MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENTAL HANDBOOK Updated Oct 2013 Our Vision We will: Support and encourage all pupils in mathematics to achieve regardless of background Support all pupils to make good to outstanding progress during their time at St Georges Expect outstanding behaviour and effort from ALL Work collaboratively to ensure improvement and development. Deliver a broad and balanced curriculum to meet the needs of a modern society Promote a positive Christian ethos. Our Aims Key focus from School Progress Plan 1. Attainment - All pupils can achieve. 2. Teaching and Learning - where lessons are good as a minimum requirement 3. Outstanding behaviour - expect outstanding behaviour 4. Develop leadership / management – professional development 5. Christian Ethos – maintain, develop and protect our Christian ethos Our Objectives To show and convey interest and enthusiasm for the subject. To maintain good discipline and thus create a learning environment. To introduce suitable Mathematical concepts by investigative methods. To set homework to reinforce the understanding of methods introduced in class and to set tests to gain a measure of understanding. To encourage full participation in class, to ask when in difficulty and to contribute to class discussion. See Appendix 1:- Departmental Action Plan Department Historical Data Maths A* - C Results: 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 27% 33% 55% 56% 62% 72% 2 The Curriculum (G10) KS3 Pupils in Years 7, 8 and 9 at present are following the National Programme of Study in preparation to sit Optional Papers during the Summer Term. The Mathematics Department has organised this into Schemes of Work focusing on achieving the classes targets. It defines lesson content and the amount of time to be spent teaching each topic on a term by term basis for each of the Years 7, 8 and 9. Specific details of the Scheme of Work currently being followed is on the schools Shared Drive/ Maths Staff / Schemes of Work. On entry to the school each September Year 7 pupils complete the Transition Units on sequences (hand shake problem). Note:- Since the current national curriculum programmes of study for mathematics at key stages 3 and 4 have been disapplied with effect from 1 September 2013 and are no longer statutory. This means that schools are free to develop their own curriculums for mathematics that best meet the needs of their pupils, in preparation for the introduction of the new national curriculum from September 2014 KS3 Curriculum is being developed in accordance to changes required to the curriculum which will be ready for implementation June 2014 (see Appendix 3 for content). Top Level Overview for KS3 2013 - 2014 Test Year 7 Topics Progress Point 1 Algebra 1 Number 1 21st October PP1 – 11th November 2 SSM 1, 2 & 3 Number 2 Algebra 2 13th January PP2 – 27th January 3 Number 3 Data Handling 1, 2 & 3 10th March PP3 – 24th March Algebra 3, 4 & 5 Number 4 & 5 SSM 4 & 5 9th June PP4 – 23rd June Optional Tests Test Optional Tests Test Date Year 8 Topics Test Date Progress Point 1 SSM 1 & 2 (Summer Y7) SSM 3 & 4 21st October PP1 – 11th November 2 Number 2, 3 & 4 Algebra 2 13th January PP2 – 27th January 3 Algebra 4 & 5 Number 1 Algebra 1 10th March PP3 – 24th March Data Handling 1, 2 & 3 Algebra 3 9th June PP4 – 23rd June 3 Test Optional Tests Year 9 Topics Test Date Progress Point 1 Algebra 1 & 2 (Summer Y8) Number 1 & 2 21st October PP1 – 11th November 2 SSM 1, 2 & 3 Algebra 3 & 4 13th January PP2 – 27th January 3 Algebra 5 Data Handling 1 & 2 10th March PP3 – 24th March SATs revision 9th June PP4 – 23rd June KS4 Allocation of pupils to their teaching groups in the Upper School is based on their Key Stage 3 SAT results in conjunction with other data. The Department uses the Edexcel Examination Board. This permits two levels of entry; Higher and Foundation, the school follows the linear scheme of work. All pupils are prepared for GCSE at a level of entry appropriate to their ability. Specific details of the Scheme of Work currently being followed is on the schools Shared Drive/ Maths Staff / Schemes of Work. Note:- Since the current national curriculum programmes of study for mathematics at key stages 3 and 4 have been disapplied with effect from 1 September 2013 and are no longer statutory. This means that schools are free to develop their own curriculums for mathematics that best meet the needs of their pupils, in preparation for the introduction of the new national curriculum from September 2014 Current Year 11 have been taught in a modular fashion. In year 10 they covered Module 1 and Module 2. The content in Module 3 will be completed by Easter. From this point Year 11 will be constantly preparing for their exams by completing past papers, self-analysing and building a revision programme to suit their needs. There will be a series of Mock examinations to get them exam ready. Proposed dates for Mock Exams are Week