonic rinse. This critical cleaning application requires a high degree of cleanliness with no residue POINTS OF CONTACT, OXYGEN SYSTEMS CLEANING AV-OX, Inc. 15746 Stagg St. Van Nuys, CA 93406 (818) 787-3852 Gentex Corporation Western Operations 11525 6th St. Rancho Cucamongo, CA 91730 (909) 466-5599 Purritan Bennet 111 Penn St. El Segundo, CA 90245 (213) 772-1421 Nucor Steel 7301 East County Rd. Blytheville, AR 72315 (501) 762-2100 East/West Industries, Inc. 100 Thirteenth Ave. Ronkonkoma, NY 11779-6804 (516) 981-5900 OTHER COMMERCIAL USES: Harrison of Texas performs electro polishing and precision mechanical polishing of precision parts for defense contractors. They use a diluted solution of DOT 111/113 in manual cleaning of parts, rinse with deionized water, white glove test to verify cleanliness. Replaced 1,1,1 trichloroethane and CFC-113 E G & G Chandler Engineering manufactures gas chromatographs and other precision instruments. Using a 10% solution of DOT 111/113 at 140* F in an ultrasonic unit to clean GC component partsm removing light manufacturing oils and fingerprints. Also clean de-populated oilfield instrumentation circuit boards in a 25% non-heated solution in a parts washer – presoak, scrub with non-metallic brush, rinse and allow to air dry to remove field soil, oil and grease. Moores Pump and Supply, an oilfield rental equipment company, uses DOT 111/113 in a steam cleaner to pre-clean heavily soiled, non-critical parts of heavy crude oils, greases and paraffin. Also use a 25% solution in a parts washer – pre-soak, scrub and allow to air dry. The removed contaminants (oil and grease) are absorbed from the surface daily and disposed. After 6 weeks, the solution was still cleaning effectively and the effluent met discharge criteria (less than 50 ppm oil & grease). Determined a solution loss of approximately 10% per week due to evaporation. Lam Research manufactures semi-conductor manufacturing equipment. They are currently using DOT 111/113 in ultrasonic units to clean lightly soiled manufactured parts with good results. DOT 111/113 was chosen because of excellent cleaning and rinsing, and low organic content resulting in no residue left on parts General Electric Aircraft Engines manufacturing facility in Hooksett, NH using DOT 111/113 with a defoamer to clean various soils (including synthetics) from manufactured parts. DOT 111/113 was chosen for in-house testing in various types of aqueous cleaning equipment by the Hooksett facility after reviewing test data from independent laboratories for material compatibility, environmental safety and chemical characteristics. POINTS OF CONTACT FOR OTHER COMMERCIAL USES: Harrison of Texas 9203 Rhonda Lane Houston, TX 77074 (713) 981-1616 E G A G Chandler Engineering 2001 N. Indianwood Ave. Broken Arrow, OK 74012 (918) 459-7159 Moores Pump & Supply 212 Thruway Park Broussard, LA 70518 (318) 837-2794 LAM Research Dept. 280 A 4650 Cushing Parkway Freemont, CA 94538-6401 (510) 659-5609 General Electric Aircraft Engines 31 Industrial Park Drive Hooksett, NH 03106 (603) 666-8083