
《Medical Psychology》Test
Part 1: Definition (30 points, 3 points each one)
1. Temperament
2. Imprinting
3. Personality
4. Stress
5. Bipolar disorder
6. Anxiety disorders
7. Psychotherapy
8. Free association
9. Primacy effects
10. Bystander effect
Part 2 : Choosing correct answers (20 points, 2 points each one)
1. Perspectives on psychological disorders include (
A. Biological model
B. Psychoanalytic model
C. Cognitive-behavioral model D. Diathesis-stress model
2. Piaget’s stages of cognitive development include
A. Sensory-motor stage
B. Preoperational stage
C. Concrete-operational stage
D. Formal-operational stage
3. In Freud’s theory, Oedipus complex generally occurs in the
A. Oral stage B. Anal stage C. Phallic stage D. Genital stage
4. Humanistic personality theories include (
A. Actualizing tendency
B. Unconditional positive regard
C. unconscious
D. Super ego
5. Projective tests of personality are (
A. 16PF
D. Rorschach Test
6. Which could be stressor ? (
A. Getting married B. Death of a close friend C. Getting sick D. Getting a promotion
7. Anxiety disorders include (
A. OCD B. Panic disorder C. Social phobia D. Agoraphobia
8. Personality disorders include (
A. Paranoid B. Narcissistic C. Antisocial
D. Schizoid
9. Which are techniques of psychoanalysis (
A. Free association B. Insight C. Transference analysis
D. Modeling
10. A woman was suffering a certain psychological disorder but she didn’t know or forgot the
process which cause his painful symptoms. According defense mechanism theory, she used
A. Denial
B. Repression
C. Projection
D. Regression
Part 3: Fill in the blanks with appropriate answers (10 points,1 points each)
Psychotherapies that emphasize changing clients ’perceptions of their life
situation as a way of modifying their behavior. It is called (
A newborn is usually equipped with a number of useful reflexes which are (
) and (
According to Freud, the client’s carrying over to the analyst feelings held toward childhood
authority figures is (
The most widely used objective personality test, originally intended for psychiatric
diagnosis, is called (
Psychological disorder characterized by episodes of anxiety, sleeplessness, and nightmares
resulting from some disturbing past event is (
Mood disorders include (
), (
) and (
Part 4: Answer Questions (40 points, 10 points each)
1. Please describe Freud’s theory of personality structure.
2. Please describe defense mechanisms.
3. Please describe behavior therapies.
4. Please describe types of conflict.
Part one:
11. Temperament: Characteristic patterns of emotional reactions and emotional self-regulation.
12. Imprinting: The tendency in certain species to follow the first moving thing (usually its
mother) it sees after it is born or hatched.
13. Personality: An individual’s unique pattern of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that persists
over time and across situations.
14. Stress: A state of psychological tension or strain.
15. Bipolar disorder: A mood disorder in which periods of mania and depression alternate,
sometimes with periods of normal mood intervening.
16. Anxiety disorders: Disorders in which anxiety is a characteristic feature or the avoidance of
anxiety seems to motivate abnormal behavior.
17. Psychotherapy: The use of psychological techniques to treat personality and behavior
18. Free association:A psychoanalytic technique that encourages the person to talk without
inhibition about whatever thoughts or fantasies come to mind.
19. Primacy effects: The fact that early information about someone weighs more heavily than
later information in influencing one’s impression of that person.
20. Bystander effect: The tendency for an individual’s helpfulness in an emergency to decrease
as the number of passive bystanders increases.
Part two:
1. ABCD 2. ABCD 3. C 4. AB 5. CD 6. ABCD 7.ABCD 8. ABCD 9. ABC 10. B
Part three:
1. Cognitive therapies
2. Rooting reflex Sucking reflex Grasping reflex
3. Transference
6. Depression Mania Bipolar disorder
Part four:
5. Please describe Freud’s theory of personality structure.
Id: In Freud’s theory of personality, the collection of unconscious urges and desires that
continually seek expression.
Pleasure principle : According to Freud, the way in which the id seeks immediate gratification of
an instinct.
Ego: Freud’s term for the part of the personality that mediates between environmental demands,
conscious, and instinctual need; now often used as a synonym for self.
Reality principle : According to Freud, the way in which the ego seeks to satisfy instinctual
demands safely and effectively in the real world.
Super ego : According to Freud, the social and parental standards the individual has internalized;
the conscious and the ego ideal.
6. Please describe defense mechanisms.
Defense mechanisms: Self-deceptive techniques for reducing stress, including denial, repression,
projection, identification, regression, intellectualization, reaction formation, displacement, and
 Denial: Refusal to acknowledge a painful or threatening reality.
 Repression: Excluding uncomfortable thoughts, feelings, and desires from consciousness.
 Projection: Attributing one’s repressed motives, feelings, or wishes to others.
 Identification: Taking on the characteristics of someone else to avoid feeling incompetent.
 Regression: Reverting to childlike behavior and defenses.
 Intellectualization: Thinking abstractly about stressful problems as a way of detaching
oneself from them.
 Reaction formation: Expression of exaggerated ideas and emotions that are the opposite
of one’s repressed beliefs or feelings.
 Displacement: Shifting repressed motives and emotions from an orginal object to a
substitute object.
 Sublimation: Redirection repressed motives and feelings into more socially acceptable
7. Please describe behavior therapies.
a) Systematic desensitization:
A behavioral technique for reducing a person’s fear and
anxiety by gradually associating a new response with stimuli that have been causing the
fear and anxiety.
b) Aversive conditioning: Behavioral therapy techniques aimed at eliminating undesirable
behavior patterns by teaching the person to associate them with pain and discomfort.
c) Behavior contracting: Form of operant conditioning therapy in which the client and
therapist set behavioral goals and agree on reinforcements that the client will receive on
reaching those goals.
d) Token economy: An operant conditioning therapy in which people earn tokens for
desired behaviors and exchange them for desired items or privileges.
e) Modeling: A behavior therapy in which the person learns desired behaviors by
wathching others perform those behaviors.
8. Please describe types of conflict.
Approach/approach conflict : According to Lewin, the result of simultaneous attraction to two
appealing possibilities, neither of which has any negative qualities.
Avoidance/avoidance conflict: According to Lewin, the result of facing a choice between two
undesirable possiblities, neither of which has any positive qualities.
Approach/avoidance conflict: According to Lewin, the result of being simultaneously attracted
to and repelled by the same goal.