beginning 21st October 2013 Week beginning 6th January 2014 Week beginning 17th March 2014 4 KS4 2 year programme of Study overview The table below shows an overview of modules in the Linear Foundation tier scheme of work. Mod Title Est hrs no. Term Published Modular Student Book *Yr9 Su teaching 1 Integers 7 2 Decimals 4 *Yr9 Su Unit 2 chap 1, 3.10, 3.11, 8.4 except reciprocals Unit 3 chap 1.1 Unit 2 chap 3 3 Coordinates 4 *Yr10 Au Unit 2 chap 10.1-3 4 Angles, lines and triangles 6 *Yr10 Au 5 Reading scales and converting units 5 6 Collecting data 4 Yr10 Au Unit 2 Chap 14, 15.1, 16.2,16.4 except accurate drawings Unit 3 chap 7.5, 7.7 Unit 2 Chap 17 except scale drawings (Unit 3 chap 7.7) Unit 1 Chap 1 7 Charts and graphs 5 Yr10 Au Unit 1 Chap 2, 3.7, 3.8, 4.3 8 Symmetry, Similarity and Congruence 4 Yr10 Au 9 Types of number 8 Yr10 Au Unit 2 Chap 15.3, 15.6, 15.7 except congruence Unit 3 7.1, 7.3 Unit 2 Chap 2.1-2.3, 3.5, 8.1,8.2 10 Introduction to algebra 4 Yr10 Au Unit 2 Chap 7.1-7.5, 7.8 11 Constructions 5 Yr10 Sp Unit 3 Unit 2 *Yr10 Au 12 Patterns and sequences 5 Yr10 Sp 13 Properties of quadrilaterals and parallel lines 5 Yr10 Sp Unit 2 except bearings (Unit 3) 14 Fractions 7 Yr10 Sp Unit 2 Unit 1 15 Pie charts 3 Yr10 Sp 16 Fractions, decimals and percentages 4 Yr10 Sp Unit 2 17 Applications of percentages 5 Yr10 Sp Unit 2 Unit 2 18 Algebra using powers and brackets 4 Yr10 Sp 19 Ratio and proportion 6 Yr10 Su Unit 2 20 Linear equations and inequalities 6 Yr10 Su Unit 3 Yr10 Su 21 Perimeter and area 7 22 3-D shapes 4 23 Real-life graphs 5 24 Straight line graphs 4 Yr10 Su Unit 2 except converting between metric units of area and understanding how enlargement changes areas (Unit 3) Unit 2 except nets and surface area of cylinders (Unit 3) Unit 2 except filling containers and non-linear graphs (Unit 3) Unit 2 25 Compound measures 5 Yr10 Su Unit 2 26 Timetables and distance-time graphs 5 Yr11 Au Unit 2 Yr11 Au Unit 2 except enlargement and converting units of volume (Unit 3) Unit 1 Yr10 Su Yr10 Su 27 Volume 5 28 Probability 9 29 Formulae 7 30 Angles properties of polygons 5 Yr11 Au Unit 2 except changing the subject of a formula (Unit 3) Unit 3 31 Transformations 6 Yr11 Au Unit 3 32 Scatter graphs and correlation 5 Yr11 Sp Unit 1 Unit 1 Yr11 Au Yr11 Au 33 Averages and range 7 Yr11 Sp 34 Quadratic graphs 3 Yr11 Sp Unit 3 35 Trial and Improvement 3 Yr11 Sp Unit 3 Yr11 Sp Unit 3 except naming parts of circle and drawing circle (Unit 2) Unit 3 36 Circles 5 37 Pythagoras’ Theorem 5 Total Revision - Past Papers, Questions, Top 40 190 HRS 30+ 5 Yr11 Sp The table below shows an overview of modules in the Higher tier scheme of work. Mod Est Title no. 1 Term Published Modular Student Book 5 *Yr9 Unit 2 Ch 3 Unit 2 Ch 9.1,9.2, 14.8 teaching hours Integers and decimals 2 Coordinates 3 *Yr9 3 Fractions 5 *Yr9 Unit 2 Ch 2.1-2.3, 3.1 4 Algebra 7 * Yr10 Au Unit 2 Ch 7.1, 8.1-8.4, 10.1, 11.1-11.3 * Yr10 Au 5 Shape and angles 6 6 Collecting data 4 * Yr10 Au Unit 2 Ch 12.2, 13, except bearings (Unit 3 Ch 14.6) Unit 1 Ch 1 7 Displaying data 7 Yr10 Au Unit 1 Ch 3.1, 3.2, 3.4-3.3.7, 4.3-4.7 Yr10 Au Unit 3 Ch 14.1-14.5 Yr10 Au 8 Construction and loci 5 9 Types of number 7 10 Patterns and sequences 4 Yr10 Au Unit 2 Ch 1.1,1.2, 1.4, 5.1-5.3 except calc use for standard form Unit 3 Ch 1.4 Unit 2 Ch 7.5, 7.6 11 2-D and 3-D shapes 4 Yr10 Sp Unit 2 12 Perimeter and area 7 Yr10 Sp 13 Fractions, decimals and percentages 8 Yr10 Sp Unit 2 except circles and converting units of area (Unit 3) Unit 2 and Unit 3 14 Formulae and linear equations 7 Yr10 Sp Unit 2 and Unit 3 15 Linear graphs 5 Yr10 Sp 16 Simultaneous equations 4 Yr10 Sp Unit 2 except solving inequalities graphically (Unit 3) Unit 3 17 Probability 7 Yr10 Su Unit 1 18 Ratio and scale 7 Yr10 Su Unit 2 and Unit 3 19 Averages and range 8 Yr10 Su Unit 1 Unit 3 except use of surds (Unit 2) 20 Pythagoras and trigonometry 8 Yr10 Su 21 Trial and Improvement 4 Yr10 Su Unit 3 22 Surface area and volume 7 Yr11 Au 23 Compound measures 7 Unit 3 except surface area/volume of cuboids (Unit 2) Unit 2 except density and bounds (Unit 3) 24 Transformations 6 25 Similarity and Congruence 5 Yr11 Au Unit 3 except recognising rotation/reflection (Unit 2) Unit 3 26 Quadratic functions, equations and graphs 7 Yr11 Au Unit 3 27 Index notation and surds 6 Yr11 Au 28 Circle theorems 4 Yr11 Sp Unit 2 except using calc for exploring exponentials (Unit 3) Unit 2 except six circle theorems (Unit 3) 29 Sine and cosine rules 5 Yr11 Sp Unit 3 Unit 3 Yr11 Au Yr11 Au 30 Vectors 5 Yr11 Sp 31 Further graphs and functions 5 Yr11 Sp Unit 3 32 Transformations of functions 4 Yr11 Sp Unit 3 Total Revision - Past Papers, Questions, Top 40 183 HOURS 30+ 6 Setting Pupils are usually placed in Sets on the basis of ability and teacher recommendation. Ability is assessed by evidence relating to three criteria; Data referring to achievement and potential. (KS Levels, Raise, CATs) Performance in class and