Supplementary Figure Legends - Word file (29 KB )

Fig. S1 Analysis of DD locomotor rhythms of flies expressing SGG in different
clock-cell groups. Top panels – double-plotted activity diagrams. Bottom panels –
group activity in histogram format. The circadian timing of experiments is indicated
by the color of bars under each diagram (CT0-12 – grey; CT12-24 – black). n=
number of flies;  = locomotor period; RI = strength of rhythm (for groups of n>16
flies, analyzed for more than 5 days in DD, a RI<20 indicates the absence of
a. cry13GAL4/UAS-SGG manifested no noticeable alteration of the locomotor pattern
after 6 days in DD.
b. different SGG genotypes maintained the indicated DD1-4 locomotor patterns
(Figs.1a&2a) for many days in DD. The particular relationship between the
morning (M) and evening (E) activities of timSGG/pdfGAL80 and
timSGG/cryGAL80 flies (Fig.4) is emphasized in the right two panels
(arrowheads). For details, see Results.
Fig. S2 Temporal variation of tim RNA expression level in each clock neuronal
group during the fourth day of constant darkness (DD4) in brains of EP1576 flies
(UAS-SGG). Error bars represent standard deviation. CT = hour of circadian time. RSI =
relative staining intensity. For details, see Methods.
Fig. S3 Representative examples of whole-mount brain in-situ hybridization results
in EP1576 flies (control, UAS-SGG). tim in situ – red; Pdf in situ – green. All clockgene-expressing cells exhibit a higher tim RNA level at CT14.
Fig. S4 Temporal variation of tim RNA expression level during DD4 in each clock
neuronal group in timGAL4/UAS-SGG brains. Error bars represent standard deviation.
CT = circadian time [hr]. RSI = signal intensity. For details, see Methods.
Fig. S5 Representative whole-mount brain in-situ hybridization pictures of
timGAL4/ EP1576 flies (timSGG). tim = red; Pdf = green. All clock-gene-expressing
cells exhibit a higher tim RNA level at CT2.
Fig. S6 Temporal variation of tim RNA expression level in each clock neuronal
group in PdfGAL4/UAS-SGG brains. Error bars represent standard deviation. CT =
circadian time [hr]. RSI = signal intensity. For details, see Methods.
Fig. S7 Representative whole-mount brain in-situ hybridization pictures of
PdfGAL4/ EP1576 flies (PdfSGG). tim = red; Pdf = green. tim RNA peaks at different
times in different cell clusters – in s-LNv, and DN1s it reaches high expression levels at
CT8, while in DN2 and l-LNv, it reaches its highest at CT20.
Fig. S8 Temporal variation of tim RNA expression level in each clock neuronal
group in timGAL4/UAS-SGG/PdfGAL80 brains. Error bars represent standard
deviation. CT = circadian time [hr]. RSI = signal intensity. For details, see Methods.
Fig. S9 Representative whole-mount brain in-situ hybridization pictures of
timGAL4/ EP1576/PdfGAL80 flies (timSGG/PdfGAL80). tim = red; Pdf = green. tim
RNA peaks at different times in different cell clusters: in s-LNv, LNd and DN1s tim
peaks at CT14, while in DN2 and l-LNv, it is high at CT6.
Fig. S10 Temporal variation of tim RNA expression level of each clock neuronal
group in timGAL4/UAS-SGG/cryGAL80 brains. Error bars represent standard
deviation. CT = circadian time [hr]. RSI = signal intensity. For details, see Methods.
Fig. S11 Representative whole-mount brain in-situ hybridization pictures of
timGAL4/ EP1576/cryGAL80 flies (timSGG/cryGAL80). tim = red; Pdf = green. tim
RNA peaks at different times in different cell clusters: in s-LNv, LNd and DN1s tim
peaks at CT14, while in DN2 and l-LNv, it peaks at CT6.