Brevard College Checklist 2002-2003 Bachelor of Arts – Major Requirements English/Interdisciplinary Studies I. B.A. CORE REQUIREMENTS 46 Semester Hours II. MAJOR REQUIREMENTS Language Arts Requirements 43 Semester Hours 25 Semester Hours A minimum of 12 semester hours must be at the 300-level or higher. Select one: ___ ___ COM 105 ENG 207 Introduction to Journalism Creative Writing 3 Semester Hours Select one: ___ ___ ___ COM 302 ENG 305 ENG 308 Environmental Journalism Technical Writing & Editing Creative Nonfiction 3 Semester Hours Select two – one at the 200-level; one at the 300-level or higher: ___ ENG 205 British Literature ___ ENG 206 American Literature ___ ENG 208 World Literature ___ ENG 217 Studies in Environmental Literature ___ ENG 220 Thematic Studies in Literature ---------------------------------------------------------------------___ ENG 322 Shakespeare ___ ENG 330 Advanced Studies in Literature ___ ENG 340 African-American Literature ___ ENG 341 Women in Literature ___ ENG 342 Southern Literature ___ ENG 380 Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature ___ ENG 410 Literature & Related Topics 6 Semester Hours Select one: ___ ___ ___ ___ 3 Semester Hours COM 110 THE 102 THE 203 COM 380 Introduction to Communication Voice and Movement Oral Interpretation Debate Select one: ___ ___ COM 106 COM 206 Journalism Lab Publication Production Select one: ___ ___ ENG 251 ENG 350 Introduction to Literary Criticism Language Studies Required: ___ ___ HUM 461 ENG 495 Humanities Research Methodologies Senior Project 1 Semester Hour 3 Semester Hours 6 Semester Hours III. REQUIRED EMPHASIS 18 - 21 Semester Hours Select at least one of the following emphases: _____ _____ ART EMPHASIS 21 Semester Hours Required: ___ ___ ___ ___ AH 201 AH 202 ART 130 ART 150 Art History I Art History II 2-D Design 3-D Design 12 Semester Hours Select one: ___ ___ ART 120 ART 125 Drawing I Life Drawing Select one: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ART 240 ART 250 ART 260 ART 270 ART 280 Painting I Sculpture I Photography I Ceramics I Printmaking I Select one: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ART 121 ART 125 ART 230 ART 241 ART 261 ART 271 Drawing II (if ART 106 is taken) Life Drawing Introduction to Computer Graphics Painting II Photography II Ceramics II 3 Semester Hours 3 Semester Hours 3 Semester Hours CREATIVE WRITING EMPHASIS 18 Semester Hours Required: ___ 3 Semester Hours ENG 207 Creative Writing Select two: ___ ___ ___ ___ ENG 308 ENG 309 ENG 310 THE 304 Creative Nonfiction Poetry Writing Fiction Writing Introduction to Playwriting Select three: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ENG 220 ENG 308 ENG 309 ENG 310 ENG 322 ENG 330 ENG 380 ENG 410 THE 304 Thematic Studies in Literature Creative Nonfiction Poetry Writing Fiction Writing Shakespeare Advanced Studies in Literature Interdisciplinary Topics Special Topics in Literature Introduction to Playwriting 6 Semester Hours 9 Semester Hours ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____ ENVIRONMENTAL JOURNALISM EMPHASIS 18 Semester Hours Required: ___ ___ ___ 9 Semester Hours COM 302 ENG 217 ENV 110 Environmental Journalism Studies in Environmental Literature Introduction to Environmental Studies Select three: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ART 260 ECOL 240 ECOL 410 ENV 103 ENV 301 ENV 325 ENV 330 ENV 380 GEOL 201 HIS 302 Photography I Biodiversity Human Ecology Forest and River Environmental Policy Population & Contemporary Social Issues Environment & Spirituality Environmental Seminar Environmental Geology Environmental History 9 Semester Hours ______ HISTORY EMPHASIS Required: ___ ___ 21 Semester Hours (6) HIS 104 HIS 110 U.S. History