homework Performance in school tests. The Department is currently using a model where each cohort has two top sets of roughly equal ability in year 7 and 8. Year 9 is set according to ability, but this has been driven by English. So pupils cannot move across bands. Year 7, 8 and 9 Pupils arriving from Year 6 are normally placed in classes according to primary school recommendations. These sets are re-formed by ability after receipt of the Key Stage 2 results and assessment tests. Usually there is little movement. The number of sets timetabled is determined by the size of the new intake. There are usually 8 classes. In the school year beginning September 2013 there will be eight sets, two top, four middle and two bottom. In the Summer Term decisions are made in regard to placements for Year 8, based on an appraisal of each child’s performance against the three criteria listed above. In the school year beginning September 2013 there will be eight sets, two top, four middle and two bottom. The placements for Year 9, were based on an appraisal of each child’s performance against the three criteria listed above. In the school year beginning September 2013 there will be eight sets, five in the e band, 2 in the b band and two in the v band. Pupils Identified for v have been placed in b due to English requirements. The performance of pupils is monitored throughout Year 7, 8 and 9 so that movement up or down sets is restricted to the similar sets, due to the effects on the timetable. It is possible to move across sets, but agreement is required from all departments affected. Year 10 and 11 Optional Test results received at the end of Year 9 largely determine which set a pupil is allocated to in the Upper School. Presently organisation reflects 8 sets in Year 11 and Year 10. However Year 11 is banded e and b, restricting movement. All follow the Linear GCSE course and will only be entered at the end of year 11 unless there are exceptional circumstances. The present Year 11 will enter Edexcel Mathematics Specification 1MA0 at either Higher, or Foundation level. 7 Strategy Documents SEN Support Please also read the Statutory Policy S5 SEN / Inclusion Mathematics teaches us how to make sense of the world around us by developing a child's ability to calculate, to reason and to solve problems. It enables children to understand and appreciate relationships and pattern in both number and space in their everyday lives. In addition to adhering to the school’s general SEN policy ,it is the policy of St Georges Mathematics department to: Ensure pupils understand the importance of mathematics in everyday life. Recognise that literacy problems and poor organisational skills often necessitate different approaches. Develop and emphasize correct usage of Maths vocabulary and to encourage explanation of methods of calculations. Fill gaps in working knowledge. Provide for breadth as well as depth of experience. Use practical apparatus where appropriate throughout the learning process. Reinforce and revisit topics frequently. Ensure all pupils achieve their potential and show maximum progress. Assess each pupil's level of attainment on a half termly / termly basis Ways in which this can be done are by ; Promoting the enjoyment and enthusiasm for learning through practical activity, exploration and discussion. Promoting confidence and competence with numbers and the number system. Developing the ability to solve problems through decision-making and reasoning in a range of contexts. Developing a practical understanding of the ways in which information is gathered and presented. Exploring features of shape and space, and develop measuring skills in a range of contexts. Providing the opportunity to use a wide range of resources such as number lines, number squares, digit cards and small apparatus to support pupils work. Wherever possible encouraging pupils to use and apply their learning in everyday situations. Encouraging pupils to ask as well as answer mathematical questions. Matching the challenge of the task to the ability of the pupils via a range of strategies – such as differentiated group work, working in pairs , problem solving activities or games. Ensuring the appropriate use of classroom assistants to support some children and to ensure that work is matched to the needs of individuals. Differentiation It is acknowledged that within any set there is a considerable range of abilities and this is particularly evident in the highest and lowest groups. Within any year group there are a small number of students who are mathematically very able and provision for these gifted students is dealt with in a separate section. We therefore feel differentiation within each set is an important strategy to help each individual pupil reach his or her potential in the subject. It is intended that it will allow each student to grow in confidence and therefore have a more enjoyable learning experience. 