Ancient Civilization Project

Ancient Civilization Project
 Ancient Egypt, Ancient Rome, Ancient China, Ancient India, Ancient Greece
Activity Description:
Over the next eight weeks you will have the opportunity to extend your knowledge of
four of the five ancient civilizations listed above. You will be completing ONE project
for each civilization that you choose. These projects will enable you to express your
newly acquired knowledge of various ancient civilizations in fun and creative ways!
There are five types of projects that you will be completing over the next eight weeks.
The order in which you complete these activities is up to you! Activities include:
Speech / PowerPoint-taught in class
Architectural Model -3D model done in class (materials supplied by student)
People/ Cultural Report
Travel Brochure/Diary Journal
Glogster (done in library)
It is completely up to you as to what type of project you decide on for each country. The
order in which you complete each report is up to you as well. However, you must
complete each activity listed above. For example, you can’t create an architectural
model of every country. You must all give a speech using PowerPoint, create an
architectural model, create a travel brochure using Publisher, and write an essay on the
culture and people of the civilization that you choose.
Student Signature:________________________________
Parent Signature:_________________________________
Points possible
Rubric Grade (1, 2, 3, 4)
Speech (PowerPoint)
Tourism Brochure
Architectural Model
Culture/People Report
Glogster(done in library)
** Optional Food Sampling prepared and shared with the class of one of the civilizations
Points Possible
Work that meets expectations, even if the work earns 100/100, will only receive a
“3” rubric grade. To earn a “4”, the student must go above and beyond project
expectations. Get creative!
While each project has been assigned a specific point value, activities
will still be assessed using a rubric system (1, 2, 3, 4)
4 = >100% (Student work exceeds expectations)
Report/project/activity exhibits the highest quality. Student strives to reach
beyond the expectations of the activity as listed under the activity
3 = 80% - 100%
Student meets minimum requirements of the report/project/activity as listed
in the activity description. Quality work is evident throughout.
2 = 60% - 79%
Student meets some but not all of the minimum requirements for the
report/project/activity as listed in the activity description. The overall
quality is lacking.
1 = 59% or below
Student fails to meet the necessary requirements as described in the activity
description. The quality of work is poor and lacking effort.
Assignment Due Dates
Assignments will be due on the dates given below. However, it is possible
that due dates for some of these assignments will change. If this occurs, I
will be sure to let you know well ahead of time. I will NEVER make
assignments due earlier than the date listed below.
Plan Due
Due Date
Project 1
Project 2
Project 3
Project 4
Project 5
April 11
April 25
May 9
May 23
June 6
April 20
May 4
May 18
June 1
June 15
 My oral report is on ______________
o you will choose between 4/20, 5/4, 5/18, 6/1
Effort, organization, and neatness are worth 100 points!
Put forth your absolute best…
NOTE: Class time will provided for the following activities only:
PowerPoint for speech (rehearsal must be done at home).
Tourism Brochure using Microsoft Publisher (if you have
Publisher at home, you may ABSOLUTELY work on it there!)
Essay (we will work on an outline at school, but the majority of
your research and writing must be done at home).
 Your architectural structure will be done entirely at home.
See additional pages for activity descriptions and
helpful reminders
Travel Brochure Requirements
Welcome to Ancient Civilization! A trip back in time......
Today you are going to plan a vacation package to the Ancient World! You
will need to take your tourists on an historic journey through time and space
to the most famous structures/landforms in one of the five ancient civilizations
of your choice!
There are many things to plan, so let’s get started:
1. You will need to map out your tour! Please create a map to of your
civilization and “hand draw” in the route your tour will take. The entire
map must be colorful and easy to read so your patrons can see where
they will be going! You will need to leave an entire section of your
brochure blank to accomplish this requirement.
2. You will also need an itinerary for your group. Remember, your
customers need to know where they are going day to day, what they will
be seeing, and where they will be staying, add lot’s of detail! The
minimum stay for this vacation is 3 days. Therefore, your customers
need to be busy sightseeing at all times!
