APPENDIX E FIFE COUNCIL REVENUE BUDGET 2003-04 SUMMARY OF SAVINGS PROPOSALS £000 £000 1,337 1,700 642 18 3,697 Environment & Development Services Transportation Economic Development Planning & Building Control Environmental Services Trading Standards 498 107 114 368 26 1,113 Support Services Policy & Organisational Development Law & Administration Finance & Asset Management Information Technology Service Support 144 93 176 100 165 678 6 6 Children & Adult Services Education Social Work Community Services General Fund Housing Chief Executive Services Chief Executive (including Local Office Network) TOTAL G:Fife Council Reports/13.02.03/Appendix E/bd 5,494 APPENDIX E CHILDREN AND ADULT SERVICES SAVINGS PROPOSALS EDUCATION Roll Reduction in Nursery Schools Implementation Date Staffing Implications - Recurring revenue savings - £813,000 August 2003 Reduction in no. of teachers & nursery nurses £813,000 Due to demographic changes, the number of pupils in nursery education will decrease. Budgets based on pupil rolls will be reduced accordingly while maintaining the same level of service. Roll Reduction in Primary Schools Implementation Date Staffing Implications - Recurring revenue savings - £208,000 August 2003 Reduction in no. of teachers £208,000 Due to demographic changes, the number of pupils in primary education will decrease. Budgets based on pupil rolls will be reduced accordingly while maintaining the same level of service. Roll Reduction in Secondary Schools Implementation Date Staffing Implications - Recurring revenue savings - £43,000 August 2003 Reduction in no. of teachers £43,000 Due to demographic changes, the number of pupils in secondary education will decrease. Budgets based on pupil rolls will be reduced accordingly while maintaining the same level of service. G:Fife Council Reports/13.02.03/Appendix E/bd APPENDIX E Rationalisation of Primary Provision at Anstruther Implementation Date Staffing Implications - Recurring revenue savings - £40,000 August 2003 Reduction in head teachers £40,000 Under PPP one new school is replacing two existing schools. There will still be the same need for the number of teachers but there will be a reduction of 1 headteacher. Bell Baxter Move to Single Site Implementation Date Staffing Implications - Recurring revenue savings - £83,000 August 2003 Reduction in no. teachers £83,000 Additional budgets are included for schools that occupy split sites. As the school moves to a single site these budgets will no longer be required. Increased School Meals Charges Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £150,000 August 2003 None £150,000 The charge for school meals will be increased by 5p per meal. It is not anticipated that this will cause a significant fall in demand. SOCIAL WORK Community Care Commissioning – Reduce budget and reinstate using budget carry forward from 2002-03 Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £1,700,000 April 2003 None To be agreed The community care budget for 2003-04 will be reduced by £1,700,000 with an equivalent one off underspend being carried forward from 2002-03 to compensate on a short term basis. The reduction in the 2003-04 base budget needs to be seen in the context of 3 year budgeting and will lead to the development of a more strategic approach to the budget for the next 3 to 4 years. This will allow time to examine the resources and demands on the service in the context of national and Council priorities. G:Fife Council Reports/13.02.03/Appendix E/bd APPENDIX E COMMUNITY SERVICES Rationalisation of Facilities Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £37,000 April 2003 1.5 FTE £37,000 Closure of branch libraries at Links, Woodside, Kinglassie, Strathmiglo and North Queensferry. Loss of service will be offset through the mobile libraries. Further savings in relation to the previous closure of Garth Outdoor Centre are also included. Alternative Provision Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £45,000 April 2003 None £45,000 Efficiency savings generated through alternative means of service provision. Staffing Establishment Reductions Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £117,000 April 2003 6 FTE £117,000 Reduction in staffing establishments across a number of facilities. Reduction in Service/Programme Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £43,000 April 2003 None £43,000 Cessation of purchases within Libraries Music Service, and replacement of crèche at Cowdenbeath Leisure Centre with drop-in centre. Reduction in Operational Support Costs Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £138,000 April 2003 None £138,000 Reduction in variety of supplies & services budgets across the Service, including efficiencies in Childcare, and reductions in Parks re-investment and Theatres. G:Fife Council Reports/13.02.03/Appendix E/bd APPENDIX E Integration of Grounds Maintenance/Community Services Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £150,000 April 2003 7 FTE £150,000 Efficiency savings to be generated from new management structure within Parks and Grounds Maintenance. Increase in Charges Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £112,000 April 2003 None £112,000 Additional income from increased