Study Guide Questions

Mitosis, Meiosis, DNA Synthesis, and Protein Synthesis
Chapter 4 Study Guide
1. What is the longest part of the Cell Cycle? Name its 3 phases and describe what happens in
each of these phases.
2. What is mitosis?
3. List the 4 phases of mitosis and describe what happens in each phase.
4. List 2 ways in which plant mitosis differs from animal mitosis.
5. Mitosis makes 2 new _____________ cells. (Hint: How many chromosomes are in a cell that
is made through mitosis?)
6. What is asexual reproduction?
7. Define each type of asexual reproduction and give an example of each.
a. Fission
b. Budding
c. Regeneration
8. Can plants reproduce asexually? List 1 example.
9. What is sexual reproduction?
10. The ____________ is the male sex cell and the __________ is the female sex cell.
11. What is fertilization? What forms when an egg cell and a sperm join together?
12. An organism has 13 pairs of chromosomes in its nucleus, how many individual
chromosomes does each organism’s body cell contain? How many individual chromosomes
are in this organism’s sex cells?
13. From the question 12, which cells are haploid and which cells are diploid? Define diploid and
14. What is meiosis?
15. List the 2 parts of meiosis. List and describe what happens in each phase of both parts of
16. Meiosis begins with 1 ____________ cell and creates 4 ______________ cells.
17. List 3 differences between mitosis and meiosis.
18. What does DNA stand for? Define it.
19. Who was Rosalind Franklin and what did she do?
20. Who built the first DNA model? (First and Last names.)
21. Describe the structure of DNA. If we compared DNA to a ladder, what are the sides
(backbone) made of? What are the rungs made of?
22. What are the four nitrogen bases of DNA? What bases pair together?
23. What is DNA synthesis? Describe the steps of DNA synthesis.
24. What does RNA stand for? Where is it made?
25. Describe the structure of RNA. If we compared it to a ladder, what is the side(backbone)
made of? What are the rungs made of? Is it just like DNA?
26. What are the 4 nitrogen bases of RNA? What bases pair together?
27. What are the 3 types of RNA? What are their functions?
28. What is Protein synthesis? What are the 2 steps of protein synthesis?
29. How is a protein made? Tell me about each step of the process. (The Figure on page 115 in
your book will help you visualize this process.)
30. What is the basic unit of a protein?
31. What is a codon?