Productivity is a key attribute of biomes. Productive biomes recycle nutrients well and can support high density of living organisms. $ Gross productivity is sunlight converted to chemical energy per unit time. Net productivity is gross productivity - respiration energy. ∙ Productive biomes, in order, are: Rainforests, tropical ocean reefs, marshlands, temperate forests, estuaries, grasslands, crops, taiga, upwelling zones, lakes/rivers, ocean, tundra and deserts. ∙ Think About It! Which biomes have the most severe environmental pressure? Which biomes have the highest human population growth? What is the effect of replacing forests with farmland? These questions are central to our environmental issues. Biome Basics: Check your Biome Treasure Hunt answers! Chaparral (our biome): mid latitude (30-60o), low altitude, seasonal temps 50-90 oF, medium seasonal rainfall, coastal. Found in California & Mediterranean - best climate EVER! Moderately productive. Savannah (tropical grassland): tropics (30oN - 30oS), low altitude, constant warm temps (70-100oF), seasonal heavy rainfall, inland. Moderate productivity. Temperate grassland: mid latitude (30-60o) , low altitude, seasonal temps 50-90 oF, medium seasonal rainfall (+ snow), inland. Moderate productivity. Desert: latitude (30oN or 30o S) , altitude varies, seasonal temps 30-110 oF, very low seasonal rainfall, inland. Low productivity. Deciduous Forest: mid latitude (30-60o) , low-medium altitude, seasonal temps 20-90 o F, medium seasonal rainfall (+ snow), coastal or inland. Moderate productivity. Tropical Forest: tropics (30oN - 30oS), low-medium altitude, constant warm temps (70100oF), constant heavy rainfall, coastal or inland. High productivity. Conifer Forest: mid to upper latitude (30-80o) , medium - high altitude, seasonal temps 0-90 oF, low seasonal rainfall (plus snow), coastal or inland. Moderate productivity. Tundra: upper latitude (>70o) any altitude, other latitudes at very high altitude, seasonal temps -10-80 oF, low seasonal rainfall (plus snow), coastal or inland. Low productivity. Aquatic Biomes are also key to the earth’s productivity and are the original source of our fresh water supplies (due to evaporation). Coral reefs are shown in orange, marshlands in green. The photic zone of the ocean (top 5-10 meters) is also highly productive. Deep oceans are not productive.