P113/53/4 - Longford Farm, Longford Place, Scufflings, Little Scufflings, Agmonds Wood and land. Hole Farm lost. Summary The history of these tenements is exceedingly complex and although most of the material is accurate the descents and dates shown should be seen as indicative rather than definitive. We intend to post an amended survey as soon as possible. In the meantime if you wish to undertake further study please go back to the original documents. These tenements lying south of the Longford stream were acquired by Thomas Richardson from several landowners between 1832 and 1836. The individual tenements, held of both the manor of Barcombe and the manor of Warningore, had been merged into larger units much earlier. Where possible the approximate position of the tenements has been identified but the actual bounds are uncertain. Much of the difficulty is caused by two tenements both called Scufflings, one in Barcombe and one in Warningore. Both originated as a collection of discrete acres in common fields which only later nucleated into the field patterns with which we are familiar. It is clear that only one of the houses survives, whether the house should be associated with the Warningore or Barcombe tenement remains uncertain although Warningore is maginally more likely. Many of the tenements were free which allowed this rationalization of holdings, but as such were ill-recorded in manor records. Down Coppice (The Downe) and Longford were both associated with the tenement named Worgers in the Barcombe manor rental of 1565, but The Downe cannot be identified as an individual tenement after that date (30). However it was included in the sale by Lucas Shadwell to Richardson in 1836 that included both Longford (Barcombe manor) and Agmonds (Warningore manor). Some of the land near Scufflings was associated with Whitehoad Common which was enclosed by agreement in 1574 (23). Curiously more acres are recorded in these tenements than were said to remain in the common then, possibly part had been enclosed earlier. Agmonds Wood must be associated with the Agmond family taxpayers in Barcombe in 1327 and 1332. Dollicks Lane identified on a map of c1760-1780 evolved to become Dallas Lane. The names Burnt House field and Old House field suggest the possible position of some of the early messuages (dwellings) now lost, possibly the other Scufflings or the Dollicks tenement. Following an exchange agreement between George Grantham and Frederick Smith (Shenstone) in 1870 the land to the south of Anchor Lane was retained as part of the Barcombe Place estate and land to the north of the lane was incorporated in the Sutton Hall estate. For the rest of Richardson’s extensive estate see P113/53, TA 90; P113/53/1, TA 428; P113/53/2,TA 658; P113/53/3, TA 560 Manorial tenements Quit rent Seven freehold tenements of the manor of Warningore Barcombe. Scufflings 69 acres (part TA 616, 708, 711, 713, 715, 716-719, free 6s 2d 721, 743, 745, 747) Barcombe. Sleets Eye (TA 583) free 1s 0d Barcombe. Agmonds free 3s 4d Barcombe. Agmonds free 3s 4d Barcombe. Agmonds free 3s 4d Barcombe. Dollicks als Agmonds (TA 600, 602, 607, 610, 612, 614) free 8d Barcombe. Holehouse 5 acres. (TA 59-593, 596, 597) free 6d (19) Seven copyhold tenements of the manor of Barcombe Whitehoad, messuage, barn, 8 acres Whitehoade Common 7 acres Glass Furlong 2½ acres, Lyme Pit Mead ½ acre, Ternwish ½ acre meadow Marvell Common 13a 1r 13 p. Marvell