8 Differentiation by Task Providing extension work for the more able students who finish work earlier. This should be challenging and interesting work and not just more of the same. There is a range of investigations and puzzle books available which are suitable for this purpose. Challenging early finishers to compose some questions of their own relating to the work. These can then be swapped with each other and answered. Challenging early finishers to give mathematical reasons for their answers and a possible mathematics proof. This would be only applicable to the most able students. Providing weaker students with follow up questions and tests to help improve their understanding of a topic. Differentiation by Expectation, Outcome and Teacher Support Pairing weaker students with stronger students in certain lessons. This can improve the understanding of both students. Sitting weaker students nearer to the teacher to facilitate regular teacher input and to ensure they employ correct methods and setting out. Setting pupils targets in individual tests based on prior data, which may include previous test/exam, results and baseline test scores. Giving weaker students regular help throughout a lesson while more able students are encouraged to think their way through problems by themselves. Examples of strategies designed to cater for students with a range of learning styles. Enabling pupils to work individually, in pairs and in groups. Using IT based lessons to reinforce understanding of certain topics. Extending pupils using a variety of investigative work and following this up with classroom discussions. Rewards (School Core Policy C11) We believe that the celebration of achievement is an important feature inside any classroom. It is felt that rewards are essential to maintain pupil motivation and for the provision of a good atmosphere where teaching and learning can take place. The Mathematics Department recognise creditable performances by praise, giving Learning Credits, recognising math’s star of the week and when possible by displaying good work. The Mathematics Department also sends letters / postcards to parents informing them of hard work and positive attitudes. At both Lower and Upper School Presentation Evenings Mathematics prizes are awarded based on assessments and academic achievement. Informally during lesson time, when appropriate, small gifts, for example, a pen, pencil, crayons or treats may be used as recognition of success and hard work. Literacy (G11) The development of literacy skills across all curriculum areas is vital. Effective literacy across the curriculum will not only develop pupils’ ability to: Write for a variety of purposes and audiences, collect information, organise ideas and write accurately to show “what they know” across subject areas Access information and read with understanding and comprehension Speak and listen effectively across a range of contexts, developing their ability ti negotiate, hypothesise, present information and extend and clarify their ideas and thinking. 9 Within the mathematics department we are developing schemes of work to: Highlight the importance of subject specific literacy Design tasks that will develop pupils reading, writing and speaking and listening skills. Numeracy St George’s school is committed to raising the standards of numeracy of all of its students, so that they develop the ability to use numeracy skills effectively in all areas of the curriculum and the skills necessary to cope confidently with the demands of further education, employment and adult life. All year 7 and 8 pupils and selected year 9 and 10 pupils have a numeracy lesson every fortnight. St George’s use a programme called Accelerated Maths to help build confident numerate pupils. Numeracy is a whole school issue and is supported by the Senior Leadership Team. The purposes of our whole-school numeracy policy: to develop, maintain and improve standards in numeracy across the school; to ensure consistency of practice including methods, vocabulary, notation, etc.; to indicate areas for collaboration between subjects; to assist the transfer of pupils’ knowledge, skills and understanding between subjects. See shared staff drive for whole school numeracy policy. Numeracy Timeline of Implementation Strategy Trial? Inset? Trial Date Numeracy Audit Numeracy Inset Numeracy In Progress Signs Accepted Techniques Numeracy Mats/Step By Step Numeracy Counts Poster/Stickers Numeracy Box No Yes N/A No Yes N/A Full Implementation date Dec ‘13/Jan ‘14 Feb ‘14 Feb ‘14 No Yes N/A Feb/Mar ‘14 Yes Yes Mar/Apr ‘14 Sept ‘14 Yes Yes Mar/Apr ‘14 Sept ‘14 Yes Yes May/Jun/Jul ‘14 Sept ‘14 Able and Ambitious (G20) The department is committed to the provision of a challenging and interesting curriculum for all pupils. In order to identify able and ambitious pupils, Key Stage 2 and CAT results along with FFT predictions are used. However other pupils who stand out as having mental agility and a developed reasoning capacity would also be included as part of the Able and Ambitious group. 10 Since pupils are taught in sets according to their ability the Able and Ambitious pupils are placed in top sets. To ensure that pupils who have been identified as mathematically gifted are sufficiently challenged in lessons, staff are expected; To be aware of each individual’s potential. To take responsibility for ensuring that work is delivered at an appropriate level. To extend the tasks that able and ambitious pupils are presented with. Recently published textbooks purchased by the Department assist this by concluding topics and exercises with ‘Extension Work’ especially provided for Able and Ambitious pupils. Additional teaching outside of the normal timetable will be provided. Children identified as Able and Ambitious are also encouraged to participate in UKMT Challenge, University led master classes, all usually introduce them to other Able and Ambitious children. Teaching and Learning Two points that staff remember are; Managing children is not the main goal….helping them learn is. ‘Establishing a controlled and orderly environment is not an end in itself; it is simply a necessary platform for helping children learn and make progress. Behaviour is significantly improved when students feel good about themselves, are fully engaged in their learning and are experiencing regular success.’ (Strategies for Closing the Learning Gap by Mike Hughes and Andy Vass) In addition staff recognises the importance of the need to create a welcoming, safe environment where wall space is used to support learning in order to help pupils to achieve a state of relaxed alertness. All staff agrees that teaching aims must be clear and shared with learners whilst tasks set should be unambiguous. Mathematics lessons are organized according to ‘The Strategy,’ in three parts, a starter, the main body of the lesson and a plenary to conclude. The ‘starter’ may or may not be associated with the main body of the lesson since it is often used to reinforce learning so that key facts from topics previously taught become ongoing reminders. The Department recommends that lessons begin promptly and that teachers are aware of the importance of pace as lessons progress. Written work should begin with a title and date. The plenary is a useful opportunity for pupils to reflect on learning, verbalization of lesson content by pupils is encouraged to help clarify the main learning aims in pupils’ minds. Teachers are encouraged to apply knowledge about learning styles so that pupil preferences for visual, auditory, and kinesthetic teaching methods satisfy all learners’ needs. Staff should be aware of different learning styles and the impact that the mismatch between learning style and teaching approach can have on behaviour, motivation and learning. This implies that staff; make lessons multi-sensory offer variety and choice in learning activities to ensure that all types of learner have extensive opportunities to learn in their preferred style. Intervention Strategy Key Stage 4 Intervention As part of the Intervention Strategy to help pupils achieve the best grade that they are capable of at GCSE, staff provide additional tuition sessions (seminars) outside of lesson time 11 including lunchtime, college time and after school, for invited pupils. The teaching content of these sessions is derived from the evaluation of mock examination papers. This enables teachers to identify areas of weakness at both class and individual level so that revision of these topics can be organized. Pupils are helped to build a portfolio of revision materials to increase understanding of topics found most difficult. Included in this portfolio are revision papers and answer booklets from Edexcel. Copies of Past Papers by Churchill are available electronically on the school Shared Drive under Year 11. Pupils are encouraged to use these materials and evaluate their own performance. Small groups of pupils have been timetabled for extra Mathematics lessons during the school day. These pupils have been identified by school data as capable of deriving more benefit from extra Mathematics tuition than from other provision. The implications of this are that the named pupils are taught Mathematics for at least one more hour weekly than the main cohort. Although the Department considers that the KS4 results are good, effort is constantly made to improve them. Key Stage 3 Intervention It is considered crucial that pupils know at what level they are performing and what they need to do to cross the thresholds, in particular Level 4 to 5. Displays of National Curriculum requirements in ‘pupil speak’ are posted on the walls of all Mathematics teaching rooms. The Department intends to develop targets as guidance of ‘How to go from Level 3 to Level 4’, ‘How to go from Level 4 to Level 5’ and ‘How to go from Level 5 to Level 6’ in each topic area. Year 7 Booster classes are targeted at pupils