Research Document Project Huldra - Integrating 3D-Characters for Film link for RD peasant village: Muscle Rigging To get good looking deformation during this project we thought it would be best using a dynamic muscle-rigg using Maya muscle system, with blendshapes as opposed to regular smooth skinning methods we’ve grown custom to use in previous projects. We’re going to use a skeleton model mesh (from here on let us call it bones) that we will fit into our character, these bones will be driven by Maya joints. NURB sphere will then be placed and sculpted to some degree of anatomical correctness, to shape the muscles. The muscle system didn’t mind whether it was affecting a polySurface or a NurbSurface, but NURB sphere did make for a good candidate to simulate muscles and was used in all tutorials I could find. After the bones are rigged, end point and start point of all mucles constrained to follow the bones. One starts to paint weights, much like when working with smooth skins. - 1997 Paper presented at Siggraph - More on creating multi-bellied muscles - Autodesk Tutorial on the muscle rigging workflow. Modeling Blendshapes mesh The blendshapes we willl use on the character will only be on the face and maybe on some parts of the neck. So using the hole body when making blendshapes seems unnecessary. I found a short tutorial on the matter by digital tutors on youtube. In the tutorial they detach the head and duplicate it. Then reattach the original head again. This will cause the vertices to have the same name, without this step maya would notice the faces missing on the duplicated head and refuse to make a blendshape. link Blendshapes displacementmap The mesh blendshapes alone won’t sell the character. While using your facial muscles there tend to create small wrinkles, to do this we will use blend shape with displacementmaps on top of the regular blendshape. I found some tutorials that blended normalmaps but none that used displacementmaps. Björn Arvidsson had invented an own technique to blend displacementmaps and he was kind enough to show me how. 1. Original displacementmap 2. Blendshape, with orginal displacementmap pluss small changes. 3. A pluss minus average with subtract to get the differense between the two displacementmaps. 4. Multiply divide nodens input comes from 3. which has the difference between the two blendshapes. This node controlls the weight between the original and the new displacementmap. 5. Plusminus average with sum. Orginal displacementmap and changed displacementmap. 6. A ramp with one color that’s connected to 5. which is connected to a displacement node that’s connected to the original mesh. Then I will connect the multiply divide node to the weight of the mesh blendshape. And presto! blendshapes with displacementmaps. Map format The format that Maya likes the most seems to be .map to create this I will use the command prompt and an easy script. imf_copy imagename.type this will create a new file in the directory where the original file is. The new file can’t be opened in photoshop. But maya seems so know what to do with it.