Common, millcroft 2 acres close Grant 1712 Malthouse near Longford ¼ acre Grant 1729 Longford, 9 rods by 2 rods copy 10d copy 10s 6d copy 1s 2d copy 40s 0d copy 6s 0d copy 1s 0d copy 6d Three freehold tenements of the manor of Barcombe Scufflings, messuage 59 acres (part TA 616, 708, 711, 713, 715, 716-719, 721, 743, 745, 747) Piece of land 16 acres free 3s 6d by apportionment free 1s 6d Longford, messuage, barn, garden, orchard (TA 486-498) free 5s 6d by apportionment (3) Former demesne land of the manor Butcher’s Field 12 acres Owner Tithe apportionment 1840 Captain Thomas Longford house, garden and yards, Hole house and garden, 2 cottages and Richardson gardens (Scufflings Farm), 4 cottages and gardens, land. field numbers 486-500, 523, 524, 533, 535-546, 574-597, 600-617, 643, 644, 708-722, 743748 (1) Land Tax 1840 Longford £16 5s 0d, Late Shadwells £94 5s 0d (2) Manor of Warningore: Barcombe. Scufflings 69 acres – by partition free 6s 2d Grant by feoffees to heir, 18 Jun 1508 (BL Add Ch 58825) William Relffe and John a Reed of Mayfield to Thomas Hogate and his wife Margaret Their tenement with a bingate and grove in Barcombe, in which they (with John a James deceased) were lately enfeoffed by TH’s father John Hogate, of which 1 two pieces called The Redens (20a) (N: the tenement) 2 two pieces called The Bernfeld and The Kechenfeld (9a) (N,W: the tenement) 3 a croft with a grove called The Grove (3a) (E: land of Thomas Chaunteler; W: land of Richard Gallop) 4 five pieces of meadow in Townwesche (2a) 5 three pieces [of meadow] in The Brokes (12a) (N,W: common called The Merveld; S: land late Thomas Webbe; E: a torrent) 6 a croft called Roberdisaker (2a) (N: the tenant way leading from Whytehoth to Merveld Common; S: Merveld Common) 7 other parcels in The Nylond in the N (½a) (S: Merveld Common) 8 four pieces called Payneslond (9a) (S: a tenant way; N: a meadow called Tottys) 9 three pieces in Tottys Meadow (3a) 10 5a in a field called Northsowthfeld (N,W: Merveld Common; S, E: land of Richard Pekenden) 11 6a inc a field called Sowthfeld (N: the torrent; S: Northsowthfeld) 12 other pieces of meadow at the S end of Sowthfeld (E: land called Estwesche) 7 feet wide at the S end and 14 feet at the N end 13 other crofts called The Bromette (1½a) (S,W: land of John Chaunteler the elder; N,E: church way (viam ecclesiasticam) called the Clappers) 14 other pieces of meadow in Cobbiswesche (1r) 15 other pieces in Tenewesche between the croft called Bromette and the torrent 16 other pieces of meadow in Holowesche (W: land of John Chaunteler called Grenewesche) 17 other crofts (1a) (S: land of John Erlle; N: land of John Acton) 18 other pieces of meadow in Estwesche (between a piece of meadow of William Chaunteler and the rayles toward the torrent on the N) 19 other crofts (3a) (N, W: land late Thomas Webb; S,E: land of Richard Holford) 20 other pieces (between the land of Richard Gallop and the land of John Torner called The Reddens) 21 a rod in a grove of Richard Gallop (S,W: land of John Torner) 22 other crofts (4½a) called Sandlond (S: a tenant way; N: land of Thomas Chaunteler) 23 a piece called Grenehell towards Hallandgate P113/53/4 24 25 an annual rent of 9s 3d from Thomas Webbe for free lands and tenements which he lately held, and William Merkeweke before him annual rent of 16d from John Chaunteler for free lands and tenements which he holds, and Richard Page before him Witnesses: John Chaunteler of Barcombe, John Aynescombe the younger of Mayfield 1597 Messuage, barn, garden, orchard, 20 acres of land, 17 acres of meadow, 40 acres of pasture and 3 acres of wood. 1662 John Chantler 6 hearths (45) 1686 Messuage, barn, malthouse, foddering house, orchards and meadows. 