identified by data as Level 3 or below. The aim of the teaching has been to help pupils secure a Level 4 in the Year 7 optional examination in June. These pupils have an additional two hours a week to work on Passport Math’s. Use of Data Data on pupil’s background and attainment is maintained centrally in school and is accessible to staff. Every Mathematics teacher is expected to be familiar with methods of retrieving and sorting electronically stored data. Most often the Department uses data to identify target groups that meet particular criteria. Specifically the use of data functions to assist teaching and learning in the following ways; Key Stage 2 results contribute to decisions about the placement in Sets of Year 7 children. Key Stage 2 results indicate which pupils are likely to have special needs and which pupils appear to be able and ambitious. Key Stage 2 results provide an indication of pupils who can be identified as borderline Level 4/5. The Department is then able to provide booster lessons and develop strategies to raise achievement with this group. Cognitive Attainment Test (CAT) results enable staff to notice anomalies between Quantitative, Verbal and Non-verbal scores. This helps staff to gain a fuller picture of potential and to identify strengths and weaknesses. Year 9 progress period results is used to identify Level 4b, Level 4a and Level 5c candidates. When listed on a spreadsheet and sorted this data provides a clear indication of pupils that may achieve Level 5 with intervention. Key Stage 3 Optional test results provide an indication of pupils who can be identified as borderline grade C/D. The Department is then able to provide extra lessons outside of normal teaching time and strengthen the focus to raise achievement. 12 Raise Online Data also provide a means to identify pupils and provide intervention for individuals or groups in any school year. Raise give indications of pupils potential, this data needs to be used to assist in the target setting process. On the publication of the KS3 results, in June of each year, Pupils are identified, as for example, 5a, 5b, 5c, 6a and so on. Stratification of SAT scores facilitates further identification of strong or weak candidates at particular levels. These results at Key Stage 3 can be used to project scores at GCSE. Pupils who achieve Level 6+ are normally considered potential A*- C grade candidates. Early identification in this facilitates the organisation of intervention. The Use of ICT All Department staff are competent users of computer technology. Every teacher owns a school laptop loaded with Microsoft Office and other software associated with Mathematics to facilitate teaching and learning. The Mathematics teaching rooms are fitted with interactive whiteboards. These enable staff to present lessons on what resembles a very large computer screen. As well as serving as attractive surfaces on which staff and pupils can write and demonstrate, they also provide a means of loading specialist Mathematics software for projection to pupils. The Department has invested in numerous interactive DVDs that allow teachers to present Mathematics in a fun way. A wide selection of template’s, in particular, graph paper, squared paper, isometric paper etc can be found on ‘ActivBoard’ which enable pupils to view aspects of shape and space and graphical representations like never before. The main I.T. used to supplement both KS3 & KS4 Mathematics lessons are; GCSE Mathematics DVDs Active Teach Edexcel GCSE Mathematics Foundation and Higher ActivBoard PowerPoint Maths Channel Four DVDs Interactive Starters (Target Boards, Target Dice etc….) It is intended that ICT be used as one of several tools for learning. Occasionally pupils investigate topics where the computer takes over the role of tutor, often it is used to introduce and reinforce understanding. Pupils are especially encouraged to use ICT in the completion of GCSE EXAM TYPE QUeSTIONS during Years 10 and 11. Christian Ethos (G1 and C2) All Mathematics staff has committed to support the Christian Ethos. This is demonstrated by a professional attitude, approach and conduct everywhere in St Georges. All staff have a part to play in securing and maintaining a civilised and supportive workplace, with an important part to play as role models, guides and mentors. The Staff Code outlines expectations in the Core Policy C2. 