Ocean 101, Winter 2004 F. Stahr, UW Puget Sound Sewage Outfall Project OBJECTIVES: Experience hypothesis testing and experimental design Experience taking data and analyzing it Practice communication and presentation skills Increased understanding of estuaries in general and Puget Sound in particular BACKGROUND Estuaries are embayments where rivers empty into the ocean and salt and fresh water initially mix. River runoff, tidal exchange, channel configuration, and irregular bathymetry conspire to create intricate circulation patterns as well. Estuaries are among the world’s most biologically productive environments and of special interest because human interaction with the ocean is typically concentrated in these regions. Puget Sound is a large estuary with complex tidal and river flows that make a detailed examination of circulation by field observation alone extremely difficult. A physical model of the Sound was constructed in 1950 as a research tool for studying the various factors controlling circulation. This small-scale model has the advantage of allowing us to observe long-term processes in the space of a few minutes or hours. Many of the physical parameters can be controlled to investigate their effects singly or in combination. For example, river discharge can be increased to study the consequences of extreme runoff, and tidal action can be set for specific periods. Thus we can study circulation resulting from natural or man-made changes in the system. Additionally, a computer (or numerical) model has been created of Puget Sound, based on code called the Princeton Ocean Model (POM). This is the on-going work of Mitsuhiro Kawase in Physical Oceanography. From the POM model, a 3-D visualization was made called Virtual Puget Sound (VPS). VPS is available on the desk-top computers in the Spatial Analysis Lab (SAL) in the Ocean Sciences Bldg. (OSB-111). While it is not as complete a representation of Puget Sound as the phyical model is, it might be useful to compare your findings from the physical model to it. INSTRUCTIONS 1. Your Puget Sound team will be given a location where a large increase in population (~50,000 people) is going to necessitate a new primary sewage treatment plant. Your team is responsible for determining where the outfall for that plant should go. You can assume that it will be piped out to its outfall point, but the pipe must lie on the ground (i.e., cannot be suspended in the middle of the water-column). Your pipe outfall can be either at the shoreline or up to 800m from shore and should be within 7 km of your city/location (see wall chart of model scale for conversion). If away from shore, then it will be at some depth, but there is an energy cost associated with pumping it very deep due to the pressure…keep this in mind and be prepared to justify it. Your plant will only be for “primary” treatment, so some of the potentially bad stuff is still there, but in dissolved form. (Primary treatment = settling out the solids and simple decomposition and disinfecting with chlorine before dumping.) Ocean 101, Winter 2004 F. Stahr, UW 2. With your team, decide in general what is the best sort of place in the Sound to discharge sewage (i.e., what is it you want the sewage to do once in the Sound, where should it go, etc.). This is your hypothesis. 3. Find several locations in your area that might meet the hypothesis criteria by basic observation of the characteristics there (e.g., strong flow seaward, etc.) 4. Conduct tests of at least two of those locations to see which is best and why. Use ink-dye (NOT food coloring) rulers, stopwatches, floating beads, or whatever you like to collect data on dye dispersion, speed, and location over many tidal cycles. Unfortunately, we are unable to change some model parameters (tides, river runoff, temperature, salinity, etc.), so you need to work with the conditions you find in the model now. 5. Interpret your data relative to your hypothesis and come to conclusions. Is your hypothesis supported or refuted by the observations? Did you find a “best” place to put your sewage outfall? Why? 6. Explain your hypothesis, measurements, results and conclusions to the whole class in a final project presentation. 7. Write up a final project report (one per person) including at least: Hypothesis statement (as concluded by the team) Description of the situation and your team’s experiment Observations (make sure you present them in a meaningful way, include figures) Conclusions (with explaination of how the observations support your conclusions) Research done on Puget Sound sewage issues outside of class Further questions or issues suggested by the observations or research GRADING Grades will be based on several aspects as follows: 35% Team presentation March 10th (evaluated by me and Christian Sarason) 35% Individual write up due March 10th – (using Written Assignment Grading Key) 30% Participation: this is not only being there, but actually helping in the process of research and presentation. Teamwork is important because it is how most science is accomplished, as well as tasks in most other disciplines. For this part, half will be from my records (and impressions) and the other half will be from your fellow group member’s evaluation. IMPORTANT NOTE: Remember that the nature of science is that questions are not always answered to everyone’s satisfaction. It’s OK if your experimental result does not strongly support or refute your hypothesis, i.e., was inconclusive. Stating that your results were inconclusive is much better than trying to claim a conclusive result that is not supported by good evidence. However, an inconclusive result often means the experiment needs modification to better address the original hypothesis. If this was the case, and you didn’t have time to try a modified version on the models, be sure to discuss that during your presentation to the class and in your report.