5 acres Barnfield. 5 acres Kitchenfield. W: John Heasmans Scufflings N&E: William Earle senior S: Road Cross/Rishfield 22 acres North and South Riddens. W: Agmonds Land N: Copthall late Dollegs E: William Earle S: Road Cross/Rishfield 3 acres E: Churchfield als Barly croft in John Heasmans Hempshares W: Cheyney Hillls S: Henry Heasmans Jonas Croft ?S: William Earle junior 15 acres Copthall in 6 pieces. W: Agmonds Lane N: Agmonds E&S: Riddens sometime Dollegs. 13 acres Broakes. E: Old Iron River SW: Henry Heasmans Combes Brookes W: Rushy Marvile. 5 acres Samme lands. W: William Earle junior E: Griggs S: Road Cross/Rishfield Green 12 acres Southfields. S: Beame River and Arthur Earle W: Matlands N: Seven Acres copy E: Ashutts and Cobbs Croft 1734 PARTITION Samlands and Southfield remain as part of William Earles holding. (see John Attree P113/10 Delves Farm (TA703) in 1840) Owners <1449-1449 William Relfe and John a Thoms and Mary Holgate The Riddens only reed to (TA 100,1001) (20) 1449-1508 Thomas Hogate and wife 1508 granted Scufflings by his father’s Margaret feoffees (see above) Sale of Riddens and Scufflings to John Chantler. 1509-1509+ John Chantler. <1597-1597 John Chantler <1597-1597 Harbert Springett and William 1597 conveyed to John and Agnes Chantler Stempe of Lewes gents property late his father John Chantler and before (illeg) Chantler.. 1597-1597+ John Chantler and wife Agnes. <1686-1686 John Chantler of Barcombe 1686 conveyed to William Earle senior and yeoman William Earle junior £1000. (49) 1686-1707 William Earle senior of Barcombe yeoman and William Earle junior only son and heir of William <1707 - 1734> William Earle by partition free Sale to Nicholas Neale 6s 8d 1734 - 1738 Nicholas Neale. 1734 acknowledged and tenement partitioned to form Scufflings Brooks (P113/62 TA 652 ) and Samlands and Southfields (see P113/8 TA 697) Scufflings 69 acres remains quit rent apportioned 1741 6s 2d Acquires Agmonds Dollicks P113/53/4 see below. Acquires Scufflings in Barcombe manor Descent uncertain, probably as Barcombe manor Scufflings given below 1754-1769 Robert Lucas by attorney 1754 acknowledges tenure Thomas Attree 1769 deceased. <1771 Mary wife of Thomas Washer 1771 deceased. gent, sister of Robert Lucas, 1771-1784 William Washer only son 1771 recognised by court 1773 partition to form two tenements 7s 6d and 3s 8d same ownership no details 1784 deceased, heriot brown mare, two daughters are heirs Jane Wyche and Susanna Surman <1790 <1796 1798-1798+ 1803-1804 1804-1804 1804-1833 1833-1869 1754 1840 P113/53/4a <1707-1734 P113/53/4b 1840 <1707-1721 1721-1721+ <1741 <1741 1741-1741+ <1775 1775-1813 1813-1836 P113/53/4c 1840 <1707-1716 <1775 P113/53/4d <1707-1718 <1775 Joseph Gouldsmith Elizabeth Goldsmith Walker Goldsmith gent only uncle on fathers side John Verrall the younger of Allington Court Farm. Richard Knight and John Verrall Tourle trustees. William Young of West Firle acknowledge. Thomas Richardson esq of Lewes Tenants Thomas Verrall John Peckham (TA 718) Frederick Elphick (TA 719) deceased, heriot cart mare. deceased. 1798 acknowledges tenure 1803 acknowledges tenure. 