Literacy Fiction – Drama (Shakespeare) The children will be introduced to Shakespeare’s plays Romeo and Juliet and Macbeth. They will investigate different ways of writing dialogue inc playscript layout & the use of informal language. Poetry – Classic narrative and oral poetry The Ballad of Charlotte Dymond by Charles Causley, Lochinvar by Sir Walter Scott Children learn the classic narrative poem Ballad of Charlotte Dymond to recite & identify features. They will use role play to study the characters in depth. Compare with Lochinvar & explore relative clauses. Non-fiction – Reports and Journalistic writing We will look at different ways of writing speech – playscripts, speech bubbles, direct & reported speech. Compare formal & informal writing including the use of passive voice. Children write newspaper reports. Science – Electricity This topic begins with a revision of simple circuits and then hands on experience with symbols, diagrams and circuits Earth and Space The children find facts about the Sun, Moon and Earth and develop an understanding of day and night, the four seasons and the Moon’s phases. The Solar System is investigated, along with the other stars in their constellations. RE Local church – Sources The children will explore the experience of a wide variety of books and the purpose for which they were written and the Bible as the story of God’s love told by the People of God. Eucharist - Unity The children will explore how the Eucharist enables the Christian family to live and grow in communion every day. MFL - The children will study French towns, weather, hobbies, travel and transport. The Maya Civilisation St Patrick’s Class Spring 2015 Numeracy Areas of maths we aim to cover this term include: Fractions; Probability, ratio; Mental and written calculation; Place value and negative numbers; Mental addition and subtraction including money; Place value and addition of decimals; Co-ordinates and statistics; Mental multiplication and division; written multiplication; Fractions, decimals and percentages; Written division; multiplying and dividing fractions; Perimeter, area and volume. Art/DT Mayan jewellery, cooking, weaving, pottery and temple construction. PE Rugby, netball, handball, dance and multiskills Computing They will carry out internet research, learn basic programming skills and focus on e-safety. Music - The children will play the recorder and learn to control sounds through singing and playing different instruments. They will also focus on lyrics, melody, rhythm and pulse. Historical and geographical understanding Non-European civilisations – the Maya Civilisation We will discover where the Maya lived, locating the ancient Maya cities and we will find out what the first explorers discovered and how they documented what they saw. We will also explore the way they lived and their beliefs by investigating their gods, food, number system and calendar.