13 See Whole School Policies Assessment Policy (C13) Marking Policy (C13) Homework Policy (G28) The Department considers that the purpose of Homework is to reinforce classroom learning and to help establish the habit of home study. All Mathematics staff gives every class Homework, at least once weekly. If particular pupils regularly fail to submit Homework it is advised that they complete it during break or lunchtime. Persistent refusals to complete set tasks at home or in Homework Club are likely to result in the imposition of sanctions, for example, lines or a Math’s Teachers Detention. Failure to complete homework will result in parents being informed. Health and Please read Safety Policy (S9) the following Core Policies C4 – Saafeguarding Children C5 – Child Protection, note designated teacher for the school is Mrs Ibbotson, Deputy Child Protection Co-ordinator Mrs M Stewart, Governor is Dcn A Wren. C7 Guidance on Safe Working Practice C10 Reporting Incidents / Accidents C16 Security on Premises / Fire & Other Procedures Please read the Statutory Policy S9 Health and Safety 14 Appendix 3 Subject content for New KS3 Programme Of Study Through the mathematics content, pupils will be taught to: Develop fluency consolidate their numerical and mathematical capability from key stage 2 apply appropriate calculation strategies and degrees of accuracy to increasingly complex problems extend their understanding of the number system to include all fractions and surds calculate with fractions and surds as exact numbers use algebra to generalise arithmetic and to formulate mathematical relationships substitute values in expressions, rearrange and simplify expressions, and solve equations move fluently between different representations such as algebra, graphs and diagrams develop algebraic and graphical fluency and understand linear and quadratic functions interpret relations algebraically and graphically use language and properties precisely, such as with 2D and 3D shapes, algebraic expressions, probability and statistics Reason mathematically extend their understanding of the number system, make connections between number relationships, and their algebraic and graphical representations extend and formalise their knowledge of ratio and proportion in working with measures and geometry, and in formulating proportional relations algebraically identify variables and express relations between them algebraically and graphically establish when to use additive, multiplicative or proportional reasoning from the underlying structure of a problem when working numerically begin to reason deductively in geometry develop reasoning in different areas of mathematics and begin to express their arguments formally. Solve problems develop their mathematical knowledge, in part through solving problems and evaluating the outcomes develop their use of formal mathematical knowledge to solve and devise problems, including in financial mathematics begin to model situations mathematically and express the results using a range of formal mathematical representations apply elementary knowledge to multi-step and increasingly sophisticated problems select appropriate concepts, methods and techniques to apply to unfamiliar and non-routine problems. Number Pupils should be taught to: use place value, including for decimals, measures and for any size of integers; the language of larger and smaller numbers; and ordering numbers, including the correct use of =, ≠, <, >, ≤, ≥ use the four operations, including formal written methods, applied to integers, decimal fractions, simple fractions (proper and improper) and mixed numbers, all both positive and negative understand and use conventional notation for the priority of operations, including brackets, powers, roots and reciprocals understand the relation between operations and their inverses and identify the inverse of a given operation where this exists know and use integer powers and associated roots (square, cube and higher), including the use of surd notation (e.g. √8), and distinguish between exact representations of surds and their decimal approximations Updated Oct 2013 n interpret and compare numbers in standard form A x 10 1≤A<10, where n is a positive or negative integer compare, order and convert between fractions and decimals interpret percentages and percentage changes as a fraction or a decimal, and calculate these multiplicatively use mass, length, time, money and other measures, including with decimal quantities use a calculator and other technologies to calculate results accurately and then interpret them appropriately estimate number, measures and approximate answers, including using these to check other calculation methods round numbers and measures to an appropriate degree of accuracy (e.g. to a specified number of decimal places or significant figures), including simple error intervals, using standard interval and inequality notation a<x≤b, and standard notation for open and closed intervals x ϵ (a,b] use prime numbers, common factors and common multiples for whole numbers with two and three digits, including highest common factor and lowest common multiple, understanding these as the intersection and union of the prime factors, and other classifications of number, including product notation understand the infinite nature of the sets of integers, real and rational numbers interpret the number line as a model of the structure of the real number system, including such ideas as infinite divisibility. Algebra: using equations