1804 deceased, heriot horse valued at £14 1804 alien WY 1833 deceased, heriot very old horse valued at £1. He devised to Elizabeth wife of Thomas Bridgen and they alienate to Thomas Richardson. In 1832 TR had acquired P113/53/4k below meadowland 1833 acknowledges tenure Merged with his estate P113/53 (TA 90) (house) (land Richardson himself) Manor of Warningore - Barcombe. Dollicks otherwise Agmonds - free 8d Owners William Earle 1734 sale to Nicholas Earle, merged with Scuffling tenement P113/53/4 above Manor of Warningore – Agmonds – free 3s 4d Tithe map nos. 537/40, 579/82, 600/611 - 77.2.12 acres, with 9, 11. Owners Henry Heasman. 1721 deceased, heriot red ox. William Heasman son. John Heasman Mary Heasman widow of <1741 alienate to Edward Lucas John and son Edward Lucas. John Lucas. During his life time or before acquires Sleets Eye and the other Agmonds tenements (see below P113/53/4c,de) 1775 decd, heriot 2 cows and 1 horse valued at £15 15s. for all three Agmonds tenements Mary wife William Lucas 1798 Lucy deceased. Shadwell gent, Sarah, Ann 1813 Ann deceased and Lucy Lucas co heirs. William Lucas Shadwell 1813 Shadwell tenure noted 1814 all tenements enfranchised 1836 these 4 tenements sold to Thomas Richardson and merged with P113/54/4 Manor of Warningore - Barcombe. Sleets Eye - Free 1s Tithe map no. 583 – 7a 3r 20p. William Heasman. 1716 decd, heriot juvenal. Ann Heasman widow executor. John Lucas. By 1775 merged withP113/53/4b above. Manor of Warningore – Agmonds – free 3s 4d Owners John Lucas gent. 1718 deceased, heriot ox valued at £4 4s John Lucas. Merged with P113/53/4a above P113/53/4e <1707-1728 <1775 Manor of Warningore – Agmonds – free 3s 4d Owners William Heasman. 1728 deceased. John Lucas Merged with P113/53/4a above P113/53/4f Manor of Barcombe - Scufflings and adjoining land Manor of Barcombe tenements. Three freehold tenements of the manor of Barcombe Scufflings messuage and 59 acres remains (quit rent 11s 2d) 1773 partitioned to form two tenements quit rents 7s 6d and 3s 8d but both remain in the same ownership Seven copyhold tenements of the manor of Barcombe Whitehoad, messuage, barn, 8 acres. 1684 described as Whitehoad, messuage, barn, The Knowle, The Homefield 6 acres Whitehoade Common 7 acres. Glass Furlong 2½ acres.Lyme Pit Mead ½ acre. Ternwish ½ acre meadow. Marvell Common 13a 1r 13 p. Marvell Common, millcroft 2 acres close Grant 1712 Malthouse near Longford ¼ acre Grant 1729 Longford, 9 rods by 2 rods Scufflings messuage and 59 acres – 11s 2d 1565 One yard free 16s 0d (partitioned <1687 to form Rishfield (quit rent 1s 2d) see P113/8 John Attree) <1687 Scufflings, messuage, barn, orchard 75 acres (quit rent 14s 8d) remains (5) 1734 partitioned to form Scufflings 16 acres (quit rent 3s 6d) see P113/8 John Attree Owners 1565 John Chantler of Barcombe (30) 1596 Richard Chantler of 1596 buried at Barcombe (33) Scufflings 1650 John Chantler of Scufflings 1650 son John baptised at Barcombe (33) <1687-1687 John Chauntler sale to William Earle 1687-1734 William Earle 1698 acquires P113/53/4g, below 1734 partitions on sale of Messuage and 59 acres to Nicholas Neale quit rent 11s 2d 1734-1754 Nicholas Neale.. 