3. You must have a “catchy” name for your Travel Company. Think of
something to do with the ancient sites and your name.
4. All of the above requirements will be displayed on the Microsoft
Publisher brochure document of your choice!
5. If you do not have Publisher at your house, you must use class time
wisely and complete your brochure in the computer lab. You may
check books out at the school library but no Internet time will be given.
These needs to be done at a local library or at your home.
Culture/People Report
The Culture/People report must address the following:
Religion(s) practiced
Food (staples in the diet of this civilization)
The economy (How do people make a living? Is currency used?
Who makes up the upper, middle, and lower class?
 Government (How is order within the society maintained?)
The Culture/People section of your report must contain at least one
paragraph for each subtopic listed above (see check marks).
It may be wise to create a separate page for each subtopic. (Religion, Food,
Traditions, Economy, and Government)
Speech Guidelines
1. Length: This is a 4 -6 minute speech. You will be timed and required to
stop after six minutes. Your grade will be negatively affected should you go
beyond or below the required time.
2. Topic: Give us information on any topic of your choice (must pertain to
your civilization as it was in ancient times, not as it is today. No subject is off
limits but please use only a topic that would interest the class.
3. Content: The content of your speech is up to you! All I ask is that the
information you present is relative to your ancient civilization and fact based.
It needs to be evident to us, the audience, that you spent a great deal of time
studying the civilization.
4. Note cards: Note cards are required for this report and they must follow
some sort of formal outline. Remember that the outline or items on your
cards are NOT done complete sentences. Use only short words or phrases.
The cards are used only as a guide to help you, not as a cushion or crutch to
have the entire speech written out in narrative form. You will turn your cards
in after your speech for my review. I'm only looking at your cards to ensure
that you did not use a narrative format. Your score will be deducted an entire
grade (3 to a 2, etc.) if your note cards are not in outline form.
5. Research items: You must have a minimum of 2 research items identified
within the speech and outline. This means 2 separate resources, only 1 of
which may be a web site. You may refer to each source/Data of Support, as
often as you like within your speech.
6. Delivery: I am expecting that you do not read from your note cards! This
is called extemporaneous style of delivery. You are basically "talking" to us in
a tone that is as conversational as possible.
Because you are not reading, you should maintain eye contact with the
audience during the majority of your speech.
Besides eye contact, I will be focusing on your stance. Make sure you have
good posture and stand with your legs shoulder-width apart. Do not cross
your legs, or lean your weight from hip to hip. Do not put your hands in your
pocket or play with your hair. You are striving to look as professional as
Pay attention during class! We will practice “impromptu” speeches leading
up to this activity
Architectural Background:
Not only did the civilizations of Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, and
Ancient Rome influence us in the areas of government, recreation,
education, religion, theater, and the arts, but they also had a great
influence on architecture. The contributions to architecture of Ancient
Civilizations are all around us today. You often encounter examples of
ancient architectural elements as you drive through the city, walk
through a park, or even examine the details of our money. We can
thank Ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans for obelisks, columns,
domes, arches, and aqueducts in addition to pyramids, sphinx, and
Explore the architectural features of Ancient Egypt or Ancient Greece
or Ancient Rome or Ancient China or Ancient India. Learn about and
appreciate the architecture of these civilizations by choosing one culture
and completing an architectural project. (Below are some ideas to get
you headed in the right direction.)
Roman Aqueduct
Composite Column in Ostia
Pyramids of Giza
The Parthenon
The Great Sphinx
Temple of Saturn
Temple of Amon
Roman Coliseum
Three Orders of Greek Architecture
Greek Arch
Temple of Athena Nike
Egyptian Pyramids
Greek Temples
Glass Mosaic
Picture Pots (Amphora)
Ancient Civilization War Ships
Bamboo Strips
Long before the invention of paper, bamboo strips were used as the
material for recording texts. This greatly speeded up the carving process
compared to stone carving.
Make sure you ok your project with your teacher.
Interesting tour site: