DrPH Curriculum in Social and Behavioral Sciences Sections I through VII list the school-wide DrPH course requirements. Sections VIII-IX list the requirements specific to the DrPH in Social and Behavioral Sciences. I. Ethics--DrPH students must take at least 3 credits from the following courses Course No. 550.860 221.616 306.655 306.663 306.665 Units 1 2 3 3 3 Course Title Research Ethics Ethics of Public Health Practice in Developing Countries Ethical Issues in Public Health Legal and Ethical Issues in Health Services Management Research Ethics and Integrity: US and International Issues II.A. Epidemiology--DrPH students must take two of the following courses OR all listed in II.B. Course No. 340.601 OR 550.694.81 AND 550.695.81 AND 340.761 OR 340.608 Units 5 Course Title Principles of Epidemiology 3 Fundamentals of Epidemiology I (online only) 3 Fundamentals of Epidemiology II (online only) 4 Applied Epidemiology I 4 Observational Epidemiology II B. Epidemiology continued Course No. 340.751 340.752 340.753 Units 5 5 5 Course Title Epidemiologic Methods 1 Epidemiologic Methods 2 Epidemiologic Methods 3 III A. Biostatistics--DrPH students must take all 4 of the following courses OR all listed in III B. Course No. 140.621* 140.622* 140.623* 140.624* Units 4 4 4 4 Course Title Statistical Methods in Public Health I Statistical Methods in Public Health II Statistical Methods in Public Health III Statistical Methods in Public Health IV *The Biostatistics series 140.651 – 654 may be used as a substitute. III B. Biostatistics continued Course No. 140.611 140.612 140.613 140.614 140.620 140.624 Units 3 3 2 2 2 4 Course Title Statistical Reasoning in Public Health I Statistical Reasoning in Public Health II Data Analysis Workshops I Data Analysis Workshops II Advanced Data Analysis Workshop Statistical Methods in Public Health IV IV. School-Wide DrPH Seminar--DrPH Students are required to take four terms of the school-wide DrPH seminar and are encouraged to attend during additional terms Course No. 550.873 Units 4 Course Title Seminar in Public Health Leadership (Four terms, 1 credit per term) V. Leadership--DrPH Students must take one of the following courses Course No. 551.610 380.681 Units 3 4 Course Title Foundations of Leadership – A Leadership Survey Course Strategic Leadership Principles and Tools for Health System Transformation In Developing Countries VI. Health Policy--DrPH students must take at least one policy course from the following (other courses may be substituted with approval from the DrPH Executive Committee) Course No. 180.629 221.609 300.600.81 300.652 300.711 300.712 300.713 306.650 380.624 Units 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 3 4 Course Title Environmental and Occupational Health Law and Policy Comparative Health Systems Introduction to Health Policy Politics of Health Policy Health Policy I: Social and Economic Determinants of Health Health Policy II: Public Health Policy Formulation Health Policy III: Research and Evaluation Methods for Health Policy Public Health and the Law Maternal and Child Health Legislation and Programs VII. Management Sciences--DrPH students must take 3 credits from the following courses in addition to the MPH Management requirement Course No. 221.706 and 221.707 221.722 OR 221.722.81 312.615 551.601 AND 551.602 Units 5 Course Title Management of Health Systems in Developing Countries I and II 4 Quality Assurance Management Methods for Developing Countries 3 6 Organizational Behavior and Management Managing Health Services Organizations Approaches to Managing Health Service Organizations: Cases and Applications 551.603 551.605 551.608 3 3 3 Fundamentals of Budgeting and Financial Management Case Studies in Management Decision Making Managing Non-Governmental Organizations in the Health Sector VIII. Social and Behavioral Sciences Core Requirements--DrPH students must take the following courses Course No. 410.860 410.618 410.619 410.663 410.721 410.722 380.611 410.615 410.632 410.631 410.690 or 410.710 410.870 410.871 Units Course Title variable Graduate Seminar in Social and Behavioral Sciences, minimum 4 terms 4 Integrating Social and Behavioral Theory into Public Health I: Foundations 4 Integrating Social and Behavioral Theory into Public Health II: Applications 3 Media Advocacy and Public Health: Theory and Practice 2 Translating Research into Public Health Programs I 2 Translating Research into Public Health Programs II 4 Fundamentals of Program Evaluation 3 Research Design in Social and Behavioral Sciences 3 Introduction to Urban Health 3 Introduction to Community-Based Participatory Research 4 Ethnographic Fieldwork 3 Concepts in Qualitative Research for Social and Behavioral Sciences 2 HBS Research and Proposal Writing for Doctoral Students I 2 HBS Research and Proposal Writing for Doctoral Students II IX. Social and Behavioral Sciences Electives--DrPH students must take at least 2 of the following courses Course No. 410.610 410.611 410.612 410.613 410.620 410.630 Units 3 3 3 3 3 4 410.631 410.651 3 3 410.653 410.654 and 410.655 or 410.755 410.656 1 8 Course Title Health and Homelessness Health, Poverty and Public Policy in the U.S. Sociological Perspectives on Health Psychosocial Factors in Health and Illness Program Planning for Health Behavior Change Implementation and Sustainability of Community-based Health Programs Introduction to Community-Based Participatory Research Health Literacy: Challenges and Strategies for Effective Communication Contemporary Issues in Health Communication Health Communication Programs I and II (4 credits each term) 4 4 Health Communication Programs Entertainment Education for Behavior Change and Development