1734 merged with Dollicks and Warningore Scufflings holding (see P113/53/4 above) 1754 sale to Robert Lucas in tenure Thomas Verrall 1754-1769 Robert Lucas by attorney 1754 acknowledges tenure Thomas Attree 1769 deceased. <1771 Mary wife of Thomas 1771 deceased. Washer gent, sister of Robert Lucas, 1771-1784 William Washer only son 1771 recognised by court 1773 partition to form two tenements 7s 6d and 3s 8d same ownership no details 1784 deceased, heriot brown mare, two daughters are heirs Jane Wyche and Susanna Surman <1790 Joseph Gouldsmith deceased, heriot cart mare. <1796 Elizabeth Goldsmith deceased. 1798-1798+ Walker Goldsmith gent only 1798 acknowledges tenure uncle on fathers side 1803-1804 John Verrall the younger of 1803 acknowledges tenure. Allington Court Farm. 1804 deceased, heriot horse valued at £14 1804-1804 Richard Knight and John 1804 estate alienated (sold) to William Young Verrall Tourle trustees. 1804-1833 William Young of West Firle 1833 deceased, heriot very old horse valued at acknowledge. 1833-1869 1754 1840 Thomas Richardson esq of Lewes Tenants Thomas Verrall John Peckham (TA 718) Frederick Elphick (TA 719) £1. He devised estate to Elizabeth wife of Thomas Budgen and they alienate to Thomas Richardson. 1833 acknowledges tenure <1840 acquires P113/53/4m Butcher’s Field Merged with his estate P113/53 (TA 90) (house) (land Richardson himself) P113/53/4g 2007 Part of Scufflings and adjoining land Manor of Barcombe tenements Whitehoad, messuage, barn, 8 acres. 1684 described as Whitehoad, messuage, barn, The Knowle, The Homefield 6 acres Whitehoade Common 7 acres. Glass Furlong 2½ acres.Lyme Pit Mead ½ acre. Ternwish ½ acre meadow. 1662 William Hills 2 hearths (45) Owners <1671 William Hills (4) <1671 mortgage Francis Heasman £74 4s 0d. 1684-1697 Cheyney Hills aged 16, 1684 admitted William Carpenter of Chayley yeoman guardian, fine 2s 0d 1698-1698 Margaret wife of John 1698 admitted and sale to William Earle Tompsett and sister of heriot 20s 0d. Cheyney Hills 1698-1734 William Earle of Barcombe 1698 admitted P113/53/4h 2007 Longford Farm and land Manor of Barcombe tenements Longford, messuage, barn, garden, orchard Grant 1712 Malthouse near Longford ¼ acre 1836 Stable late malthouse N & W: orchard and garden; S & E: Road; Wain lodge adjacent ; N & E: Stack plot, the 6 acres and Bittern plot Grant 1729 Longford, 9 rods by 2 rods 1836 In front of Longford partly enclosed with some Lime Trees. S&E: Road; N:Stables 1718 40 acres Owners <1687 Newton <1687 Francis Lucas 1687 deceased, heriot ox. 1687-1718 John Lucas son (5) 1687 order to distrain - non payment of fine? 1712 acquires Malthouse near Longford 1718 John Lucas deceased, heriot runt. 1718-1776 John Lucas son 1718 makes fealty 1729 acquires land 9 rods by 2rods 1776 deceased, heriot valued at £5 5s 0d. 1777-1797 Mary, Ann and Lucy Lucas 1777 acknowledge, Mary by William Shadwell daughters gent and Lucy by herself 1781 Mary deceased 1797 Lucy deceased. 1798-1810 Ann Lucas youngest and 1798 acknowledged by will, Thomas Lucas surviving sister Shadwell attorney 1810 Ann Lucas deceased, heriot cow valued at £5 6s 8d. 1810-1836 William Shadwell, only 1810 acknowledged surviving son of Mary 1836 sale to Thomas Richardson Shadwell née Lucas 1836-1869 Thomas Richardson of Lewes, 1836 acknowledged Merged with Scufflings P113/53/4 above and his existing estate P113/53 (TA 90) P113/53/4i Marvell Common, millcroft, 2 acre close - copy 6s 0d 1836 -Isfield Church Field 2a 0r 31p 1840- TA .586 - 2.3.35 acres Owners <1687 Edward Raynes gent deceased <1687-1704 William Coby gent (5). 1704 deceased. 1704-1704 Samuel Blunt, executor, 1704 admitted by will and surrender to William Blunt. 1704-1745 William Blunt nephew minor. 