charges in line with inflation. GENERAL FUND HOUSING Housing Initiatives and Projects Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £18,000 April 2003 None £18,000 Reduced provision in respect of Furnishings, Health & Safety and Mutual Repairs obligations. G:Fife Council Reports/13.02.03/Appendix E/bd APPENDIX E ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES SAVINGS PROPOSALS TRANSPORTATION Winter Maintenance – efficiencies and review of working practices Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £60,000 April 2003 None £60,000 Investigate economies in specification, introduce improved methods of working and seek savings in fleet management costs. More effective decision making to meet actual weather conditions. Concessionary Travel – matching expenditure to demand Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £175,000 April 2003 None £175,000 Realignment of budget to usage reflecting the trend of reduced take up in elements of existing scheme. Accessible Transport – efficiencies Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £25,000 April 2003 None £25,000 Efficiency saving on the operational management arrangements of the Fife Bus Scheme. Car Parking Charges – increased income Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £226,000 October 2003 None £226,000 A review of car parking strategy, investment in car park enhancements and implementation of new tariffs from October 2003. G:Fife Council Reports/13.02.03/Appendix E/bd APPENDIX E Reduction in Taxicard Scheme Budget Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £12,000 April 2003 None £12,000 A slight reduction in usage due to introduction of Demand Responsive Transport project. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Mainstream Vocational Training Reductions Implementation Date Staffing Implications - Recurring revenue savings - £40,000 April 2003 Reduction of 2 Posts £40,000 Reduction of 2 posts resulting from redundancies in 2002-3 due to closure of catering training area at the Central Training Unit, Kirkcaldy – (one trainer and one catering assistant in the VT Section). Opportunity Centre Network Development Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £10,000 April 2003 None £10,000 Reduction in development budget of the Opportunity Centre Network; main programme of Centres now complete with 6 Centres operational. Reduction in Transport Budget within Vocational Training Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £25,000 April 2003 None £25,000 Efficiency saving from reduced lease charges and more effective utilisation of vehicles. LED Access to Work Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £8,000 April 2003 None £8,000 Reduction in budget, resulting from the focussing of work priorities with establishment of Social Inclusion and Employability Team. G:Fife Council Reports/13.02.03/Appendix E/bd APPENDIX E Promotional Expenditure Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £5,000 April 2003 None £5,000 Reduction in the Promotional Expenditure of the Service which includes publication, press/media activity and specific advertising on radio and in the press, due to greater use of on-line services. Business Opportunities Service Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £5,000 April 2003 None £5,000 Reduction in budget resulting from changes to service delivery primarily through Small Business Gateway. Financial Assistance to Business Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £14,000 April 2003 None £14,000 Reduction in the amount available for Small Business Gateway to draw down which in turn is payable to support new businesses starting up and existing small businesses to develop, due to reduction in demand for gap funding resulting from current business climate. PLANNING AND BUILDING CONTROL Increased Planning Application Fee Income Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £70,000 April 2003 None N/A It is anticipated that a number of significant developments, in particular for PPP schools, will generate higher fee income. Establishment Change Implementation Date Staffing Implications - Recurring revenue savings - Delete Secretary’s post from Fife House Establishment. G:Fife Council Reports/13.02.03/Appendix E/bd £19,000 April 2003 Reduction of 1 post £19,000 APPENDIX E Green Business Fife Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £6,000 April 2003 None £6,000 Delete specific budget provision for Green Business Fife and subsume within Environmental Strategy Team. Reduce Various Admin Budgets Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £12,000 April 2003 None £12,000 Various efficiency savings on Transport, Telephone and Advertising Budgets. Local Environmental Grants Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £7,000 April 2003 None £7,000 Withdraw funding for small scale environmental projects – to be replaced by Fife Environment Trust and local budgets. ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Increased Income from Trade Waste Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring Revenue Savings - £90,000 April 2003 None £90,000 A review of the Council’s trade waste scheme has identified new customers. Reduce the Budget Provision for Abandoned Vehicles Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring Revenue Saving - £30,000 April 2003 None £30,000 The budget for fast-tracking the removal of abandoned vehicles has been underspent this year and next year’s budget allocation has been aligned to reflect anticipated costs. G:Fife Council Reports/13.02.03/Appendix E/bd APPENDIX E Income from the Sale of Waste Paper Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring Revenue Savings - £100,000 April 2003 None £100,000 Waste paper collected from householders will be sold for re-processing. It is estimated that 5,000 tonnes will be collected and sold at £20/tonne. Diversion of Municipal Waste from Landfill Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring Revenue Saving - £126,000 April 2003 None £126,000 The recovery of paper, wood waste and garden waste from the municipal waste stream will generate a saving in landfill tax. Reduce Payment to Public Analyst Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring Revenue Saving - £5,000 April 2003 None £5,000 Following a review of the Service’s routine sampling regime a 2% reduction in sampling requirements has been identified. Reduce the Costs of Automated Public Conveniences (APCs) Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring Revenue Saving - £7,000 April 2003 None £7,000 The re-negotiation of an existing contract for the supply of APCs has resulted in a £7,000 reduction in costs. Reduce Budget for Plant Hire Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring Revenue Saving - £10,000 April 2003 None £10,000 The purchase of plant and equipment will reduce the budget requirement for plant hire. G:Fife Council Reports/13.02.03/Appendix E/bd APPENDIX E Increase Environmental Health Charges Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring Revenue Saving - £5,000 April 2003 None £5,000 Inflation price increase on charges for Pest Control, Dog Warden Service, Licensing of Animal Welfare establishments and other miscellaneous charges. Public Conveniences – Additional Income Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring Revenue Saving - £10,000 April 2003 None £10,000 Due to current usage trends the income target can be increased by £10,000. Refuse Disposal – Additional Income Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring Revenue Saving - £55,000 April 2003 None £55,000 Increase would be due to inflation price increase on charges and positive marketing of this facility. Increased Income from Sale of Sacks Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring Revenue Savings - £48,000 April 2003 None £48,000 Increase income due to inflation price increase, realignment of trade waste charges and current trends Increased Income from Skip Hire Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring Revenue Saving - £16,000 April 2003 None £16,000 The additional income from skip hire is based on current usage trends and an inflation price increase. G:Fife Council Reports/13.02.03/Appendix E/bd APPENDIX E Increased Income from Trade Waste Charges Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring Revenue Saving - £178,000 April 2003 None £178,000 Increased income from trade waste customers will be achieved as a consequence of an inflation price increase, the re-alignment of trade waste charges and rationalisation of prices and adjustments for landfill tax recoveries. Landfill Tax Recoveries Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring Revenue Saving - (£312,000) April 2003 None The level of landfill tax recoveries will be dependant upon the rate of landfill tax set by the Chancellor of the Exchequer The reduction in income is due to a re-alignment of trade waste charges and reflects current trends within the trade waste account. TRADING STANDARDS Employee Costs Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £26,000 April 2003 None £26,000 A Team Leader recently retired – the post will be deleted from the establishment to provide the saving. G:Fife Council Reports/13.02.03/Appendix E/bd APPENDIX E SAVINGS PROPOSALS SUPPORT SERVICES POLICY AND ORGANISATIONAL DEVELOPMENT Corporate Priorities Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £52,000 April 2003 None £52,000 Reduction in availability of budget to spend on Corporate Initiatives. Management of vacancies Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £80,000 April 2003 None £80,000 Reduction in staffing budget to be achieved through turnover. Total turnover allowance now 2.4%. Budget Re-alignment – Supported Employment Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £12,000 April 2003 None £12,000 Re-align budget for Supported Employment Scheme closer to actual spend. LAW & ADMINISTRATION Overtime Budget Reduction– Building Security Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £10,000 April 2003 None £10,000 An additional post of Security Attendant has been created to cover a period at the weekend previously covered by overtime. This provides a more economical method of ensuring building security over the weekend. G:Fife Council Reports/13.02.03/Appendix E/bd APPENDIX E Printing & Stationery – Reduction Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £5,000 April 2003 None £5,000 