
Thad Roberts
Thad Roberts's talk "Sex on the Moon" was a spectacularly interesting event that was the perfect
combination of science, adventure, humor, and inspiration. He shared ideas about taking hold
of life and seeing the good in things even when a situation seems hopeless. I would recommend
this talk to everyone, this story will appeal to almost any audience.
-Miles Konstantin
Listening to the story of Thad Roberts’s roller coaster life was like watching an exciting movie. He
found the inspiration to shoot for his dream, and then, when the whole world came crashing
down on him, he managed to find hope. His story [encourages us] to never give up pursuing our
-Tomoko Richard, Interpreter
I was lucky to hear Thad Roberts’s speech, and I am so honored to have gotten to know him. I
was moved [by] his mission is to “help as many people as possible follow their dreams and learn
to love.” I hope that every person will realize they are more than they have achieved now, learn
to confront the adversity in their life, learn from their mistakes, pursue their dreams, and feel the
importance and preciousness of love.
-Shinji Fukuda
When I first heard that Thad Roberts was coming to speak at my university, the only thing I knew
about him was that he was an astrophysicist. As I would like to work in that field someday, this
alone was enough to convince me to attend. However, I found out that this lecture is one that
no other astrophysicist can give. Thad shares a very personal story of his successes and
tragedies, from beginning his career as an astrophysicist to his time in a federal prison and his
new life today.
His story of his pursuit to become an astronaut is very inspirational, as after everything that has
happened, he still hopes to walk on Mars someday. The entire event was fascinating and
enjoyable. Even if you are not interested in astronomy or astrophysics, you will still find
entertainment and inspiration in Thad Roberts's lecture.
-Jonathan Goodnow
Thad’s speech was natural and touching, and I was impressed by his love and courage. After
experiencing adversity, he now [inspires] others that their dreams will come true. It was an honor
to have met him at this seminar.
-Kumiko Maema
313 Washington Street, Suite 225 | Newton, MA 02458 | Phone: 617.614.1600 | Fax: 617.965.6610 | apbspeakers.com
Thad Roberts inspired me to take my career to the next level. He is an outstanding adventurer
full of passion for life. His speech motivated me.
-Manabu Maeda
Thad’s lecture pointed out five tips for success in chasing our dreams. The first was to declare to
the world what we want to do or be. Second, we need to be willing to ask for advice and to
accept the help of others in order to most efficiently learn how to make our dreams come true.
Third, we should continuously motivate ourselves and clarify the pathway toward our dream.
Fourth, we can learn to interpret fear as a milestone that is to be overcome. Fifth, when
practicing kindness we need to remember to also be kind to ourselves. You [must] hear how
incredible his story is! Don't miss it!
-Toshiyuki Iwahori
Thad Roberts taught us how dreams are achieved. His story will no doubt bring you inspiration,
and help you resurrect the dream you have left behind in your everyday life. This lecture was
-Yusuke Saito
Thad Roberts gave me new insights about how enthusiastic we can be in the pursuit of our
dreams. Thad kept all 400 audience members listening with fascination. We were impressed and
we felt love, sympathy, and compassion. Obviously, Thad committed some serious mistakes in his
past, but I strongly believe that those actions were necessary steps to really achieve his lifetime
-Masataka Ishikawa, Owner of Property Investment
As an aviation pilot and a former fighter pilot in Japan's Self-Defense Air Force, I immediately
recognized Thad's outstanding ability in leadership as well as his determination in his life. What is
excellent about Thad Roberts is that he grew through real love. His story is about awareness, and
his message is that any obstacle can be overcome if you have love and passion. I truly want to
share Thad's story with everyone.
-Captain Hiro Inoko
313 Washington Street, Suite 225 | Newton, MA 02458 | Phone: 617.614.1600 | Fax: 617.965.6610 | apbspeakers.com