1745 admitted, guardian Samuel Blunt, with land at Handlye Common (Blunts Wood) and Marvell Common (near Blunts Lane) 1745 deceased 1752-1800 Samuel Blunt 1752 admitted on 3rd proclamation by John Verral. 1800 deceased. 1801-1803 Francis Scawen Blunt infant 1801 admitted by William Clutton gent attorney only son of Rev William Blunt on 2nd proclamation,Mary Blunt mother eldest son of William Blunt guardian. 1803-1803 Henry Blunt Esq of Chelsea 1803 admitted and surrender to Samuel youngest son of Samuel Blunt Snashall. 1803-1813 Samuel Snashall Esq of 1803 admitted and surrender to will, with 89/94. Lewes. 1813 surrender William Lucas Shadwell £100. Merged with Longford P113/53/4h above P113/53/4j 2007 Meadowland across the river near the old Oil Mill Manor of Barcombe tenements Piece of land 16 acres - Free 1s 6d Adjoining Eastern Bridge and Iron River 1840 Tithe nos. 659/60 – 13a 2r 18p Owners <1687 Hobbs <1687 Attersoll <1687-1687+ John Jenner (5) <1796-1796 Richard Hart 1786 deceased, heriot 20s 0d. 1797-1832 Richard Hart gent eldest son. 1897 acknowledgement of freehold 1832-1840+ Thomas Richardson esq. of 1832 acknowledgement of freehold. Merged Lewes with P113/53/4 Marvell Common 13.1.13 acres - copy 40s 0d P113/53/4k 1697 Marvell Common 13.1.13 acres - copy 42s 0d 1840 TA 533, 584, 585 – 15a 2r 6p – Old House land. Owners 1656-1656 John Heasman of Cowfold. <1686 Henry Heaseman. <1686-1697 Susan widow of Henry 1697 deceased. Heaseman. 1697-1720 John Heasman son 1697 admitted and licence to let, fine 2s 4d. 1720 surrender to Bernard Heasman and Jane Norden 1720-1775 Bernard Heasman son and 1720 Admitted (with Pakins – see P113/34/2 Jane, daughter of Robert Banks Farm) Norden of Paines Place 1775 deceased heriot 20s 0d Cuckfield gent, his intended 1791-1796 wife Jane wife Lashford Willett, youngest daughter. James Willett gent, only son 1796-1820 Elizabeth Willett widow 1820-1820 Edward Norton Thornton and Robert Ashton gents 1820-1836 John Holroyd of Northumberland St Strand plumber 1776-1791 1776 admitted by John Ingram of Chailey gent. (with Pakins as above) 1791 admitted (with Pakins) 1794 recovery and surrender to will. 1796 deceased, heriot 20s 0d. 1796 admitted by will (with Pakins). 1820 or earlier Elizabeth Hurlstone. 1820 admitted by George Ware gent subject to life interest of Elizabeth Hurlstone by will of Harriot Ann Willett (with Pakins) 1820 surrender to John Holroyd £2780. 1820 admitted and mortgage to Thormton and Ashton (above) £2780 (with Pakins) redeemed 1833. 833 mortgage Georgiana Ashton Hurlstone of Brompton spinster and Juliana Willett Hurstone of Great Russell St Bloomsbury £1390 (with Pakins). 1836 release of this tenement and surrender to Thomas Richardson £596 9s 6d Merged with P113/53/4 P113/53/4m 2007 Land part of Sutton Hall estate Manorial origins – former demesne of manor of Barcombe In 1724 Butcher’s Field (later includings TA 587, 646, 643 owned by Thomas Richardson in 1840) was sold with land adjoining the Anchor Pub to Christopher Mansel of Newick Park. The land was manorial demesne named Butcher’s Field and Rail Fields in the early 18th century (29). The tenement cannot be traced in the court books of Barcombe Manor. Owner <1724-1724 The Lord of the manor of Manorial demesne. Barcombe 1724-1724+ Christopher Mansel of Newick Park <1840-1840+ Captain Thomas Richardson Owner occupier Butcher’s Field – merged with P113/53/4 at unknown date