and functions Pupils should be taught to: use formulae by substitution to calculate the value of a variable, including for scientific formulae begin to model simple contextual and subject-based problems algebraically solve linear equations in one variable in a variety of contexts, including subject-based problems, using algebraic methods calculate and interpret gradients and intercepts of linear functions numerically, graphically and algebraically, using y=mx+c. use linear and quadratic graphs to estimate values of y for given values of x and vice versa and approximate solutions of simultaneous equations use given graphs of a variety of functions, including piece-wise linear, exponential and reciprocal graphs, to find approximate solutions to contextual problems. 16 Algebra: expressing relationships Pupils should be taught to: read and interpret algebraic notation understand and use the concepts and vocabulary of terms, expressions and factors express known relations, including spatial generalisations, algebraically using accurate notation, including prioritisation of operations manipulate algebraic expressions to maintain equivalence, including expanding products of binomials, factorising by taking out a common factor, collecting like terms and simplifying expressions recognise an arithmetic progression, and find the nth term make and test conjectures about recursive and long-term behaviour of geometric and other sequences that arise within and outside mathematics recognise, sketch and produce graphs of linear and quadratic functions of one variable with appropriate scaling, using equations in x and y and the cartesian plane interpret mathematical relationships both algebraically and graphically. Ratio, proportion and rates of change Pupils should be taught to: use ratio and scale factor notation and methods involving conversion, mixing, measuring, scaling, comparing quantities and concentrations calculate missing quantities and totals using given ratios, including reduction to simplest form solve problems involving percentage change, including: percentage increase and decrease and original value problems, simple interest in financial mathematics and repeated growth use multiplicative reasoning where two quantities have a fixed product or fixed ratio including graphical, and algebraic representations use compound units such as speed, unit pricing and density to solve problems solve kinematic problems involving constant speed. Geometry and measures Pupils should be taught to: solve problems involving perimeter and area of triangles, circles and composite shapes; and cross-sectional areas, surface area and volume of cubes, cuboids, prisms, cylinders and composite solids use concrete and digital instruments to measure line segments and angles in geometric figures, including interpreting scale drawings describe, sketch and draw using conventional terms and notations: points; lines; parallel lines; perpendicular lines; right angles; regular polygons; reflectively and rotationally symmetric polygons; and irregular polygons derive and illustrate properties of triangles, quadrilaterals, circles, and other plane figures (e.g. equal lengths and angles) using appropriate language and technologies identify and construct congruent triangles, and construct similar shapes by enlargement, including on coordinate grids solve problems involving spatial properties on coordinate grids know and use angle relations in parallel lines to deduce unknown angles apply angle facts, triangle congruence, similarity and properties of named quadrilaterals to conjecture and derive results about angles and sides, using transformational, axiomatic and property-based deductive reasoning use Pythagoras’ Theorem and side ratios in similar triangles to solve problems in right-angled triangles identify properties of the faces, edges and vertices of: cubes, cuboids, prisms, cylinders, pyramids, cones and spheres interpret mathematical relationships both algebraically and geometrically. 17 Probability Pupils should be taught to: record and describe the frequency of outcomes of simple probability experiments involving randomness, fairness, equally and unequally likely outcomes, using appropriate language and the 0-1 scale enumerate sets and combinations of sets systematically, using tables, grids and Venn diagrams generate theoretical sample spaces for single and combined events with equally likely, mutually exclusive outcomes; use these to calculate theoretical probabilities; and know that the probabilities of an exhaustive set of mutually exclusive outcomes sum to one. Statistics Pupils should be taught to: describe and compare univariate empirical distributions through: appropriate graphical representation involving discrete, continuous and grouped data; and appropriate measures of central tendency and spread describe simple mathematical relationships between two variables in observational and experimental contexts. 18 19