since 1865 Global History Select any five HIS courses from the 200-, 300-, or 400-levels ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ (15) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____ LITERARY STUDIES EMPHASIS Required: ___ ___ 18 Semester Hours 6 Semester Hours ENG 251 ENG 322 Overview of Literary Criticism Shakespeare Select one course beyond the B.A. core requirements: ___ ENG 205 British Literature ___ ENG 206 American Literature ___ ENG 208 World Literature ___ ENG 217 Studies in Environmental Literature ___ ENG 220 Thematic Studies in Literature 3 Semester Hours Select three courses: 9 Semester Hours ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ENG 330 ENG 340 ENG 341 ENG 342 ENG 350 ENG 380 ENG 410 THE 420 Advanced Studies in Literature African American Studies Women in Literature Southern Literature Language Studies Interdisciplinary Topics Special Topics in Literature Special Topics in Theatre _____ MUSIC EMPHASIS Required: ___ MUS 103 ___ MUS 104 ___ MUS 301 * ___ MUS 302 * ___ APM ___ Harmony I Harmony II Music History I Music History II Applied Music (One semester hour each) __________ ENS 21 Semester Hours 15 Semester Hours (3) (3) (3) (3) (2) ___________ (1) (.5 semester hour each for a total of two ensemble registrations) __________ ___________ Select one: ___ ___ MUS 101 MUS 107 Music Appreciation Introduction to Music Literature 3 Semester Hours Select one: ___ ___ ___ ___ MUS 200 MUS 201J MUS 308 * MUS 401 * Electronic Music Jazz History Topics in Music Literature Topics in Music History 3 Semester Hours *Prerequisite courses required. __________________________________________________________________________________________ _____ NATURAL SCIENCES EMPHASIS Required: ___ ___ 21-22 Semester Hours 6 Semester Hours ENV 110 MAT 141 Introduction to Environmental Studies Probability and Statistics Select a sequence: ___ BIO _______________ Biological Science _______________ or Physical Science _______________ 12 Semester Hours (8) ___ CHE, PHYS, GEOL _______________ ___ * If the sequence selected above was a Biological Science, select one 4-hour course from a Physical Science. * If the sequence selected above was a Physical Science, select one 4-hour course from a Biological Science. _______________ Select one: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ENV 301 ENV 330 MAT 211 MAT 221 MAT 231 MAT 341 MAT 351 BIO, CHE, GEOL, or PHYS (8) (4) 3-4 Semester Hours Environmental Policy Environment and Spirituality Analytic Geometry and Calculus I Analytic Geometry and Calculus II Analytic Geometry and Calculus III Linear Algebra Differential Equations Biology, Chemistry, Geology, or Physical Science (Any course not taken in the above sequence.) _____ RELIGION EMPHASIS 18 Semester Hours Required: ___ _____ 3 Semester Hours REL 101 or REL 102 Old Testament New Testament Select any 200-level REL courses: ___ REL ________ ___ REL ________ 6 Semester Hours Select any 300-/400-level REL courses: ___ REL ________ ___ REL ________ ___ REL ________ 9 Semester Hours THEATRE ARTS EMPHASIS 21 Semester Hours Required: ___ ___ ___ Select one: ___ ___ THE 101 THE 102 THE 104* __________ __________ __________ 3 Semester Hours THE 201 THE 202 Acting I Acting II Select from the following: ___ THE 105 ___ THE 107 ___ THE 108 THE 201 ___ or THE 202 ___ THE 203 ___ THE 304 IV. 9 Semester Hours Introduction to the Theater Voice and Movement Production (1 s.h each; must take 3 times.) 9 Semester Hours Stagecraft Technical Theater Make-up Acting I Acting II Oral Interpretation Introduction to Playwriting UNRESTRICTED ELECTIVES Office of the Registrar 828.884.8144/1824 to complete 124 Semester Hours Brevard College Checklist 2002-2003 Rev. 11/02