It is anticipated that both the Internet and Intranet will result in savings in photocopying costs, particularly in relation to Committee agenda and minutes. Legal Expenses - Reduction Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £6,000 April 2003 None £6,000 Based on expenditure levels over the last five years it is anticipated that this budget can be reduced by £6,000. Staff Turnover Allowance Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £34,000 April 2003 None £34,000 It is anticipated that a saving of £34,000 (approximately 1% of staffing budget) can be achieved through delays in filling posts and, where possible, not making temporary appointments to cover maternity leave. Subscriptions - Reduction Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £5,000 April 2003 None £5,000 It is anticipated that the review and restructuring of the Law & Administration Service will allow subscription costs to be reduced through specialisation. Increased use of the internet will also contribute to less need for subscriptions. Deletion of Vacant Post (Solicitor) Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £33,000 April 2003 None £33,000 Following a recent resignation, a solicitor’s post is vacant. The deletion of this post will require the workload of existing staff to increase. The service plans to meet this issue through more efficient use of staff time through the use of the Legal Services Case Management System, assisted by the review of Law & Administration’s structure. G:Fife Council Reports/13.02.03/Appendix E/bd APPENDIX E FINANCE AND ASSET MANAGEMENT Management of Vacancies Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £81,000 April 2003 None £81,000 To manage the overall staffing costs budget in terms of delay in filling vacancies, reviewing the requirement for replacement staff, balanced against the need to fund annual increments, maternity cover and costs of staff recruitment (interview/removal expenses, advertising, etc ) Increase in ESW income Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £45,000 April 2003 None £45,000 Continuation of high profile to ensure maximum collection of water charges to ensure the Council remains in the highest possible reimbursement/allocation band. Deletion of post Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £13,000 April 2003 None £13,000 This GS1 clerical post is currently vacant and it is proposed to permanently remove the post from the Office Services establishment. Review of Payroll Staffing Resources Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £28,000 April 2003 None £28,000 The Delphi system is scheduled to be fully operational from April 2003. It is intended to undertake a full efficiency review of the Payroll operation and management during 2003-04. In advance of this it is anticipated that two vacant clerical assistant posts can be deleted from the establishment. Payment of Rent Allowances by BACS Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings Reduction in cheque printing and postage costs. G:Fife Council Reports/13.02.03/Appendix E/bd - £5,000 April 2003 None £5,000 APPENDIX E Reduction in Travel and Subsistence costs Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £4,000 April 2003 None £4,000 To reduce travel and subsistence costs within the Service by 5%. IT SERVICES Reduction in maintenance of equipment charges Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £100,000 April 2003 None £100,000 This saving will be achieved through contract renegotiations and rationalisation. SERVICE SUPPORT Resource Management Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £60,000 April 2003 None £60,000 Manage the staff resources budget by delaying the filling of vacancies in accordance with workload fluctuations. Savings to be Determined Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £50,000 April 2003 None £50,000 Facilities and Estates are in the process of reviewing their structure in line with the recent management restructure and savings should result from this. Reduction of Stock Purchases Budget Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £10,000 April 2003 None £10,000 Through improving the purchasing arrangements which are currently in place the Central Store is targeting savings of £10,000 to be made in 2003-04. G:Fife Council Reports/13.02.03/Appendix E/bd APPENDIX E Deletion of Hiring Driver Post Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £20,000 April 2003 -1 FTE retiral £20,000 Sub-contract service from the private sector as required, cost recharged to service users. This reflects the continuous improvement approach in endeavouring to deliver a comprehensive Vehicle and Plant service at the most economic cost. Reduction in Vehicle Purchase Budget Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings Retain existing fleet items. G:Fife Council Reports/13.02.03/Appendix E/bd - £25,000 April 2003 None £25,000 APPENDIX E SAVINGS PROPOSALS CHIEF EXECUTIVE’S SERVICES CHIEF EXECUTIVE SERVICE Miscellaneous Savings Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £6,000 April 2003 None £6,000 To manage the overall staffing costs. This should not have an impact on service delivery. G:Fife Council Reports/13.02.03/Appendix E/bd